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The Chilean Devestation in Images: WARNING GRAPHIC !!!

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posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:27 PM


CITIES AFFECTED: Constitucion, Santiago, Rancagua City, Talcahuano, La Poza, Tubul, Cauquenes, Penco, Iloca, Curanipe, Pelluhue, Arauco, Duao, Dichato, Caleta Tumbes, Talca, Santa Cruz.

COUNTIES AFFECTED: Metropolitana, BioBio, O'Higgins, Maule, Valparaiso, Araucania, Juan Fernandez Island

DATES & MAGNITUDES (in order): February 27: 8.8 March 10: 6.9 March 11: 7.2


Chile says earthquake and tsunami left 800 dead

SANTIAGO, Chile – The earthquake and tsunami that struck Chile last month killed 800 people and caused damages of nearly $30 billion, according to the government. And the ground hasn't stopped shaking. A magnitude-6.7 aftershock rocked south-central Chile Monday night, adding to the raw nerves and mounting damages caused by the Feb. 27 quake.


Interactive Chilean Earthquake Map


While the were close to 800 images posted relating to the earthquakes, aftershocks, and subsiquent tsunamis that have recently devestated Chile, I've managed to link the more relevant ones. While Chile has suffered from hundereds of major aftershocks, and many more tsunamis as an after effect, this country's problems continue to multiply. The images here will show the reader absolute destruction. Entire cities lay as rubbish piles, while people scramble for safety from yet again another threat, either in the form of an aftershock, or incoming tsunami. The military has done well to keep order and assist the survivors, but with each new event, comes the heart breaking search for the dead, whether it be via digging out the rubble, to strapping on a pair of oxygen tanks and diving to the ocean's bottom to search for victims of the tsunamis.

And if this isn't bad enough, three of Chile's major volcanic complexes are showing activity, with the Government issuing eruption warnings for three locations: Chaiten, Llaima, and Villarrica.

These people are really getting kicked hard, my heartfelt prayrs go with them...

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:33 PM

[edit on 18-3-2010 by DarkspARCS]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:34 PM

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:44 PM
Absolutely devastating, i checked out a few random pic links, but that soon gave me the s**ts, how does one embed the image onto the thread?

Flagged for attention
Starred for effort.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 04:50 PM
you know if they had decent building standards and enforcement the destruction woudn't have been that bad.

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 05:25 PM
When I saw these images it irked me to see buildings and homes piled up like piles of dirt.

and the tsunami's that hit must have been enormous - looking at those large fishing trollies makes you appreciate just how powerful a wave can be. I mean, those ships must weigh an easy 3 to 5 tons each, just to be tossed around like toys and deposited far inland from where they were moored.

And while these folks dig through the literal sand piles looking for the relics of their lives and lost loved ones - here comes another earthquake, another aftershock, stop looking and run to the hills!...

Then to come back to look again - just to find another pile of debris that used to be their town on top of the debris that used to be their home.

really deep tragedy hitting home down in Chile...

Relating to building codes and such, taking Haiti's tragedy and comparing it to Chile's, Chile actually must have had a more up to date buiding code over that of Haiti - only 800 dead in a series of earthquakes, aftershocks, and tsunamis that could have easily claimed the lives of more than a million people. accompanied by tsunamis that would have claimed still more lives. In Haiti, there's not much room for running to safety...

In order for these images to get embedded onto the ATS site one must first save the image to your hard drive, then up load it to the ats picture upload location, by creating an album. Once uploaded the site will generate the ATSIMG address, which you then copy and paste into your post.

From what I understand, only the ATSIMG tag will allow the image to embed itself onto the page, along with the image in question would need to be found on the ATS domain in order for the ATSIMG tag to even work.... like so:


[edit on 18-3-2010 by DarkspARCS]

posted on Mar, 18 2010 @ 10:35 PM

Amazing photos. As a photographer, it amazes me that whoever took these could get such quality in a place like that. I probably would be shaking to hard for them to come out like that. I have to give major props to whoever that was for being able to keep it together.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:12 AM
I don't know why Chile is getting absolutely no coverage what so ever.. I can only assume that because it's not a black country no one cares .. CNN, which loves anything racial, plastered every other news story about Haiti. Where is the aid to Chile? Don't they deserve the same level of attention? Not even an uttering of news anymore, and I have not seen any charities set up (where as I still see some for haiti) .. Haiti, which was a POS country to begin with had their mud and scrap shacks knocked down.. Chile has had a large part of it's infrastructure torn apart, which they worked hard to build.

I dunno.. I find it confusing.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by joey_hv

The 1994 Northridge earthquake in California was 6.7 richte, and look at all the damage it caused.

The one in Chile was an 8.8 richter, many many times stronger than the California earthquake. Honestly, Chile didn't fare too badly from this, plus they have been having a lot of very strong aftershocks that further damage already debilitated structures.

As far as building codes go, Chile is in the decent scale.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:57 AM
there was a mistake about the number of deceased. They're less than 300 as the last official comunicate said. The goverment screwed it up mixing the deceased with the missing people, that have appeared in big part.

we're a seismical country, not as Haiti. we're prepared to things like this. I live in a builing made in the '50's that just haves some minor cracks here and there, nothing serious. You'll be amazed about the normality that's on Santiago (aftershocks aside). It amazes me everyday, it's like anything happened... now I understand an Israelian friend I had when she said in Israel the people acted very normal before a terrorist attack and seemed not to care =s... It's shocking. And my people also never gives up, they started to rebuild the country the same day of the quake.

BTW, excelent images, SnF for you =)

EDIT: I need to say that we mostly don't live near to the coast but in the interior of the country. Almost all of the beach houses you can see destroyed by the Tsunami were summer houses and were inhabited by that time (that weekend was the end of summer holidays). Summer houses uses to be made of wood and near to the shore, it was logical that they were destroyed. The concrete pillars that can be seen in some pictures, in the beach side, were of people that actually lives in those fisher villages, anyway, nothing can resist a tsunami THAT big and powerful. The waves threw 5 tons fishing boats at least 1 kilometer away from the sea!
In the interior cities, as Santiago and Concepcion, the most damaged parts were the historical quarters, that are almost all adobe houses that had more than 100 years, when building normative was inexistant. churches and those old houses were the most damaged, but the new constructions are almost all with some cracks but still standing well. A tragedy, absolutely, but not THAT big as the media says.

Oh and a little gift. This was published in a local paper's webpage some days ago. Click over the pictures to see the after and before

[edit on 19-3-2010 by Caggy]

[edit on 19-3-2010 by Caggy]

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 10:21 AM
Absolutely terrible...

I really wish and pray these people may rebuild their homes, and learn to live with all the loss and grief that came upon them.

Every country in the world thats able of helping is helping, the red cross already had us know they have everything they need, but distribution is just very, very slow.

God help these people.

posted on Mar, 19 2010 @ 02:37 PM
NEWS UPDATE: 427 deceased and 97 missing people.
Still a little more than a half of the people that was decladred deceased at first.


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