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Proof B. Spears Is an Illuminati Puppet! UPDATED! Connected to Rothschild Family

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posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:16 PM
I've displayed my evidence & I'm not going to entertain trolls.

I can tell the majority of you didn't visit the website for the camp to see all the eyes of horus displayed.
I'm also sorry that some of you have never heard of Boys' Town or Hollie Greig.
If you folks think that everything meant for children is all good & wholesome, please don't have children. We don't need the sheeple breeding anymore than they already have.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by depth om

Thank you for that valid video, depth.
This poor girl has obviously been used & abused.
Thank you for swimming through the trolls to deliver this info.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Shark VA84




You may have two eyes but you're blind as a bat.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:48 PM
Guys....AfterThought has personally U2Ud me and asked that we not criticize this thread. He is very sensitive and my suggestions on how to relax were taken as a personal attack. He would appreciate it if we all chose to press "Ignore" near his name (his suggestion not mine) and not participate on this thread unless we are as loony as he is!

Just passing on the message from AfterThought, proceed with removing my post and putting that cool little red flag under my name for a few days.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Guys....AfterThought has personally U2Ud me and asked that we not criticize this thread. He is very sensitive and my suggestions on how to relax were taken as a personal attack. He would appreciate it if we all chose to press "Ignore" near his name (his suggestion not mine) and not participate on this thread unless we are as loony as he is!

Just passing on the message from AfterThought, proceed with removing my post and putting that cool little red flag under my name for a few days.

No. I have requested that if you stumbled onto a thread & find that you don't agree with it, please move on. Nobody needs to be told they're dumb & in need of psych meds.
I invite anyone to intellectually challenge ideas & evidence. In your opinion, why is that NOT the Eye of Horus. Please also state why you do/do not believe that Ms. Spears has been used by certain people to promote something that may or may not be a front for something else (ie. Boys' Town).
Valid discussions only please.
Thank you.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by depth om

Hi, depth. To get us back on topic.
After watching the video you posted, it really made me think of Cybil. When you remarked that it is as if she has another personality appear, I couldn't have said it better myself.
The elite truly are masters at fracturing personalities & the video illustrates it beautifully.
For those who haven't studied how host personalities are shattered, it must be started at a very young age in order to raise the odds of it being successful. Some fracturing can even occur within the womb.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

yes, produced family trouble, unknowing ingestion of drug compounds, near death experiences etc, all to further collar and yoke the human to the matrix, becoming in a sense, an instrument to augment mass amounts of people.

Remember for the amount of people that despise pop cult-ure there are more who are controlled by it. Everything these days on tv and radio that is not independently crafted has been corrupted by the memetic engineering of the matrix. From news reports to kids shows, it's all there to mold you into what THEY want.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by depth om

Thanks for hyphenating culture. It needs to have its root word identified.
I don't believe that it's a coincidence that the Mouseketeers all turn out to be living representations of sex. At the beginning of your video, she makes me think of the animatronics you see on Disney rides.
Living, breathing dolls made of Play-Doe. Specially designed & programmed to accept manipulation.
Besides, what's a better role model for pre-teens when it comes to sex? Why, no other than the girl they grew up with!
But, getting back on topic. I've known many a stores from PA to VA were fronts for illegal activities. Anything involving children should be studied, scrutinized, turned upsidedown, & then repeat.
If these kids were being abused at this camp, they are certainly the least likely to have the courage to speak out. This is the most perfect type of victims.
I'd have to check, but how long was Boys' Town operating before it's true intentions were discovered?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 03:37 PM
I wish I had titled this thread:
Is Summer Stars an Illuminati facade?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

You started your post targeting Britney Spears for being apart of a secret group because of the symbol. The post you started with presented as you feared Britney Spears for some how being associated with that symbol.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Romantic_Rebel

Right. And it had to be pointed out to him that his first assertion, her involvement in the group, was erroneous. Then he gets upset that he's not being taken seriously.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:37 PM
Since all the narrow-minded ones keep ridiculing this post. Allow me to sum everything up.
1. Spears started the program.
2. She, 50 Cent, & other celebrities have contributed to it.
3. I asked who could provide me with the program's original logo prior to her giving up on her creation.
4. It has been stated that she fell into a tailspin soon after she abandoned the organization, which has all but left her career with only a weak heartbeat & she is a shell of what she had the potential to become.
5. This thread is proposing that she was groomed, used, & discarded like an out-of-style barbie doll because her contribution to the agenda had concluded.

To sum up what an Illuminati puppet is, it is someone who is conditioned & programmed from a young age to assist certain nameless/faceless individuals' dark agenda.

Believe it or not, but some intelligent people have valid suspicions about how the elite have no regard for the human psyche or soul & they have been known to identify themselves with the Eye of Horus.
Maybe someone who cares will see this thread & begin looking more deeply into this "program".

Anybody who frequents ATS on a regular basis should know that there is always more than meets the eye. If you aren't here to expand your knowledge & learn HOW to think (compared with WHAT to think), you have no business here.

If you choose to engage yourself in a thread only to ridicule & poke fun at the author, you are doing NOTHING for those who courageously question the TRUE intentions of individuals & the organizations they have involved themselves in.

All I can say is that I'm thankful that none of you were involved in the investigation involving Boys' Town. Children would still be suffering today. You folks would be busy laughing & rolling your eyes. Not all demons can be banished with Prozac & a long walk on the beach.
I wish things could be solved as easily.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:55 PM
The Phoenix Project, which is run by the Rothschilds,
is part of Summerstars.
Please visit this website -

Quoted from the website:
"RBTL Board Chairman, Arnie Rothschild, has announced that the effort toward development of a new performing arts center for the Rochester Broadway Theatre League has been named the 'Phoenix Project.' Appropriately named, as RBTL's hopes for a new theatre rise from the 'ashes' of Renaissance Square, the Phoenix Project has received tremendous support from local town officials."

Hmm.... could they be any more blatent with their wording and imagery?
A Phoenix rising from the ashes?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:23 PM
Thanks for the kind words.
I could have added that their t-shirts are black, which is not the most uplifting "color"... ( Knowing black, grey and withe aren't colors... )

Britney is a front; it would be more likely that she does more than she thinks...

As for the question of being programmed not to see the symbols, I think we are. But mostly, they are used in contexts that removes credibility of these symbols in our view.

Rothschilds? Phoenix? That sounds even more dangerous. Like sculpting with TNT and C4...

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:30 PM
Lord help the Illuminati if they are counting on Britney Spears. How the mighty have fallen. One day they control nation and Kings, the next, a Bald Headed psycho. They need to step up their recruiting.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by pavil

You jest but can't you see?

How many minds were further devolved and bound by her work, 100's of millions of "fans" (fanatics) minds downloading her information, which was mandated by some bizarre memetic agency,

hahah you joke but fail to see the real punchline.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by depth om

Whatever......... you must see that all seeing eye everywhere you look.

Tell me who isn't part of the Illuminati in the entertainment biz then?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by Aresh Troxit

Yes, you're right about the color of the t-shirts.
I also agree that the Summerstars & any program involved with it is very dangerous.
If I got ONE person to not enroll a child in this facility, I have done my job.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by pavil

I only see it where it is

well in my opinion the popular commercial biz is wholly corrupted by the matrix. You get noticed from your talent, but if you want the big checks and media attention, you need to play the GAME by the RULES. Sign the dotted line and you have assimilated your vessel and all it's faculties into the matrix collective, the borg, the hive, call it whatever.

No major (major meaning extremely popular, multinational popularity) band, group or artist does their own thing. It's a fine conconction, a ratio of their independent talent and the mandate given by their handlers.

Popular medias serve as the shock troops of the matrix, bashing through the eyes and ears to impregnate the mind with filth and half truths.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by pavil
Lord help the Illuminati if they are counting on Britney Spears. How the mighty have fallen. One day they control nation and Kings, the next, a Bald Headed psycho. They need to step up their recruiting.

Well, you must remember that at the height of her career, BS ( LOL, that's funny! ) could fill stadiums with moms and their 10 years old girls so they see could her ( BS ) and her dancers act like vulgar prostitutes...

What impact did it have? We do hear that STD are at a hi-rise amongst teens and young adults... Another victory for Big Pharma? I mean, you have to treat them, no?... And that's only one thing...
What follows sexual trauma in the series of events for mind controls?

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