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Want to hear stuff straight out of a high school history book?

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posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:04 PM
History as well was my best subject and my favorite. I would love to hear about what is written in regards to pre WW2 Nazi Germany, Hitler's rise to power, as well as the early stages of a post WW2 Germany.

And thanks for taking the time to do this for us. This is a great idea and for us old members this could really open our eyes to see what our children are being taught now in comparison to what we were taught in Public School back in our days.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:08 PM
I almost forgot the main question I wanted to ask, sorry to post again but this is the one that really interest me the most.

What is written in regards to the build up of the American Revolution? The reason for the American Revolution? What is said about the US constitution and the reasons why such a document exist? What is said about being the first shot or cause of the American Revolution? What is said about our founding fathers ? The Boston Tea Party?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:26 PM
General Sherman:nothing. I remember talking about Sherman's march though.

Reason for American Revolution:

It lists
Britan Passes the Stamp Act
Britan taxes certain colonial imports and stations troops at major colonial ports to protect customs officers

Boston Massacre: Taunted by an angry mob, british troops fire into the crowd, killing 5 colonists.

Genreal Gage orders troops to march to Concord,, Mass. and seize colonial weapons.

Britain gives the Eat India trading company special concessions in the colonial tea buisness and shuts down merchants.
King George 11 tightens control over Mass. by closing Boston Harbor and quartering

Some stuff on WW2:
Austria and Czechoslovakia Fall

On November 5th, 1937, Hitler met with hist top military advisers. He boldly declared that to grow and prosper Gemrany needed the land of it's neighbors. His plan has to absorb Austria and Czech. into the Third Reich. When one of his advisors protested that annexing those countries could provoke war, Hitler replied, "The German Question can only be solved by mean of force and this is never without risk."

Austria was Hitlers first target. The Paris Peace Conference following world was one had created the relatively small nation o Austria out of what was left of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The majority of Austrias 6 million people were Germans who favored unification with Germany. On March 12, 1938, German troops marched into Austria unopposed. A day later, Germany announced that its union with Austria was complete. The USA and the rest of the world did nothing.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:42 PM
Does it have anything about Native Indians and how they lost their land?

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:45 PM
If that is the basic summary of the American Revolution, I can honestly say I am absolutely speechless.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by imitator

Ah, I see the history propaganda machine hasn't changed one bit about the American Civil WaR! That is just crazy to think with the internet and all nowadays, you would think they would tell the truth instead of still making it about slavery?

I teach fifth grade history. You should SEE their faces when I explain the civil war was not mainly about would think I'd just said God was actually the devil, or something....

But it makes for a wonderful discussion. And its a great lead-in to how history books are written by the winners and with a political bias. Now I've got fifth graders questioning everything they read....

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

Theres a 5 page chapter on the American Revolution, thats just a list of some of the causes of why the war was started.

Massacre at Sand Creek:
One of the most tragic events occurred in 1864. Most of the Cheyenne, assuming they were under the protection of the US government, had peacefully returned to Colorado's Sand Creek Reserve for the winter. Yet General S.R Curtis, U.S Army commander in the west, sent a telegram to militia colonel John Chivington that read; "I want no peace until the indians suffer more." In responce, Chivington and his troops descended on the Cheyenne and Arapho-about 200 warriors and 500 women and childrem- camped at sand creek. The attacks at dawn...killed over 150 inhabitants, mostly women and children."

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 12:04 AM
You should do a similar thread on World History.
I'm curious to know if you'll run across any mention whatsoever of "Auschwitz".

I'd hate to think Americans doing worse than the Brits in this area, still I would not be surprised.

Auschwitz Unknown to Many Britons, Poll Says

LONDON — Nearly half of Britons in a poll said they had never heard of Auschwitz, the Nazi death camp in southern Poland that became a symbol of Germany's World War II-era genocide of the Jews.

"We were amazed by the results of our audience research," said Laurence Rees, a producer on the series, "Auschwitz: The Nazis & the 'Final Solution.' "

"It's easy to presume that the horrors of Auschwitz are engrained in the nation's collective memory, but obviously this is not the case," Rees said.

The survey found that 45% of those surveyed had not heard of Auschwitz.

latimes article

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 12:14 AM
Every time I hear about the nonsense published in most history books, or about the basic civics and history tests that most American citizens (and unsurprisingly, most American politicians) fail, I realize how lucky I was to have a great AP US History teacher. She wasn't afraid to tear down popular illusions (Civil War and slavery, Jackson and the Cherokee, etc.).

Maybe that's one of the merits of the AP system-teachers get to teach as they see fit and are less constrained by set agendas or curricula. Of course, it may not be this way everywhere-did anyone else who too AP classes in high school have a similar experience?

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:17 PM
Does it cover the JFK assassination? If so, what's it say about Oswald?

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
reply to post by imitator

Now I've got fifth graders questioning everything they read....

You are SO gonna get fired.

Watch out! Free and open minds are completely inappropriate!!

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 09:16 PM
Im in highschool and its not just the history books for example.

health- three chapters of how you must get married or you will never be happy and get an std.

english- books that i bring that are anti gov. im not allowed to read.

history- YEARS of repeating the same ingormation about how america is amazing and never does anything wrong.

thats not all. the point though is the school system is corrupt.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Alxandro

I wasn't asked.

Oh wait.

"The BBC said the research was based on a nationally representative postal survey of 4,000 people age 16 and older."

That explains it then, what a load of BS.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 10:30 AM
Just want to mention that I am British and was taught about the German death camps by the age of 14. I guess firstly it can depend on how good a school you went to, and secondly on your ability to retain information. Knowing the average level of intelligence of your average person I am not at all shocked that they would forget being taught such things in favour of remembering the website where they can download the latest ringtones...
In my opinion as far as british schooling went in the 80s and 90s kids were taught things, but that doesn't mean that more than 5% of those kids remember that information now. Even when I attended university I was constantly amazed at how many basic GCSE level things other students had forgotten and now in my adult life I regularily find myself explaining things which I class as fundamental basic knowledge to people who seem intelligent to start with then later show their ignorance!
Whether this applies to the US system or not I don't know, but what I do know is that most people have worse memories than they like to think.

"Nice idea" to the original poster though, I think the age we live in now is more manipulative than ever and it is very important to know what the next generation is being taught, but on the upside the majority of the population forget the facts and lies in equal amounts, its only the people with the ability to remember, discuss and reason that end up regular users of a site like this.

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