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The Day I Died - Amazing BBC documentary on life after death (continuation of consciousness)

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posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 04:45 AM
Is there life after death? Is death just the end? Would knowing the answer to these questions result in a huge change in humankinds mentality? This documentary was aired years back on the BBC and explores some of the controversial "continuation of consciousness" theories put forward by professors and examines the evidence. It is by far the best and most comprehensive documentary on near death experiences, interviewing all the top scientists that have studied NDE phenomenon.

Funny thing is that after airing this documentary the BBC refused to ever air it again, and stopped it being sold on DVD. Maybe as they didn't want to be promoting "fringe theories". One of the most amazing things (part6 last video) is an NDE experience by a blind woman who has never had any eyes or seen anything ever. When she had an NDE she saw again perfectly, briliant white colors and textures. Since she did not even know what light looked like neither any colors or objects the images she saw seem to imply they were recieved from an external source. Interesting stuff.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 04:54 AM
Very interesting. I don't believe in god, and no NDE would ever have any convincing evidence of such higher being, but I am open minded to spirituality and the afterlife/spirit world. I truly believe the hunter-gatherer/nomads had higher philosophical and metaphysical knowledge than us humans today.

Science removes the human aspects of reality and perceived reality and leaves at simply another number. When you have science with a face, then we can truly explore the possible realities of this world. As of yet, there has not been any profound changes in the scientific community to shift it towards a more emotional aspect. When that occurs, you can expect far more answers.

Anyways... I couldn't watch the videos because my computer is just way too slow today. But they seem very interesting.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 04:58 AM
Thanks for posting this, i can't wait to watch it.
I'm not sure about the fringe theories theory though, they're not normally too shy of fringe topics, not as open to them as channel 4 but not too bad usually.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 05:17 AM
I watched a good documentary on this subject a few years ago and I'm wondering if it was this one?

I remember someone in the programme saying that 17% of NDEs were negative ones and that the number might be much greater. It was thought that folk having the negative experience would tend to keep them secret because the visions were too personal. That's creepy IMO.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 06:33 AM
I personally as a child was clinically dead for 12 minutes and came back from the death bed basically. I personally have had a strange life and I am still not sure why I was brought back. I have read stuff on this such as people like Dannion Brinkley who has had similar experience.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 01:14 PM
Yeah the theories they suggest are mainly quantum consciousness based (Hameroff, Penrose, et al, 2007)

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 02:31 PM

God is not the light, the light is what happens when God breathes

Wow, what a concept. Never thought of it in quite that manner before. At any rate this was a really well done show. It is worth watching for sure.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 08:56 PM
NDE's are fascinating.

But it just makes me think. When a spider dies, does it go to the other side too?
If you look from a biological stand point humans are just animals with a highly evolved brain.

Humans aren't special. We are just animals.
All mammals share essentially the same skeletal and nervous system.

posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by ZeuZZ

Wow thanks for showing this!

It was a really great program. I guess we will all find out soon enough whats up.

posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by wigit
I watched a good documentary on this subject a few years ago and I'm wondering if it was this one?

I remember someone in the programme saying that 17% of NDEs were negative ones and that the number might be much greater. It was thought that folk having the negative experience would tend to keep them secret because the visions were too personal. That's creepy IMO.

In this regard what I read is that people that have big fears, or they believe very strongly in hell or things similar to this will experience something we could call "negative" in the first few moments of an OBE. Eventually the illusion of hell or any other similar perceptions fade away for the reality that is only bliss.

As for me, I experienced something very personal not an OBE but something more similar to a vision. I had great struggle into the topic of God, I was a Christian, then an atheist and now a spiritual person. In my vision I saw myself in the future and felt God, he is there guys, you can only feel it. After that I am more than certain there is something we can label God. 100% sure.

OBE are more than real. Life changing I am sure.

If you have questions, just ask, I had one in regard to God, and he answered in a way I cannot explain. Follow your instincts and questions, and you will find all the answers one can need.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 02:42 PM
I dont like susan blackmores attempt to debunk it, its filled with logical fallacies. Her recent papers and theories have been debunked well and truly in the literature (hameroff, 20009)

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by ZeuZZ
I dont like susan blackmores attempt to debunk it, its filled with logical fallacies. Her recent papers and theories have been debunked well and truly in the literature (hameroff, 20009)

Can someone give her acid or mushrooms and ask her if her views on this are still the same? Can she participate in a group meditation while on mushrooms or acid and then ask her if her views are the same? She fails so hard on the subject.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 04:47 PM
Well I watched all the videos.

I've been feeling a bit down lately, reading to many doomsday threads
. This thread really lifted my spirits! so for that I thank you.

I find the case about the blind women the most compelling. I mean she was born without sight yet when see died (well almost) see was able to see. This case cannot be explained by some sort of visual hallucination as the brain was completely void of any visual memories to go by.

Also the women in the second video who believed the NDE's were just result of brain activity is wrong, isn't she? All these people were clinically dead, I.e: No brain activity. How can a brain produce an experience when it is no longer "turned on"?

This has completely convinced me that our brains are nothing more than receivers. The question is why?

This is gonna seem out there but perhaps this part of life is just a larvae stage, maybe our bodies are just "growth tanks" for the spiritual us? Who knows, its just a thought.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by ZeuZZ

S&F | I haven't watched the videos yet but I expect to hear similar stories to the one my father told me after his NDE.


posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 05:05 PM
I watched

for me it is BS, you know why?

- all people seem to see relatives in their experience, thats just nuts, imagine if when you die, you will keep your body image, be in the same place as everyone else, waiting and helping the ones who are alive ... thats just like a HEAVEN like description and for me it doesnt make sense

- all experienced are based on the people BELIEFS, so well, its kind of "manipulated"

so, I believe that they probably experienced that in their brain thought some chemical process

and yes, maybe you can have senses outside of your body, I liked the explanation in the end, when our brain shutdown, we probably still have moments where our information still exists ...

maybe thats why ghosts may exist, just people that experienced something so shocking that they information is strong and will last longer, who knows

but I liked the explanation in the end ... much better than believe that all your relatives, how convenient, will be waiting for you ...

and yes, they could have experienced that well before the brain shutdowns or well after, simply because you dont have a time notion of the thing ...

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 05:16 PM
Great documentary! thanks!!
I was pronounced clinically dead for 5+ minutes when I was 19 (10 years ago) from a surfing accident.
and I can assure anyone who will listen..
it does not 'end' there.
and they are right..
it does change you..
almost entirely.

Thanks OP.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Faiol

- all experienced are based on the people BELIEFS, so well, its kind of "manipulated"

Or are all beliefs based on these experiences?

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 06:44 PM
I love the term "contiuation of consciousness". I'll also agree with someone above who said they think nomads/hunter-gatherers had higher understanding of spirituality than we do today.

The conspiracy theorist (is that the correct term?) in me puts this off as a major part of the NWO/Illuminati/powerful elite agenda. I think higher consciousness is a gateway to different realities of our choosing, whether subconsciously or not. In effect, a man obsessed with the idea that he is going to Hell will trick his consciousness into believing he is in Hell when he dies, though I think our consciousness escapes into "the source" or whatever you want to call it, basically it goes back into the spiritual realm. I think the energy/consciousness is broken down naturally and redistributed to other forms of consciousness that are taking effect. I feel like I mention this a lot, but for anyone that is interested I strongly recommend reading up on the pineal gland, which I believe is the gateway to the soul.

More on-topic, I once knew a guy who experienced a NDE (yeah I know, another 'I once knew a guy' comment). He was a religious guy and he basically said he went to heaven. Can't remember how long it was, but he was declared dead in the hospital. Haven't thought about that guy in years and can't remember much of anything more specific.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Faiol

If It's chemicals, then how can the brain perceive the view of you looking at yourself when you have never been able to actually look at yourself in that way ?

And If It's chemicals released into the body, for what purpose? to help people die?

What about when they don't and they come back? does this create an imbalance?

Does the body have precautions for such an event? If so , then how and why ?

there are too many questions to just say it's either....

but at least the people on the side of the argument favoring OBE, they are open minded enough to see that maybe it could be something other than what we think.

We as humans think what we know is THE truth, but instead it is really A truth.

And A truth leads to more questions which branch off into other truths...

In order to figure these out we must ask questions and continue to TRY and figure out and fond new ways and view on life....

If we are stuck in what we call the present, we will never experience the " future".

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
I watched

for me it is BS, you know why?

- all people seem to see relatives in their experience, thats just nuts, imagine if when you die, you will keep your body image, be in the same place as everyone else, waiting and helping the ones who are alive ... thats just like a HEAVEN like description and for me it doesnt make sense

Well, what if it was like die, and you become a spirit. However, when you meet other spirits that you are familiar with, you revert to the form of which they recognize you?

edit for spelling

[edit on 15-6-2010 by MarshMallow_Snake]

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