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Top Construction Firm: WTC Destroyed By Controlled Demolition on 9/11

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posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:14 PM
According to Bazant and Zhou, Why Did the Towers Fall: Each tower fell from a height of over 1250 ft to less than 75 ft. Each tower took around 10 sec to collapse. I got this info off of Dubunking 911 myths.

Either of those buildings was easily 1000 times more massive than either of the alledged airplanes. The airplanes were tiny compared to the buildings.

Carl Sagan said extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. A tiny airplane made predominately out of aluminum causing a structure made of steel and concrete over a thousand times more massive to crumble is an extraordinary claim.

Did we get a thorough investigation with opinions from independent sources. Nope! All we got was the word of our government, debunkers and Popular Mechanics.

Personally, I don't know what happened. But I am suspicious. I hope my suspicions are wrong. But, I wouldn't put it past the government to be so deceitful and treacherous nor would I put it past John Q Public to be so gullible.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

The world's most prominent mental institution has told me that all debunkers are suffering from gullibility & denial disorders.

See how the sword has a double edge, and it cuts both ways.

To come into a 9/11 forum like ATS and defend the governments OS 100%, and then call those that want to discuss what really happened truthers AND insult them, at this point IS trolling.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
reply to post by Alfie1

I don't have time to respond chapter and verse to your post, but I will say that there is a tendancy among some people, who dismiss the conspiracy theories of 9/11, to over simplifications.

Some people believe that the idea for 9/11 was in the making for years prior to the actual event. In Crossing the Rubicon, Mike Ruppert refers to an awareness of potential problems with energy resources within the CIA back in the 1970's. There was also Berzhinski's book The Grand Chessboard, which emphasized the importance of Central Asia and the Middle East in American strategic thinking.

This has been in the works for a long time.

After 9/11, Bush didn't even want to bother with Afghanistan. He had to be persuaded to go into Afghanistan instead of invading the real objective, Iraq, immediately.

9/11 was an inside job. There is a mountain of corroburating circumstantial evidence in addition to forensic evidence regarding controlled demolitions etc.

I simplified my post for reasons of space. Obviously I could have gone on about distribution of body parts and aircraft wreckage at various locations, supposed coercion of witnesses, manufacture of collateral damage etc. There is really no limit to the complexities of the supposed plot but you are familiar with all that.

If you think 9/11 had its origins years before perhaps you could explain to me when it was started and who by ? A brief overview of its progress would be helpful.

I see that you agree with me that GWB had no wish to invade Afghanistan and was forced into it by circumstances. So you have this incredible dichotomy, GWB and Cheney devise a fantastically convoluted plot to justify a war, and it all works like a charm, except that the target is nowhere to be seen. Instead of an excuse to invade Iraq they wind up with a motley bunch of Saudis etc trained in Afghanistan. Is it credible that the supposed perps could be so brilliantly Machiavellian in the execution of the plot and so dismally stupid about picking the right fall guys ?

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Deuteronomy 23:13

Carl Sagan said extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. A tiny airplane made predominately out of aluminum causing a structure made of steel and concrete over a thousand times more massive to crumble is an extraordinary claim.

So a tiny piece of lead weighting 1/3 oz can not kill a 250 lb man?

Thats what you are contending.....

Forgot about velocity - plane was travelling at 500 mph, speed of pistol bullet

At that speed 300,000 lb aircraft has energy equivalent of hundreds of pounds of TNT

Add to that the energy of the jet fuel contained

Here is analysis of aircraft impact

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:48 PM
Okay, we have the "official story", how about the "unofficial story"...

1. The Jewish (as they call themselves) Bankers, Brokers, and Big Business Behemoths have been in control of the U.S. for many years, including controlling interests in MOST of the MSM outlets.
2. The Financial Markets (here and the rest of the West) are controlled by same, and have been for many years.
3. Because they were in control of the U.S. (and the UK) EVEN as far back as 1948, they were at that time able to get their own real estate. Israel.
4. They decided Israel is secure, the U.S. will enforce their will, so let's move operations to Israel.
5. The Israeli Mossad carries out 911. Master plan accomplishes many goals at once, most importantly, bombing the Middle East into total submission. After all, the stakes are TOO high, now. The gold is in our possession.
6. The U.S. cowers and whimpers like they did when the USS Liberty was attacked.

Present and Future:

7. The Americans wake up. The Jewish (The name they use to refer to themselves) Bankers, Brokers, and BBB are in full retreat.
8. They plot to destroy the American economy, knowing they could, of course. They "sell short" the U.S. The U.S. slaves need to be taught a lesson for "waking up" and giving sass to the Jewish controllers.
9. The dollar collapses, no longer the reserve currency. Most don't realize the significance, but the world currency is issued somewhere in the middle east....
10. Chaos theory enters in, the bubble collapses, Israel is destroyed by weapons of their own design.

Oh, and the U.S. goes through some hard times, and the kids today have one heck of a story to tell their grandkids.

Any other "unofficial" stories?

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Stewie

Here we go again. The Jews did it ! Heil Hitler.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

No German blood
Some Scot, Choctaw, Brit., Czech on me wife's side, so THERE!

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
If you think 9/11 had its origins years before perhaps you could explain to me when it was started and who by ? A brief overview of its progress would be helpful.

This is not the thread for that, but; the growth of neo-conservatism, meddling (and spying) by Israel in US foreign policy, dual US/Israeli citizens in positions of power, the PNAC document, the new "Pearl Harbor", 9/11. This process took years.

There is a lot of info on this subject. You can find it if you are really interested.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 09:40 PM
These threads always attract the shills. Who's getting paid by Mossad?

Anyway, Alan Hart is a respectable source. If he says it, I believe him. Why would he lie?

You know, the more you think about it, the more you realize how impossible it was for 2 planes to bring down those towers. They were huge. It's pretty obvious really.

[edit on 17-6-2010 by rizla]

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 09:54 PM
Just think if we as a people said bullst to all that misdirection, and put Halliburton in jail,, we wouldn't have the oil spill today, although Haliburton is now saying that it was BP who scrimped on the contracted amount of cement needed, and the engineers did say "call a plane now! to take us of now!," 4 odd hrs before !BOOM! but hey whats a contract for ir ya can't make the other guy take the blame? man there evil,, i mean,,,, naww there evil.
p.s 50,000 to 70,000 p.s.i through a nozzle, or small enough crack for instance, will cut steel,, just in case any demo guys are reading.
(Oh sorry was thinking oil well in gulf, but ya Haliburton sure gets around, 1951 they put out an Educational Film for all the school kids , u know the "get under your desk in an nuclear exchange" era kind of film, Entitled OIL IS OUR FRIEND, i kid u not! lol

[edit on 18-6-2010 by BobAthome]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 12:26 AM
Instead of debating with the obvious trolls here on ATS, I just hit the IGNORE button. I would suggest we all did the same.

The trolls try and get us to argue our case over and over again to the point where we just give up, in which case they would have served their purpose.

IGNORE them and deny them a voice.

I also do it for some members who have really annoying, distracting avatars.
Until I find a way to turn off the animation (besides logging out), I'll risk missing out on their insightful posts.


[edit on 18-6-2010 by V1g0r0u5 for spelling]

[edit on 18-6-2010 by V1g0r0u5]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by Point of No Return
In a recent 911 poll on ATS over 95% of the participants didn't believe the OS.

I think that would put you guys in the fringe.

A frog in a well full of like-minded frogs may seriously misjudge prevailing opinion among those who live on dry land.

It's ok, almost nobody believes your BS.

You guys are a joke.

The final twitches of a headless chicken.

Your post smoothly blends ignorance, self-delusion, arrogance and discourtesy into a mixture of perfect emeticity. But then, you've had some practice at this, haven't you?

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

A frog in a well full of like-minded frogs may seriously misjudge prevailing opinion among those who live on dry land.

Why do land frogs spend all their time in the well, trying to sway the opinion of the vast majority of the well frogs?

Your post smoothly blends ignorance, self-delusion, arrogance and discourtesy into a mixture of perfect emeticity. But then, you've had some practice at this, haven't you?

Well, practice makes perfect they say.

What's the matter? Don't like to be on the receiving end?

Get used to it.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by thedman

So a tiny piece of lead weighting 1/3 oz can not kill a 250 lb man? Thats what you are contending.....

Is the 250 lb man made out of a steel frame?

Does the 250 lb man crumble into dust and small pieces after being hit with a bullet?


Then your comparison doesn't fly. please try again later.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by Point of No Return
Don't like to be on the receiving end?

Are you seriously comparing the content or style of your posts on ATS to mine?

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Stewie
reply to post by Alfie1

No German blood
Some Scot, Choctaw, Brit., Czech on me wife's side, so THERE!

You don't have to be German to be a fascist.

You do realise that the parlous state of the US economy isn't just down to jewish people? It's not even solely the fault of the banks. If you lot could stop borrowing to finance your 5 litre mustangs and 70 inch plasma TVs then things wouldn't be so out of control.

American exceptionalism is a myth. Pretty soon I imagine you'll all be wishing that those PNAC people had been successful.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

The world's most prominent mental institution has told me that all truthers are suffering from paranoid personality disorder.

This is the post I replied to. Why didn't you qoute that piece with it?

If your posts are not like that, then don't interfere, I wasn't talking to you.

If you care so much about this:

Your post smoothly blends ignorance, self-delusion, arrogance and discourtesy into a mixture of perfect emeticity.

why didn't you call out Alfie for his post?

Is it because you are on his side of the debate?

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by ipsedixit

I've seen that video you mention, he doesnt say it's impossible, he states alot of the requirements needed to meet the preparation and he does it with some obvious arrogance. I'll agree there was alot of weight, alot of potential. The moments of inertia, (all of the load bearing calcs and locations) in the design coupled with assisted charges and burns could have been used in tandem on the towers.
It doesnt do that presentation in the video well knowing that he's speaking to the camera about a situation that his personal family friend has been affiliated with either.
To remain hopeful that there will someday be a reveal on this event, is sobering to the point that there are hundreds more like it, still swirling with speculation after centuries past.

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by thedman

I am not contending a bullet will not kill a man. I will contend that the physiology of a man is 1000's of times more complex than the structure of a building. I also contend that your statement comparing a man to a building and a bullet to an airplane is sophistry; and not very good sophistry. Your logic is no logic at all.

[edit on 18-6-2010 by Deuteronomy 23:13]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

So, I am Nazi now? I must look into that, perhaps they were onto something...

[edit on 18-6-2010 by Stewie]

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