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Family sees mother strangled by hijab in freak go-karting accident

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posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Zelong
The husband would of known the dangers here!(murder?) In February, a 15-year-old British schoolgirl was strangled to death when her scarf was caught in a go-kart wheel in Hong Kong.(UK link above)


Seriously.... what are you talking about?
Why would it be Murder... it wouldn't even be manslaughter.... it would be an accident.

All these threads recently about "Muslim" clothing and how dangerous it is.... why attack them only?

As someone else said, Natural selection, if people want to wear stupid, inappropriate clothing on rides, during activities and so on.... whatever, let them.

Just don't blame the owner or sue the park/ride when something like this happens.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 01:46 PM
And that is exactly why it makes complete sense not to let women wear these things on roller coasters either. Wasn't there just a thread about a brawl in an amusement park because a woman was told to take one off before going on a ride? This is insane.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 03:30 PM
This accident has nothing to do with religion or race. I think this will end up with the track operator and owner being found negligent. They should have never allowed her on the track with her attire, period. I read no where that they had told her not to wear her hijab before getting in the kart. Did this lady know she was risking her life by wearing her hijab? I'm thinking no, should she have used a little more common sense, yes. This is a sad and unfortunate accident that could have been prevented by both parties. My daughters and I have been involved in kart racing for many yrs and one of the first rules is no loose clothing or long hair hanging down. I know of a story where a girls face was ripped off from having her hair wrapped around the axle. Karting is dangerous even in the amusement realm.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 01:33 PM
this happened recently at another theme park muslim woman was told to remove her head scarf for safety reasons and her family went ballistic when she wouldn't and got barred from riding . and no one is making fun of her religion .
but where safety is concerened safety should ALWAYS take the forefront to religious paraphernalia. if my mother was strangled because she was following a religious practice i would probably drop my religion

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