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Why Would NWO Cause BP spill?

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posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 12:45 PM
Right guys I don’t know if anyone else has posted about this I know there are probably quite a few who have tried to connect BP to the NWO. Now I don’t happen to see any conspiracy connected with BP (other than when they were playing with Iran in the 1950’s), I am not saying there isn’t one I am just saying I am yet to find a convincing theory.

Anyway if we were to assume for a moment that there is a conspiracy (As there may be) the surly we can definitely rule out a NWO group. They could stand to lose billions and what motive could they possibly have.

Anyway I have a few questions that i think some of you can help me with.

What is the current leading conspiracy theory one the spill?

Who is said to be behind it?

And dose anyone else agree with me that it couldn’t have been the work of the NWO?

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

Well the explosion on the well was definitely on purpose.

We will never know who did it.

Why it was done, for money, why else??

All the cleaners are from an invested corporation. So the rich get richer, the fuel price goes up (again remember the 4$ gallons of gas? It was that high in California at one point.), the economical, and ecological effects will be devastating to human lives.

Which is pretty much what the NWO is for. Making money at the expense of the environment, human beings, and animals.

This has NWO written all over it IMHO.

I will leave you with scripture, since the spill is in the bible,

Revelation 16:3 google it.

[edit on 17-6-2010 by Quickfix]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Quickfix

Emmmm can it be proved it was deliberate, there have been accidents in the past on oil rigs so why is this one any different, and what is the theory or is it just everyone saying “yup they blow it up deliberately”. Surly if it was the NWO they would be losing money not making it, no one is going to make money out of this.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Quickfix

Emmmm can it be proved it was deliberate, there have been accidents in the past on oil rigs so why is this one any different, and what is the theory or is it just everyone saying “yup they blow it up deliberately”. Surly if it was the NWO they would be losing money not making it, no one is going to make money out of this.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by Quickfix

Emmmm can it be proved it was deliberate, there have been accidents in the past on oil rigs so why is this one any different, and what is the theory or is it just everyone saying “yup they blow it up deliberately”. Surly if it was the NWO they would be losing money not making it, no one is going to make money out of this.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

Well you can see what is being used to "battle" the oil as Obama states.

Here is a youtube vid that pretty much explains the whole shpeel.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 01:02 PM
I would say - to fullfil prophecies about "end of days."

"Luciferians making sacrifices" is my opinion, but this developing crises is also effective way to turn US minds away from Israel and Middle-East - wars and many other parts of agenda, which are heating to final turning point.

Public is easier to control with domestic crises than international concrns.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 01:08 PM
Where do the billions and billions go that will be spent on this.

They can make money off of nearly any and everthing, even more so if they are somewhat in control of calamities they create.

Just like the us bailout, so the gov. loaned money to the failing banks at no interest and now the banks are loaning the money backto the gov. WITH interest. Any business, company or corporation that is past a certain size, is ultimately controlled by a larger one either by reliance or actual onership. Governments are controlled by federal banks, fed banks are controlled by private banks, which are controlled by small groups of family and friends.

In my opinion, the possibilites are endless!

Their real problem is keeping us controlled. Their resources are derived from the people. The oil spill is a false flag, will we be asking for new comission reports about what really happened years later, just like 911? Who knows what bizarre legislation could be passed because of this, or what horrible death toll could amount from these unknown chems they're contaminating the water with.

I think they just created a tap of death that is controlled at will.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Quickfix

I already looked into that, however had not seen that video and I did find it very interesting however it missed out some other key facts. Firstly according to that video it took 6 weeks to clear a area of grass, could u imagine what would happen if we left this for 6 weeks and waited for the bacteria to work? Everything would die.

Secondly if this was put at the sea, it would need to be close to the source of the oil and would require large volumes of microbes. This in turn may lead to the microbes entering the oil well and literally eating BP’s product. Also these microbes have never been tried on a scale like this, and of course those businesses are going to say that they could solve this problem in 6 weeks because they would stand to make 10’s of millions.

There is another problem here, we’re not talking about a oil tanker that’s got a hole in the hull and releasing a finite amount of oil, this leak is deep in the sea floor, the microbes wouldn’t stop the flow of oil and would eventually run out.

So I don’t buy the oil eating microbe lot, and I am still waiting for a theory that explains the explosion and gives a motive for the NWO

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by JanusFIN

To be fair there are much easier ways to do that and the current administration doesn’t really have to worry about it because they can just blame Bush for the wars and can use the flotilla attacks to distance themselves from Israel

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

Wow, what does this mean for the ocean?

Keep using anti-freeze? This is what I get from your post.

It is still corporate rich getting richer, SO MAKE A CHOICE! Is it,

A) let the corporate guys keep killing our oceans and making profit


B) Spend money on another business that can actually give us a chance to save our ocean.

Either way money is going to be spent.

If you can't believe your eyes and your ears, then there is nothing left to do but deem you incompetent.

I am sorry, but you fail to see the facts of evidence, which clearly speaks for itself and would hold up in a court of Law.

Edited to add: the NWO is already here pull out a dollar and do some Latin research,

[edit on 17-6-2010 by Quickfix]

[edit on 17-6-2010 by Quickfix]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 01:33 PM
What so because i refuse to believe that oil eating microbes are not suitable solutions and no one has yet proved an explosion or a motive for NWO involvement I am incompetent?

To be fair I am not a microbiologist i just go that info form a science site I found online a few weeks ago but am pretty sure the author was a microbiologist. And i would go with option “A” because they stand to make more money and I can’t see option “B” working.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
And i would go with option “A” because they stand to make more money and I can’t see option “B” working.

That is why you are incompetent..refusal to believe what your own eyes show you.

So you can go back to sleep, I will not bother you anymore.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

You must be kidding. They have tried disease, drugs, chemicals, 9/11, all kinds of other terrorist BS and they can't get their way. Why do you think.

The chemical dispersants they have used will rain down upon the food source and kill of the eastern half of the U.S.A. and probably end up in Europe too. Kill all birds with one stone. They have their "alleged" underground cities to hide from this rain/precipitation, so they have no fear in causing the greatest damage possible. That leak coul dhave been plugged right away, and it could have prevented in the first place. There need not have been an accident, period.

But, the Elite are running out of options and there are too many people who have taken the steps to stop the theft of their rights and power. The Elite are in a panic mode, and will stop at nothing to feck up everything to distract and destroy everyone else.

Just my 2 cents, not that they are worth anything, all money is fake.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by daddio

Actually prophecy from the bible says that the entire ocean will die.

Revelation 16:3

"And the second angel poured his bowl into the ocean and it became as red as the blood of a dead man; and all the creatures of the sea died."

I concur I think he is nuts.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 02:00 PM
No hard evidence yet, but lot's of compelling circumstantial evidence.

Let's see, there are reports of BP Chief Tony Hayward selling 1/3 of his BP stock a month before the explosion.

Halliburton acquisitioned Boots & Coots, an oil cleanup company, 8 days before the explosion.

Goldman Sachs dumps $275 million of BP stock 20 days prior.

Interesting to note, the current chairman of Goldman Sachs International Peter Sutherland was, as of 3 months ago, BP's chairman.

A BP official document says this - "ROV identified undocumented modifications to the hydraulic control system - the extent of these modifications is unknown at this time".
*edit to add - this is on page 37 if you're interested*

As far as I know, this is pretty much the bulk of the evidence pointing to an inside job. I may have missed something, and without my coffee, I probably did.

I strongly doubt that BP is involved in any conspiracy. This disaster is murdering that company just as it is the GOM. Their stock value is plummeting. But Goldman Sachs looks very fishy. Even though the $270 million stock dump is only .5% of their total holdings, it was 44% of their BP stock. At the time, BP was doing well - most business was in buying BP shares, not selling. They couldn't have sold more than 44% without raising red flags.

I'm still not really sure how I feel about the stock evidence. But that last link about undocumented modifications being discovered, could potentially be some actual physical evidence. I hadn't even heard about that until I looked it up just now. If this WAS deliberate, I want to see some heads roll.

[edit on 17-6-2010 by Son of Will]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by daddio

Once again why would they do this? Think about it if NWO were to control anything it would be oil and banking companies BP is one of the world’s largest oil companies therefore it stands to reason that they are going to lose money out of this. Why would a secret organisation like the NWO bother killing birds?
Why can’t people just accept that is an accident, they do happen every now and then without a shadowy group behind them.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by kevinunknown

They are not trying to kill birds, they are trying to control a situation to in turn control minds that in turn control actions. BP is not the highest rung on the ladder concerning this catastrophe in my opinion. Events of great magnitude are merely tools to accomplish work.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Son of Will

Thank you so much,
Finally someone has given me some of the info I have been looking for, very interesting with the Goldman’s connection. This could just be a coincidence however it doesn’t look good. Totally agree with you about the unlikely hood of BP being involved could possibly be other firms making a move to bring down BP so they can easily buy it over , I don’t know am just floating that as an idea.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 02:13 PM
To sway public opinion away from oil and move onto other forms of energy.
Because Oil is getting to hard and expensive to get.
And because the major Oil companies have the biggest stakes in the new energies.
And to push the Carbon and Energy bill to totally control and manipulate everyone's lives to the point of ridiculousness.
And to make massive profits from trading Carbon Derivatives.
And to start a new Religion.

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