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Americans! Are you ever going to revolt?

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posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by ibiubu


I dont even know what to say to all that.

Maybe I don't belong on a conspiracy board, but.. Some of you people are simply nuts.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 04:54 PM
There will not, I repeat NOT ever be an armed revolution within the United States ever! The talk of armed revolt here is the fantasy of people who don't properly grasp the realities of warfare and the logistics involved in defeated one of the best equipped fighting forces in the entire world.

You can cite Jefferson till the cows come home but the bottom line is that the citizenry of this nation have neither the skills, spine or determination to kill on the scale necessary to be called a revolution. The people don't have the logistics, equipment, or intelligence apparatus to wage a war against the military and the government, the current makeup of the people haven't seen combat in decades and it would show in any so-called revolt being put down in less than a month.

No magical leader is going to arise who can lead an inferior force to victory; this isn't the movies people! Even if such a leader were to exist they would be singled out by the Federal Government and either killed, imprisoned, or smeared so brutally in the media that nobody would follow them into battle. Without broad support from people of all walks of life this leader would never be effective and ultimately fail in leading a revolt.

So now that we have gotten that out of the way lets address the alternative proffered by some in this thread; peaceful non-violent dissent. This is a fallacy because there are many legal avenues the government can take to disperse the people from a location. Sitting on the steps of Congress singing songs won't get you anywhere other than locked up in a DC jail for resisting a police officer who tells you to get up and go.

You also won't be voting these clowns out either; they just get replaced by a different name but the same ultimate results. The presidential election is broken, congress is bought and sold like shares of Apple and Microsoft on the NYSE, and your local authorities kowtow to their regional, state and federal masters as if some invisible wire controls them.

People need to face the fact that we have a system that wont be changing now or in any of our lifetimes, perhaps ever! Make the best of what you have now -- live simply, live debt free, and find a small piece of happiness and hold onto it with everything you have. These grand sweeping notions of revolution and change are fine in thought, but in practice will only bring pain and suffering for little to no gain.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 04:57 PM
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Thomas Jefferson

Agree or dis-agree it is still the truth.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

youve had your constitution basically ripped up

Could you give me an example of said ripping of the Constitution?

your freedoms are being taken away everyday

Really? Again...could you provide me some examples of some freedoms I have lost??? Because if I have lost one notified me.

your guns are being taken away

Not so much...I think the past year was a record sales year for the gun industry here. You know what I'm gonna ask next...yep...some examples would be nice.

isnt it in the constitution that you can revolt against the goverment?

*looking throogh constitution*.....nope...don't find that anywhere in the Constitution....sorry.

Honestly...I think you are just trying to cause trouble because I think you would like to see America torn to pieces by a revolution. It is widely known that the world hates America (I think even England to some extent). And they all know they could never attack or destroy America by any conventional means. So what is left??? You try to get us to destroy ourselves from within.

Just one question...what are your motives for having Americans revolt? What would you, living over in England, gain from it???

[edit on 7-4-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 04:59 PM
It's already happening. People are realizing that it' s all male bovine excrement. There's more taxes on the way. Obama wants a europeanesque VAT tax or some BS carbon tax (it was on DRUDGE this AM) So bend over, here it comes. This will push up the BS index and even more people will WAKE UP. The PTB have already lost. They know what's coming. And their scared. They're. Stealing everything that' not nailed down But it won't save them...poor bastards. I pray they don't do anything stupid. (Viiolence, soft kill or hard kill) it will get ugly. There's a lot of rage perculating. Let the inevitable change come PEACEFULLY.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 04:59 PM
Unfortunately, I have to agree with those who say, in essence, we are to comfortable and apathetic to revolt. That said, the comfort level and the apathy is deteriorating rapidly for many.

The MSM is spewing lies and half-truths and the people are getting wise. The actions do not match the words and people are becoming aware because so many have been forced into a position that they must.

Government is threatening the people, literally, with this Health Care Prevention and Taxation Plan (my name for it). We have Cap & Trade Taxes coming based on established known lies, VAT Taxes probable, trillions in bailouts to banks both foreign and domestic, car companies, etc., Feds broke, States broke, people getting broke. Where will they come for the money? You and me. That comfort will disappear in a hurry.

How far are you willing to go to protect your family and particularly your children? That answer is different for each of us, but if threats of violence come to my home and family from anyone, including our corrupt government, that threat will be terminated with extreme prejudice.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by MIMRblazin
reply to post by Haydn_17

I've lived in America my whole life. I'm thirty-three years old.

I've never gone hungry.
I've had a roof over my head my whole life.
I've had a steady, good paying job since I was 21.
I've never been assaulted or attacked in the street/public.

Compare your current situation to other countries in the world and you'll find that you DON'T have it that bad.

People calling for Revolutions make me sick. You plan on doing this a non-violent way, or will more violence solve your problem?

And Muzzleflash, telling everyone to stop paying money is one thing. But did you know you're on the internet right now? Broadband costs money.

I understand what it is you're saying and I respect it, but.. its not all about you who lives in America. Its also about the destruction America is causing abroad. America's empire has spread its corrupt wings globally and created puppet governments not only within the States but other nations which makes the world that much more volatile. The strategy the American Empire uses on its own sheeple is; rape and pillage other nations while keeping its own people fat, lazy and entertained enough for their people to not give a ****. Well, its time to quit being fat, lazy and entertained! The American water is fluoridated. Your food is contaminated with God knows what. Even your fresh produce is poisoned.. unless of course if you're one of the few fortunate ones to grow your own food. Your air is contaminated pending on where you live. Your education is dumbed down. Your MSM is owned and operated by the corporate elite. Your gov is held hostage by corruption and a private bank. Your taxed and taxed and taxed yet you're also entertained, brainwashed, and addicted to processed food. Keep eating your excitotoxins, artificial flavors/colors and preservatives. Line up for all your vaccines and not care because you say you're not affected enough. Meanwhile the armies of your empire is destroying other nations and creating false flags even in your own country. When is it enough ? Does your roof have to cave in for you to finally care enough to do something ? The truth is; America does need a leader and needs one fast! There is a such thing as too late and I fear that time is approaching.

The people of the US revolt, the rest of the world will soon after, I guarantee it. No nation can topple the US, the only way the US topples is from within.

[edit on 7-4-2010 by disfugured]

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

SaturnFX, you do realize that the voting system is a scam, correct? How many 3rd party members are in the house or senate? How much air time does a controlled presidential candidate get during political debates, versus a free-speaking individual? Which of them will get idolized, which will get demonized? I think we both know who. How much money do the taxpayes involuntarily give to the RNC & DNC. Hasn't the electronic voting system been known as a scam for sometime now?

The system's integrity has been breached. It's corrupt to the point that attmpting to override any one of the firewalls in place will automatically flag technicians to counter your move by setting up more firewalls, and dropping the line.

You can't fix a broken system from within. When the point is reached, reform is no longer an option. All that remains is one of three things: continued corruption, revolt, and collapse. I think we're going to skip number two, and head right ino collapse soon enough.

[edit on 7-4-2010 by unityemissions]

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by ventian
I couldn't agree more but I can enlighten you on why we don't. We aren't hungry and we still have entertainment. We on this board are not a good representation of America. Not in the least bit. If we were the revolution would most likely have happened already due to the fact of the sensitive nature of the topics posted on (i.e. War, 911, etc). I would like to see it but I am an American hypocrite as they say. I would much rather live day to day trolling the forums for entertainment and booting up my video games. My life sucks, but I am scared to death of change especially drastic change such as that spoken of. This is the complete truth and how the majority thinks in this country only they won't admit their flaws like I can. Good Post.

well said

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by MIMRblazin
reply to post by Haydn_17

I've lived in America my whole life. I'm thirty-three years old.

I've never gone hungry.
I've had a roof over my head my whole life.
I've had a steady, good paying job since I was 21.
I've never been assaulted or attacked in the street/public.

Compare your current situation to other countries in the world and you'll find that you DON'T have it that bad.

People calling for Revolutions make me sick. You plan on doing this a non-violent way, or will more violence solve your problem?

And Muzzleflash, telling everyone to stop paying money is one thing. But did you know you're on the internet right now? Broadband costs money.

you get fed in prison.
you get a roof over your head in prison.
hell you even get a job in prison.
you can be somebodys !@#$% and not get attacked in prison. just like in society.

but ask any prisoner if they would give up any of those securities for freedom.

you will only get 1 answer. gladly.

now take the reverse scenario, how many poeple are voluntarily going to jail just for the free food a roof? sure some poeple eventually get desperate and take chances that land them in jail, but ive never seen a very long line of voluntary willing participants at the local prison, they prefer the social services office.

one eventually becomes the other. i just assume keep my freedom and stay the hell out of the system all together.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:29 PM
According to the first U.S. Census taken in 1790, there were approximately 3,929, 326 people living in the United States. That figure is likely slightly higher as Slaves were only counted as 3/4ths of a person. So for every four slaves present in the United States at that time you would have to add one person. It is thought that there were 450,000 slaves in the United States at the time of the Revolution. They would have showed up then as being 337,500 of the population. So technically you could add about another 112,500 people to give the total population of 4,041,826.

During the Revolutionary War no more than 10% of the population actively fought against the British at the height of the war.

So roughly 392,932 people fought for, or provided money, material or supplies to the colonialist rebels.

No more than 10% of the population fought for, provided money, material or supplies to the British Government.

So roughly 392,932 people openly supported the British, by the way 10% of the population actively fighting on either side is pretty much standard for all Revolutions.

The rest will go pretty much anyway which the wind blows, and that’s as true now as it was then, and is as true in the United States as it is in Nicaragua, Iran or France, or any other country that has ever had a revolution against its government.

As of the 2000 Census there were 281,421,906 Americans. All of which sadly are listed as property of the Federal Government so the slave population has kind of increased dramatically, to say the least!

Most Historians agree that about 5,000 slaves fought on the side of the Colonialists during the revolutionary war.

Which means that about .0112 percent of the slave population was willing to fight for freedom, now lets take today’s slave population of 281,421,906 and assume we can get about the same number of slaves to fight in a new revolution, and that would total 3,151,925 people, who would be willing to consider real armed conflict against the government.

That works out roughly to 63,038 people in each state!

Now the 3,151,925 people willing to fight would be taking on the U.S. Military with an estimated 2,500,000 and around another 1,100,000 Law Enforcement Personnel, plus of course the fact that roughly 3,151,925 people would actually fight for their Masters!

So according to my calculations 63,038 civilians in each state of the Union would have to whip up on a combined figure of 135,038 military, law enforcement and civilians in each state.

Therefore the Government would have a little better than 2 to 1 chance in crushing the rebellion, which could only be held during a limited time period when it was not NFL, NBA, Baseball Season, or the Final Four, or new episodes of American Idol.

In short I don’t actually see this happening any time soon!

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:31 PM
Do you realise that so you can have your comfortable lifestyle, there are people living in poverty? For each filthy rich person, there are many people going without that money who need it. Is this fair? Entire nations exploited and plundered just so a few people who think they are better than the rest of us can get even richer.

If you give a crap about anyone other than yourself, maybe you would support revolution when it comes because it IS a world wide problem, these people are in the vast majority of governments and need to be got rid of!

The fact is that the earth provides more than enough for us all, yet a greedy minority are keeping it all back from us. People want whats rightfully theirs and theres only so much people can take before they break. There are so many examples throughout history, they cannot completely break us. Unless of course too many of us become like you.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:34 PM
To the OP

Excuse me?

Your government took your guns away a long time ago. You've been over taxed without representation for how long now?

Life's too good to revolt. If we overthrew what we have now, everything would get worse.

If you're so interested in our freedom, earn some for yourself.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by angrymomma

The day America get tied up in a revolution/civil war is the day that the world economy will grind to a halt, and the day that Europe will begin its countdown to decimation.

The last thing the world wants is a politically unstable US. There MUST be continuity of governance when you have enough firepower to destroy all life on Earth several times over.

I know everyone wants revolution. Hell, I want revolution. But lets look beyond the end of our nose: if a revolution occurs, every life on Earth changes. Those people buried in Haiti stay buried. That "Green Zone" that all your Embassy's are in becomes a war zone.

If anyone wants the US to have a revolution, all i ask is are you prepared for the consequences?

Me? I don't know. I don't want my children to suffer, but then again i don't want my grandchildren to suffer. I can possibly stop one, but not both.

Remember this: even if the US overthrows the government (which we could easily do with an election, if everyone would get their head out of their arse and stop voting for the party's), we all know that "they" will just move right back in and set up a new puppet government.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

Why would you voice anger at the American people? Your in the same boat. The people and the government are two separate entities. The People all over the world should realize we are all getting screwed by the PTB. I love the UK. I felt very at home there. I didn't neet one person that I didn't like. Did you send your boys over to Iraqistan? Was it YOUR choice? Or was it your government? Yeah, thought so... You've got no choice in the matter....nor does the American people.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Firefly_

The problem is you and others blame capitalism in America for the poverty everywhere else, yet most of the poverty exists in third world marxist/socialist/communist/fascist governments and dictatorships. The success of America and the "comfortable" lifestyle we have enjoyed was brought about, not at the expense of those people, but in spite of those people. Perhaps these countries should re-think their form of government and quit blaming America for their failures as nation states.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:46 PM
Why would anyone in their right mind say when they're gonna revolt? Thats when you know someone is insane, when they tell others via internet of all places, that they're gonna revolt. Know the weakness of the strong and the strengths of the weak. If there is no weakness, create one.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Good numbers work, also gotta account for the defenders advantage, which would make the odds even further in favor of the Federals. I may have to refer back to your number work in some later threads, never felt up to doing the math myself on what the actual manpower numbers would look like.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Hi proto. I see an error in your logic...I think. Maybe I'm missing something.

First, I'd like to ask if you have a reference for the 10% max figure. I heard it was 30-33%. Maybe my facts are wrong. If so, my apologies.

The error I saw was you said that 10% fought for the colonial revolution, and .0112 were slaves. Then you take into consideration only this small percentage of slaves as a part of the current equation. How is this logical? Wouldn't the more reasonable figure be something similar like 10% , or 30-33% if a revolution actually happened?

How can you say that only the slaves of colonial times were actually fighting for freedom? If this is so, what were the rest fighting for? Even if this were true, how would this be figured into what we're facing today?

[edit on 7-4-2010 by unityemissions]

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Rather than fighting them outright.

Just stop doing things.

Stop paying them $.

Stop buying pointless crap from the store$.

Stop paying for all their crap$.

This is IMHO, the only way to fight.

Using weapons only leads to pain and death, its retarded.

So is intentionally evading taxes. All that will do is bring down a S-storm on yourself and your family. The IRS is by far the scariest, most determined, government agency. And do you realize how impossible it is to just STOP paying taxes? We're taxed on EVERYTHING!. You'd have to convince your boss to stop taking out your payroll taxes, you'd have to convince the gas station owners to charge you less, taking out the gas tax from the price per gallon, you'd have to convince the grocery store cashier to let you slide on the tax portion of your bill. Plus, all of these people would be putting themselves at risk just for helping you avoid paying your taxes and breaking the law.

Not to mention, even if you somehow managed to make all of the aforementioned happen, TPTB would simply borrow more money from China. Or would you somehow convince the Chinese to say F-YOU to the government as well, essentially starting WWIII?

[edit on 7-4-2010 by WhiteDevil013]

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