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The valuing process

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posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 04:14 PM
When trying to understand the decisions of one person in their life, there is this first question coming to mind: what are the reasons for doing that? But before the reasons of actions can be understood, it’s best to know the trail back from the fork in the road we are trying to perceive. One of the obvious things is the way people select their experiences and the internal/external influences. Not some profound logical decisions, but the everyday little things that interests us and we want to check it out that can start a chain reaction for change.

This first layer of conscience, the “valuing process”, can be perceived as the outer shell from its basic and common decisions in the daily life, which anyone can see it with a little observation. This layer acts initially as an “interface receiver of information”.

As detailed below in figure 1, any logical mental process [2] is paused or abruptly terminated when we fail to control feelings and desires in the moment by sensations on our physical body [3]. This “break” event potentially obstructs any higher project or life aspiration decisions made before, as we refer here as spirituality [1]. The same could be said about mental processes filtering our experience of the spiritual, but we will deal with this concept later.


On the “value process”, the work of Carl Rogers was used as foundation for perceiving this unit, as he describes infant valuing in proximity to “do what you fell like doing” disregarding consequences with anything related to conscious decisions [2]. This mirror the way infants responds mostly by the internal readings of their organisms, as he noted in his experiments.

As a child grows up intellectually, she diminishes this primitive animalistic behavior [3] in exchange for a well social reception and the love of her parents. But be aware: this apparently “mental breakthrough” from childhood comes with a serious catch in the form of introjections from a beneficial obedience, verified exactly in terms of animal training.

By the commands given and by compliance to the terms accorded in them, the child (or adult) performs the solicited actions, and usually implies receiving rewards of things related to the body function (food, sex, affection) and the instant acquisition of objects of interest (money, possessions, advantages) who are normally much more appealing than long term projects that require constant attention, focus and mental stability. For this change in the filters of the interface, Rogers claims the term “adult valuing”, which we will see the real impact in another processing units of conscience later.

The alternate mode of “valuing” goes on enduring long range projects, where the individual re-evaluates the starting idea as time passes by. This mode operates in detail over teenagers caught between going to a party or studying for an exam. In their terms of maturity, this situation can lead to an existential crisis coming either from the guilt of pleasure from satisfying the first and failing the last or really empowering the mind to pass the exam managing the body urges. Problems later arise when students discover afterwards that their lives are “pointless” (poor interests reward), “with no fun” (fewer body sensations) and the classic line that “life has no meaning”, falling complete back to immaturity and being completely unoriginal, unauthentic, another copy of collective influence.

Following again figure 1, at stage [1] lays the “spiritual abstract concepts” or schemata’s for what the person defines as “reality” inside her subjectivity. In this unit, this feeling is processed from a general “bland” fast recognition of belief system received from childhood with absolutely no filters from the parents or the family structure of the individual. This is a major issue reviewed later, but the “system” reference can be read properly as “programmed”, “dogmatic”, “indoctrinating”. Parents repeat what they had received from their own program, mixed with their updated world views.

Based on the propositions so far, the arrival of new ideas for consciousness (in this perception) must travel through:

• The level of maturity to uphold the body feelings and emotions;

• The reason or logic inside the “reward system” constructed by the process of “adult valuing”, all the way from infancy and refined outside the family by creating rewarding bonds with the collective;

• The stronger beliefs of any religion or spiritual tradition that is already placed by the slow processes of mind indoctrination from family interests, cemented in the infant phase when acquiring social skills to be loved by their parents and accepted by his peers;

Refining our understanding, this “valuing” processing from this unit of conscience filters out any new aspiring “difficult” project by figure 2.


When drug abuse or recurrent substance use is in place [3], the situation gets far from worse than normally is for an adult control his emotions and feelings. An addicted person looses any mental coherent conscience returning to the raw “infant valuing” ways of living unconscious, while functioning intensively in the misleading “adult” reward system to finance and keep his lifestyle going on. As consequence, social interaction is in closed loop by the same people who share the same collective objective: loosing “conscience” or the “annoying part” of their lives that condemns them from having the infant experiences. In the same light, higher aspiring (humanitarian?) projects in life could be suppressed by failing over social compliance or with lower results in the current “reward” system. Thus conscience in this model must have a strong will and determination.

Lastly, changing “what is real” is the hardest of tasks, since you must have success at the physical level, then at the mind level of compliance and then remove and insert new beliefs.

But not everything is this quicksand of manipulation and deception!

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 04:15 PM
Carl Rogers, by observing human behavior, argues that maturity valuing happens when an individual ruptures his default selective filters by going back to “infant mode”, but this time around using a rational and unique mind as he eventually finds out again how he truly feel about things, thus becoming more aware of his decision making and creating resistance by not entirely going for all compliances of social behavior. At this point, the mature individual stays away from trying to “live out the expectations of others”, trying to be free of the manipulative collective influence.

This indicates a broader perception that goes far out the family unit, reaching out new ways to experience and be reconnected to their “real you”, not striving anymore for rewards, but to live in balance to the “Self” (watch out for the ego thought; we will check that later).

Not surprisingly, this mature individual can make some efforts to change the collective “adult” blunt and manipulative pressure over immature persons, as he realizes the mischievous con he was once locked in.

As anyone can see, this is a very simplistic model, or a more crude way of processing the input coming from the interaction with the world. If someone tries to understand a complex state of transcendence it will be very difficult to achieve success inside this ‘box’ of thought.

As a side note, it is interesting to perceive some ‘manipulations’ of the mental “adult valuing” that can cause corruption of values in people to return to immature ways, as one can perceive [ritualistic] grouping behaviors towards substance use (or abuse) and even more intensive sex experiences (fetishes, swinging, orgies). Also, immaturity can be completely dismissed by the person using the trick of “self-rewarding” logics of social conditioning as “everybody does, everybody deserves”, contributing to a vicious cycle towards heavier drug experimentation and eventually addiction.

We can see this unit operating at full speed when confronted to a severe new condition in the life of the person. Losing a family member for instance, will cause deep feelings runs rampant over the individual, and life projects fails to have meaning until the grief process diminishes. Also, a new find love or affection can postpone several mind endeavors, as these affairs need time and the obvious body feelings and urges that come with them.

Interesting enough, we can see patterns of “smart infant valuing” in this unit. This happen when the child, obsessed by the object of her interest, goes rampant with excessive levels of output feelings in the forms of shouting, screaming, crying until it gets what it wants. Some parents, with no maturity, just give in when the “noise” starts. In this very adult (as in manipulative) behavior, the child now controls the parents as she sees her selection of interest change, keeping the animalistic part of the conscience more and more influent. This later can grow into substance abuse, immense loss of intellect (the animal part gets the job done), and more profound “adult valuing” to always fulfill their animalistic desires that weren’t understood as a child, not matured as the family unit expanded towards the collective environment.



posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 04:54 PM
All perceptions are manipulative in nature. To better understand the "valuing process", one must first understand the human psyche and all of its inner workings. If someone believes he's in charge of his destiny through his decisions, then the valuing process is acceptable. But if someone else believes that he's not in charge of his destiny, in other words, that he's following an astrological program, then the valuing process is worthless.

Just my 2 cents.


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