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Wall Streeters’ Chain Email Reveals They’re Even Worse People Than We Thought

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posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:14 AM
Source: Email

Go ahead and continue to take us down, but you're only going to hurt yourselves. What's going to happen when we can't find jobs on the Street anymore? Guess what: We're going to take yours. We get up at 5am & work till 10pm or later. We're used to not getting up to pee when we have a position. We don't take an hour or more for a lunch break. We don't demand a union. We don't retire at 50 with a pension. We eat what we kill, and when the only thing left to eat is on your dinner plates, we'll eat that.

For years teachers and other unionized labor have had us fooled. We were too busy working to notice. Do you really think that we are incapable of teaching 3rd graders and doing landscaping? We're going to take your cushy jobs with tenure and 4 months off a year and whine just like you that we are so-o-o-o underpaid for building the youth of America. Say goodbye to your overtime and double time and a half. I'll be hitting grounders to the high school baseball team for $5k extra a summer, thank you very much.

So now that we're going to be making $85k a year without upside, Joe Mainstreet is going to have his revenge, right? Wrong! Guess what: we're going to stop buying the new 80k car, we aren't going to leave the 35 percent tip at our business dinners anymore. No more free rides on our backs. We're going to landscape our own back yards, wash our cars with a garden hose in our driveways. Our money was your money. You spent it. When our money dries up, so does yours.

We aren't dinosaurs. We are smarter and more vicious than that, and we are going to survive. The question is, now that Obama & his administration are making Joe Mainstreet our food supply…will he? and will they?

... douchebags, enough said.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:24 AM
Speaks for itself.
What elitist, condescening jerks, afraid they might have to actually produce and work. Note the snotty references to "average Joe".
This exactly why these vermin cannot be trusted, why the "free market" is a joke.
Regulate these jerks, we cannot allow people with not ethics to police themselves. Talk about a sense of entitlement.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Vicious Jones

This is simply bait designed to piss people off in general.

Belongs in the trash bin.

No-one can think rationally if they are angry.

When things get tough, dont take the bait because it has someone on the end of the line just waiting for you.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:34 AM
He must be referring to illegal aliens, because Joe Mainstreet works in a factory making the water hose, the parts for the car, makes home building materials, and builds the equipment for landscaping work.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:34 AM
I think these guys are great. If people only wake up to the real scam that the unions have pushed on the rest of America. I have worked as a waiter and you know who left the big tips, it wasn't the guys wearing the yellow construction gear or the teachers who came for a lunch break. Infact the above parties were nothing but complainers.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

never said I was angry, I just think that who ever put this out is an ###hat. If I were angry I would have ranted and raved about how wrong and f-ed up wall streeters are, but I don't care. They're just more people with their head up their bum sellin their souls for rolls, just like the majority of people, their actions just happen to screw over more people than the rest of us.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Vicious Jones
reply to post by XXXN3O

never said I was angry, I just think that who ever put this out is an ###hat. If I were angry I would have ranted and raved about how wrong and f-ed up wall streeters are, but I don't care. They're just more people with their head up their bum sellin their souls for rolls, just like the majority of people, their actions just happen to screw over more people than the rest of us.

I was not referring to you in particular, also I am referring to the email itself being bait to anger others.

Sorry Chief, nothing untoward intended.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by XXXN3O

Originally posted by Vicious Jones
reply to post by XXXN3O

never said I was angry, I just think that who ever put this out is an ###hat. If I were angry I would have ranted and raved about how wrong and f-ed up wall streeters are, but I don't care. They're just more people with their head up their bum sellin their souls for rolls, just like the majority of people, their actions just happen to screw over more people than the rest of us.

I was not referring to you in particular, also I am referring to the email itself being bait to anger others.

Sorry Chief, nothing untoward intended.

no worries buddy, just as much my misunderstanding.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by Vicious Jones


I used to provide IT to dealers (won't say where) and at the end of the year we ran the payroll (yup it was so long ago that we hadn't outsourced to India) and the operators rang me overnight to say it had failed.

They (with a little unofficial traing0)had worked out that the bonus field had exceeded 999,999 - that is - was over a million for one of the dealers.

To be honest - because of what he and his team had brought in to the bank;

a) we had jobs
b) everyone of my team (including myself) enjoyed a bonus (albeit very much less).

Sure some of the dealers were animals but they tended to be the 'electronic barrow boys' - twenty something or others who were after a quick kill. Ironically most burnt themselves out and couldn't sustain the pressure, the pretence of keeping up appearances and most were out the door by 25 or so...

So yes - their view on life maybe not yours nor mine but....when the markets crashed (many years ago) everyone was right-sized, downsized, outsourced.....


posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by CAPT PROTON
He must be referring to illegal aliens, because Joe Mainstreet works in a factory making the water hose, the parts for the car, makes home building materials, and builds the equipment for landscaping work.

you mean Joe Chinesesman working in the factory in Beijing making the parts, or joe mexican down south building the parts for the car.... you get my drift

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:59 AM
They want to do all that hard labor?

Be our guest.

From the looks of the letter, whoever wrote it will probably end up tying their shoes wrong and tripping over themselves.

They appear somewhat uneducated and irrational.

I see a definite lack of understanding in their terminology and syntax.

There is a lot of facets of the equation they are failing to consider.

Good show though.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by The Wave

thanks for the post, I think you put forth a good point and while I agree with OldDragger to an extent

Originally posted by OldDragger

Speaks for itself.
What elitist, condescening jerks, afraid they might have to actually produce and work. Note the snotty references to "average Joe".
This exactly why these vermin cannot be trusted, why the "free market" is a joke.
Regulate these jerks, we cannot allow people with not ethics to police themselves. Talk about a sense of entitlement.

I think it is also important to realize that this email wasn't sent by every W.Streeter there is, I am sure there are plenty who are perfectly pleasant individuals who as mentioned in the email bring in jobs and money for many others. That is not to say though that they don't need regulation. Its the system that's screwy not necessarily the people.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by Vicious Jones]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by prionace glauca

I see it both ways. This administration and the Democratic Party in general have pushed the “evil rich” agenda very hard, so put yourself in their shoes. They work 16 hours a day because they do not get paid unless they can personally make money. In that 16 hours they can lose money easier than gain, but they still do well all based on their own merits.

Now along comes Obama who it seems to blame everything on them and puts the burden of repayment of spending out of control on their shoulders alone to bare, s o I can see why they write such emails. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government agencies and the Democrats were the ones that pushed these agencies to give EVERYONE a loan, and the key issue to most of our problems, but the government has zero focus on them…why? So let’s not focus on where we really need to focus and go after the hardworking no excuse guy that has done good.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:06 AM
Well since we don't know who wrote it, I doubt it came from anyone credible.

First off, the problem isn't just wall street itself, it is investment firms fudging and fudging and fudging numbers. So yea, it is their fault.

Secondly, if they are one of the wall street people, they don't end up with landscaping jobs. You are too overqualified, why would a landscaper want a broker? Or investment banker? Not to mention these peopel have enough money to keep them for awhile.

I was a waitress at a hotel. I can tell you that most of the cheap bastards didn't tip 35%. I think I witnessed it once in a year.

I could go on.

I call this a hoax.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by nixie_nox]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
reply to post by prionace glauca

I see it both ways. This administration and the Democratic Party in general have pushed the “evil rich” agenda very hard, so put yourself in their shoes. They work 16 hours a day because they do not get paid unless they can personally make money. In that 16 hours they can lose money easier than gain, but they still do well all based on their own merits.

Now along comes Obama who it seems to blame everything on them and puts the burden of repayment of spending out of control on their shoulders alone to bare, s o I can see why they write such emails. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government agencies and the Democrats were the ones that pushed these agencies to give EVERYONE a loan, and the key issue to most of our problems, but the government has zero focus on them…why? So let’s not focus on where we really need to focus and go after the hardworking no excuse guy that has done good.

Are you telling me your Union Laborers and Teachers are hard working people who have never sought to benefit from their contracts but rather looked to help others with the services they offered?

[edit on 6-5-2010 by prionace glauca]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Vicious Jones

Hi again,

I agree though regulation actually doesn't seem to work and here is the nub of the argument - those tasked with governing and monitoring the financial institutes are never held accountable (and they too command massive salries and emoluments).

Quite recently I had to work on getting a global organisation through accreditation for Sabranes Oxley (ironically, introduced by the same crap auditors who had failed to spot 'minor' inconsistencies in Enron and Worlcom).

So what happens? Those at the top try a different way of making money - hence the recent recesssion/crash. Unfortunately money rules all and for dealers - it is their raison d'etre.


posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by prionace glauca

Are you telling me your Union Laborers and Teachers hard working people who have never sought to benefit from their contracts but rather looked to help others with the services they offered?

What? Why is everything all or nothing? I have no issues with anyone that works, I just don't point fingers at those who do well and scream EVIL!

But don't get me started on Unions. I have seen little good come from them in the last 50 years and they drive business to become unprofitable and uncompetitive, and in the end actually hurt the "worker".

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
What? Why is everything all or nothing? I have no issues with anyone that works, I just don't point fingers at those who do well and scream EVIL!

But don't get me started on Unions. I have seen little good come from them in the last 50 years and they drive business to become unprofitable and uncompetitive, and in the end actually hurt the "worker".

Its not all or nothing, I don't see how you got that from my posts. I was highlighting the other end from what the OP was trying to get responses for. As far wall street goes, when are we going to take down the real gangsters of Wall Street, Fannie and Freddie MAC. The MAC'Daddies are opening their coffers again for a taxpayer bailout. I thought the dems were actually trying to end the bailouts, but Uncle Freddie is back & he never gave up on his binge of wasting taxpayers money.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:19 AM
Whoever wrote this is an uneducated ASS with VERY LITTLE real world experience!

Honestly, these financial types would be eaten alive in the real world. The author apparently thinks that we should be impressed that they have sold their soul to the devil, committed a type of legalized theft, and amount to nothing more than stuffed shirt corporate mouthpieces!
Most of these fools wouldn't know how to even start a lawn mower, let alone operate it!

Besides, people want to hire people with morals and integrity - that would eliminate most of these thieves right off the nickle. Good luck selling pencils on the corner - LOSER!

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 11:24 AM
Believe it, people, see, Obama and congress needs your tax payer again dollars to bailout the unions and government employees now, with not restrictions state taxes increases and neither salaries cut and can go on for ever, At least the State to benefit the most is California where an union worker employee can make from 100 thousand to 200

Open you wallets because the Local Jobs for America Act, H.R. 4812.

Yes, now that our corporate government have all of us under their belt as slaves we will be use to bailout about anything that is under government protection but us main street America.

Obamaown to union workers and Acorn this one.

We bailed out the financial, the wealthy investments, the insurance companies with the HCR and now the union and government workers.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by marg6043]

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