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US Soldiers: the jackboots

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posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Darkrunner
reply to post by aorAki

IMO, anyone owning stock, serving as an advisor to, or having relatives in any of these companies should be ineligible for public office of any kind.

That would be a start..
That opinion should be the law of the land. Any system that allows that type of profiteering causes the distrust many people have toward the military.
It's simply not fair to lay the blame for a corrupt system on the average soldier. Of course they're not perfect, but they aren't the villains either.
No matter what bad things I hear about, I know the military still has plenty of the kind of righteous warriors I admire.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 01:33 AM
reply to post by Chakotay

Thanks!! You're my first adversary too

Finest fighting force???
... sorry mate, they're gettin their @$$e$ handed to them by flower farmers.

From Wiki

Psychopathy (pronounced /saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1][2]) is a personality disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct, masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal.

The Lions Phalanx:

These soldiers are our Fathers, Mothers, brothers, & sisters out there fighting so that we sit here in our office and sip coffee comfortably discussing world topics and consperacy. THEY are not to blame!

Perhaps. But they're still psychopaths. Being a trained member of the US military demands it. Need i look further than the recent Wkileaks video for PROOF that it's turning soldiers into psychopaths?

Doesn't it really gall you that your government is doing that to your loved ones?

Thanks, thats quite a challenge.

Too much high technology in the hands of barbarians and unchecked leadership. If you were dropped into one of these other nations, you would last about a month after your first negative rant.

I live in South Africa. If i need to explain the relevance of that statement to your post, well then you should get out more. But frankly, ignoring media ... even if i was to be generous, and look at only African news, i'd still get the US military in my face. And do not get me started on how the CIA backstabbed my country.

Frankly, if militaries were outlawed, yeah it would be more peaceful. How else could it be? Oh wait, you're still stuck in the wild west paradigm. You folks need a sheriff to keep you safe. BAH. For every man in the world with a gun and a stripe, there's a world of seriously bad possibilities.

Well said!!!!

When our country went from apartheid pariah to rainbow nation, the first thing the ANC govt did was partake in an illegal arms deal. This deal involved several international contractors, and has cost our country dearly. More so since no South African has yet been convicted of any charges. Those that knew about the deal and had to give explicit approval included bomber madiba (mandela).
Zumas latest trip to England was so that the queen could re-assure him that interpol had been shut up.

We need houses ... and schools. Not outdated fighter jets.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by harryhaller]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by 23refugee

Originally posted by Darkrunner
reply to post by aorAki

IMO, anyone owning stock, serving as an advisor to, or having relatives in any of these companies should be ineligible for public office of any kind.

That would be a start..
That opinion should be the law of the land. Any system that allows that type of profiteering causes the distrust many people have toward the military.
It's simply not fair to lay the blame for a corrupt system on the average soldier. Of course they're not perfect, but they aren't the villains either.
No matter what bad things I hear about, I know the military still has plenty of the kind of righteous warriors I admire.

I'm with that. But it's hobsons choice.
You either join the military and take advantage, or conscientiously object and be replaed with whatever is lower on the social ladder than you.
Like criminals. But i do think that criminals shouls be infantry attack 1. They're bloodthirsty murderers, let them take the bullets. Maybe if they're good you can even gives them guns.
Even better, after a term of office, any politician demed to have profiteered in any way gets sent to the front. Much more effcient!!

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by harryhaller

Perhaps any convicted politician should have his kids and grandkids sent to the front lines.
Many criminals are willing to take a bullet so that their progeny may benefit from ill gained wealth.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by 23refugee]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by 23refugee

That would fix it. Properly.

But i'm reading other threads on ATS, and to see the WARMONGERING!!! People who are itching to get into a scrap with Iran, heck anyone.

What part of the US military being the aggressors don't people agree with?
When an aeroplane in international airspace must be shot down because it's too close to a US warship????

Have these people lost their minds??? I sincerely believe so. Psychopaths.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by harryhaller

Check out the threads on immigration. I understand that it's a passionate subject, but I quit reading those threads.
I felt like I was in the middle of a virtual lynch mob.
With all this rabble-rousing going on at home, the Middle East situation has been skillfully placed on a back burner.
We're now screaming for more military spending to combat the "enemy within".

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:09 AM
I just have. Poked a stick at 'em too.

I have been told in this thread that soldiers have been soldiers for 8000 years. Perhaps. It's about time they stopped ruining it fo the rest of us.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by harryhaller

Isn't that about the time Cain slew Abel?

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by aorAki
Why, when people speak out against war, do they get labelled as hippies?

Why is it that most ATS posters are quick to believe that all US military members are poor, uneducated, hopeless psychopaths that have no other place to go but the military, and will automatically become criminals when they get back from deployment?

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by harryhaller
I live in South Africa.

And somehow, you're an expert in all matters concerning the US Military?

Somehow, I seriously doubt that.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 08:06 PM
People who BLINDLY 'support the troops' are
NOT patriots, in any way shape or form.

They are in fact betraying the long term interests of these United States of America.

Either one is pro-policy or anti-policy [or a hand wringing fence sitter].

The soldiers are doing the policy,

so if you are against the policy of mindless atrocities to loot the US treasury for trillions of dollars you should also include soldiers as a PARTIAL object of your rejection.

Soldiers are buying WHATEVER policy the DC drunken loons dole out.
If soldiers don't like signing on to that policy they shouldn't have put on that uniform in the first place.

But this crap, & it IS crap, of covering up a horrible policy by hiding it behind soldiers, &
'support the troops',
'support the troops',
'policy wants a cracker' should end this instant if not sooner.

If a soldier is part of a problem policy,
then the soldier is part of the problem. PERIOD.

And the
Pentagon's Brass Whores are embedded with murder corporations to
loot the US treasury is

[edit on 2-5-2010 by slank]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by signal2noise

Agreed, I gave up scholarships from three different colleges to join the US Army. I come from a rather well to do respected family in my hometown, so why did I join? I flat couldn't stand my family.....they're nuts in my opinion. I knew this would piss them off, and was correct. The six years I spent in the military I am very proud of.

To the OP unless you've been in the military, any thoughts you have on the subject are speculative at best. here's an idea, sign up......experience it and get back to me. I realize you're supposedly from south africa......however you do kind of have an army, what say?

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 08:22 PM
Ok lets go back in time and ask ourselves what if the US military never came to be?? Would there be peace??

NO, the world would be in shambles. Believe it or not the US military does a lot of good in this world. We are a force that deters tyrants and other leaders to commit horrible acts because the US military is basically the world police. The media just shows the negatives of war, military, and government never showing the good that they do everyday.

When Georgia was overran by Russia guess who said "no, no, no"
When Haiti had a horrible earthquake guess who went there
When WW2 went down guess who helped save Europe
When Sadaam used chemical weapons against the Kurds guess who went
Events in Somalia
Korea (now and in the past)
African genocides
Natural disasters all over the globe
spends money on rebuilding schools and roads in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa

We do so much for the world and ungrateful little runts like you guys slander us and hate us so much. When you have NO clue what we do and what we are about. All you know is what the media brainwashes you into believing. The NEWS shows nothing more than devistation, crime, murder, and the horrible things that happen throughout that day of broadcast, NEVER showing all the good that is accomplished by our government and our troops everyday.

If you do not like the US then GTFO of our country and stop btching. Go live in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, China, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam or some other country that you think is better and more suitable in protecting your everyday freedoms and rights that YOU take for granted everyday without even thinking twice about.

Good Day...

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 08:32 PM
Interesting way to start thread...

Listen to this song as you ponder for a second.

People who think soldiers are mindless drones, need to get their heads out of their arses and stop drinking the propaganda cool aid.

Think for yourself, instead of parroting.

(song auto plays, check sound prior to following link)

"Well, there’s a plan to make us all the same,
Same food , same size, I just feel distain,
Have a drink, but have a smoke out in the rain, out in the cold,
Where are the bold, that fought the jackboot."

"I wanna be there on the day you fall,
I wanna see your face when you lose the ball,
A law-abiding man will find it hard just doing what he can,
Without breaking the law, against this jackboot,
I don’t want to see no more of your jackboot."

People are waking up and lashing back against the message that we are merely bodies to be directed by a faceless authority. We are the souls that sing; we are the souls that fight; we are the souls who kick back against the jackboot.
Jackboot - The official song of FORCES International

for the record for those who are not keen on slang or internet use for search terms:


jack·boot also jack-boot (jkbt)
1. A stout military boot that extends above the knee.
2. A person who uses bullying tactics, especially to force compliance.
3. The spirit sustaining and motivating a militaristic, highly aggressive, or totalitarian regime or system.

jackboot [ˈdʒækˌbuːt]
1. (Military / Arms & Armour (excluding Firearms)) an all-leather military boot, extending up to or above the knee
a. arbitrary, cruel, and authoritarian rule or behaviour
b. (as modifier) jackboot tactics
jackbooted adj

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:57 PM

What mindless raft of crap are you on?

When Georgia was overran by Russia guess who said "no, no, no"

Georgia was Shelling South Ossetia. Killing civilians.

When Haiti had a horrible earthquake guess who went there
When WW2 went down guess who helped save Europe

yes those are basically true BUT

When Sadaam used chemical weapons against the Kurds guess who went

The US not only did nothing, we supplied this monster with arms, he was our freaking ally.
We also did nothing when the Shiites revolted against Saddam after the first Gulf war even after WE ENCOURAGED them.

events in Somalia

We cut & ran after 'Blackhawk down'


oh really? The CIA installed a puppet & then we claimed to be fighting for 'democracy'. It was a sham, a shame & we expended 50,000 young American lives on it.

Korea (now and in the past)
i'd have to look at history there

African genocides

Again we did nothing during Rwanda's genocide, although it did occur on a relatively short time window.

Natural disasters all over the globe
sometimes they do ok

spends money on rebuilding schools and roads in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Africa

Are you insane?
WE blew up god only knows how many roads in Iraq & Afghanistan &
unleashed all the chaos of Iraq.

In Iraq:
There were no terrorists.
There were no WMDs.
We committed atrocities which are being covered up to this day.
We CREATED terrorists.
We have spent a TRILLION dollars for not only nothing but in fact NEGATIVE results.
The Baghdad embassy was built by point of gun slave labor.

Blackwater spent US tax dollars on hookers, strippers & double billing.
Blackwater employees were convicted of smuggling guns into Iraq.
Affidavits have their guards using child prostitutes in Baghdad's green zone with the full knowledge of Erik Prince.
Erik Prince had ex-employees murdered to cover up the crimes committed in Iraq.

The Pentagon intentionally dumped 9 billion dollars in cash in the Iraq desert just so it would fund insurgents so this would never end.

KBR electrocuted soldiers with their shoddy work.
Both KBR & Halliburton had employees raping other employees.

In Afghanistan:

They pulped an innocent cab driver's legs, killing him with his wrists shackled to the ceiling to hang in his cell.

They killed pregnant women & then to cover up their atrocity they used knives to dig the bullets back out & kept medical personnel away so more people died & then they LIED about the entire thing, blaming it on insurgents.

Marjah, their big strategic 'win', wasn't the city of 80,000 they lied about, it wasn't even a town or even a village.

You are completely out of touch with the reality of the treasonous Pentagon.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by slank

WE blew up god only knows how many roads in Iraq & Afghanistan &
unleashed all the chaos of Iraq.

In Iraq:
There were no terrorists.
There were no WMDs.
We committed atrocities which are being covered up to this day.
We CREATED terrorists.
We have spent a TRILLION dollars for not only nothing but in fact NEGATIVE results.
The Baghdad embassy was built by point of gun slave labor.

Blackwater spent US tax dollars on hookers, strippers & double billing.
Blackwater employees were convicted of smuggling guns into Iraq.
Affidavits have their guards using child prostitutes in Baghdad's green zone with the full knowledge of Erik Prince.
Erik Prince had ex-employees murdered to cover up the crimes committed in Iraq.

The Pentagon intentionally dumped 9 billion dollars in cash in the Iraq desert just so it would fund insurgents so this would never end.

KBR electrocuted soldiers with their shoddy work.
Both KBR & Halliburton had employees raping other employees.

In Afghanistan:

They pulped an innocent cab driver's legs, killing him with his wrists shackled to the ceiling to hang in his cell.

They killed pregnant women & then to cover up their atrocity they used knives to dig the bullets back out & kept medical personnel away so more people died & then they LIED about the entire thing, blaming it on insurgents.

Marjah, their big strategic 'win', wasn't the city of 80,000 they lied about, it wasn't even a town or even a village.

You are completely out of touch with the reality of the treasonous Pentagon.

Have you been to Iraq??? Then you don't know anything.... I personally have rebuilt schools and roads in Iraq that THEY blew up.

yes there were no terrorists in Iraq, untill Sadaam called them in after we were OWNING his military.

There were WMDs Chemical weapons WERE found

as for us commiting atrocities you have no clue you are brainwashed by the net and the media.

Blackwater is a private corporation that HAS NOTHING to do with military

"The Pentagon intentionally dumped 9 billion dollars in cash in the Iraq desert just so it would fund insurgents so this would never end." PROVE IT

"You are completely out of touch with the reality of the treasonous Pentagon." LMAO I have been to IRaq and Afghanistan and your claims have nothing to support anything that you say. You have been duped by the media and the internet. If you are American I suggest that you leave our country because we don't want you.

And as for all the countries I listed above WE WERE THERE after the fact... It is not like we can prevent something when we aren't in the country to begin with.... You need to look up some real history bro.... HAve you been in the military?? Go join and get a look at Iraq and Afghanistan yourself.... They love us over there....

The terrorists hide amongst the population causing us to hurt civilians it is called guerilla tactics. They also often strip the insurgents of their weapons before we are able to get to the scene, to make it look like we killed a bunch of civilians. IT IS CALLED PROPAGANDA

[edit on 3-5-2010 by Reign02]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:58 AM
they are also victims
I do not know when they will wake up
going to send email with the ATS site

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:24 AM
I guess that is why the congress had to make it illegal, with Obama's aid,

for the American people to see young men shrieking as they were anally raped at Abu Ghraib.

And did you have 'drop' weapons so you could used them whenever you killed innocent civilians?

As for the 9 billion dropped in the Iraq desert intentionally by the Pentagon, designed so it would have NO congressional oversight,

Read "Billions Over Baghdad" from Vanity Fair magazine, you ignorant illiterate.

I am an American, not a scumbag hiding behind a uniform or wrapped up in an American flag.

I am not the one Looting the US treasury for their obscenities.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
reply to post by signal2noise

To the OP unless you've been in the military, any thoughts you have on the subject are speculative at best. here's an idea, sign up......experience it and get back to me. I realize you're supposedly from south africa......however you do kind of have an army, what say?

The South African Military was always very highly regarded internationally (Go on, make me find quotes. there are plenty). Until The CIA sponsored coup. Now we can't even defend our borders. Hmmm ... enough said i think.
Frankly your arrogance is off putting. You've been a soldier ergo you know more than anyone else? Maybe you should look at your military from the OTHER side. You, know ... maybe some goat herders you refer to as collatoral. You uys hung saddam for the same thing. Collateral is bad shooting and planning. You boys get A LOT of colateral, you know that???

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by ADVISOR

Thanks for this. Much appreciated.

Everybody's a freedom fighter aren't they?

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