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Obamacare Not Such a Good Deal for Kids and Young Adults

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posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:10 PM

Obamacare Not Such a Good Deal for Kids and Young Adults

Prior to the passage of the “historic” Obamacare bill, Democrats went hither and yon in their effort to sell the insurance corporation crafted plan like snake oil. They said it was for the little people and if you opposed it you were a racist or some kind of rightwing extremist.

Now with the ink barely dry on the bill, the truth is beginning to come out.

“Insurance companies wasted no time after the bill was passed to unearth a loophole that allowed them to deny coverage to children with pre-existing illnesses for the next four years,” writes Sahil Kapur for Raw Story.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:10 PM
Obama care is the WORST thing to happen to america after Obama. For all your FOOLS out their who thin k that obama has saved the say guess what? HE has NOT. you are not going to get free coverage. you are NOT going to get free Dr visits you are NOT going to be saved. you ARE going to fund abortions. and to all your fools out their who think that obama's excursive order has changed the provision he has NOT. An executive order can not change a congressional law. That executive order an null and void. it is meaning less. pointless. useless.
(visit the link for the full news article)

DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD SIMPLY SAYING OBAMA CARE IS GOOD FOR YOU! u can do that but you MUST talk about the MAIN thread. dont just say im a moron or something like that. talk about the news artical

Tank you.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by Vinveezy]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:12 PM
And you think this is Obama's fault? Fact is that socialized medicine is a threat to your capitalist system. If the American people had equal and fair right to medical coverage then the corporations in charge of medical technology/services/insurance would lose a lot of money. That would be very bad for American politicians, who have most of their campaigns paid for by these very same corporations.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:13 PM
So, healthcare is to blame because the insurance companies like the rats they are figured out a loophole to bilk to public once again. We needed the public option so bad. Also I never once heard a democrat tell the people that since they didn't like the healthcare they were racist. Some fiery words in their by the way, snake oil, sounds scary.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Vinveezy

didnt he have to change this bill alot just to get the red necks on board?
the bill has been alterd alot.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

I get really sick and tired of this....capitalist this capitalist that coming from you foreigners/Europeans. Frankly do you realize just how many major pharma companies and medical device companies are European??????????????????????????????????????????

You know that big fancy MRI machine at my hospital? Guess what? IT WAS BUILT IN GERMANY BY SIEMENS! All those big drug companies? Many are european owned! So before you go popping off at the mouth about our economic system and big bad capitalism realize that this has NOTHING to do with capitalism. In fact America hasn't had capitalism.......well probably ever. We have big governent in bed with big corporations. That's state corporatism bordering on fascism. Oh......fascism........and which country has a monopoly on that? Starts with an I...............

The problem with the US is our federal government is just as corrupt as the corporation. And we continue to give each of them more oversight and more power over our lives.....The US healthcaresystem is broken........because you're right it's a greed based system. You want to know why doctors make more in the US than in any other country? Because the AMA and the overall old boys club that controls medical education doesn't graduate, train and educate more doctors. The entire medical establishment in America is a racket. What the USA needs to do is COMPLETELY get rid of insurance AND government. Healthcare should be like taking your care into get fixed. We have car insurance for major accidents or very expensive things.......but regular maintenance and other things we pay for just like everything else in our lives out of pocket. And if by chance your born with some unfortunate pre existing condition like a genetic disorder in kids the government will step in and pay. Otherwise I'm sick of paying for some 60 year old who's smoke his/her whole life or eaten like crap and never exercised.

Speaking of older people......corporate America needs to start taking more responsibility for the state of our country. My grandfather received a full pension when he retired AT 55! from Monsanto. I bet that company probably doesn't have anyone even working for them at that age these days. I personally think medicaid and medicare need to go away forever. Maybe we should do away with the stock market completely and instead of stocks corporate America takes care of their own by offering full pensions AND private stock options for employees. If you want to be taken care of go find a good job with a good reputable company. PERIOD!

America is one big nanny state. We are being milked dry by corporations and our government.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:37 PM
Actually I'm not european, I'm Canadian

And I am quite aware of the involvement of corporation in the American government, at least in terms of what my university teaches me (which is exactly what I knew beforehand anyways).

American government is a seperate identity from corporations, but the corporations have gained far too much neo-liberal influence in the American government ever since the Milton Friedman economic ideal from the late 70s.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi

Yeah and you should realize you are also a country of only 30+ million people. Do you realize how big of a country we are? The entire lower 48 states could fit into the entire nation of Canada. You guys have a huge vastness of natural resources. And you don't have a porous southern border with 12 million illegal third world Mexicans invading your country and neighborhoods leaching off the system. DO THEY TEACH YOU THAT AT THE UNI? How about if we build a thoroughfare from Mexico to the Canadian border and let you guys deal with the illegals. We have as many illegal Mexicans as you have people in your country. So you Canadians should really be quiet.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:54 PM
Oh really?

To the north we have the other significant nuclear power threatening war with us if we choose to enforce our arctic sovereignty. That nation is called Russia.

We share the largest border in the world with an extremely hostile superpower that has used nuclear weapons on civilians before and also has multiple plans to invade us. That country is called the USA.

I'm fairly close to the US border and I am an expert with my home terrain. If the US ever stepped into my province, I would take great pleasure in scalping many of your unfortunate and misguided conscripts, until you bomb me with a plane that I could never even see let alone shoot at (which is really what the US has to do to put down ragtag militias anyways).

So until then, maybe your country should focus some of its outragious defense budget into social programs so that your large population of civilians in poverty can, at the very least, experience some basic rights and freedoms that your elite enjoy every moment of their lives.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by illusive man
reply to post by Vinveezy

didnt he have to change this bill alot just to get the red necks on board?
the bill has been alterd alot.

So is this what they are saying now ???

The Democrats find something they don't like in healthcare, and it's the "rednecks" fault.

The Republicans find something they don't like in healthcare, and it's the "liberals" fault.

Man this nation is doomed. We simply cannot remain a superpower with citizens this brainwashed and ignorant.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 08:14 PM
Divide and conquer. This division is clear, tick...tick..tick

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