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Glen Beck and O'Reilly support a VAT (Value added Tax)

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posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:11 AM
I remember watching this when it the time I couldn't believe it. I searched for the actual vid for awhile but could never find it to prove that it happened. (This was before the rumors of a VAT in the works from Democrats and Obama.)

And if you don't know what a VAT is...check out the wiki link:

Well I found it tonight!!! This happened a few months ago on O'Reilly's show.

For the record....we should NOT do a VAT tax which will wipe out what is left of our manufacturing and cater to foreign imports.

What we should do is RAISE TARIFFS ON IMPORTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's only at 2-3 percent which is why our manufacturing is gone...not to mention we are collecting little on taxes from our imports...especially compared to China that has a 20 percent tariff on imports.

Nearly everything we buy is imported....

[edit on 16-5-2010 by David9176]

[edit on 16-5-2010 by David9176]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:16 AM
I mostly agree.

For One - Tariffs, yes - Fair tariffs, Free trade is "free for them not for us" and has to stop. Fair Trade Tariffs can be used to fund numerous social projects.

VAT tax - I say yes but ONLY as a complete replacement for income tax and with NO freekin exemptions period. Start the exemption game and the bribes and "special treatment" for political donors and organizations begins.

A "national sales tax" on everything is 100% fair. Rich spend more than poor, everyone will pay their fair share always.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by infolurker

VAT tax - I say yes but ONLY as a complete replacement for income tax and with NO freekin exemptions period. Start the exemption game and the bribes and "special treatment" for political donors and organizations begins.

A "national sales tax" on everything is 100% fair. Rich spend more than poor, everyone will pay their fair share always.

But still, either of these, (whether one supports it or not) will only cater to international corporations. We absolutely HAVE TO raise tariffs to balance things out to give small businesses a chance to grow as that is what gets us out of recessions.

Obama isn't going to do it, there is no will from either party to do least in lacking a majority to get one passed.

I don't support a VAT. A National sales tax...maybe...but not a VAT. We also have to realize that pushing through all 3 of these things would be highly inflationary...which also needs to be taken into consideration...even though we are headed towards heavy inflation regardless.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:01 AM
The VAT is why the Greeks are setting off bombs in the streets right now.

Of course they support the VAT.

I saw this coming over a week ago, blog about it, and maybe had 10 reads.

But seriously, know what... Its really, really not good!!


I also just updated that post, because, if you believe in the NWO conspiracy (which I am highly skeptical of -- am I allowed to say that in here without getting banned) then there is a nice goody after below the fox video for you.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by David9176

We need Tariffs AND a VAT, then get rid of the Income Tax. You can't tax our income and our product (federally), it would bankrupt us. But I'd much rather see people taxed on their consumption, not what they earn.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:58 AM
Beck calls for a VAT at 2% only if it is a Constitutional Amendment-otherwise it is not legal by the way, and that everything is put into one pot, no emergency spending and set spending and only if along with the VAT their is a balanced budget Amendment along with it.

So, yes he would agree to the VAT if all the other components are met.

Me, flat sales tax across the board. 25-40%. This even includes homes, stocks, etc. On everything. Nothing on food or clothes below a certain limit say $100 and nothing on rentals of primary residency.

That will take care of the poor.

No other taxes whatsoever. Period. No other sales tax, no licenses, property, NOTHING. NOW THAT, is the RIGHT TO PROPERTY!

Throw in a balanced budget amendment. All is good.

Eliminates probably 1/8 of the government bureaucracy including the IRS.

Eliminates tax lawyers, accountants etc etc etc. Hate everything to do with taxes.

Never happen but what the hell, a person can dream.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by David9176
For the record....we should NOT do a VAT tax which will wipe out what is left of our manufacturing and cater to foreign imports.

I agree, this will just make businesses that depend heavily on exports suffer, in particular, those manufacturing jobs. I also have no doubt in my mind that with this tax we will see daily mass migrations back and forth across our borders through to Mexico and Canada merely to escape this tax. Infact I will not be surprised that some businesses will make a living off bringing products across the borders to escape these taxes. I'd have no doubt either that the VAT system will push more outsourcing of the jobs (especially manufacturing) to countries where this tax will not be major.

As for the other alternative, Flat taxes, I am still trying to understand where it will be a better system that the current progressive system. While the flat tax will be the same for everybody and will be much more simpler to understand and file, it will only further the rich and poor gap by benefitting the wealthy much more significantly. As if we don't have that issue already. I do agree that we do have way too many hidden taxes, I don't understand why we need to tax what we smoke, or tax tanning. There is a limit, but I am not convinced so far about the alternative taxes.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 06:48 AM
New Zealand has about the fewest exemptions from GST * . This is either a strength or a weakness of the system depending on where you stand . Having GST on basically everything you buy makes thing easier for small business compliance . On the other hand across the ditch GST is exempt on some food items , and I as understand it the Brits exempted all food items . It really does become a pointless ping prong ball in terms of taxation . The government is going to increase GST from 12.5% to 15% in exchange for cuts in income taxes . This also allows for income tax to be cut without increasing the budget deficit . Rising living costs wipe out the theory that such a measure could lead to greater personal savings .

My own beef with GST is that it is a double whammy you pay income tax and later on GST on items you buy . Once the Budget has gotten back into the black eliminating income tax on the first eighteen grand earned would do more to help low income earners as well has to reduce the impact of being hit in the back pocket more then once .

* GST stands for Goods Ands Services Tax.


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