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Fox News Calls For Obama To Be Killed While Framing Alex Jones For Instigating Violence

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posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by Happyfeet

Fox News Calls For Obama To Be Killed While Framing Alex Jones For Instigating Violence

Mass murder promoting Fox News, the network that was instrumental in pushing lies about weapons of mass destruction that resulted in the deaths of over a million innocent people, is so concerned about violent comments on the Internet that it employs teams of people to trawl through anti-establishment websites like looking for reasons to report Alex Jones to the authorities.

However, Fox seems less bothered about comments on its own website that call for violent bloody revolution and the assassination of President Obama. Perhaps Fox should direct more of its resources towards m
(visit the link for the full news article)

I gotta say no joy on this..

you got one woman (maybe two people that sated ignorance... so you are condeming the entire company for the words of them...

I see a double standard coming into play... and the so called threats were not serious in nature at all...

seems there have been some idiots on the left calling for people that speak out against the obama to be killed as well....

while I do not condone the words spoken... there is still a freedom of speech issue here... but was it direct hatred or simply joking as was stated...

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:42 AM
If Alex Jones sells books and dvd's etc, then is he a millionaire?

Has he made literally buckets of money from it?

If he has, I want in lol...!!

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by minkey53
Are you stupid or only five years old?

If you don't like Fox or Alex Jones, don't watch it or listen to them!

Exactly. Why do people still listen to jonesy if they do not like him. I gave up like others after seeing he is rubbish at what he does.

But if the people who listen to him like him, thats your problem, not ours.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by Titors Lovechild
What is FOX News? I'm in the UK, is it a right wing media propoganda institution or something? :l kinda like the UK's SKY News?

Yep fox is the american version of sky both owned by murdock, the aussie billionaire.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:28 AM
Without a link to the actual statement by Fox News, we should all remember todays date. There are many willing to quickly jump on the "flame Fox News and Alex Jones" bandwagon. Both Fox News and AJ use tactics to promote and sell their products. I'm just thankful to be over 5000 nm from such madness.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:45 AM
Remember it's only hatred and terrorism when directed at a Republican otherwise it's Patriotic free speech according to the right wing now days. Furthermore, if they are Christian, they are simply Christian warriors and not potential terrorists.

People have the disgusting ability to look the other way when it's for a cause they support. Even more so when it increases ratings, web hits and ad revenue.

Also, remember these are the GOP,s brownshirts. The ones they need to make psuedo grass movements and gather at rally points to express their over the top anger over legislation that they would probably benefit from. The ones that will take marching orders from the talking heads. The ones they need to make threats and spread fear among the opponents. No way are they going to lose them with criticism.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Kaploink
Remember it's only hatred and terrorism when directed at a Republican otherwise it's Patriotic free speech according to the right wing now days. Furthermore, if they are Christian, they are simply Christian warriors and not potential terrorists.

People have the disgusting ability to look the other way when it's for a cause they support. Even more so when it increases ratings, web hits and ad revenue.

Also, remember these are the GOP,s brownshirts. The ones they need to make psuedo grass movements and gather at rally points to express their over the top anger over legislation that they would probably benefit from. The ones that will take marching orders from the talking heads. The ones they need to make threats and spread fear among the opponents. No way are they going to lose them with criticism.

are you calling a double standard here on who is saying what now days... seems this happened a great deal with the dems as well...

Using the name "christians " is the lamest excuse the liberals have... they are doing exactly what they claim the GOP is doing... inciting...

And christians on a whole are not anyones brown shirts..... nor the IRS goon squad... nor anything else... that is another of these lump em' all together statements... and entirely not accurate...

And you think the DNC and acorny did not have their talking heads out there???/ Get real.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by lilwolf

Originally posted by Kaploink
Remember it's only hatred and terrorism when directed at a Republican otherwise it's Patriotic free speech according to the right wing now days. Furthermore, if they are Christian, they are simply Christian warriors and not potential terrorists.

People have the disgusting ability to look the other way when it's for a cause they support. Even more so when it increases ratings, web hits and ad revenue.

Also, remember these are the GOP,s brownshirts. The ones they need to make psuedo grass movements and gather at rally points to express their over the top anger over legislation that they would probably benefit from. The ones that will take marching orders from the talking heads. The ones they need to make threats and spread fear among the opponents. No way are they going to lose them with criticism.

are you calling a double standard here on who is saying what now days... seems this happened a great deal with the dems as well...

Using the name "christians " is the lamest excuse the liberals have... they are doing exactly what they claim the GOP is doing... inciting...

And christians on a whole are not anyones brown shirts..... nor the IRS goon squad... nor anything else... that is another of these lump em' all together statements... and entirely not accurate...

And you think the DNC and acorny did not have their talking heads out there???/ Get real.

Both parties are as corrupt and stupid as the Teabaggers. With the difference that the parties don't have full fledged retards running them. Well they're borderline retarded. Oh no,... I hope Palin isn't reading this.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Originally posted by Titors Lovechild
What is FOX News? I'm in the UK, is it a right wing media propoganda institution or something? :l kinda like the UK's SKY News?

SKY News is FoxNews.

What this is about is intolerant people who are so radical they want to deny speech to anyone not in accord with them and their beliefs. Both sides do it.

Come on, don't BE a complete fool, anyone who says that you or your "news" institution
should not be allowed to speak are radical. Also, your trying to imply that there is a popular movement which is non existent, this is also radical.

Your last sentence is right, are you serving as an example?

[edit on 1-4-2010 by Janky Red]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Originally posted by Titors Lovechild
What is FOX News? I'm in the UK, is it a right wing media propoganda institution or something? :l kinda like the UK's SKY News?

SKY News is FoxNews.

What this is about is intolerant people who are so radical they want to deny speech to anyone not in accord with them and their beliefs. Both sides do it.

Come on, don't BE a complete fool, anyone who says that you or your "news" institution
should not be allowed to speak are radical. Also, your trying to imply that there is a popular movement which is non existent, this is also radical.

Your last sentence is right, are you serving as an example?

[edit on 1-4-2010 by Janky Red]

I think first we need to stop calling all these networks NEWS and then we can have a debate. Almost all the MSM is catered to a specific group. They're designed that way to make money. No real journalism is being done anymore. They all look like clowns to me when they try to act impartial. Hitler was allowed to speak his mind, we all know how that turned out. Fox News is used in the same manner today, they organize people with their agenda and that is something a news organization should not be able to do. Even if their agenda was peace on earth and no wars, it would still be wrong.

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