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Protesters attempt to storm Irish parliament

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posted on May, 12 2010 @ 12:39 PM

Police say officers staffing the wrought-iron gates drew batons and forced back several dozen protesters. They said the protesters' injuries were minor and none were arrested.

Tens of billions' worth of dud property loans are being transferred from five Irish banks to a new government-run "bad bank." The government also has bought multi-billion stakes in Allied Irish Banks and Bank of Ireland.

things are really beginning to gain momentum now... civil unrest is becoming more and more a problem for western nations... this is an omen of things to come i assure you all...

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

Seriously, it is chaotic, the news that come in day by day, is unlike anything I have witnessed in my life time.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by TheCoffinman

Same thread already started here.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 12:57 PM
I dont think there will be any riots on the streets of dublin the people of ireland ( Im irish and living in dublin) are to stupid and lazy to do anything to stand up to this goverment, as long as the irish have their pubs drugs tv and football then the the goverment is safe and if the people do start to get pissed of then they will reduce the price of alcohol and cigerate to keep us thick paddies happy I hate what my people have become

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 12:57 PM
well yes, but no, well you see i watched the news and it had stuff in it about he said this and he said that, football were even the fans don't care to turn up to watch it and lots of stuff about the weather but nothing about a protest.

we sheep simply don't protest we are over worked looking for the next bit of grass to eat that we don't care if we are about to be driven to the market, live for the second, get that blade of grass before it's gone.

please stop upsetting us by talking about mint source else we will run and hide in the corner of the field.


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