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OMG ITS the END of the WORLD!. . . NOT!

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posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 06:26 PM
Death tolls

2000 - 231

2001 - 21357

2002 - 1685

2003 - 33819

2004 - 228802

2005 - 82364

2006 - 6605

2007 - 712

2008 - 88011

2009 - 1787

2010 - 223731 not even half way thru the year and their still counting in China.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by randyvs

It's a bit worrying to see and hear all those prophecies of old are now seemingly coming through.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by LocoHombre

Yes that helps.

However it's quite disturbing to see a 14 year old student showing more intelligence then a lot of the adult people I come in contact with.


Did you take a look at the links I send you ?

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

yes i did, very interesting.

and ya it is quite sad that a 14 year old can outwit and show more intelligence than many adults on here. . . aren't adults supposed to be wiser? idk

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by LocoHombre

aren't adults supposed to be wiser? idk

I guess that's the biggest conspiracy in the world today.

The only thing that happens when you get old is that you are fooled into believing anything a lot more then you were a child.

I guess the "wise" means that old people have experienced more things that are wrong so they look smart telling us young people.


Evolution has developed man to such a high degree that he builds zoos to keep his ancestors in cages.

Not evolution IMO just greed and indifference and selfishness.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 07:00 PM
S + F, especially for the effort you put into this post, and at 14 years of age you certainly do show more wisdom than many adults on the web. You know it seems every generation screams it's the "end times" because of some natural disaster or other, ever since the bible was written. Since recorded history began we have YET to live through any major disaster of "biblical proportions". Not one comet or major asteroid strike, not one super volcano along the lines of the Lake Toba eruption - which nearly wiped out the human race. Disaster's happen, life goes on.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
You know it seems every generation screams it's the "end times" because of some natural disaster or other, ever since the bible was written. Since recorded history began we have YET to live through any major disaster of "biblical proportions". Not one comet or major asteroid strike, not one super volcano along the lines of the Lake Toba eruption - which nearly wiped out the human race.

yes exactly. they place so much stock in an invisible giant, who tells his priests not to eat meat on fridays, because they'll go to hell, but if you rape a child "aah wtf who cares? go on to heaven," that if you yourself harm someone in anyway too much, you will bring about the end of the world!

and its mainly ignorance this stems from, btw.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by LocoHombre
reply to post by polarwarrior

plate tectonics will not go the way of the flat earth theory, mainly because we have tons and tons of evidence that it is true. and plus, the Pacific plate is expanding in all directions, and the South American is also heading its way. therefore the basin would expand and not shrink. also, tectonics are responsible for volcanoes, earthquakes, and other such events. re-read the OP.

So where is the shrinking? where is the subduction to account for all the speading. Its meant to be in the pacific but you admit yourself that is also spreading. Remeber if the earth is not growing, you should find it all evens out in the end. You cant come on here a promote the 21st century version of flat earth theory (tectonics) without backing up your claims. I found that comment about the school system to be naive. Education is a big part of the illuminati manifesto. Dont get me wrong I believe in tectonics in so far as the situation is complex, but its not the whole picture, the earth is growing.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

the subduction of the plates goes into the mantle, where it is turned into molten rock, and stays there until it is sent through a volcano or trench and turned into more rock.

and plus the Illuminati were a group of scientists, condemned to being evil BY ORDER OF THE CHURCH, because SCIENCE GOES AGAINST THE CHURCH!

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by LocoHombre

I know how it works I did science at university, Im asking for proof the two plates even converge before subducting, and enough of it to account for all the worlds spreading. The illuminati needs a dumb populus for their plans to work, unfortunatly your living in a fairytale if you think truth is taught in schools. What most dont grasp, and this is fair enough the TPTB have done a fantastic job, is they leave loose ends around things that dont matter like 9/11(which serves a double fear propagating service), but are very very adept at covering their tracks where it does matter, like in science and education, their biggest threats. The issue your refering to with the church is just the tip of the iceberg. You should write to NASA and pressure them to re-measure the earth so you can shut people like me up for good, its been over 30 years, its time to measure again. Oh and due to radial expansion, which is not even, surface based measurments are skewed. If NASA wont do it china or india will, time will settle this debate for good.

Add; Tectonics is based on the assumption that the radius is almost constant throughout the history of the planet. This has never been proven, so the basis for tectonics is a paradigm based assumption which is not fact yet, and its in the wrong paradigm! The point im trying to make is the dispute over the earth growing is resonable and experts scratching their heads are jumping on board at an exponential rate daily now, but the mainstream media wont say a word about the conflicting views.
[edit on 17-4-2010 by polarwarrior]

[edit on 17-4-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 09:33 PM
i can't believe i put in volcanoes but left out earthquakes!

ok, here goes: *clears throat*

ok, when plates collide, the rock that makes them up is not entirely smooth. therefore, the rocks are constantly scraping against each other.

the rock layers also fold, making wave-like impressions on the rocks. look at areas that were cut through for highways. the rocks also get deformed.

there are 2 main types- plastic and elastic. plastic deformation is when the rock bends but stays the same shape after it bends. elastic is quite different. rocks can only stretch so far without returning to their original shape, which is called elastic rebound. when elastic rebound occurs, it is not smooth. it is quite jerky and violent. this is what you are experiencing in an earthquake.

now logically, the longest you go without an earthquake, the more powerful the next earthquake will be, yes? this is called the seismic gap. Haiti, Chile, China, and now New Guinea are prime examples of this. they live in areas where no seismic activity has occured for quite awhile, which exactly how LA is right now.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

well, maybe you're paranoid about the Illuminati.

I'll explain to you why the Earth CAN NOT be expanding.

Exhibit A: You can not create something out of nothing, so if there were an expanding Earth, there would be a vacuum in the interior of the Earth. Now, if that were the case, we would know that there was a vacuum there. How? you ask? Well, we know the depths and composition of the layers of the Earth through seismic waves given off in an earthquake. when they reached a certain depth, at each time, the sped up, bent, or slowed down. they speed up in an area of greater density, ie the core, and slow down in a less dense area, ie the mantle. and, if there were a vacuum, they would not be sent through the center AT ALL because seismic waves cannot travel through an area of nothing.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by LocoHombre

I wouldnt say im paranoid about them ive just developed an understanding that their manipulation goes much deeper than we know yet. Some think they have the illuminati all figured out but its naive to fall for their attempts at portraying themsleves as not that powerfull or manipulative.

I thought you might fall for that one, those in the mainstream paradigm often do. Mass can be created, from energy M=C2/E for example. If mass were being created in the centre of the earth almost the opposite to a vacuum would be present, the pressure would be immense as the newly formed mass squeezes the entire earth outwards. It would be formed at very high temperatures meaning it would be molten, the earth displays signs of being heated from the inside out as well as just solar warming. This is why after the bilions of years the magma has never cooled and solidified not just the pressure from grav which isnt enough.

The question arisis is where does the energy come from to form the mass? This will be ansewred when gravity is properly understood. Atm gravity cannot be unified into theories of everthing because our understanding of what it is, is wrong. The gravity is the radial aether flux converging into the centre (also called spacetime metric or ZPE) which is forming the mass in the centre.

When one realizes gravity has been increasing all the anomalies go "click" Like enormous birds in the fossil record that couldnt fly today, mamoths galloping in cave art, bone analysis etc of dinosaurs suggesting they could barely walk yet were biomechanically built to run and jump. Geological data suggesting anomalous compression in rocks from mesozaic prior. And the temp data goes "click" like seas warmer on bottom than surface, planets emitting more heat radiation than they could possibly absorb from the sun.

Im certainly ournumbered in terms of expertise and equipment to proove my theories, the agrument is lopsided because few in the mainstream get the funding from the elite to proof the earth is growing, but you'll get tectonics funding from the money men much easier.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 12:14 AM
great thread S&F i like your logical thinking and that you are in 8th grade and display this kind of complex thought gives me hope for the next generation

im so sick of teh 2012 and nwo bull# also
ive found when i look at those threads its some crazy and(as zaiger put it) willfully retarded individuals with no scientific backup and only the sayso of themselves, nostrodamas, and some other crazy crackpot conspirisist
their just trying to scare you for kicks dont worry so much, i learned that a week after being here on ats

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by polarwarrior

its e=mc2 bright one. it means energy equals mass times the speed of light in a vacuum squared, created by the greatest cosmologist ever, Albert Einstein.

like i said, you can not, i repeat CAN NOT create something out of nothing. even the fusion in the sun needs hydrogen to create the helium in it. stars need to be formed from nebulae, giant interstellar clouds of dust and gas, to form. you can't create an apple out of a vaccum, can you? or even a carbon ATOM?

yes, the Earth is being heated from the inside, but that is caused by a little something called PRESSURE! the rocks in the core of the Earth are under so much pressure that it causes them to heat up. the rocks in the very center are solid because the immense pressure does not allow them to melt, as it raises the melting point of the minerals higher.

what you "expanding Earth 'theorists' are basing you're argument on is the fact that you do not get plate tectonics to begin with, and believe the NWO/TPTB/Illuminati/etc are causing all this too oppress us. you base it off one fact that the Pacific basin is expanding, but "omg where is the subduction?!?!?!?" the subduction is in the center of the Earth!

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by polarwarrior
The point im trying to make is the dispute over the earth growing is resonable and experts scratching their heads are jumping on board at an exponential rate daily now, but the mainstream media wont say a word about the conflicting views.
[edit on 17-4-2010 by polarwarrior]

[edit on 17-4-2010 by polarwarrior]

Data please.

All the structural geologists, geophysicists etc I have spoken to (at work) have nothing more to say about expanding Earth theory than it is a crock and that there is no (read None, nada, nil, nix) evidence from their personal observations/research to indicate an expanding earth scenario.
While Plate Tectonics needs a few tweaks here and there the base theory and its supporting evidence is sound.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by LocoHombre

Polar warrior makes a good point you know.

No use to idolise Einstein. Besides the fact. He was also human. He has been proven wrong several times. He even admitted he was wrong sometimes and at the end of his life he was not satisfied with his own explanations.

That we can not see where the needed energy comes from doesn't mean anything. We are actualy very limited in hour means to sense.

The energy you don't see but is need for is called aether.

Their are still major issue at play in our theories. issues that can not be explained. But theories that can getting little attention. This does not proof them wrong

You seem pretty smart.It's time open up your mind for the impossible.
I'm 27 and when I was a kid I always watched star trek the original series with my dad. Never ever could we even imagine a communicator would become reality.

When you get older your own experience will let you see the world in a whole other way then it does now. Believe me. I never believed it when someone told me. But they were right.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by aorAki

I'll bet you the never saw a plate moving.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

no one has because they move very slowly. how slowly? the fact that it took the Earth billions of years to get the way it is today should help explain that.

posted on Apr, 19 2010 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

ya, we don't understand gravity, the universe, or many other things because humanity is a very dumb species. we idolise ourselves because we are number 1 ON EARTH!!!! and so we created a god in our own image to help us further this idea.

you wanna know how truly limited man's perception is? if we went to the edge of the universe, what would be on the other side? because logically, what was on the other side would still be the universe. WHAT IS NOTHING???

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