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Thermal Energy Storage Device for Directed Energy Weapons Tested

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 11:36 AM
With some saying that energy weapons are the cause of 911 I thought it is only fair to post this as this technology is indeed in place. Was it the cause of 911? Personally I do not believe so. However, the technology is now a reality and moving closer to real world applications for sure.

General Atomics Tests Thermal Energy Storage Device for Directed Energy Weapons

San Diego, June 2, 2010: General Atomics’ Advanced Power Systems Division today announced that it has completed testing of an advanced thermal energy storage device capable of cooling directed energy weapons (DEW).

The 3 megajoule device is the first large scale module capable of storing heat at a high rate as required for DEW. “We are very pleased with its performance, which shows that it can store heat at an average rate of 230 kilowatts. To put it into perspective, it’s the equivalent of melting about 20 pounds of ice in 13 seconds,” said Dr. Paul Clark, Manager, Advanced Power Systems of General Atomics.

Heat is stored in the 35 kilogram module by melting a wax-type phase change material. These materials, by themselves, cannot support the high heat transfer rate and must be combined with other materials to enhance their thermal properties and make them work. Thermal management is one of the many challenges of DEW, which produce tremendous amounts of waste heat. Rejecting heat from these systems in real time is not practical, making thermal energy storage a necessity. High power lasers and high power microwave systems will both benefit from this technology.

General Atomics, founded in 1955, with corporate headquarters in San Diego, CA, specializes in diversified research, development, and manufacturing in defense, energy and other advanced technology arenas. General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., an affiliate of General Atomics, provides unmanned aircraft, radar, and electro-optic solutions for military and commercial applications.

Source: General Atomics' Website

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 11:45 AM
Directed-energy weapons? Caused 9-11? Hmm. You mean "they" developed and used a super-top-secret weapon system, the technology for which does not even exist now, almost ten years later? That sounds a LOT more plausible than the official story.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by moonwilson

You need to go back and actually READ the post. I said none of what you insinuated. The story is a fact regardless of what your belief is.

Deal with the facts or get lost...

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by mikelee

Not sure why you felt necessary to jump down moonwilson's throat?

Here, from your link:

Thermal management is one of the many challenges of DEW, which produce tremendous amounts of waste heat. Rejecting heat from these systems in real time is not practical, making thermal energy storage a necessity. High power lasers and high power microwave systems will both benefit from this technology.

When I see the phrase "one of the many challenges" of DEW...that reads, to me, that DEW is not QUITE perfected, nor is it viable yet.....

No, it's going to take a LOT more solid, verifiable evidence to continue on this 'DEW' hypothesis re: the WTC buildings.

Not to mention.... so far, there remains NONE (no evidence) at all, in the first place...

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
With some saying that energy weapons are the cause of 911 I thought it is only fair to post this as this technology is indeed in place. Was it the cause of 911? Personally I do not believe so. However, the technology is now a reality and moving closer to real world applications for sure.

Interesting. So in short, any supposed energy weapon powerful enough to destroy a building couldn't have existed nine years ago becuase it would have destroyed itself from the massive amounts of heat it would emit. This is why they would need to develop this waste heat collector to lower the temperature of such a weapon in the first place.

Do I read this correctly?

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

While many of you who cannot handle hearing the facts about anything to do with 911, they remain: FACTS. This is a real company that tested the technology and while yourself Weedwhacker, implied that some type of "energy weapon" brought the towers down...I did not!

The fact is that the technology is now being tested. Its a fact. Deal with it.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Thats exactly what I got out of this too. Hey...We agreed on something!!

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
reply to post by moonwilson

You need to go back and actually READ the post. I said none of what you insinuated. The story is a fact regardless of what your belief is.

Deal with the facts or get lost...

You say we are testing energy weapons

He says energy weapons are not plausible

you say go back and read the post! I never said it was plausible!

He never said you said they were plausible. He didn't say you said anything for that matter!

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by iamcpc

You mean "they" developed and used a super-top-secret weapon system,

You types stick together like the waste in the bottom of a sewer uh?

Suggestive interpretation ment to put words in the mouth of the author.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
With some saying that energy weapons are the cause of 911 I thought it is only fair to post this as this technology is indeed in place. Was it the cause of 911? Personally I do not believe so. However, the technology is now a reality and moving closer to real world applications for sure.

The OPs own opinion is that directed energy weapons were not the cause of 9-11. Given that the OP states that the technology is now (2010) a reality I do not see how anyone can assume the OP is implying the use of DEW was the cause of 9-11.

I share the OPs skepticism regarding the "official" explanation of the events of 9-11. I am assuming that the OP feels this way based upon the OP's avatar, if I am in error please correct me.

In my opinion the OP has done the 9-11 movement a great service with this post. The OP has shown that one of the myriad theories posted about 9-11 is absolutely impossible and that there was no way a DEW could have been used. I would say its safe to cross "DEWs" off the list of possible explanations for the reality of 9-11. Every theory that can be eliminated only leads us closer to the truth of the matter and the OP has, with this post, taken us one step closer to the truth about 9-11.

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
Thats exactly what I got out of this too. Hey...We agreed on something!!

I'm not out to persecute anybody here. I'm here to expose the phoniness of these conspriacy web sites...but in this case, your post is legitimate so I give credit where credit is due.

The cooling factor would also explain why we aren't issuing phasers to our troops yet. Even if they did develop a practical portable energy source for a hand held energy weapon, if they wanted to throw more energy at an enemy soldier than what would cause a sunburn, it would fry the soldier holding the weapon, too.

Perhaps the soldiers are wearing red shirts...?

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Dilligaf28

Exactly. I have never believed that any type of energy weapon system caused the WTC Towers to collapse. But as Dilligaf28 put it, we need to cross of our lists those theories that no longer hold water and/or are proven to be incorrect / impossible as is this, at the time. We NEED to sort out the many theories and possibilities that are trashing the quest for truth regardless of how many people on ATS wish to hold onto them all for the sake of little else than the romantic notion of a deep and vast conspiracy theory.

[edit on 6/9/2010 by mikelee]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by Dilligaf28


(Whew)...glad that's settled.

NOW...the concept of "DEW" (and 9/11, and the WTC in New York City) is dead and buried. Finally!

By inference (since I can only, offhand, think of two individuals who initially championed this notion --- John Lear and "Dr." Judy Woods) now we can begin to systematically discount any other claims that were associated with those who espoused DEWs...right?

So, 'holograms', "no planes", etc, etc....finally put to rest. Good, I say.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I think so and thats why I felt this information was important to post. We need to sort through the many theories that are not only technologically improbable but those that are based in what I call, game boy mentality too.

[edit on 6/9/2010 by mikelee]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
reply to post by iamcpc

You mean "they" developed and used a super-top-secret weapon system,

You types stick together like the waste in the bottom of a sewer uh?

Suggestive interpretation ment to put words in the mouth of the author.

You need to go back and actually READ the post. he said none of what you insinuated. The story is a fact regardless of what your belief is.

Deal with the facts or get lost...

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
reply to post by weedwhacker

I think so and thats why I felt this information was important to post. We need to sort through the many theories that are not only technologically improbable but those that are based in what I call, game boy mentality too.

All someone has to say is that the government and/or military has access to stop secret technology much more advanced than what is available to the public.

Just one statement makes it IMPOSSIBLE to determine what theories are technologically improbable. Person A could say it was hit with a gravity gun that caused the collapse of the WTC towers.

I say a gravity gun is technologically improbable because we have not even started to make one.

Person A says the goverment has advanced top secret gravity gun technology! Suddenly his theory is no longer technologically improbable!

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by moonwilson

How naive are you? You think the general public is told about top secret innovations? Duh...secret You don't think that there is secret technology that obviously we know nothing about?
Below is just one example of companies that have advanced technology, and companies that are so secret we don't even know they exist.
This has been going on for decades.

TASC is a premier provider of advanced systems engineering and advisory services across the Intelligence Community and the Federal Government. TASC engineers and specialists have supported the Intelligence Community for over 35 years and TASC stands ready to continue supporting this critical customer. TASC will do so by providing the highest of technical and management services to this customer in their mission of operation, maintenance, and status reporting of the Nation’s intelligence systems and their associated ground command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) systems.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by mikelee

How naive are you? You think the general public is told about top secret innovations? Duh...secret You don't think that there is secret technology that obviously we know nothing about?
Below is just one example of companies that have advanced technology, and companies that are so secret we don't even know they exist.
This has been going on for decades.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by hypattia
reply to post by mikelee

How naive are you? You think the general public is told about top secret innovations? Duh...secret You don't think that there is secret technology that obviously we know nothing about?
Below is just one example of companies that have advanced technology, and companies that are so secret we don't even know they exist.
This has been going on for decades.

A perfect example:

All someone has to say is that the government and/or military has access to stop secret technology much more advanced than what is available to the public.

Just one statement makes it IMPOSSIBLE to determine what theories are technologically improbable. Person A could say it was hit with a gravity gun that caused the collapse of the WTC towers.

I say a gravity gun is technologically improbable because we have not even started to make one.

Person A says the goverment has advanced top secret gravity gun technology! Suddenly his theory is no longer technologically improbable!

Personally if we are going to talk about what top secret energy weapons that caused the collapse of the WTC towers I'm going to believe it was the death star. The death star could have done it no problem! If it was the death star then why can't we se it? It's the size of a moon. Simple! It was a cloaking death star! Why has no one else thought of this????????

[edit on 9-6-2010 by iamcpc]

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 04:54 PM
Actually, depending on what you want to call a "DEW", we've had them for quite some time, in varying degrees.

I think the first one that was actually sort of fieldable was back in the 70's, by TRW, it was a hydrogen-fluorine gas dynamic laser for space use. Worked pretty well for the technology of the time. It ended up evolving over time into the MTHEL and THEL projects, with a LOT of changes.

There's been any number of laser and HPM devices with different designs and different operating modes since the 70's.

A problem for some of them is certainly heat, although not for all of them. You get heat issues with solid-state lasers, where your gain medium doesn't conduct heat out of its bulk as quickly as you might like, and you end up with cycle time and media life issues. Since the gubmint's new push is for solid lasers, it's a big field of research. Not too long ago, one of the larger contractors came up with a really nifty cooling fluid with an index of refraction exactly the same as the crystal they were using for the lasers, which made it a lot easier, but still not that easy, to cool off the media.

What you're seeing in the OP is yet another variation on cooling a solid laser.

The real issue with destroying buildings or whatnot, is that you just can't do it. The amount of energy it would take is unimaginable. Worse, material just doesn't "go away" like on Star Trek when you phaser something. Plus you've got all sorts of tertiary issues that would also prevent it, but the "how much energy does it take" issue trumps everything.

DEW don't make targets vanish with warbling noises and neat CGI glowing haloes. In general all you've got to do is either get the thing to deflagrate, deform, or knock dents in it at the appropriate time. That or dud the electronics. But none of them aim at doing some sort of bad ST:TOS phaser effects.

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