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Fellow Americans,Is it time to revolt?

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posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 08:32 PM
If the Bill is passed it will not take affect till 2014 !

In 4 years things can be added , items can be removed and the whole bill can be repealed before it takes affect.

Revolt ? TPTB want the people to revolt so they can start martial law.

Whats really sad is when they open the FEMA camps, the poor saps that believe in the two party system and trust the government will willingly go to these prison camps.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by OLD HIPPY DUDE
.....and the whole bill can be repealed before it takes affect.

Well, I can only hope!

Originally posted by OLD HIPPY DUDE
Whats really sad is when they open the FEMA camps, the poor saps that believe in the two party system and trust the government will willingly go to these prison camps.

A FEMA camp sounds pretty good right now. Got my healthcare, three hots and a cot. Probably regular work, too.

Dibs on top bunk!!

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 08:37 PM
it was time to revolt decades ago unfortunately most of the sheeple didn't get it and still don't . There will be no revolt till the sheep feel enough pain. In the meantime here is the solution:

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by zoso28

You can't post thread material referencing medical benefits of marijuana taken from mainstream news sources without a warning to calm down but you can call for revolution against the government.

Gee, which one of these is likely to hurt me?

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Cloudsinthesky
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Another thread.........The debate is over..........It is apparent that you will stand on the other side if the time comes as the OPs thread suggest......

Good luck to ya!

So in other have no specific concerns about the I assume you have no idea what is in the bill.

So instead of having a would rather just declare me an enemy and exit the room??? Illogical...but not entirely unexpected.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by LeTan

You have read the bill? All 1990 pages of it, including the 14,000+ pages of tax codes added to the bill?

And you understand fully what it is presenting? Impressive. if this is true, you did more work than the people who are voting it it.

When you copy/paste it into a word document and fix the is around 700 pages.

Have I read every single word in the bill??? No...I'm not going to lie...I have not. I have read what I deemed important while scanning through it. I have referenced it very often when different issues come up. I have not sat down and read it front to back without stopping. But I don't think I am missing much of it from what I have done.

But why do people act like someone can't read 2000 pages (actually 700 pages)??? I read all the time...I have a book after book...I read magazines....I read newspapers....I read a thread after thread here on ATS.

WHY do people act like no one could read 700 pages???

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Again you are taking the thread off topic...........

Why should I debate it with you as the vote nears in moments...........YOU dont matter..........

Again I say to you ...........Good Luck to you and your family!

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

Hardly off topic...topic is about revolting because of the healthcare agreed...I asked what your specific concerns throw veiled threats against me and my family.

I'm attempting to engage in a civil turn to threats.

Very classy.

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:36 PM
If you are going to fix the system, it will take 6 years. The reason why it will take 6 years, is that you, and everyone else will have to buckle down and start to pay attention to what our local, state and federal government are doing. Redressing and getting things on ballots. It means that we the people need to wake up and start enforcing the ideal of a government Of the people, for the people and by the people. It also means pain and growth for the entire country. Now part of this will be to get out and VOTE, start a large voting block, and vote out every encumbent that sits in office. It does not matter what party, but vote out the old, to bring in the new. After the second time, look at the canidates who are wanting to go into office and tell them, that is not their seat and they will listen to what the people have to say. That is real change and hope, that is how you get a government that governs with out the arogence and mismanagement that they are currently doing. I always thought it was a bad idea that a person makes a carreer out of being in the same seat of power for too long, that they grow complacent. I have also heard that once a canidate gets elected his focus is not on the job that he is suppose to be doing, but on getting reelected, spending a quater to half of his time trying to get campaign contributions for the next election. If we do that for 6 years running, then the government will come to the conclusion that it is no longer in control and that they have to fear the people. It is also surprising how few states actually have recall elections for those canidates in congress.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by LeTan

You have read the bill? All 1990 pages of it, including the 14,000+ pages of tax codes added to the bill?

And you understand fully what it is presenting? Impressive. if this is true, you did more work than the people who are voting it it.

When you copy/paste it into a word document and fix the is around 700 pages.

Have I read every single word in the bill??? No...I'm not going to lie...I have not. I have read what I deemed important while scanning through it. I have referenced it very often when different issues come up. I have not sat down and read it front to back without stopping. But I don't think I am missing much of it from what I have done.

But why do people act like someone can't read 2000 pages (actually 700 pages)??? I read all the time...I have a book after book...I read magazines....I read newspapers....I read a thread after thread here on ATS.

WHY do people act like no one could read 700 pages???

It's one thing to read things, it's another to fully understand what they mean. English is not my first language, but I do pretty well. Even so, I tried to read the bill and could only understand fractions of it. And how do you scan such a document? I tried scanning it and it seems like i'm missing a lot.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by zoso28

I admire your initiative but think there must be a more effective venue for your talents.

We need tradesmen, craftsmen, skilled mechanics, engineers, designers, statesmen, diplomats, civil rights leaders, nurses, professors, farmers, educators, teachers, care givers, mentors, philanthropists, veterinarians, volunteers, scientists, peacemakers, mediators, police, fire and emergency rescue services.

Crazy... we got.

Warriors and Sunday soldiers? ...We're full up.

Funny how nobody bats an eye when your individual cells are harvested, bought and sold by a bio med facility to another bio medical research lab. Your particular genetic code can be owned. It can even be used against you.

And it isn't the government behind this- it is giant bio-medical and pharmaceutical firms looking for the next big cure. You know body parts will soon be traded on the stock market if these folks get their way?

Our (admittedly at times ineffective) government is trying to mandate regulations over these firms so they cannot abuse the privilege we give them with access to our blood and body parts.
We fight tooth and nail against the very measures put in place to protect us from some futuristic takeover of our genetic code. We call any and all "regulation" of these giant corporations an attack on free enterprise and the American way.
It is like dragging dumb horses to water and waiting until they become just so brutalized and cannibalized by these opportunistic businesses they cry uncle, and finally allow the government to swat the parasites away.

[edit on 22-3-2010 by rusethorcain]

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by zoso28

I'm with you! This is our country and those SOB's don't even come close to representing what we want anymore! Yes it's time and I am ready!!!!! All we need is a real leader to stand up and lead us. Quesstion is, where is he? Why is there not a single person out of 350 million people who will step forward and lead us to free our country again? That my friend is all we need to spark this thing...

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:38 AM
I simply do not understood the fascination with armed revolts by people. How does overthrowing the government and enforcing a martial law make us a free nation. It's seems like the exact opposite of what the founding fathers wanted.

I think the bigger problem is that we now have a group of people that simply can't handle seeing things enacted for which they don't agree with. I would go as far to calling them a group of spoiled children. Who if they can't have their way all the time throw a hissy fit. I can see no other way to describe these calls for revolt when there are legal constitutional avenues to make changes.

What needs to be done is for people to act like adults in a modern society. Things like respecting others despite differences in views and working toward a common agreeable goal. Instead of these calls for overthrowing the government due to things not going exactly as you wished.

I would also mention, the increasingly questionable behavior of groups like the tea party are only going to marginalize your movement. No matter how important your message is, most Americans will not accept violence as the method of delivering that message.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by zoso28

Maybe it is time to revolt against those who would hold our democracy hostage to protect insurance companies and big business.

I know that if anyone tries to derail the President I elected or tries to undermine my government and I have anything to say about it... I may indeed pose a revolt against them. I may shoot first and ask questions later.

Sorry officer. I thought that tea party protester was going to leave a billboard size poster of an aborted fetus on my lawn. I had to shoot him.

This actually almost happened to me, although I never almost shot anyone.
Remember everyone is not on your side. How will you defend yourself from true patriotic Americans like me, when push comes to shove?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:36 AM
Fall of the Soviet Union 1991

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by ImplausibleDeniability
Why didn't you revolt at any time in the last 10 years? Bush and Cheney sure did a lot of nasty crap during their day.

What is it about providing healthcare for poor people that has so many ready to go ape?


It's b/c the government has finally done something that forces them to do something. The wars are easy to support if you don't have anyone in the military to worry about getting shot. Being forced to pay for something, that gets peoples attention. At least the ones who aren't sleeping.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

I've said before and I will reiterate again: Should there be a civil war within the United States (which I believe is the second most likely outcome here, the first being that the "revolution" would be immediately put down) I will come back to America to volunteer to fight for the government.

I believe in the Great Experiment. I believe in the system. It is not perfect but it can be made better with things like term limits, campaign finance reform and the elimination of lobbyists, to name a few.

The world does not need a revolution in America, especially the kind that many of the people here on ATS want. Anarchism, Libertarianism, unrestricted free-market capitalism will all result in a corporate oligarchy in the United States that will spread throughout the world.

This probably will not be the way of it however. I did some research lately for a piece I am doing on just this issue. In the 1990s, the Militia Movement in the United States topped out at around 60,000 persons. The federal government never considered them a threat to national existence and dealt with them primarily through law enforcement capacity instead of heavy military forces with only a few exceptions.

Using this example as a basis for what would occur, it is highly doubtful that any armchair revolutionaries would be able to field a force large enough and with enough training to prove a threat to the United States. First and foremost a force would be met with local police action.

By the time your revolution is considered dangerous enough by the government to call out the troops and all of their toys such as the Reaper drones, you will have already lost. A small force of untrained irregulars without the majority support of the people, fighting the US Military on their own home turf (where they constantly train and study) has no prayer of success.

You will at best end up in jail if you attempt this.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by sdcigarpig

Right on point!!!

I also have a solustion that can be implemented immediately that would lead to representatives on every level listening to the voters:

Limit all campaign contributions to people/businesses in the district that is up for election. Example: you could only raise money from people inside of the district you represent. For a governor, that would be state wide. For a congressman, that would be only from your congressional district.

This would immediately reign in PACs spending money in DC, because they would have to have an office in every congressional district in order to be able to contribute to that candidate.

Any thoughts?

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by zoso28

Sorry, I'd love to but I'm busy... American Idol is on.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 01:47 PM
You gotta love people!

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