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Calling all witnesses of reptilian shape shifting

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posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 07:01 PM
ja reply to: crowdedskies

Hi; Yes, I've seen a few eye changes up close. The first time I actually didn't believe I saw what I saw, but then I realized I did. I'm not going to go into it much, but the first one the man (!) was very angry with me. It was a beautiful day noon, and I was about 2 feet from him. My back was to the sun, his face towards it. All of a sudden, his eyes were black with a brown slit through them. I was yelling at him (we were arguing at this point), and when I realized what I saw, I shut up, thinking, "Am I seeing this, yes, I AM seeing this, am I really, yes, yes, I am..." I was just stunned. He realized I saw and put his head down and I walked away, fully realizing that I saw a non-human (or something). Anyway, for a couple of years I kept away from him, but I had seen another one, accepted it, and talked to him afterwards. He knew I knew, but I just kind of accepted it for what it was.

The other one was a friend. She was an elderly woman, and I saw her eyes change a couple of times. She was really nice person, well, she tried to be...I think she was trying to change her nature, to be honest. Well, a few times when she was evil acting, I would say, "Madeline, your reptilian is showing~!" and she would chill. This from a woman in her 80's. Very strange relationship we had. I always wanted to ask her about it, but I held back. Before she died, though (she was diagnosed with Stage 4 stomach cancer), she did come up to my place, knocked on the door, and when I answered it, she was "different." I felt so much malice and evil emanating from her, I just looked at her (she was different, I can't explain). We both didn't say a word, she was looking and me, and I was getting very frightened, and shut the door. She must have sensed (I have heard that they are psychic, maybe she knew I was curious about it), and gave me this "gift" of seeing how she really could be, before she died. She died a month later. Actually, it still gives me the chills when I think about it.

Anyway, I have seen a few more strange things, and realize that if I want to open my eyes, I can see more. (I also was very psychic as a child, but my friend and I scared ourselves when we were children, and I shut that door). I'm already older, and to be honest, I really don't want to see them.

Anyway, that's my story.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: sunnie733

You revived a very old post and thank you for your story.

By now everybody should realise that we do not look like our brain suggests. Occasionally , we see the real creature.

posted on Feb, 19 2018 @ 04:43 AM

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