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Illegal drug taking crisis

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posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 10:53 PM
Now i assume it is like this in most other countrys but i am just speaking from personal experience as a young Brit.

Drugs are a MASSIVE part of the youth culture in britain nowadays and its spirally more and more out of control. Its wrecking our society now and is only going to make it worse in the years to come.

Now i'm not slating people that take drugs seeing as i abused many different drugs for 5 years of my life and even died a couple of times in one night.

Cannabis seems to be one of the bigger issues at the moment. If you are young it is in no way "Unusual" to smoke cannabis. It seems like it is more the norm.
Adults don't see how big drug taking is in youths compared to youths themselves which is understandable.

If this carries on (and it will) the mental health of our children and our childrens children etc is going to be seriously effected.

Drugs cause lots of crime and use up lots of resources but you don't need me to tell you that.

The purpose of this thread is to try and think of ways Governments can actually help the situation.

How can we stop young people abusing drugs so much?

I don't see an obvious answer thats why i've made this thread to try and spark some discussion.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 11:48 PM
The world will have to change drastically before drug abuse ends... People, at least those that I know, use drugs as a way to escape a world that has become too much to cope with. Unfortunately for them, when they come down off of their "fix," they find the same world they just left.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 11:54 PM
I think there are bigger problems than cannabis. I would be more worried about drugs like coc aine, '___', heroine, etc. Cannabis is not addictive, no one has actually died from smoking pot. things like coc aine and heroin on the other hand, are highly addictive and people can OD on them.
I live in Japan and they are very strict about drugs. If you were to be caught with any amount of weed, you will be arrested for around 5 years.
Because it is so strict, there is rarely any drug abuse compared to a place like america, but there def are drugs around. Also, compared to prices in america, the prices of any drug in japan is ridiculous.
As to how to lower drug abuse, Im not sure. What i am sure of is that there always will be some people who will abuse drugs.
I think there may be two different solutions.
The first, governments could become more strict. If they do force people to implant a rfid chip, they could somehow monitor your brain activity, and therefore know if you have taken any kind of drug. This would probably eliminate drug abuse to everyone who has the chip implant, but I do not think this is a good solution at all.
The second, I believe that the way our system works creates most of the situation in peoples lives that lead to drug abuse. Because of the capitalist system, there are low classes that form, and it is mainly from the lower social classes from which drug abusers arise.
I think it is time to create a new system which benefits everybody, and not just the top 1% of the population. If there was equality and more freedom, I believe it would decrease the use of drugs significantly. Would it get rid of drug abuse all together? Of course not. But i believe this is the best way of taking care of the problem. The reason why many people start using drugs is becuase their lives are #ty. If we have a standard of living in which everyone is comfortable and happy, there are going to be much less people who will resort to drugs. Ya there will be people who want to experiement, but they will be less likely to abuse that drug.
Another good way to decrease abusers is to educate people properly on the subject. If you take a look at the video which shows before and after pics of meth users you will never do that sh!t ever in your life. I know thats how i felt after watching that video. If you know how badly a drug can damage your brain and body, then you won't take it.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 11:56 PM
What makes you think that people will ever stop taking drugs? It's been happening since the dawn of time. Can't change human nature.

Having said that I think that prescription drugs are by far a worse problem among young people than cannabis will ever be. Kids actually die from prescription painkillers especially when mixed with alcohol. Not to mention the addictive nature of the opiates. It's no picnic trying to quit, unlike cannabis whose physical symptoms are mild to non-existent for most people. Plus, they think it's not as bad as cannabis because weed is illegal and the prescriptions are given out by doctors! That's the worst part about it.

I think that governments can help by coming clean about cannabis how it is relatively harmless drug, and cracking down on all the fake prescriptions that seem so easy for people to get.

[edit on 26-3-2010 by TheComte]

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 11:58 PM
Well I can say with utmost certainty the government of canada is above you in every way, and if they catch you good luck. The police will lie on the occurance report, they will make false statements on the evidence they have, and the evidence they do have is "missing". Honestly people the crown does NOT want to see you there.
The duty council told me out of confidence that in his day he used alot of marijuana but he was discreet about it.

The only thing that makes me mad is that these cops know the law and they are breaking it thinking I wont catch it. When your rights are violated and lies are spread about you and your drug use from the crown itself its a deflating feeling. Its like where do I go now?

We should never legalize drugs, only decriminilize and make it a civil matter.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 11:59 PM
Legalization and control mechanisms? I advocate smoking marijuana, but not for the undeveloped mind. Teenagers brains are affected heavily by marijuana use, but I see no way of stopping it. There is another thread in this forum talking about how NATO won't even try get rid of the opium fields in Afghanistan. If TPTB are letting the drugs loose on the people and those very same people that they are being sold to are caught up in a culture of drugs there isn't much you can do except teach your children responsiblity and respect, then hope they make the right decision.
Personaly, marijuana helps me with physical pains that I can't get from pharmaceuticals no matter the strength. I'm on anti- inflamatories and pain killers for an arthritic back. The prescriptions make it really dificult to urinate completely. I had one hit of weed and my arthritic pain went away as well as completely emptying my bladder(something that my meds don't do)

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:01 AM
Decriminalize drugs, get rid of the black market on them, and face the problem as a medical one, not a judicial one.

The first thing a government can do is stop making it worse.

The crime that drugs themselves cause are nothing in comparison to the crime that the prohibition has caused and will cause in the future.

People need to realize that governments are ill-fitted to deal with complex socio-economic problems like drug use and make the tough choice to remove government involvement altogether.

Its time for people to realize that having government hold your hand and guide you through issues like drugs is quite possibly the worst thing you can do besides dropping loads of crack and heroine over grammar school playgrounds.

In the US, the drug war is failing, even in Supermax prisons. Since the war on drugs has started, drugs have become more accessible, cheaper, and a greater problem altogether. On top of this, new ways have been invented to use drugs.

Even though decriminalization is counter intuitive, beefing up drug enforcement and regulations has proven to be an incorrect choice.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:06 AM
I believe the choice and personal responsibility comes down to the end user. By simply going 'all drugs bad' at a schooling level and then little Johnny finds out that pot didn't kill him or his parents, this makes him question what other drugs are not so bad (e.g. harder ones like coke/heroin/etc).

This is the slippery slope.. What the world truely needs is accurate and factual drug education an immediate decriminalisation of all drugs. Throwing someone into prison for growing small amounts of personal use cannabis or consuming ecstasy etc and then exposing them to meth and the likes in prison, does not help drug use one bit. Neither does imprisoning someone caught in a heroin loop.. they need help! Truthful education, rehabilitation and support is what people need. People also deserve the freedom to make an informed decision about what goes into their body. I for one almost don't take any legal drugs because they make me feel rubbish most of the time, I'm not one to stay outta hospitals being a bikey

If you drink too much water you can die - too much of anything is not good for you. The definition of a drug encompasses a large part of what we eat and drink as they all affect us in their own little ways. If illegal drugs were decriminalised the black market trade would almost collapse, govt and corporations would be able to produce high quality products, instead of users potentially exposing themselves to cut product and dangerous combinations of chemicals. This would reduce harm or potential harm. The war on drugs is obviously not about harm and exposure reduction - people will break laws either way.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:14 AM
I guess the reason for drug taking is not only to relieve Pain, Mental and Physical, It makes Time go so much faster.

I'm sure I would rather be anywhere, even in an altered State from Drugs than to be in a deprssive enviroment.

Of course, Different Durgs do different things. If you're at a Party, I guesss you want to experience everything and drug taking is an experience. Once you've taken that drug and it alters your perception to make everything seem more Fantastic than it is, You'll keep taking it. I guess drugs can also modify your inhibitions. you're more likely to talk to someone who you may of been to afriad to talk too, Like Girls, as an example.

Even Legal, Doctor prescribed Drugs, are getting used too much.

A lot of Opiates give you that Euphoric feeling. Morphene and Pethidine are 2 drugs that come to mind.
Pethidine is now banned here for medical use (In Australia) because of it's addictive properties. Pethidine (Synthetic Opiate) is probably one of the most addictive drugs ever. It gives you such a buzz you'll want it again and again and again. I should know, I was on it for 4 years. I went from 100mg, twice a week to 1 GRAM a DAY (10 Injections). I was given it by my Doctor for Pain. I did suffer from Pain pretty badly and although I could blame the Doctor for giving into my wants, so to speak, I can only Blame myself.
Valium is another Drug that people get addicted to. It puts you in a place that you forget time and before you know it, it's the end of the day. You don't remember a thing.

Stillnox (Ambien) is one of the worst drugs on the Market today and it should bne banned.

I think Doctors have a lot to do wioth too much drug taking by people. I guess the more Drugs a Doctor prescribes the more Kickbacks he can get from the Parma Companies.

I now have nothing to do with drugs and I abhor any sort of drugs.
You will never find me in an altered state, Drooling from the mouth, ever!!!

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:19 AM
Cannabis can be very addictive by the way. If you smoke it all day everyday like a lot of young people do and i used to. It causes an emotional addiction meaning you can't control your emotions if you haven't had a joint. And this can be drastic..

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by bulletproof_monk

I live in Japan and they are very strict about drugs. If you were to be caught with any amount of weed, you will be arrested for around 5 years.
Because it is so strict, there is rarely any drug abuse compared to a place like america, but there def are drugs around.

Much of this has to do with the fact that Japan is largely a homogeneous state. Less than 2% of the people are non-Japanese. Considering many of the drug laws in the US were racially charged, Japan is in a different category altogether. Also, Japans drug use is on the rise. LINK

Brace yourself, its on the rise.

Speed was invented in Japan. That's fun.

Keep in mind people can maintain addictions to drugs like smack and crack in supermax prisons.

Strict rules just make the black market all the more lucrative. Japan has some of the worlds highest weed prices. It's no wonder it is becoming a bigger problem. Japan is about to get crazy.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:25 AM
The new health care system in the US still allows the insurance companies to not pay for injuries or disorder caused by/from illegal activities.

You know the insurance industry will use this loophole in every case they can.

you have any THC in your system even from just a joint you smoked 2 months ago and are in a car accident they will try to not pay.

Your a big time illegal drug user and anything happens to you that in any way they can connect with the drug use they will use it.

They have to make there profits somewhere.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:35 AM
mdma, other substituted amphetamines/phenethylamines(pills and most acid[particularly the ones that break down into dangerous neurotoxins in oxygen]), tryptamines(some acid) and garden variety amphetamines/methamphetamines(particularly if made with hydriotic acid which usually = dangerous neurotoxin) are ruining peoples lives. Everyone who takes them(anyone who parties these days)has scrambled eggs for brains. Like the worst of the worst drug casualties from the 60's and 70's except it's mainstream now. Short term memory shot, concentration span shot, emotional stability shot. Decision making ability out the window...etc etc. Tim Leary was an idiot as was Alexander Shulgin.

[edit on 27-3-2010 by mrwiffler]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:41 AM
Doctors WANT to prescribe the cannabis plant, but the DEA is forcing their hands.

There is proof of that.

A poll published in the peer reviewed journal "Annals of Internal Medicine" showed that a large number would prescribe cannabis to cancer patients if it was not illegal.

There is also a conspiracy here, on not remembering who first syntesised 3 of the most common drugs in DEA raids, the "Big Pharma".

'___' - Sandoz Laboratory, part of Novartis

MDMA/Ecstasy - Merck

Heroin - Bayer

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:43 AM
Holland really has it right. and I am not talking about a weekender in Amsterdam. I was working there fir 6 months and sae th weekend crown. All crazy on friday and very quite and subdued by sunday morning. yes you can get weed there, and anything else. but most of the place you see don't tolerate Class A. In one place you see sign saying/
"anyone caught using hard drug will have their leg broken"

As for weed being a slippery slope, I beg to differ. if someone ois gogin to go on to heroine or crack then they will, and weed will not lead them there in any way. if anything you just can;t be arsed!!

its just a scare tactic to help keep people off that has no basis in fact.

Fact is marijuana was banned because of logging business'
lobbying the US gov because hemp was more efficient at producing paper then wood!!! and that;s all

More people mdie of smoking and drink than weed. in fact NOONE dies of weed. so WHY is it illegal!??? Oh yes psycotic episodes and mental health issue, I guess we will remember that the next time you see someone with drink problems, and the results of higher amonia on the brain!. which belive me is not pretty!

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 12:44 AM
Young people need stuff to do. When I was young I did this and that; why did I stop? I moved out, got a job, started university and got a girlfriend... I don't have a lot of time for that sort of thing anymore.

They have too much free time, put them in a work camp or something, Briton probably needs some roads tarred and ditches dug, right?

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 01:36 AM


posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 01:43 AM


posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by TechUnique

What rubbish. Due to T&C's I can't elaborate, but anyone who spouts this nonsense about Cannabis is talking out of their proverbial.

There are far more dangerous things in the world than a plant.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 02:05 AM

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