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Census Constitutional Answer

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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:28 PM
As stated in the Constitution, every American will be inumerated every 10years. Counted...Nothing more.....Not what race are you, name of each person in home. etc.... As the cenus wasteful notice letters are coming out, OH HEY< We know you have seen the millions of dollars in commercials, even in the superbowl, that the census is coming out in March, we now have wasted millions of taxpayers dollars to send you a letter in the mail to just RE-REMIND you, in case you forgot....Good Grief....But I digress...
Following the Constitution we must answer number of people in household, that's it. I am ONE PERSON... I am ONE PERSON no matter what color, religion or name I have.... I COUNT AS ONE and YOU COUNT AS ONE....
My answers to the census?
Number in Household.... ONE
City and State i will fill out also as I feel this is necessary for distrubution of money to proper areas... Not that anyone will see any money...
Please think before you fill out your census. Ask yourself WHY are they asking this?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:30 PM
No offense but why do you think there is anything nefarious about wanting a true count of population in the USA?

Do you think that they are looking to round you all up on the train out of town or something? That doesn't benefit the people in power, the way they benefit is by having all of your family work and continually pay taxes to Uncle Ben.

Or am I missing something?

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:42 PM
I see nothing dangerous in having a demographic breakdown of the nation. It allows statistics to be created more accurately and not just guessed at. What threat do you see in this? Because I'm totally missing it.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by Solasis

I see nothing wrong with being counted. We need to know to deliver services. I guess I do not understand why you need everyone's name, race, etc.... for what reason? If my name is John Green, does my state and town get more money? If my skin color is Orange, does my state or town get more money? These questions do not impact how much money my town and state needs or receives. As I stated, the Constitution states CLEALY, every 10years, EVERY AMERICAN will be inumerated, that's it....not classified, male, female, black, white, right side of the tracks, bad side of the tracks....that is all...

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by alexgia

I'm with you. This census thing is out of control. And in the past it has been used against the population. Think Japanese internment camps. They can use the information in the census to prosecute you. There is no reason to answer any other question than how many people reside in your house.

The census is not the venue to get a demographic breakdown of the nation.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:04 PM
i have no problem with telling them their are 2 people and that is it... all other things they want... well I do not know them from a pile of cow crap and we flat out are not going to tell them anything other than there are 2 of us...

Private business and personal business is really nothing they need to know... so they do not get it.... and if they are from ACorn and its crowd.... I will not answer them at all... I will mail in a form and be done with it... whit the a typical answer ... 2 people.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Solasis
I see nothing dangerous in having a demographic breakdown of the nation. It allows statistics to be created more accurately and not just guessed at. What threat do you see in this? Because I'm totally missing it.

The Census Bureau turned over confidential information including names and addresses to help the Justice Department, Secret Service and other agencies identify Japanese-Americans during World War II, according to government documents released today.

Documents found by two historians in Commerce Department archives and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library confirm for the first time that the bureau shared details about individual Japanese-Americans after Japan's Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor.

The Census Bureau played a role in the confinement of more than 100,000 Americans of Japanese descent who were rounded up and held in internment camps, many until the war ended in 1945. In 1942, the Census turned over general statistics about where Japanese-Americans lived to the War Department. It was acting legally under the Second War Powers Act, which allowed the sharing of information for national security.

Still feel good about the Census?
It allows the Gov to much freedom to abuse info. What happens if we go to war with (take your pick of countries) ? If you put your race/ethnicity on the census they will know where to come get you. We have many loyal Americans of various races/ethnicity and if they have used the census for internment once, you can bet with the patriot act they will use it that way again. The American Constitution calls for an enumeration only. Thats it. A simple head count of its citizens.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:11 PM
what penalties could one face for only answering the number, not anything else?

could they come to your house and harass you over doing what is constitutionally asked, rather than what they ask? could you be arrested?

found this
take a look around

general questions:

[edit on 3/11/2010 by mahtoosacks]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:23 PM
In a nation where corporate rights outweigh those of citizens, and the nature of the demographic details they collect are accessible to the 'masters' of political influence, you can rightly expect your information to become part of a political marketing database at least, I won't go into imagining the worst case scenario.

Data collection by the establishment was acceptable as long as privacy could be ensured. Now it's just a matter of some political appointee's 'word.' After many years of experience I say, "Nope, your word is not good enough for me anymore."

When they prove the benevolence of the program, then, I will reconsider. Until then, I resist trusting these 'programs.'

Transparency is not just for scotch tape anymore.

I will answer these question as my conscious dictates, or not at all.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by mahtoosacks

I believe the fine is $100 for not filling it out. $5000 if you put false info. As far as I know there has never been a fine issued for not filling it out.They will try and harass you tho.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by ohioriver
reply to post by mahtoosacks

I believe the fine is $100 for not filling it out. $5000 if you put false info. As far as I know there has never been a fine issued for not filling it out.They will try and harass you tho.

but what if i just say there is 1 person here, and nothing else.

thats all you are supposed to say anyways

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by mahtoosacks

that is all i am gonna say. fine me cause i aint talking!

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by ohioriver
The Census Bureau played a role in the confinement of more than 100,000 Americans of Japanese descent who were rounded up and held in internment camps, many until the war ended in 1945. In 1942, the Census turned over general statistics about where Japanese-Americans lived to the War Department. It was acting legally under the Second War Powers Act, which allowed the sharing of information for national security.

There is hard to find, very old black and white movie about this, called :

BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK starring Spencer Tracy

Spencer Tracy plays a veteran coming back from WWII with only one arm. To look up the family of a GI of Japenese descent that he fought beside against the Japanese.
When he comes to this little town in the middle of nowhere (desert)... Lee Marvin is the corrupt Sherriff, and everyone evades his questions and someone trys to push him and he uses jutisu and bests the man..Short Video LINK He finds out his friend's family was murdered and their home burnt down in the anti japanese hysteria after Pearl Harbor.

A great movie that needs more people to view it.

posted on Mar, 22 2010 @ 04:50 PM
I have no problem being counted and can see the good reasons for it. I do however have a major problem with two of the questions.

Why must the collect my personal name? It serves no purpose if you consider the reasons for the statistics they are collecting. It is invasive and given that the Database is not 100% secure, it invites misuse. If you look at the history of the Census you can see where it has been misused by the government sometimes to very nefarious extremes.

Two: Race. Race is a social construct that has no scientific basis in fact. Humans do not have subspecies and there is only one human race, namely Homo Sapiens Sapiens. They should ask about "Ethnic Group" to be accurate. I find the question ignorant and offensive as I am not a member of a subspecies. I answered the Census accurately by checking off " Other" and printing in Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

I also wrote on the form and envelope that I was filing out the form under protest. I included an EULA that required them to be 100% responsible for the security of the data collected.

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