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What The Hell Is Wrong With Us?

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posted on May, 24 2010 @ 04:11 PM
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with us?

It is said that for life to existence there would need to be the presence of
some water. It is what scientists, astronomers and researchers look for when
when considering the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe.

Here we sit on earth, with more water than we possibly know what to do with
and we let our leaders taint it with their atrocious motives regarding the
bottom line profit. This carelessness and greed is what we let them get away

What choice do we have? Honestly? You oppose the guys and you are considered
a threat. You invent something and they suppress it. All by systems that have
been put in place by us. Someone voted them in. And if they weren't voted the
next guy would sell his soul for political gain.

We have let oil run our lives, make people rich and ruin the environment.
There are alternatives and it's a shame that you have to patent, register and
trademark. Then some department of the government has to approve the system
(be it solar, water etc) and they barely let it get off the ground, since
it is in direct competition with their oil interests. Squashed!!!!

Voting is an illusion of free will!!!
Destroy the system before it destroys you.

So back to my question,
As a human race.. "What is wrong with us"?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 04:19 PM
Not to derail...

But it scares me even more to think about what is right with us, the list is much, much smaller.

Back on topic, what is wrong with us-

* political correctness
* fear
* greed
* hate
* war
* money

and so on...

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 04:27 PM
Greed and fear would be my top 2 pics.
They contrast us and the ones who govern us very well.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 04:34 PM
We're in a sorry state, I believe humanity has hit a brick wall, and without radical change NOW, we're heading towards our own demise.

I look at the world and I just find it baffling that very little of us have any self or Earth awareness. We're on this incredible planet, surrounded by mystery and beauty, and all anyone wants to do is watch tv, binge drink, eat junk and keep our connection to this mystery and beauty at bay.

Society and our way of life is all wrong, the system is beyond wrong, WAKE UP PEOPLE!!

[edit on 24-5-2010 by Isis_Is_I]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 04:49 PM
The answer is simple. We're out of balance with God's original plan for creation. Satan is being given the opportunity to rule here as a tin god on earth and Father is allowing us the opportunity to see how things are when we don't follow His Sovereign Laws.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Isis_Is_I

I hear what you are saying. Would people waking up now prevent us
from hitting that brick wall though? I sure hope so.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by keepureye2thesky
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with us?

We're just fine. Calm down. Yeah, we have our "bad" points, but we must be pretty great and awesome or we'd all be dead by now. Incredible art, architecture, music, science, medicine... We're generally pretty cool.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by keepureye2thesky
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with us?

It is said that for life to existence there would need to be the presence of
some water. It is what scientists, astronomers and researchers look for when
when considering the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe.

Here we sit on earth, with more water than we possibly know what to do with
and we let our leaders taint it with their atrocious motives regarding the
bottom line profit. This carelessness and greed is what we let them get away

What choice do we have? Honestly? You oppose the guys and you are considered
a threat. You invent something and they suppress it. All by systems that have
been put in place by us. Someone voted them in. And if they weren't voted the
next guy would sell his soul for political gain.

We have let oil run our lives, make people rich and ruin the environment.
There are alternatives and it's a shame that you have to patent, register and
trademark. Then some department of the government has to approve the system
(be it solar, water etc) and they barely let it get off the ground, since
it is in direct competition with their oil interests. Squashed!!!!

Voting is an illusion of free will!!!
Destroy the system before it destroys you.

So back to my question,
As a human race.. "What is wrong with us"?

I think you should change your thread title to "What's wrong with me?" This is your perspective as opposed to an unbiased factual analysis. Free speech is a wonderful thing. One voice isn't loud enough for any politician to consider it a threat.

Private industry technology isn't as supressed as you think it is. Almost Every major modern innovation has come from the private sector.

I don't think we've destroyed our environment. North America has more wilderness than Africa. I think we do a pretty good job at preserving it.

You don't have to patent anything. You can manufacture it and allow everyone else to steal the design. As far as anything that threatans oil dependence being squashed, I strongly disagree. There have been so many alt energy patents in the past 10 years it's insane. The government hasn't squashed biodiesel, hybrids, electric cars, wind turbines or solar power. They are all encouraged.

Your saying that voting is an illusion of free will. All politicians are not bad. Tehy all aren't greed motivated weasels. Some are good people who view political office as service. Many are evil. All are not. Voting isn't an illusion, the electoral college isn't used for every office. And there are huge differences between candidates in many cases. If you have 2 scumbags running for the same office, then right in a nonscumbag. Or run yourself.

What's wrong with us? What's wrong with you? I detest it when people have time to complain but don't do anything to actively change it. Run for office yourself. Find a good person and encourage them to run. The system isn't broken, it's operator error. Anyone in this country can seek political office. If you want change then make it happen rather than gripe about it.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by DrJay1975
If you have 2 scumbags running for the same office, then right in a nonscumbag. Or run yourself.

Unfortunately they don't wear signs, letting us know if they are a scumbag or
not. And I would hardly want to be part of system that I see as broken. What
good would me being in office serve? None at all.

Originally posted by DrJay1975
I detest it when people have time to complain but don't do anything to
actively change it. Run for office yourself. Find a good person and
encourage them to run. The system isn't broken, it's operator error.
Anyone in this country can seek political office. If you want change then
make it happen rather than gripe about it.

I detest people that trust their government so much that they would offer
"running for office" as a solution. That's the most ridiculous solution. If my
view of the system is hopeless and broken why would you suggest that I be
part of it? Cause you are a conditioned well behaved slave, who considers
my opinion wrong.

And you have no idea what I actively do in my community to promote
awareness of alternate energy and conserving energy.

There is something very wrong with the human species.
Cut out, politics, sports, class, tv and all that BS.

You are asleep and foolish, if you think we're getting by just fine and "I" should run for office.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:30 PM
That question is not that easy to answer. For one, there is really no "us"...
but, I think I can tell you what is wrong.
It is chemical.
don't eat natural foods,
are drugged by our government with vaccines we really no nothing about (but we trust??? them),
put sodium fluoride among other brain numbing chemicals into our bodies,
have meaningless jobs, unnatural jobs,
don't engage nature at all.

If NYC was nuked tomorrow, someone would start a new thread.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:41 PM
We're lazy, conditioned, dependant, selfish and materialistic. Not everyone, but I'm sure you've noticed how much more people (in the west anyway) cared about Paris Hilton's farcical brush with the law than they seem to care about gallons of oil spilling into the ocean and being dispersed with toxic chemicals.
Celebrity gossip is seemingly more important than what our leaders do, but they are obviously quite happy to blanket the airwaves with such tripe. Maybe they encourage it to dumb down the masses. It works very well, an effective tool in the age of unsustainable plenty.
We'll see how much people have to change if we ever run out of oil in the near future, or if money becomes obsolete, or if there are NO celebrities to mourn. That is when we would become strong again, and a sense of humanity would be true. None of this giving in to the human rights lawyers of criminals. None of this fraudulent culture of sueing anyone who as much as sneezes on you.

The world is a joke right now, and the punchline isn't funny.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:19 PM
I think that what is happening is people thinking that what ever wrong thing is going on, someone else is responsible of fixing it.
"It's not my job" "I don't get paid to do that" or "That's above my pay grade"
If it doesn't benefit them directly, then why care about it?
I also believe that some people are not able to comprehend the severity of the problems that we are facing and what those problems will bring for the future, they care about the now.
About the oil leak:
I know that in every company that I have worked for, they have a plan if there is a chemical leak, fires, oil spill, etc.
I am pretty sure that they had to have a plan for when an oil leak happened. To me, this looks like they do not want to stop the leak and don't want anyone else to stop it. This is on purpose, for what reason, I don't know.
If you put a few of us that have posted in this thread in a room and ask us for a solution to the oil leak, I am 100% sure that we would come up with a solution in less than one day and gathered all the necessary equipment to make this happen within a couple of days.
I refuse to believe that people that have the technology and money that the oil companies have, are so dumb or that they couldn't find anyone to tell them how to stop the leak and how to clean it.
They think that the majority of us are so dumb and guess what? aparently they are right.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:29 PM
Well, there are about 3 billion people on earth not getting enough sleep because they worry we are on the brink of extinction.

Basically these 3 billion watch to much television or listen to the radio or spend way to much time on the internet.

Take your pick,which one describes you best.

The other 3 billion are spending most of their time, finding food or hauling fresh water or building shelter for their family to worry about anything else.

Guess who will survive if/when the end/SHTF does come?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:00 PM
People hate me for always saying that human race is stupid. I am glad people are finally waking up to this realization. I always also know that it seems if you do stupid things you get rewarded and if you don't do stupid things you get garbage.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 10:52 PM
I've been thinking.

We've all heard stories of new energy sources, highly fuel efficient vehicles, etc. But none of it is out on the market. And perhaps that is the problem. Perhaps what we need is not someone attempting to put it out on the market but a brave soul who will distribute the information for free making it impossible for the government or big business to buy its rights and suppress it. Now I know this sounds like socialism, and it pains me to even contemplate this idea since I am an ardent supporter of capitalism and the free market, but I think if you consider it you'll agree that it may be the only way of disseminating a new technology without being snatched up before the public can even be made aware of it. I fully understand that it would be a great sacrifice from the one who invents it, but in the long run it may turn out to benefit him just as much. You would be talking about great fame which in turn would make it much easier to sell his future inventions or even modifications on his free source technology.

Just a thought.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 11:50 PM
I know. Unfortunately, we've become a despicable race. Oh there's good out there, but the majority of people on this planet have their heads too far up their own @sses to stop and actually think for a second of the kind of people that they have become.

This is how the world has developed, over all of the years and trials and tribulations. We've majorly missed the point somewhere along the line. It doesn't take analytical thinking to look around and notice this. Seriously, people can make excuses and attempt to rationalise it all they like, but it doesn't change anything.

As one great guy said, "We have allowed the means by which we live to outdistance the ends for which we live."

Not that people are predominantly bad in nature; however, I would go as far to say that the best part of the world populace aren't good people. They're in-between, sort of just existing, not fully thinking about anything.

We may have been mislead and had millennia of brainwashing imposed upon us to condition our actions into any desired outcome, but I don't think we're completely hopeless. We're just being weak, blaming whoever for the way we've turned out.

Things can always change though, nonetheless I wouldn't bet on humanity turning itself around any time soon. I want to have faith in my race, but this is just ridiculous.


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