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Schwarzenegger's solution to California's budget woes: End welfare

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posted on May, 15 2010 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
The state of California wants a Federal bailout, what Governor Arnold is doing voicing what he will do if that bailout doesn't come soon enough.

Since Bush's midterm, California hasn't received any bail-outs. The federal government already picked up on the cover-ups the State has tried to do.

Hello? All the major cases like Enron records were stored in the WTC 7 building when it was 'pulled'. Why do you think Bush got the drift to stop funding California.

[edit on 15-5-2010 by dzonatas]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:15 PM
as far as welfare goes
he really is

the terminator


that means if this passes
welfare recipients wont get their
July 1st checks.

Can you say July 4th Riots
in CA ???? STATEWIDE !!!

I wonder how the illegals are
thinking of feeding their kids
and themselves when their
bread and butter is cut off.

Instead of deporting them
he's just starving them out.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
that means if this passes
welfare recipients wont get their
July 1st checks.

You are so full of B.S.

All it means is the welfare-to-work program won't be budgeted anymore. People will still get foodstamps. The disabled will still get their checks.

The attorneys that used to work for the welfare-to-work program can now be moved to do some real work... or better yet... send them to jail like the they been sending people who have worked their ass off to make ends meet yet their employer laid them off and so they couldn't pay the state their 'aid' package and got sent to jail.

You shouldn't slander a govenator that hasn't accepted a single paycheck from the state as an income for his whole time in office. That's right... he hasn't received an income for being governator.

[edit on 15-5-2010 by dzonatas]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
Instead of deporting them
he's just starving them out.

Which is worse?

It is worth stating that the Governor also wants to give major tax breaks to major corporations along with these cuts to social programs.

They need to stimulate business by lowering taxes on business, and remove many of the ridiculous restrictions on business and anything that would make it easy to do business in the state... That would create JOBS and reduce the drain on the budget by putting people to work.

It seems like everyone in state government wants to see the state fail.

If they don't put people to work, and cut their only means of survival then they must be insane.

Everyone in the LAPD and state police should take some time to review their life insurance policies and wills.... There isn't enough of them to stop the violence that is coming if they cut these programs.

[edit on 15-5-2010 by Fractured.Facade]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

You are right they has been getting bailout money in the amount of 8 billions, but their budget deficit is about 20 billion so they are desperate for more money.

Most of the money will on governemnt jobs and support of state programs,

California leaders seek budget help from D.C.
Billions in cash, easing of mandates on wish list,

It is not just cash that California wants. Schwarzenegger is calling for permanent changes to the formula that determines the amount of money the federal government contributes to Medi-Cal, California's Medicaid program, noting that the state is among the lowest in the country in reimbursement rates. He also wants money for the costs of providing special education in schools and incarcerating illegal immigrants, both unfunded federal mandates.

Steinberg said he wants a "dynamic partnership" between the federal government and the states, led by California, to spend money for infrastructure.

"No one is looking for a bailout. We're looking for an investment," he said, adding that the state needs to "fight" for more money.

Fuel for the engine
"It's in the national interest because California is an economic engine, and if we continue to be bogged down in deficits that are largely the result of the recession, then the country is going to have a hard time recovering," he said.

California already has received just over $8 billion in federal stimulus dollars that helped the state close the budget deficit last year. On Friday, Schwarzenegger will release his initial budget proposal for the next fiscal year, and the Legislative Analyst's Office already has called on state leaders to "aggressively seek new federal assistance" to help close the projected deficit.

The stimulus money, some of which was supposed to last through the next fiscal year, has been spent, and the state must continue to adhere to the requirements that came with accepting the funds, such as maintaining certain levels of funding for health and human services.

Some Republicans in the Legislature said those strings should have been more closely examined before California accepted the federal stimulus dollars in the first place.

Again the ugly head of needed funding for medicaid and illegal immigration.

And to think that once the HCR comes into effect most of the poor in California will inflate more the medicaid cost in the state.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
If they don't put people to work, and cut their only means of survival then they must be insane.


People on welfare-to-work program are already "working".

You cut the welfare-to-work program and they still will be "working".


posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:33 PM
Going to work costs money, work for welfare is even worse for them if going to work costs are not taken into account. Most people on welfare hate it and wish for a decent job.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by marg6043

The Medi-Cal program is the only thing to worry about. There are plans, already.

California never had a welfare program... just a deficit spending program called welfare (to the State... not the citizens).

[edit on 15-5-2010 by dzonatas]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

It is only a proposal... In other words ... just talk.

Governor Schwarzenegger's proposed cuts are spread over many public programs, but the largest would eliminate the CalWORKS welfare program and do away with child care funding except for preschool and after-school programs, saving the state $1 billion and $1.2 billion, respectively.

State Democrats decried the plan, and promised another fight in the state's legislature this summer. “The governor’s suggestions are clearly more reflective of a hyper-partisan political agenda than in finding real solutions to our problems," said Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez in a statement. Democrats pointed out that Schwarzenegger's plan doesn't propose any tax hikes, and leaves in place $2 billion in planned corporate tax breaks.

"Now he comes forward with a vision that says children have no value," Senate budget committee chair Denise Ducheny told the San Jose Mercury News. "To tell 500,000 families they shall be homeless in lieu of delaying corporate tax breaks is hard to understand."

Schwarzenegger cited three factors as contributing to the budget shortfall: legislative resistance, reimbursement due the state from the federal government, and court decisions that blocked trims to health and human services programs. "Because these judges have prevented us from using a scalpel to go and trim some of those programs," he said, "we now have to use the ax."

Just California politics as usual... No real solutions only partisan bickering and stalling... which is exactly why they are in this mess now.

Meanwhile... it keeps getting worse.

They will eventually have to make serious cuts across the board in order for the state to survive.

If they do not put people to work, then it really doesn't matter, when they are out of money and options they will have to make deep spending cuts, but of course it will be too late to matter then.

They can fix this, but they wont.

If you live in California now may be a good time to get out.

Don't fall for the partisan bullcrap and spin.

[edit on 15-5-2010 by Fractured.Facade]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

That is going to change with the Healthcare reform as they have to abide by the new laws.

Unless the state vote to stay away from HCR options.

When Obama signed the Medicaid to be the biggest insurer in America that means that the states that will abide by the HCR law will be covered by Federal help at least until 2017 at one hundred percent, after 2017 the Federal government will start backing off and leaving the burden of the new overinflated Medicaid to the states tax payer.

If California opt from the HCR they will not get federal help for the state, I don't know if they will be forced to cover their poor or not under whatever option they use.

What a mess.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
reply to post by dzonatas

Governor Schwarzenegger's proposed cuts are spread over many public programs, but the largest would eliminate the CalWORKS welfare program and do away with child care funding

The CalWorks welfare program is part of the welfare-to-work program.
The child-care funding is part of the welfare-to-work program.

The only thing good about the "welfare-to-work" program is those three little words, but it has generated many statues, create many non-state agencies thet feed money back into to state by the same scheme to get people to sign-up for the basic welfare-to-work (automatic debt expansion program per sign-up) application. CalWorks is just a name of one of the agencies created by the welfare-to-work program. There are several agencies for child-care funding, but they don't do what you think they do. They just get people to sign-up for the app, which then assigns someone else besides the signor as the debtor, like the other parent (hello?). The other parent then must work to pay for child-care... it doesn't come from the state.

leaves in place $2 billion in planned corporate tax breaks.

That'll replace the tax break they received when they hired from the welfare-to-work programs 'welfare list'. Business will no longer have to hire from that list in order to get the tax break.

Wise up!

"Now he comes forward with a vision that says children have no value,"

This is complete B.S. statement. If someone put into 'aid' status does not work, they are put in jail. What good can a parent do for children while the are in jail? What good can a parent do for children when the 'aid' status garnishes their wages that could go to those directly to those children instead.

Now think about that.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:58 PM
The canadian "free" healthcare system is not ""pie in the sky" anymore, it takes me a week to get Dr appt, people die on waiting lists for surgery. People in other provinces cant even get a Dr. I waited 5 years to get my knee fixed meanwhile I got fat and got high blood pressure because the only activity I could do was sit in the lazyboy. Also the rich can always pay money to jump to first in line making the rest wait that much longer.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by marg6043


In the meantime until that takes place, the counties have started to implement their own programs. The local county agencies are already being packed with people that used to go to state funded doctors by outsourced funds. There no longer is any state funded outsourcing on medical staff unless it falls under the current Medi-Cal/Medicaid program. Once the Medi-Cal program goes, then that will end also. The counties are expected to be packed with all those that used to be on Medi-Cal. Not a word about Medicaid except... we know HCR happened and suppose to have a effect sometime.

Local Target/Walmart/Sears/Etc business that used to be an insurance companies themselves already plan to end their own health insurance business... obviously because there is going to be all this available healthcare options from the counties until HCR takes over. Nobody will have to wait for open-enrollment anymore.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by dzonatas

It is all crap... maybe you've missed my point. I'll make it simple.

It does not matter what they say at this point, California will soon be faced with a do or die situation that will give them no other option but to massively cut spending if the state is going to survive.

The very fact that they are even talking about these kind of cuts should alert anyone with common sense to these facts.

Revenue is declining while unemployment is growing, both exponentially at this point.

Less money coming in, more money going out.

Can you now see where this is going?

They could fix it, but they will not, partisan politics are the main obstacle.

Ultimately when they have no other choice, they will all agree to make massive budget cuts but not before begging for billions of federal dollars.

They don't want to lose their jobs, benefits or cut their own pay, so for them at that point they will be saving their own asses.

Too late for everyone else in the state... In fact it may be too late now.

Learn from California, because a very similar crisis is coming to many other states and ultimately to our federal government.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:20 AM
I think first he should give walking papers to all those state employees he authorised hiring.

The best thing for Cali would be to go bankrupt and break the union contracts. Start over fro scratch.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:24 AM
Well, I hope he has at least as much money as was cut from social welfare programs to put into law enforcement because all this'll do is force the poorest of the poor into bad situations like selling crack, prostitution, theft, etc. so I don't really see how it'll translate into savings. Maybe for the rest of the time he has in office the state's budget will look a little better and when CA is overrun with crime he'll dump it in the next guy's lap and CA will blame the new guy for it. That's how American politics works right? lol

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:26 AM
About a month and a half ago I was in Laurel Canyon, LA for a few days...beautiful, it was like a tiny bejeweled little paradise of wealth and lush greenery and nonstop partying. It was like some kind of Byzantine satrapy up there.

Then, I read this kind of thing and about the real estate and tax woes in Cali and their budget armageddon and avalanche of social ills...from a hillside hottub to read it, it all it seems like a dispatch from another planet. The two realities are so disconnected, one cannont but be reminded of Versailles decadence while the slat-thin famine victims clanged their iron food bowls on the estate gates and howled for justice. It's approaching a third-world level of wealth disparity, sending the mental alarm bells clanging. At least people in the third-world are somewhat practiced at this sort of thing; I just don't see how anyone living in the insane lavishness of Laurel Canyo0n could possible even grasp or relate to the grim realities only an hour or so away by car, and visa-versa.

I in no way condone violence, but during my idyllic little jaunt I couldn't help but nervously wonder how these spaced-out, postmodern Nouveau-Versailles residents would fare versus a mob with pitchforks and torches. Perhaps on some dry, nightmare of a summer night when tempers and temperatures are running high...

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
It does not matter what they say at this point, California will soon be faced with a do or die situation that will give them no other option but to massively cut spending if the state is going to survive.

Welcome to California! The State hasn't passed the budget on time for decades.

Only thing different this year is it now finally has the attention of the other States. It was the norm.

Remember, govenator said he was gonna go out with a bang... he's obviously got the presses attention this year to do it.

California should go into the tourist business for this yearly event while Californians do the usual and sleep over it. "Hey Bert! Did they pass the budget yet?" "Hey Vern! Shut-up and get me another beer so I can enjoy the fireworks." "Happy Independence Day!"

[edit on 16-5-2010 by dzonatas]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by ..5..
The best thing for Cali would be to go bankrupt and break the union contracts. Start over from scratch.

that is EXACTLY what needs to happen!!!
a complete re-boot

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Just curious, what do you think will happen state wide, nationally, even globally if California defaults on billions of dollars of debt, or does go "bankrupt"?

There are other consequences to consider.

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