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The Mighty Leeds Utd Clinch Promotion.

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posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:07 PM
We have done great things this season. We played 3 premiership clubs and impressed at every turn. We knocked out scumchecter utd at their own ground, we were rolling in our lower league being in 1st place for months and today we finally got promoted!
There isnt any other team in any other division that can say they have had a better season then ours. Not gloating, its just that, after all the crap we have been through, leeds have done incredibly well this season and i'm just fricking happy!


+Beckford...i love you. I really do, with all my heart love you! MWAH!!

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 09:44 PM
I can name a team that has had a slightly better season than Leeds. They play in yellow and green and won the league by a clear 9 points!

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 11:40 PM
Not a Leeds man myself but its great to see a traditional big club return from the dead.
Read Dammned United a good read about Clough and Leeds.
THey once had a great team tough as nails and smooth as polished leather all in one.
Dirty dirty Leeds.

posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by sightings

Yes, but did you play as many games as us? No. Did you beat Scum? No. Did you sit at the top of the league for majority of the season? No.

Grtz on being promoted but...naw, your season doesnt compare


posted on Jun, 24 2010 @ 07:26 PM
Leeds certainly played more games than Norwich in the season because of your FA Cup run. We took over from you at the top after about 27 games into the season so we were top for nearly all the second half of the season. You had a great start but we only had 10 points after the first 10 games. We actually accumulated 85 points from a possible 108 in the 36 matches after that.

Yes Leeds had some great games such as the win over Man Utd. It will be an interesting season in the Championship starting soon.


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