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Accused Illegal Immigrant Rapes 12-yr old girl - Raleigh

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posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:36 PM

Coming into the States illegally isn't a crime. It's a civil disobedience. Instead of filing the paperwork, they just walked in. Which they shouldn't file paperwork since the land was stolen from the grandparents and hence they are "grandfathered into" the land. There's no crime here.


Must be nice to be so naive.

Last time I checked, America was taken from the Chippewa, Iroquois, Mohawk, Cree, Sioux, Cherokee, Kiowa etc.

Pretty certain the current US topography was not part of the greater Aztec empire back in the day.

Nice try though.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

okay but Let’s not forget that there are many American Citizens that are CHILD Molesters and sexual predators it is f****** ignorant to think that all illegal’s are bad for a had full of bad people. And btw have you seen all saints day, they come into this country illegally as well! We do have a problem but we need to fix it our immigration system is messed up

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by believer81

I heard a White guy raped and strangled a 9 year old girl to death in a mall toilet block one day in my city while she was out shopping with her family. If we enforced a no-whites policy in my country back in the 18th century he would never have been able to do this. See how ridiculous you sound yet? Linking an illegal immigrant to the crime as though that is the sub group of people who exclusively commit those crimes is called psycholgical propaganda bull#.

[edit on 24/5/2010 by believer81]

You may have a point there, assuming all the whites in Australia are there illegally. Is that a valid assumption? If so, point out which immigration laws they broke to get there. I'm sure the UN would be interested in a massive illegal immigration wave of those proportions, and we could probably get them all kicked out for you.

Well, maybe not. The UN seems pretty disinterested in illegal border crossings. They seem to leave that up to individual member states to sort out for themselves.

So your'e saying all whites are in Australia as illegal immigrants? Again, to stress it, I have to see a copy of the immigration law they broke...

[edit on 2010/5/24 by nenothtu]

[edit on 2010/5/24 by nenothtu]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
I have a fence around my yard, but we don't have one around the country? There is a guard at my bank, my kids school, my office, but there isn't one at the border? !

Most illegals get here by overstaying a valid visa. It is estimated at least 50% of them do that. It's a bit of a fallacy to think they all just run up unguarded areas of the border.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

BUT, I do think we can secure the border to the point that no one crosses illegally. I think we HAVE TO!! I can't believe it isn't done already! I have a fence around my yard, but we don't have one around the country? There is a guard at my bank, my kids school, my office, but there isn't one at the border?

I don't think it is realistic to think that we can secure to the point to where no one can sneak over.

You say you have a fence around your yard...has no one ever jumped it? Do you monitor it 24/7? Fences are good for privacy...and a little bit of a deterent...but it isn't going to keep anyone out that really wants to get in.

The only way to secure the border effectively is to remove the motive for innocent people looking for work to cross illegally....that means making it very very easy and very very cheap (or free) to come here legally to work. Then you are left with only the drug runners (or people with a true ciminal intent) crossing the border and you can enact more aggressive border security tactics. But until you remove the innocent people and families crossing just to look for a better can't enact aggressive measures.

And a fence will do nothing...jump over it, dig under it or cut through won't stop anyone. I just see it as a big waste of money.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by antonia

The ones who overstay their visa need to be dealt with also, but the problem at the border can fixed instantly with resources deovted to it. Stop the pouring in first, then work on the other areas.

Here are some examples what happens when not enough resources are devoted to stemming illegal crossings.

This Last Video also points out that even Hispanics know where the true problem is. A report done by CNN.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by beyondsense

Coming into the States illegally isn't a crime.

That is incorrect. Check this link, paying particular attention to number 12, among others.

It's a civil disobedience. Instead of filing the paperwork, they just walked in.

No, it's a crime. See above.

Which they shouldn't file paperwork since the land was stolen from the grandparents and hence they are "grandfathered into" the land. There's no crime here.

No, it was gained by conquest and purchase, a time-honored tradition the world 'round. Well, except for the purchase part. The US seems to have a peculiar affinity for purchasing lands they previously conquered.

So yes, there IS a crime here.


Not at the price you're asking.

[edit on 2010/5/24 by nenothtu]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 01:34 PM



Marco Baltierra-Carmona

alleged suspect in this case

He was also placed under a detainer by Immigration and
Customs Services, which believes he is in the country illegally.

A 23-year-old man is charged with raping a 12-year-old Wake
County girl.

Authorities are holding Marco Baltierra-Carmona on a $500,000
bond. Investigators say he may be in the country illegally.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement has a hold on him. He
is scheduled to make a court appearance today.

cant get the 2nd link to post right, sorry

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 01:42 PM
a changed title of the article

"Rape charged, immigration to be checked"

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
If we were enforcing immigration laws,
this probably would not have happened.

[edit on 23-5-2010 by boondock-saint]

Yes, because no legal american citizens ever rapes 12 year old girls...

I think if we are looking to reduce violent sexual crimes toward juveniles, statistics will tell you the most effective method would be to deport the average white american male.

Nice hate mongering though...

[edit on 24-5-2010 by maybereal11]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by maybereal11
Yes, because no legal american citizens ever rapes 12 year old girls...

I think if we are looking to reduce violent sexual crimes toward juveniles, statistics will tell you the most effective method would be to deport the average white american male.

Nice hate mongering though...

[edit on 24-5-2010 by maybereal11]

Again, as the OP has stated several times and others like me. This is to shine a light on what crimes get unnoticed in this debate. Not all illegals commit rape and no one has generalized that.

Stay away from assumptions, it is bad for common sense.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:02 PM
yet another news story which uses Illegal Alien
in it's title

Illegal Alien In Raleigh charged with
rape of 12-year-old

Don't forget: "We are not a nation defined by our border"......
and don't forget, the local MSM will not report the immigration
status of people charged with such crimes.

A Raleigh man was arrested for the rape of a 12-year-old girl.

Marco Baltierra-Carmona, of2120-206 Larson Drive, was charged
with two counts of first-degree rape.

Baltierra-Carmonawas being held in the Wake County jail under a
$500,000 bond. The Immigration and Customs Services, says he
is in the country illegally.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:05 PM

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by antonia

Originally posted by getreadyalready
I have a fence around my yard, but we don't have one around the country? There is a guard at my bank, my kids school, my office, but there isn't one at the border? !

Most illegals get here by overstaying a valid visa. It is estimated at least 50% of them do that. It's a bit of a fallacy to think they all just run up unguarded areas of the border.

I don't believe that statistic for a second! I live in a University town (FSU) and I know all about expired Visas, but the number and impact of those expired visas is but a drop in the sea of illegal immigration. I used to work in construction and I knew literally hundreds of illegals that just snuck across the border. One kid told me about pretending to be asleep in the back of a car with about 80% legal and 20% illegal passengers. They border patrol checked a few ids and waived them through.

I was offered $1000 per person to drive my truck to Arizona and pick up illegals and drive them back to Florida. They preferred someone like me, with a construction company and a nice truck, tinted windows, and a good tag. It is less suspicious than a rental truck or an old vehicle.

The "problem" is with the ones that literally just sneak across the border one way or another. Maybe a car trunk, or mixed in with a group of tourists, or just wandering the desert during the night. It is dangerous for them, it is dangerous for us, and it is a burden on the social system.

Most of these immigrants are hard-workers, but they need to be documented and accounted for, and they need to pay the same payroll taxes that we pay, and they need to make at least minimum wage!

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by SKinLaB

Well it is unfortunate but in Mexico and Guatemala they pretty much carry the standard that "if she is old enough to sit at the table, she is old enough to eat"... Look at your State sex offender blotters.. Speaks for itself...

No...I'm not going to go do your research for you. You just made an ignorant claim...back it up with some facts or look like a fool...your choice.

For all of you hardcore anti-illegals should be all over this guy because he is the type that is giving you a bad name. But instead of coming down on him for making ignorant racial generalizations like he did...he gets stars.

This is why no one believes you when this group says it's not about race...because when someone like this comes out and makes a negative racial one opposes him...the only thing you see in response is support.

OutcastSearcher, you are a moron. I really dont like you at all.

Coming from you...I'll take that as a compliment...I really wouldn't want someone like you to like me...and you think you could at least spell my name correctly.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by SKinLaB

Well it is unfortunate but in Mexico and Guatemala they pretty much carry the standard that "if she is old enough to sit at the table, she is old enough to eat"... Look at your State sex offender blotters.. Speaks for itself...

No...I'm not going to go do your research for you. You just made an ignorant claim...back it up with some facts or look like a fool...your choice.

For all of you hardcore anti-illegals should be all over this guy because he is the type that is giving you a bad name. But instead of coming down on him for making ignorant racial generalizations like he did...he gets stars.

This is why no one believes you when this group says it's not about race...because when someone like this comes out and makes a negative racial one opposes him...the only thing you see in response is support.

You don't know the difference between "nation" and "race"? We're supposed to accept your argument when you can't even tell the difference in the basics of it?

Generally, I watch who first injects the terms "race" or "racist" into an argument to determine who really is the racist. Seems that those who bring it up the most are the guilty parties...

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:54 PM
er, aren't ALL Americans (with the exception of indigenous peoples) immigrants?

In fact, aren't all PEOPLE immigrants?

What difference does a line on a map make?

Do you really think that because some-one was born on the other side of that line, that they are evil? or that you are better than them?

Would it make it any less of a crime if the guy WAS American?

Unfortunately this type of sick crime happens everywhere in the world.

The fact that this guy is a so called 'immigrant' is completely irrelevant and to try to turn this story into an immigration issue is completely unacceptable.

To use such a horrific crime to make a political point is simply a disgrace - any person twisting this event to suit their own end needs to take a long hard look in the mirror - like what you see? - didn't think so.

Anybody convicted of a crime like this should be castrated - regardless of where they're from.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

You don't know the difference between "nation" and "race"? We're supposed to accept your argument when you can't even tell the difference in the basics of it?

Well that is a fine deflection attempt using semantics.

Saying youare discriminatroy against a "nation" and not a "race" is just an attempt to get out of the "racist" label. If you don't know who he is talking about when he says "Mexico" and "Guatemala"...then you are just a bit naive. Do you honestly think he is talking about anyone else besides hispanics? Do you think if he sees a hispanic walking down the street he thinks "If that guy is from Mexico or Guatemala...but not Nicaragua or Chile...he probably likes to rape girls"???

The statement was an ignorant generalization. I don't care if it is towards a race or a nation...the ignorance is no less. If you want to use semantics to try to defend it and support his statments...that is your choice. My opinion will be the same no matter what justification you try to use.

Generally, I watch who first injects the terms "race" or "racist" into an argument to determine who really is the racist. Seems that those who bring it up the most are the guilty parties you don't look at the content of the just see who says a certain word first??? That seems a bit odd. So according to your logic...someone could come on here and say they hate all black people and if someone calls them racist then it is THAT person who is "racist".

And so I guess this means you are calling ME a "racist"...right?

I have one simple question for you...WHO or WHAT GROUP am I "racist" towards??? What group of people do I make a generalized judgment on based soley on their race, country of origin, or color of their skin???

I'm looking forward to your answer.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
Generally, I watch who first injects the terms "race" or "racist" into an argument to determine who really is the racist. Seems that those who bring it up the most are the guilty parties...

The intellectual equivelant of "he who smelt it..."

Your statement has now logical veracity. People who observe racism are not allowed to speak up and if they do they are racist? Really...that is your retort?

I am sure you win plenty of debates on the playground.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

My bad Dawg.... I correctly spelled outcast with a "C" instead of mis-spelled with a "K".... ooops!

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