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2 PA Homeowners Facing Foreclosure Take Own Lives!

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posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:13 AM
Article: PHILADELPHIA (CBS 3) ― The foreclosure crisis in Philadelphia is now becoming a matter of life and death. Eyewitness News has learned that in the past month, two homeowners took their own lives before sheriff's deputies arrived to tell them that they were being evicted.


A sad sign of the times? How sad.

Another example that in America, you don't Own your Own Home. You rent it. Try not paying the rent (taxes) and see what happens.

I think this goes against what America was started for. Away from Gov't oppression. High time for Gov'ts to find another way of generating revenue than from our homes.

Kinda sucks, working your whole like-owning a home, retiring, then having to do battle till the day you die over the rent you have to pay.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:18 AM
Not the first time I've heard this kind of thing happening...
Reminds me of a History channel special titled "After Armageddon"...

One of the shows, so called, experts said there would be a lot of people who just couldn't mentally handle that life as they knew it... was forever changed... rather than try, they just give up to despair...

sounds like that's what happened here

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by anon72

Such a shame, they should have leveled the house like someone in Cincinnati did. Got to love it sad they took there lives, but there is nothing in the world that will make me want me to take my own life. The Forclosure was the straw there was an underline issue.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by poedxsoldiervet
reply to post by anon72

Such a shame, they should have leveled the house like someone in Cincinnati did. Got to love it sad they took there lives, but there is nothing in the world that will make me want me to take my own life. The Forclosure was the straw there was an underline issue.

Soon such acts (leveling your forclosed home or burning it down) will be classified as criminal 'economic terrorism'. Just wait for it.... it's coming.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by anon72

Kinda sucks, working your whole like-owning a home, retiring, then having to do battle till the day you die over the rent you have to pay.

This is a battle that you see across the nation with property taxes too. People work most of their lives to pay off their homes yet fight to save them from the city or county. In Texas where i live, you are screwed unless you are 65 years old or disabled. The amazing thing is that even at that age you can only postpone tax collection until your death. They will come after the house after your death and deny your children unless they can pay years of taxes and interest.

Either way, the whole situation is terrible and depressing.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Maxmars
Soon such acts (leveling your forclosed home or burning it down) will be classified as criminal 'economic terrorism'. Just wait for it.... it's coming.

Nah! They will just arrest you for not getting a permit. The bank won't care. It is easier to sell property that doesn't have any structures on it. Hell it might even increase the value of the property.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by anon72

NO house is worth dying over, a house is not a home,

I feel very bad for them, but nothing on this planet is really yours or mine, when will people realize this, I do not become attached to material things.

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by anon72

NO house is worth dying over, a house is not a home,

I feel very bad for them, but nothing on this planet is really yours or mine, when will people realize this, I do not become attached to material things.

The ownership paradigm is deeply engrained in our society, if not culture. Partly, I think because of commercialisms strong endorsement of 'consumerism' upon which they base the economic policy wherever they roam.

It is difficult for me to write off those so indoctrinated as responsible for their own lack of vision. They followed what they believed was the 'dream' of owning a pice of the rock, when that illusion is shattered, there must be someone there to provide the perspective you describe.., although I doubt they would have felt at peace with the idea of living out of their car, or in a refrigerator box under the freeway; or suffering having to jump throught the endless 'hoops' that government assistance demands of those who are at the end of all hope.

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