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Stephen Hawking says Aliens exist

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:38 AM
Mr Hawking may have thought of this and now he's giving us fair warning...sort of like a social call before a business call.

Here's a theory:

1.On July 8, 1947, Roswell Army Air Field public information office in Roswell, New Mexico, issued a press release stating that personnel from the field's 509th Bomb Group had recovered a crashed "flying disc" from a ranch near Roswell.

2.On October 9 2009 , NASA's Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite struck the moon.

3.Nov. 5 2007, A Chinese satellite successfully entered lunar orbit.

4.February 2004 Beagle 2 was declared lost after impacting Mars surface.

It's actually quite simple we've been bombing the moon and dumping trash on mars after they gave us a shot across the bow in 1947. WW3 will be fought in space if we don't listen to Mr. Hawking.

Is it any wonder that the triangle shaped UFOs fly over really slow? Its like there saying "Go slow, show them this big ship and perhaps they will get scared and quit bombing us".

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:55 AM
There is alot of evidence that aliens have visited earth in the past , Too assume they need somthing from earth and are enemys to mankind is not only wrong and speculative , it is opening the door for the powers that be to attack any visitor to earth without provocation ,
we have only in the past 200 years developed any form of weapons that could possibly try to defend agianst invasion, so if they have been to earth before this why didnt they just take over then ?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by vigil gregor
There is alot of evidence that aliens have visited earth in the past , Too assume they need somthing from earth and are enemys to mankind is not only wrong and speculative , it is opening the door for the powers that be to attack any visitor to earth without provocation ,
we have only in the past 200 years developed any form of weapons that could possibly try to defend agianst invasion, so if they have been to earth before this why didnt they just take over then ?

Totally! There is no reason to think such a thing, and even less fear it. Because if it is to happen it will, it's completely off out control and our tech would be just like toys to them.

Some argue that real bad guys are not actually extra terrestrials, but intra terrestrials and have been living here since ever.

Isn't the bible that speaks about "demons" or something raising from the underground at the end of times?

Perhaps these UFOs that abduct people for experiments, slaughter cows and other animals aren't coming from other planets but from earth it self. And have been playing with genetics and such as to find means to finally inhabit earth's surface once again.

Time to write a cheap script about that

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:27 AM
...the upshot being,that i was right YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HANDLE DISCLOSURE. YOU can't even handle dear old Prof Hawking's recent comments.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by DjSharperimage

You guys are looking at this universe through the eyes of scarcity. The universe is a vast; infinite and abundant place with billions upon billions of planets and resources.

Reconsider your own words.

You call the universe 'vast, infinite and abundant'. I'm not sure that it is infinite, but it certainly is vast and abundant. Its vastness implies that its abundance is rather thinly spread out. Sure, there are vast concentrations of matter and energy in stars and their planetary systems (and rather less concentrated amounts of it in galaxies, dust clouds and the like). However, between these concentrations lies so much empty space the human mind can't really conceive it. As a result, the energy density of the universe is tiny.

WMAP determined that the universe is flat, from which it follows that the mean energy density in the universe is equal to the critical density (within a 1% margin of error). This is equivalent to a mass density of 9.9 x 10-30 g/cm3, which is equivalent to only 5.9 protons per cubic meter. Source

Less than six protons per cubic metre. Not exactly going to fill up your gas tank, is it? That's the trouble with the universe: taken all in all, there's a lot (possibly an infinity) of stuff in it; but taken in smaller doses, it's mostly empty space.

Crossing these vast tracts of space requires a great deal of time and energy. The less time it takes, the more energy it demands. Even if exotic methods like wormholes and 'warp drives' are used, this energy cost is not reduced; the law of conservation of energy will see to that.

Thus the more technologically advanced a civilization, and the wider it is distributed in space, the more energy it must need to sustain it. No matter how advanced it is, or however far and wide it wanders, no species will ever come to the end of scarcity. The Great Law of Dissipation, more generally known as the second law of thermodynamics, decrees this. The law is both universal and eternal.


reply to post by Tryptych

(Trying to avoid the notice of aliens is) typical fear based logic and (project)ing our own shortcomings into the aliens.

It would be a better world - indeed, a better universe - if your admirable trust in the benevolence of creatures unknown were justified. But it is not.

We have no way of predicting the actions of beings about whom we know nothing. The best we can do is assume their motives and responses to be similar to our own. That assumption hardly inspires confidence, as OnceReturned has already pointed out:

Originally posted by OnceReturned
And for all of you who think that if ETs can cross interstellar distances they must be benevolent, don't you think that you would have been saying the same thing about the europeans who crossed the oceans to come to the americas? Look what happened there. . . Being able to travel a long way is not a sign of peacefulness. Every time that a less advanced civilization has been confronted by a more advanced civilization, the less advanced one gets the short end of the stick.

You also seem not to consider that they and we may have conflicting interests; they may want something we have, as ridgeback says, or we may both be in competition for the same things.

Originally posted by ridgeback
What I get from Hawkings thought on this is that if an alien species has the ability to travel through space for long periods of time and distance their would be no reason to make contact with us primitive beings on Earth unless we had something they wanted. And if we had something the alien species wanted there's nothing we could do to stop them from taking it.

Your own position, Tryptich, is based on the assumption that aliens visiting us would be better (by the standards of our human morality) than we are. What could possibly justify such an assumption? There are no grounds for even formulating it; the beings we're considering here aren't human, so why should we expect them to conform to human standards of behaviour?

Are you perhaps projecting the behaviour of wise, intelligent, highly educated people you know onto aliens you don't? True, such people tend to be pacific and kind to others, but don't forget they can only afford to be like that because the scociety that supports them takes care of the nasty, dirty work for them: policing and pursuing, trying and imprisoning, governing and defending, shooting and killing. A society entirely made up of wise, intelligent, pacifists could never exist, either on Earth or out among the stars.

You said:

We can stay in some galactic closet, arm ourselves to the teeth and be afraid of everything, or we can go out there and try to make some new friends.

These are not the only choices available. There is a third, better than the other two. It is to continue our own journeys spaceward with due discretion, taking care to avoid unnecessarily calling attention to our existence, growing in knowledge and capability all the time, and hope that by the time we encounter the aliens we will be a better match for them than we are now - and also, that we spot them before they spot us.

[edit on 26/4/10 by Astyanax]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by thomas_

I agree that fearing ET disclosure is a waste of energy but not that we have no reason to think some contacts may be less than freindly


To achieve the tech needed for a civilisation high enough to achieve space travel I think you can assume the need for a society to channel the funds and science towards that goal.

That society could comprise of co operative or oppressive and need not be peacefull. See us now.

To achieve exploration of the solar system would appear to require global co operation/resources but what would have happened if Hitler had won the war?

My guess is if they could keep control the elite would have enslaved those not in their group and could well have been a lot further towards the exploration of space than we are now but we would never consider the Nazi regime of being benevolent.

Whether a society based on the greed for power by the use of violence could advance past that point is hard to guess but it is possible.

Would other advanced space going cultures allow a Nazi type culture to explore space?

If you think not then you must accept that if they are willing to take action to stop this then they are prepared to use violence.

If you think they are totally peacefull then they would not interfer which means if a Nazi type civilisation achieved advanced space flight they would be allowed to continue and would therefore be a threat to planets like ours.

My view is any ET cultures would be just as failible as us with higher tech and laws covering their use and misuse

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by vigil gregor
There is alot of evidence that aliens have visited earth in the past , Too assume they need somthing from earth and are enemys to mankind is not only wrong and speculative , it is opening the door for the powers that be to attack any visitor to earth without provocation ,
we have only in the past 200 years developed any form of weapons that could possibly try to defend agianst invasion, so if they have been to earth before this why didnt they just take over then ?

Wisest response in this entire thread.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by colin42

Agreed. Like I said earlier in this thread where there is good there is evil.

Thinking that all alien races would be peaceful to us is a bit naive. But I really doubt that if we were to be attacked by some evil advanced civilization we wouldn't be able to do much. We don't even have the tech to escape from our own planet if required, how about fighting a civilization that most likely already has control over C, gravity and who knows what else.

Without some intervention of a race with similar technology and level we would be pretty much doomed in a matter of hours or less.

But either we have some race protecting us from such "evil" races or they have pretty much no reasons to come to a place like earth.

I also think that using our own modus operandi (way of life, thinking, etc) as basis for how a Alien race would be, kinda off. They could simply do not share a single thing in common with us in every conceivable aspect one can think of.

I'm not into fear mongering, but having a real and intelligent external thread could push humanity forward in a few ways. Not only technologically but also socially since people would need to start to get their differences sorted out because the thread would cease to be other countries, cultures, religions but instead, something that isn't from here and is common to every human on Earth.

Borders would make less sense, money would have a different part (if any at all), our home would become our planet instead of our city or country. Different races, religions, cultures would become more united.

I don't know... perhaps it could be a good thing, even if it was a white lie in the end

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 07:35 AM
after their done killing themselves, the winners will move on and continue their conquests.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:36 AM

He suggests that aliens might simply raid Earth for its resources and then move on: “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet. I imagine they might exist in massive ships, having used up all the resources from their home planet. Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonise whatever planets they can reach.”

Very ID4, no?

I have to say, I tend to agree with Mr. Hawking's fears and assessment of this type of alien "visitation"....

Even if other civilizations were peaceful (heck, if 99% of aliens were peaceful), it only takes that 1% to make us all...dead....

That's why I agree that broadcasting "We are here! We are here!" isn't a great idea...but sadly, likely already too late to do anything about that...

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:44 AM
One thing we really need to keep in mind, is that whatever thoughts we put out there we will create. However it is that we approach the E.T.'s, they will react to us in the same manner. If we approach them with fire, they will respond with fire. If we approach them with open hearts, then they will respond the same.

Yes, there are those who are malevolent, just as much as there are those who are benevolent. There are even those whose purpose is to assure the the laws of noninterventionism are honored.

Stephen Hawking is just another trusted and respected person our Annunaki-led government is using to manipulate us into believing and responding with fear. It is no coincidence that the television series "V" is on our channels right now. TPTB want to control us through fear. TPTB are setting the stage to make us believe that only THEY can save us from the ultimate terrorist (E.T.'s)

The fact that Earth has been visited (and most likely inhabited) by E.T.'s is nothing new. The only thing that is changing is how the MSM and govt are now acknowledging it to the people. If these beings wanted to wipe us out with an attack, they could have and probably would have done so way before our lifetimes. In fact, they probably would have wiped us out as soon as we started destroying our own planet. Otherwise, what is the use in them taking over a planet that has already been ruined for them? It makes no sense.

From what I understand, Earth species live and reproduce on our own moon in biospheres on the surface. And Mars has extensive military and science bases on the surface, as well as underground, which are manned by interplanetary hierachies, including the Human race. What THEY find incredible, is that we are still oblivious to the fact that intelligent life exists on nearby worlds.

What we need to focus on, is sending intent of connecting with E.T.'s with messages of love and nonviolence instead of fear and retaliation.

The sad thing is, we are so busy being worker bees and ants blinded by the truth that is kept from us, because we are distracted by technological gadgets and reality tv shows that we have become detached from nature and our own ability to think and feel for ourselves.

For the most part, Earth civilization has been desensitized to violence and see it as a norm and acceptable. We no longer exercise compassion for others in distress. Don't believe me? Just watch the news and you'll see recent footage of a good samaritan dying on a NYC street after being stabbed for helping a woman in distress. Passersby just looked and took pictures, but no one called the police. He lay bleeding to death on the street for 90 minutes before a firetruck stopped to help him. Had any cared enough to call 911, that man who saved a woman's life may still be alive himself.

If E.T.'s are watching our interactions like this, they have nothing to fear about Earthlings uprising to help others. In fact, our own govt has nothing to fear of another American revolution because we are desensitized and care nothing about the welfare of others "as long as it doesn't affect me".

Again, we must come to the acceptance that "THEY" do exist and "THEY" are going to make themselves known in our lifetime. It is HOW we choose to interact to them that matters. Stay in the light and love and (for the most part) they will react in kind.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:05 AM
If they have already been here or are here now then the point is moot, and so we are either saved or screwed already.

That is not hard to understand...

Also discloser and first contract are two totally different events. One is the reaction of earthlings and the other is the reaction of aliens. This post is more involved in what the aliens will do with us if they find us, or if we lead them to us…

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by nethawk

Originally posted by vigil gregor
There is alot of evidence that aliens have visited earth in the past , Too assume they need somthing from earth and are enemys to mankind is not only wrong and speculative , it is opening the door for the powers that be to attack any visitor to earth without provocation ,
we have only in the past 200 years developed any form of weapons that could possibly try to defend agianst invasion, so if they have been to earth before this why didnt they just take over then ?

Wisest response in this entire thread.

Look at the pyramid in your avatar.

I can assure you they have been here before, they are benevolent.

Even if Humanity makes the mistake of attacking them, they will understand there is no revenge from their point of view.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 11:15 AM
Think about this: what if the aliens are evil and we unite as a planet to fight them off. Say we survive, and all that military and political and economic power is under one banner...

...what do you think will happen to that centralized power once the alien threat is over? Do you think TPTB will simply decentralize it all and redistribute the wealth to all the countries?


Those who promote uniting to fight the aliens are unconsciously promoting a one world government. Like many posters here are saying, don't think it's beneath the world's leaders to promote an alien threat to make us scared. It would serve them very well. On the other hand, there is not one single shred of evidence to show that offworlders are evil. I still say we should have a 'wait and see' attitude.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 12:18 PM
Maybe TBTB hate the Aliens, because the rest of humanity would love them. It's all about power and greed.

Just throwing that out there.

I thought it was a stupid statement by Stephen Hawking that Aliens are here to take our natural resources. Our fossil fuels? Fossil Fuels for deep space travel?

Also a guy who believes in time travel, but did not once mention the idea of a parallel universe.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by game over man
Maybe TBTB hate the Aliens, because the rest of humanity would love them. It's all about power and greed.

Just throwing that out there.

I thought it was a stupid statement by Stephen Hawking that Aliens are here to take our natural resources. Our fossil fuels? Fossil Fuels for deep space travel?

Also a guy who believes in time travel, but did not once mention the idea of a parallel universe.

They can move by Will of thought, they do not need our "resources".

Technology is simply child's play/toys.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by game over man
Maybe TBTB hate the Aliens, because the rest of humanity would love them. It's all about power and greed.

Just throwing that out there.

I thought it was a stupid statement by Stephen Hawking that Aliens are here to take our natural resources. Our fossil fuels? Fossil Fuels for deep space travel?

I think, if there was mining for earth resources going on it would be for gold not oil.

Gold is the highly efficient conductor that can carry tiny currents and remain free of corrosion.

The rapid and accurate transmission of digital information through the computer and from one component to another requires an efficient and reliable conductor. Gold meets these requirements better than any other metal.

Gold is used in dentistry because it is chemically inert, nonallergenic and easy for the dentist to work.

As early as 700 B.C. Etruscan "dentists" used gold wire to fasten replacement teeth.

Gold is used as a drug to treat a small number of medical conditions:

Injections of weak solutions used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Particles of a radioactive gold isotope are implanted in the treatment of certain cancers.


Small amounts of gold are used to remedy a condition known as Lagophthalmos, which is an inability of a person to close their eyes completely. This condition is treated by implanting small amounts of gold in the upper eyelid. The implanted gold "weights" the eyelid and the force of gravity helps the eyelid close fully.

Radioactive gold is used in diagnosis. Gold is nonreactive in the instruments and is highly reliable in the electronic equipment and life-support devices.

Gold has the highest malleability of any metal. This enables gold to be beaten only a few millionths of an inch thick - "gold leaf"

Space travel is where lubrication, maintenance and repair is zero or inconvenient - gold is used in hundreds of ways in every space vehicle that NASA launches.

Gold is used in circuitry - the dependable conductor and connector.

Many parts of every space vehicle are fitted with gold-coated polyester film because gold REFLECTS INFRARED radiation and helps stabilize the temperature of the spacecraft so it won't absorb too much heat

Gold is also used as a lubricant between mechanical parts. In the vacuum of space, organic lubricants would volatilize and they would be broken down by the intense radiation beyond Earth's atmosphere. Gold has a very low shear strength and thin films of gold between critical moving parts serves as a lubricant - the gold molecules slip past one another under the forces of friction and that provides a lubricant action.

Sooooo - maybe that's why fort knox is empty now

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by game over man
Also a guy who believes in time travel, but did not once mention the idea of a parallel universe.

Not only did he not mention parallel universes of multiverses, he didn't even mention the use or stargates and wormholes for travel. That is why I believe he is part of TPTB or at least linked to their agenda.

I can't tell you how many educated people I have met in my life who are stuck on Newtonian physics as hard core science. We as a species need to realize that what is deemed as "pseudo-science" is only that because we lack the knowledge and equipment necessary to prove it otherwise. We are stuck in 3-D science. We need to get past that and understand there is SO MUCH MORE to the universe we live in than what the Human eyes and senses can perceive.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by trusername

In Regards to Gold,

You're saying that Aliens traveling through space came to our Star, then to our planet, and discovered gold? I have read about the many mysterious qualities of gold, very interesting indeed. I have never read a thread or heard a story on a gold scandal between humans and aliens, that would be very interesting.

Do you really think Aliens go planet hopping to, collect antiques?

I honestly think of what humans would evolve to do when traveling star to star.

Then I think of what something other than a chimpanzee would evolve to a humanoid and evolve to star to star travel, and think what would they do?

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Nivcharah

The show I watched had a lot on wormholes. According to the show, wormholes exist because down at the microscopic level there are gaps in between everything, and in those gaps are where wormholes exist, and if you were able to generate enough energy to get one of those gaps to open up to fit the size of a Man or a Space Ship through, then that would be a wormhole. The best place to do this would be in space, but right now they are essentially doing that at the Large Hadron Collider.

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