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"They come here for a better life" and "Jobs Americans Won't Do"

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posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:14 PM
OMG OP, I 100% totally agree with you.

I live in SoCal, and what's funny is I work here in City of Industry

It's so F'ed up here most people won't even believe it.

I laugh at Arizona's law, I laugh at people who complains too many illegals in Texas.

I wonder if these folks that are complaining ever stepped foot in Southern California before.

The illegal immigrants here runs rampant.

Do you know how easy it is to catch illegals and deport them? Very very very easy. Just drive over to any Home Depot and you can nest a whole sh*t load of them. You can tell right away that these are illegals, wearing ripped jeans, clothes found in dumpsters and such.

Another problem is the small to mid size companies here hiring these illegals. The Federal law does not punish them severely enough. I believe if these companies are caught using illegals, the Federal fine is up to $25,000 only. If the punishment is you get shot, I'm sure your illegal immigrant population would drop 50% right off the bat.

Also, when these illegals get caught, they don't really care. They get deported, then pays I believe around $2000 to a Coyote to get back over here.

I used to manage a warehouse with 45 illegal workers. They all use fake SSN, during pay day, a white van comes over to cash their checks without ID, the van takes about 2% off the check.

It can't be stopped unless a harsher punishment is enforced to companies who "hire" illegals.

Oh, and the racial profiling crap is so much bs. It's not like asking for some proper identification is a bad thing. In fact, it's practiced in many other countries. First one that pops in my head is Hong Kong. Their Patrol Officers has the right to ask anyone walking on the street for their ID, you never hear them complain about that do you?

Anyway, just my 2 cents.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Prove_It_NOW

I have heard a lot of this said lately regarding Illegal Immigrants.

I was wondering how this would sound as an excuse for any other criminal act or even a lowly misdemeanor. I don't think I've ever heard it used to excuse any other crime or breaking of the law.

"Officer...I stole that man's car because I wanted a better life!" hmmm...nope that doesn't sound right.

"Your Honor...I submit my Defendant robbed the bank because he was poor...and just wanted a better life"....nope....that doesn't work either.

"Your Honor....they broke into the house and stole jewelry because they just wanted a better life"...nope

"Officer...I was just speeding because I needed to get to my girlfriends house for a helps me have a better life"....not that either.

"Officer....I'm driving drunk because I temporarily thought it would lead to a better life. I also sell crack and make a lot of money....for a better life of course."

So now that we see that cannot fly for an excuse, please STOP ALL PRETENDING it will jibe with REALITY.

Illegal Immigration...more than anything is a crime of RESOURCE. Yes, there are resources that every nation possesses. Some more than others depending on location. This is why we started TRADING between nations. Why entire economies were built around TRADE.

A nation allocates certain RESOURCES to it's citizens. It is done by Census, City Planning, State planning, budgets, banks, business. Just about EVERYTHING a nation and it's government does evolves around the need of it's citizens...even allocated Representatives to Congress.

Nationality is not about PRIDE in your Government, because politicians and Governments make bad choices that don't represent us. Nationality is about PRIDE in your HOST...your HOUSE. America is a HOME to it's citizens. It's our home at the MACRO level.

When a foreign entity invades, degrades, usurps, or migrates to the HOST country at an unexpected rate, RESOURCES get thrown out of alignment. RESOURCES that can be used for LEGAL hosts citizens, eventually get thrown to the ILLEGAL occupants.

Resources like jobs, hospitals, schools, taxes, property, VOTES, health care, public funds, land, hits all levels.

A lot has been said about the fact that OUR (Americas) Illegals contribute BACK as much if not more than they take. I have yet to see a study which shows this definitely...I hold my breath.

Let's take the Mexican Illegal Immigrants. It's estimated that money sent to Mexico from Illegals here, has been in the hundreds of BILLIONS, since the early 90's, the onslaught from NAFTA. Aside from Mexico's oil business, America acts as it's welfare office. We basically help float Mexico's whole economy.

Aside from what we pay in expenses HERE to combat the problem, we are propping up another country by our dollars flying out to them. I think from all the money we've given, we've deserved a few Million acres of land by now.

Illegal Immigration is about affecting another persons HOST..dismantling it's allocated RESOURCES...and THIEVERY. Yes, it's more complex, but at it's base, it's thievery of another's sovereign right to their collective funds, resources, as well as individual right to equally share in it between

So let's go to another RESOURCE....JOBS.


In another thread I posted the jobs that I have observed go out the door here in Los Angeles and greater California. Since I have lived most of my life in Los Angeles in many different neighborhoods, have lived all over California too, and know it like the back of my hand. I feel qualified to report what I KNOW to be true about our economy.

Here is just a list from the top of my head of jobs "Americans" won't do":

1) HVAC installation. Heating and air conditioning....many Illegals in that field, I know them.

A nation alloc

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:34 PM
A nation allocates certain RESOURCES to it's citizens. It is done by Census, City Planning, State planning, budgets, banks, business. Just about EVERYTHING a nation and it's government does evolves around the need of it's citizens...even allocated Representatives to Congress.

after the censes our tax went up
way to go uncle sam.. a sneeky way to see where they can raise tax

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

I just wanted to also reply to this posters response as this happened to me personally as well.

A best friend of mine, "legal" immigrant from Mexico, 2010 tax refund was $2000+.

Now this guy since he is my closest friends, I know how much he makes and how much he dishes out every month. His filing status should be exactly identical to me.

The guy went to a Mexican CPA office in Down Town L.A. Got himself $2000+ from Federal alone. While I did not do any tricks or lie about my income, I got $17 back from Federal and $400 from Obama's stimulus.

So yeah, not only their illegals are f**king up the country, the Legal Immigrants are not doing anything better.

Anyway, I digress, what's the point talking about this. It's not like things are going to change. We passed one silly law in one state, next thing you know we're getting our Red/White/Blue knocked down and VIVA Meheeko flags waving in the air.

Oh yeah didn't someone mention that they once tried to change this country's official language from English to Spanish?

Just wanted to comment that it is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my entire life time. Believe, I can stand up to some serious sick jokes, but not this one.

Oh my, it's just too much to take in, especially when you actually type this s*it out and think about it.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 01:02 AM
ok so i read just the first page of posts. i rarely respond to threads but this one got me annoyed.

first off! if you live in north america, chances are you are an IMMIGRANT
illegal immigration IS bad for the economy.
canada's health care has nothing to do with america (well not anymore cause canada's leader is following american suit)
canada will one day dehydrate the USA of water because.....we have it all mwahaha
US healthcare is a joke, and so is the OP's attitude towards his brothers and sisters around the globe.

if jose illegal will do the job for 4$ instead of 10$ then its win win....

its the american way! profit before people! and the right to screw the other guy!

you bitch and moan, "THEY TOOK 'YER JOB!" but fail to see that jose illegal and many others around the world cant sit on their fat asses eating burgerking or whatever americans eat that makes them the fattest nation in the world watching survivor or american idol or TMZ......maybe you should go get a job to work off that FAT!

if you were starving would you steal a loaf of bread? if your family was starving would you go get a job "IN AMERICA!" the land of opportunity....errr without the unity.

911, 911, 911 !! i cant go through my airport with out some jackass sending me through a full body scanner yet AMERICA cannot keep jose illegal out? BULLSH*T.....

I protest my gov't decisions and im labeled a terrorist? BULLSH*T

trust me buddy, if uncle sam didnt want jose illegal to jump the fence...... uncle sam would have that locked down tight like your little torture facility

what happens if the NAU is formed? :O OH NOES!!!!

as well as below

your country has bigger problems than illegal jose, average joe has no job, jose took it when your country destroyed its economy..... come to think of it..... it almost seems like average joe is being targeted by his own GOV'T! oh noes !!!
fema camps, terrorism, martial law, patriot act.

why does the entire world hate the USA? cause they are terrorists? cause they spread war, hate, deception, fear, and many other CANCEROUS emotions and actions.

did i call the USA cancer? OF COURSE NOT!!!! your UNEDUCATED american mind made that connection. last i heared the USA education level was closer to the bottom of the list than the top

made in america, designed to break so you are forced to fix with more crap parts. give us your GOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLD! haha to big to fail? BULLSH*T, GOV"T BAILOUT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND UNAMERICAN!
nothing NOTHING (damn no bigger font) NOTHING!!!! in the USA is too big to fail.

im figuring you get my idea here.....
i see people quote the bible on ATS so id like to say : Don't Judge, Lest you Be Judged!
or something to that effect.


this post was my daily typing exercise.... take from it what you wish, no critics please..... i just wanted to point out that i think the OP is a whiney B***** and should exhibit some EMPATHY before judging jose illegal....or at least look in the mirror.

P.S do not judge my opinion of americans by this post, i have many friends that are amercian..... i will stand against those who follow American misguided leadership.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 02:46 AM
The real reason for the Illegal Immigration push...

Everyone's focused on the hate (in general) but few are looking at the big picture. Not condoning the law aspect of the issue, but people's focus is just manipulation and distraction.

Ron Paul: A National ID Card? Outrageous!

Direct Link:

The idea is to get people so riled up and heated about Illegal immigrants so that now they have to be identified. But, since we really can't identify them, we'll have to force everyone to carry a "national ID" RFID and that way, we can find the illegals.

Note to Mods: Youtube embed failed because a "\" is automatically added to the end of the video string, but not visible while writing response.

posted on May, 20 2010 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Majestyka
ok so i read just the first page of posts. i rarely respond to threads but this one got me annoyed.

first off! if you live in north america, chances are you are an IMMIGRANT
illegal immigration IS bad for the economy.
canada's health care has nothing to do with america (well not anymore cause canada's leader is following american suit)
canada will one day dehydrate the USA of water because.....we have it all mwahaha
US healthcare is a joke, and so is the OP's attitude towards his brothers and sisters around the globe.

if jose illegal will do the job for 4$ instead of 10$ then its win win....

To start lets stop with the "all Americans are immigrants" crap ok ?
Yes we all understand that Native Americans were here before others and others were here before them and so on. Just like every other country in the world.
The discussion is within the confines of current protected borders and by the way, every other country protects it's borders so why can't the US? Even Mexico protects it's borders against illegal immigration.

you bitch and moan, "THEY TOOK 'YER JOB!" but fail to see that jose illegal and many others around the world cant sit on their fat asses eating burgerking or whatever americans eat that makes them the fattest nation in the world watching survivor or american idol or TMZ......maybe you should go get a job to work off that FAT!

How incredibly ignorant

if you were starving would you steal a loaf of bread?

And if someone tried to steal all of your food and there was no more, would you allow them to take it and starve yourself?

your country has bigger problems than illegal jose, average joe has no job,

Do you actually read what you write ?????

why does the entire world hate the USA? cause they are terrorists? cause they spread war, hate, deception, fear, and many other CANCEROUS emotions and actions.

And what country do you live in ?

did i call the USA cancer? OF COURSE NOT!!!! your UNEDUCATED american mind made that connection. last i heared the USA education level was closer to the bottom of the list than the top

made in america, designed to break so you are forced to fix with more crap parts. give us your GOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLD! haha to big to fail? BULLSH*T, GOV"T BAILOUT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND UNAMERICAN!
nothing NOTHING (damn no bigger font) NOTHING!!!! in the USA is too big to fail.

im figuring you get my idea here.....

Yes, you wanted a forum to p!ss and moan in about how America and all it's people are the scourge of the universe instead of taking responsibility for your own problems. I don't know what you think we as Americans did to you but you need to get over yourself.

i see people quote the bible on ATS so id like to say : Don't Judge, Lest you Be Judged!
or something to that effect.


Of course you want a reply....if you didn't want a reply, you wouldn't have posted it here. Your transparent attempt to inflame Americans is silly and amateurish and best.

this post was my daily typing exercise....

sure it is

take from it what you wish, no critics please.....

So what you're saying is that you want to be able to criticize everyone without anyone responding back ? Are you serious ? What world do you live in ?

i just wanted to point out that i think the OP is a whiney B***** and should exhibit some EMPATHY before judging jose illegal....or at least look in the mirror.

Actually the OP has a very good thread. I'm sure he/she does have empathy for the ILLEGALS to a point...HOWEVER, we can't feed others while our families starve either.

At this point, I find it necessary to post the following and ask that you answer the question at the bottom:

OK maybe those who are pro-illegals can understand a bit better what is going on with an analogy.

Let's say you have a very nice house that you've worked very hard for. You pay all your taxes which allow you to keep your house, your car, etc.. In other words, you've worked hard to give your family nice things and make sure they have all they need.

Little do you know but someone has sneaked into your house when you're not at home and is now living in your attic. When you're not home, they eat your food, they watch your tv, they sleep in your bed, they use your bathroom...and they even take one of your cars out and drive around town and empty the gas tank.

Now one day you've noticed that you have less then what you thought you should have based on how much money you've spent. You notice food gone, your water bill has gone up, your electrical bill has gone up, your cable tv bill has gone up, your gasoline purchases have gone up. You get suspicious and decide to look around and find that a person is living in your attic...
What do you do now ??????
Do you:
A: Invite him into your home and allow him to continue draining your finances and resources?
B: Call the cops as he is there illegally and stealing from you?

P.S do not judge my opinion of americans by this post,

So you don't want me to judge your anti-American, hate filled rant??? REALLY ???

i have many friends that are amercian..... i will stand against those who follow American misguided leadership.

So you think that there should be no borders around the world?
You think that anyone should be able to walk into any country and utilize their resources without putting anything back into the system?

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 06:48 AM
Here's a message to the illegal mexicans, get some skin whitener, then no-one will hassle you anymore.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by paranoiaFTW
Sure, lets get rid of illegals. Now, who wants to crawl down in sewer to clear a backup of feces?

There is mechanical tools for that and even robots doing that job now.

Sewer Bot

There are US workers that have worked in the sewer systems of
every major city for decades as well.

Hell they even had a reality TV show about the ones in NYC.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by harpsounds
Here's a message to the illegal mexicans, get some skin whitener, then no-one will hassle you anymore.

So you are saying the only reason we want them to go home is
the color of their skin.

Here is the fallacy in your statement.

When the economic times were booming VERY few ppl gave a damn.

The key points that made AZ pass their recent law was the killing
of a rancher, the slaughter of several girls like cattle, and Phoenix
becoming the kidnap capital of the US.

Other factors are there for sure, and I am sure there are some
racists out there, but it is NOT the only issue on the table.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

You will never in a million years find these same politicians pointing towards who is covering and hiring these illegals. Oh no no no, they want you to continue to be distracted.

You are totally correct, they are pulling yet another Houdini on us.

In a long list of Houdini moves dealing with fraud, corruption, and
flat out thievery.

They re-write the rules to suit their corrupt cronies in and out of the gov.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
reply to post by Exuberant1

You have to be the change, and a world without borders, non-nwo style, with grass roots empowerment and equality from the bottom up, compassion for all is instrinsic.

In a world with "no borders" that means all the poor ppl in the world
can show up "right here".

When you get this unchecked influx of ppl from over 100 countries
you will find the following problems:

1) not enough jobs to go around

2) the migrant workers ship large portions of their income back to their
native country thus taking more money out of the local econmy.

3) increased load on infrastructure such as utilities, water, food, gas,
roads, schools, hospitals.

( example 50+ large hospitals decided to close their doors in California
due to ppl not paying their medical bills, a large portion being poor
migrant workers )

4) influx of non-native diseases like west nile.

5) open borders lead to a large increase in drug trafficking, and
I am talking hard drugs, like the powders.

6) a different set of school books and teachers for each different language?
That is already being forced in some states, ie. non-integration into
the society and its language.

7) racism - all races show racism towards other races, not all members,
but definitely large portions.

[edit on 21-5-2010 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 10:00 AM
Yep.. it's a hostile takeover. All good reasons above to Nuke Mexico.. we could use a new state anyway.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
Yep.. it's a hostile takeover. All good reasons above to Nuke Mexico.. we could use a new state anyway.

Dude, please don't interject stuff like that in my thread. It's uncalled for on many levels.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Prove_It_NOW

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
Yep.. it's a hostile takeover. All good reasons above to Nuke Mexico.. we could use a new state anyway.

Dude, please don't interject stuff like that in my thread. It's uncalled for on many levels.

LOL ! Of course I was kidding. I was trying to illustrate the seriousness of how the problem must be addressed. No one is doing that. Arizona has a great idea, but it seems they are alone in the fight.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Okay, I just don't like talk of "nuking" people. There are people dead serious on Nuking whole nations for the actions of a few that post online...and I don't know you well enough to know if you're joking.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Prove_It_NOW

The reason our kids can't get summer jobs, is because the illegal immigrants have taken all the jobs. Americans are more than willing to work, but our jobs have been given away to criminals.

There should be mandatory jail sentences for the highest official of any company or corporation which employ illegal immigrants.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 06:58 PM
and then they protested using the Mexican Flag and your point is...?
this side of the border is America. you want to pick fruit get a migrant worker visa. whats the big deal....? but bring your flag to protest about the use of my tax dollars... well... what do you have to say about that...?

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by jfj123

The discussion is within the confines of current protected borders and by the way, every other country protects it's borders so why can't the US? Even Mexico protects it's borders against illegal immigration.

i asked the very same question......

How incredibly ignorant

or an incredible stereotype..... again the post was supposed to be incredibly outlandish

And if someone tried to steal all of your food and there was no more, would you allow them to take it and starve yourself?

your hypothetical situation lends credit to you being a selfish person..... personally i have a large garden in my backyard that produces more than enough food for me and my own. someone who is hungry or even starving would not have to steal as i would be more than happy to share.

Do you actually read what you write ?????

Originally posted by Majestyka

so no i did not.....

And what country do you live in ?

i dont think that matters..... the point was the USA is hypocritical in their actions and policies to the point where it is now become an obvious negative on its own people and the rest of the world more than any other country. i find the parallels between Nazi policy and US policy to be disturbing.

Yes, you wanted a forum to p!ss and moan in about how America and all it's people are the scourge of the universe instead of taking responsibility for your own problems. I don't know what you think we as Americans did to you but you need to get over yourself.

i dont need to piss and moan about america.....most americans are actually nice people. i doubt you can speak for the entire american populous, let alone assume you did something to me personally. on that note we as inhabitants of earth could do without uncle sam trying to "protect us". as for getting over myself.... i dont think im better than you, smarter than you, or any other quality for that matter..... but i do think there is a better way than the powers that be within america

Of course you want a reply....if you didn't want a reply, you wouldn't have posted it here. Your transparent attempt to inflame Americans is silly and amateurish and best.

no i didnt.... nor was this an attempt to piss anybody off. i agree it was silly and amateurish, i hope it made you laugh! im not a professional comedian so of course it was amateurish. i agree it was the best post though
........... just laugh and stop taking yourself and things like this that are beyond your control so serious!

this post was my daily typing exercise....

sure it is

HA ok you got me...... what do you want? an apology? heck....aliens made me do it!

So what you're saying is that you want to be able to criticize everyone without anyone responding back ? Are you serious ? What world do you live in ?

i didnt criticize anyone except the OP for his belligerance towards jose illegal. i agree that illegal immigration is undesirable and a negative influence but it is not jose who is the source of the problem. treat the disease NOT the symptom.
was i serious in my first post? YES serious about the community not taking it seriously.
and the world i live in.....has many issues. one example being the former superpower of the USA putting profits before people yet their deficit has crippled the world.


posted on May, 21 2010 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Let's say you have a very nice house that you've worked very hard for. You pay all your taxes which allow you to keep your house, your car, etc.. In other words, you've worked hard to give your family nice things and make sure they have all they need.

'nuff said.... before i answer such a loaded question why dont you define the difference between a need and a want.

from what i can understand..... the real reason you can have all those luxuries is at the expense of people like jose illegal. so if the question becomes something like:
I have all the luxuries and toys and fun stuff ect..... and i have a jose illegal AND his wife fu-man-chu living in the attic who unknowingly sarcificed their luxuries through US policy or their own country's policy. bla bla bla eating food driving my car bla bla bla what would i do when i find them??

simple really obviously im not using my attic so id be ok with them living up there and maybe ill even pay them to do the housekeeping, so that me and my family can go play with the toys. i know you are calling BS on me right now but honestly if they were happy, my family was happy..... WHY NOT. there are more important things than simple luxuries. or help them become LEGAL citizens find jobs and the like....

you say but thats not the world we live in........... i agree

money is a funny cant take it with you. also money cant teach experience. money=bad but thats a whole new thread

So you don't want me to judge your anti-American, hate filled rant??? REALLY ???

no i dont, just like who am i to judge the OP's hate filled anti-illegal rant....

So you think that there should be no borders around the world? You think that anyone should be able to walk into any country and utilize their resources without putting anything back into the system?

AFGAHNISTAN, IRAQ...... need i say more? this just boils down to "why can't everyone just share?" many 7 year olds already understand that concept and post videos on youtube explaining to the world that they (the world) are making life much more difficult than it needs to be.

again this comment lends credit to you being a greedy and selfish person. whats MINE IS MINE. when fundamentally "Monkeys killing Monkeys over pieces of the ground...."

i would like to apologize for this long long long post but i hope this has enlightened you to why my post was not to be taken seriously....and if you had taken my advice, you would have saved youself time and maybe had a laugh about how silly and trivial the worlds problems are in the big picture.

im talking big picture like......tommorrow asteriod hits earth 95% of human life GONE..... did illegal immigration really matter? did the size of your house really matter? did spending time with your son, daughter, sister, brother, mother, or father in those final moments matter?

everyone that reads the next line should do exactly what it says and you will be helping the world to be a better place.


come back tomorrow

edit: spelling correction

[edit on 21-5-2010 by Majestyka]

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