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“Joe Legal” and “Jose Illegal”

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posted on May, 14 2010 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by ker2010

Originally posted by jaden_x

They are here to take over our towns. We must stop this Illegal Invasion.

I bet that's what the natives said.

How about this, stop them from coming in and make Joe illegal a legal.
He would be punished just like anyone if he didn't pay his taxes.

Isn't that what it's all about, living the same way as you?
Problem solved.

So the people who became legals the right way were stupid huh?
Thats really fair to them huh? BTW the natives didnt have a nation with laws.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by ker2010]

You just proved how ignorant you are. Ummm how can I say this, let me see, WRONG. Natives did have laws. Just because they did't match your idea of what a law is supposed to be doesn't make them any less real than yours.

So if you want to play it that way then you're breaking one of their most sacred laws. That being the law that you don't own any land. You ask the earth if you can borrow land for the short time you are on this rock.

[edit on 14-5-2010 by conspiracy88]

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Rockstrongo37
reply to post by MexicanTexan

Hey thanks for the comments on my ability to form sentences. Anyway back to the subject.

"There are hard numbers out there from reputable sources that can show that illegal's immigrants pay more than 10,000,000,000 in taxes a year. They buy local goods and infuse money in to their local economies. Many migrant workers do not come here to cheat the system, many come here to play the game the best way they can."

This thought that your showing here is a justification of the breaking of immigration laws because "many come here to play the game the best way they can."

But that simply isn't true. The best way they can is the legal way. Being here illegally isn't the best way at all.

The end's don't justify the means. We are a nation of laws, and when those laws are broken and the rest of us enable these "illegal aliens" to continue breaking them, we lose our national identity and security.

And for a final thought to you sir, I highly doubt you employ anyone, and that you got your information from Wikipedia or some other blog perhaps because much of what you say is very passionate but doesn't hold actual fact, especially concerning the "10,000,000,000" in taxes.

I do hope these "sentences" meet your approval.

National identity?

Please tell me what our "National Identity" is.

As far as me using Wiki....all my posts are from personal experience. You can doubt what you like.

Here are just a few sources relating to the 10b number..

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by A Novel

I'll pass on the facebook thing.

I can't stand speaking with educated nincompoops who lack the ability to understand that the dept they have put themselves in getting those worthless degrees that will serve them with no more opportunity than perhaps a bank cashier job if they are lucky.

Nice job on absolutely waisting a depositors money with your student loans and i hope you truly enjoy paying them off for the rest of your life.

But let me educate you on a few things. It is a well known fact that SS will not be around for that much longer so any Mexican illegal paying into it under a fake SS will never see any benefit to the taxes he has paid.

The federal income tax goes to absolutely nothing but interest on money borrowed by the US government from a private bank. When a person pays income tax not one sent EVER goes to the country.

The only taxes that help your country are sales and gas and other taxed good like liquor and cigarettes.

Everyone who makes a buck in the us I don't care how illegal you are pays taxes.

Illegals also by homes and create liquidity in credit markets. I'm sure you know this tho being you are a nurse.


posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:05 AM
Give credit where credit is due, America founded by many nationalities yet constructed by the Kingdom of Great Britain has fallen to its feet on understanding . Yes America has changed, It does not look like the 1700s 1800s early 1900s yet we can still look at our money and see the old America . But on a more reality note, America must make new roads in the southwest once it gets over populated . But by then Nasa may be on mars and we all will be happy

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:09 AM
I have to weigh in here, Illegal is illegal and they should not get front of line privileges. This is not fair to all those that are following the approved process. Deport and let them apply for re-entry LEGALLY. I live in Arizona and happen to agree with the law for ALL immigrants not “Hispanics only” as all are trying to make this out to be.

In the new Healthcare bill it has been decided not to allow Abortions using government funds (Tax payer Dollars). I don't want my hard earned tax dollars funding illegal immigrants either. If you want them to be here and believe that we should NOT enforce the laws then you should start a fund that adds an additional 30% or more of taxes to your pay (yes that is on-top of your U.S. obligation). They should also move those immigrants to the States that are boycotting Arizona and put the burden squarely on them and their citizens.

Not one Illegal deserves a dime of my money (unless I donate to them personally, then that is my choice). The Taxes collected in this country are meant to fund "US Citizens" in need and trust me we have enough of those right now.

I have to ask honestly, how many of you would willingly hand over your cash out of your pocket to an Illegal or would you opt-out? Most of the population "opts-out" when they see our own homeless asking for help. Why are you so willing to let someone essentially breaking into our home and then letting them live with you and pay all their bills?

If you’re still thinking that the Illegal’s still deserves YOUR money then maybe you should invite them into your home and take them on as a dependent or start a fund drive for illegal support. I am just saying.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:10 AM
It is illegal to be an illegal alien. If something is illegal, its illegal and it is the duty of this government to see to it that this law is enforced and the borders protected.

Don't like it then let your representatives know you want it repealed - good luck with that - they find it much easier to ignore than face the flood of criticism.

Until that time however, it is still illegal to be an illegal alien irregardless of where you have come from illegally.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by AndersonLee

But by then Nasa may be on mars and we all will be happy

I can not wait to see everyone's face when they finally learn that there is indeed life beyond Earth....

Since the beginning Mexicans have been jumping all kinds of borders and populating the universe.

Mars is all ready full of Mexicans, Don't even ask about the moon


posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:17 AM
Reply to post by Izarith

Lol my student loans? I have none. I currently work 40 hours a week for a beverage coming making 45000 a year and currently take three classes. I admit I didn't have a job my first two years of school because my parents had helped me, but since that money has run out I work hard. I used to be full time and hopefully will graduate spring 2011 when soon after I will apply to a masters program.

far as a library goes I guarantee I have read more books than you have ever touched. Currently just finished an international literature class where we read 12 books from 12 different countries.(All translated of course)

I guarantee I am by far more educated than you will ever be and am friends with more educated people than you could ever imagine.

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posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by A Novel

Yeah! Well my dad can beat the snot out of yours!

Recess is over kids

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:21 AM
Reply to post by Izarith

Lol and your trying to give me a lesson on interest and taxes. I think you are the one that needs to sit through at least an intermediate accounting course.

Here I went and dug up this website that one of my friends sent me. Check it out. Breaks down a lot of stuff with sources.

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posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:23 AM
first of all lets not FORGET WE ALL CAME FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY... whether or not it was 2 or 200 years ago... by will or otherwise. AS AMERICANS we should be treating immigrants as we would our forefathers coming into this country... so tighten up the immigration system.. streamline.. stricter guide lines... punish those who "pay under the table"... let not forget big corps who move their operations OFFSHORE TO EVADE AMERICAN TAXES. they know how to rake in big profits and how to evade THE IRS. it must be a nice thing to not have to worry about paying all those big bad US Taxes. so don't blame the people who thought the SAME WAY AS YOUR PREDECESSORS, that by coming to this country and through hard work that they too can live a good life free and independent! LONG LIVE THE REPUBLIC! the system is crooked beyond redemption.... wake up! stop being so naive.. they guy picking up hard labor jobs for peanuts in front of your local home depot doesn't live anywhere near as comfortably as JOE LEGAL... OH!!! They're stealing all the good jobs like picking tomatoes... and cleaning bathrooms.... oh my, the humanity of it all!! are you serious..? guess what, in my city i've seen (what appears to be) a white red blooded american beggar on the same street as an illegal immigrant selling fruit... no who's got more of the AMERICAN SPIRIT... the guy begging or the guy sweating his ass off to provide for his/her family?... i leave it to you AMERICA... you decide....AND DON'T FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM....

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Johnze
Ummm the fact is, it is racism,

As a qualified Nazi destroyer, I do fail to see how the concept of suitable border protection strategies is racist. The way you perceive or speak of another race may be racist but having a humane and controlled border protection strategy is not. The USA isn't an anarchist nation after all...

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:29 AM
Reply to post by Izarith

Immigration causes average wage decline of $1,700

Hispanic and black Americans were hurt most by the influx of foreign-born workers, says a report by Harvard University's George Borjas, considered a leading authority on the impact of immigration....

"What past immigration has done -- and what the temporary worker program will continue to do on a potentially larger scale -- is to depress wages and increase profits of the firms that employ the immigrants," Borjas said. "The reduction in earnings occurs regardless of whether the immigrants are legal or illegal, permanent or temporary. It is the presence of additional workers that reduces wages, not their legal status."

Just a lttle piece of one article of thousands. But I'm sure your local library has educated you far beyond that as a harvard

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posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by A Novel

I guarantee I am by far more educated than you will ever be and am friends with more educated people than you could ever imagine.

I never said you were not more educated than I was. I was just trying to help you understand that your still as dumb as a rock and anyone who hires you will be getting an overrated retard.

How about you stop regurgitating other people's regurgitation's and learn how to think and use the education you receive instead of talking how many books you have read and translated.

I man think about it It's educated people like you who have run this country into the ground with your advanced macro, micro BS.

If you did not go to MIT or Harvard, Cambridge, your mediocre dude, realise it and stop getting your juices off on a guy like me that dropped out of the 7th grade to make yourself feel important.

That translates to "GET A LIFE".

I respond to your post with a different angel on the monies earned from Mexicans and all you want to do is talk about how smart and educated you are on top of saying I know of no such thing as Mexicans buying products in the US.



posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by SWCCFAN

I had to register for this one, but it just boiled in me.

Joe Legal is an idiot, who has Chihuahua sized ticks attached to his children. Joe has been watching too much MSM and doesn't realize he is the very core of the problem to a socialist nightmare.

Joe is toiling, whilst Moby-Tick is busy sucking him so much so, his skin is dapper and grey. It is Joe, and his silly neighbors who feed the parasite and continue this charade.

Not until Joe realizes the genius Jose has already grasped will there be a change in direction. For now, poor Joe (and his neighbor Jim, Tom, Bill, and Bob) are busy pulling the socialist dream onward and upward.

Just STOP Joe! There truly is a place in Galt's Gulch for everyone (both Jose and Joe (but I confess I love Jose's fine work disabling the parasite)).

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by A Novel

Immigration causes average wage decline of $1,700

Well duh LOL.

It's a well known fact that choosing an illegal to fix your roof will decrees the wage of a normal professional roofer.

It should not take a Harvard professor to realise that one.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the illegal worker still pays taxes even if wages have been decreased.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:36 AM
Reply to post by WWJFKD

Lol I actually can guarantee that is not true. But my father is also on facebook if your dad would like to hit that up in the form of 6'4 and 300lbs. My famil breeds big men. I'm also on facebook if anyone wants to hit me up. Send me a message and I would gladly add you and debate there while I'm in class on an actual laptop. I refuse to visit this site on my laptop at school.

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posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by A Novel

Lol and your trying to give me a lesson on interest and taxes. I think you are the one that needs to sit through at least an intermediate accounting course.

I have it was a waist of my money. All I did in class was work, it's nothing to brag about.

Accounting is simple arithmetic dude. The hardest thing i had to do while accounting was multiply a fraction that's it.

A monkey being tested with a new pharma drug could do accounting.

You should know this smart guy.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:39 AM
Reply to post by Izarith

Of course you did not actually read the page.

Selective reading really plagues this site.

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posted on May, 14 2010 @ 02:49 AM
In my opinion, even though they are illegally crossing the border, and that the laws should be enforced on them, we should look at the root of the problem.
Like many here have said, the living conditions back in the slums Mexico are way worse compared to what they can get in the slums of the USA. There's a huge difference between making 5$ a day, and 5$ an hour. They're all human beings like you, don't be paranoid they're not here to take over your land, they just want a normal life, and they're in a situation that the only way to make it possible is to cross the border illegally.
I'm not supporting the way they get in, I'm just being empathic because they're doing what is needed to survive is all, and I agree, fine the people who employ the illegals, after all if they have no jobs to go to once they cross the border, then there's no point and they might stay where they came from, but suffer the terrible way of life they have back there.

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