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Mississippi School District Cancels Prom Amid Lesbian Date Controversy

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posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 09:58 PM
So butch wasn't allowed to dress like a guy.. Oh no her rights were violated as a homosexual.

But why don't they let nudists come to highschool in the nude now? Don't nudists get freedom of expression rights too?

Why don't they let kids show up to class with I Love Crystal Meth shirts now? Don't druggies get rights too?

Why don't they let racists wear hate shirts now?

I think the real problem with all of the above is that it would be a negative distraction upon their peers who all have to get through this life too. If you don't like how the public school system functions then you are free to have a homeschooling prom (I'm a believer in homeschooling by the way).

That girl blew it for her classmates and for herself.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:11 PM
She should have bowed to authority and did exactly what everyone expected of her.
Clearly the school prevented undo stress her outfit might have caused, actually heroic if you think about it. What if her homosexualness would have made others become homosexers? Peer pressure is a hard thing... Many young souls have been saved,
think of all the young men who might have examined the other young men by being influenced by this girl. Or young ladies taking interest in breasts. Or what if some dudes thought it was so cool they would decide to wear dresses which might lead to alcoholism.
Score for freedom, liberty and the American way! A true tragedy has been averted!

[edit on 11-3-2010 by Janky Red]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:18 PM
Forgot to mention I am SO glad that the school board picked up the slack on the poor parenting, it is obviously the job of schools to instill a sense of morals on students just incase parents give their children the freedom to dress themselves. As I have said,
I am glad I did not see any gay things in school or it might have made me gay.
(I was also very lucky not to drink after others did, sharing sodas and all)

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:20 PM
I think everyone here in this thread knows what rights this poor girl had trampled.

She wanted to right to dress how she felt comfortable, like all the other students attending prom intended to do.

They canceled prom instead of allowing this student to wear clothing of her own choice (clothing that was not lewd but a normal cover up my flesh more than lots of prom dresses tuxedo clothing).

That is pathetic, disgusting, and shameful.

The school board in this town are all cowards and scum who do not need to have another chance to hurt a child again!

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

They cancelled the prom because the very sight of her clothing might have created an unstoppable wave of homosexual childrens. The normal attendees might have started crying, nightmares, drug use vomiting and possibly turned into suicide bombers.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:53 PM
I see this tactic more and more lately. It seems if folks can't keep things secular they just don't participate. I have a great idea. Let's just put an "age restriction" on being gay. That should solve the whole problem.

Personally I think it should have been a matter of fact issue. These are the rules, and you can either follow them or not participate.
Does that mean the rules exhibit equality on sexuality? Maybe not. Then work to get them changed, which I am sure she is doing. But I agree the way she went about it resulted in a very unfortunate turn of events for all the students. I don't think it had to go down like that. Some issues require perseverance and the understanding that sometimes the best results come from evolution, not revolution.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by 3DPrisoner

I think the real problem with all of the above is that it would be a negative distraction upon their peers who all have to get through this life too.

That girl blew it for her classmates and for herself.


That tuxedo might have made the entire prom horrible. I mean it could have made a bunch of teenagers mean, petty and judgmental (beside the spread of homosexualisms) Sure enough a girl wearing tuxedo would have distracted everyone, I know personally at that age I would stop trying to get laid and would have just stood their starring at her totally distracted all night.
Your also right, might have caused a bunch of drop outs and depression measured by months in a dark room.

She did ruin it for everyone, the malicious intent and influence that girl has is frightening. I would go as far as to say she did it on purpose, I also question why she is president of the school board considering her age and "confusion".

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:06 PM
I think she did what she did, knowing full well that she was going to create problems.

she would have thought, "all these normal girls going to have a good time with their guys, but I can ruin it for them".
Well, she did and their prom was canceled. She's on a power trip.
Shes now the big powerful lesbian that canceled the other girls prom.
Lesbians can either blend or go for self power trips and watch how much discrimination they will generate.
You cannot demand the whole world to change over you. That's what she thought.

I am honest and I admit it. If I was to take a part at a prom like that I wouldn't have bothered to attend. It would be like a freak prom. I am sure I would be getting weird looks from my gf like "why on earth did you bring me here for".
Probably the general consensus would have been similar so the school instead of wasting money to a failed prom that not many would attend they decided to cancel it and save the money instead.

[edit on 11-3-2010 by spacebot]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by spacebot

You cannot demand the whole world to change over you.
[edit on 11-3-2010 by spacebot]

Star for you

Exactly the point!

Did she even bother to check if the tux shops made tuxedos small enough for some of the girls? Did she have the money to pay for them even? I bet most of the girls wanted to wear dress's...

Then to suspend her from the center of the gymnasium with all those spotlights.

I am glad that the school board demanded the change myself, their opinion and authority should everyones greatest concern in this dangerous world.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Rockstar02
It's so funny to see all of you people blaming this girl because she wanted to stand up for herself and cause a stink about what she believed in.

Isn't that what we're kind of about here or am I mistaken? Question things. Don't fit the mold. Be different. Think outside the box.

Then all of a sudden you log on to this story, and everyone on here is saying to follow the rules (which were probably written in the last century) because it's what's best for everyone in this situation.

Goodness there sure are a lot of hypocrites around here...

Exactly what I was thinking! I always wonder why some people even bother coming onto this site. Not saying ATSers are against the rules, just rules that defy common sense. If the founders of our nation just put up with the "rules" and just said and did nothing, there wouldn't be a United States, if women just stayed in the kitchen with no more than a six grade education and didn't try to chase their dreams they wouldn't have the rights they have now, if blacks just shut up and said "yessirr" and just kept to their colored assigned areas then we wouldn't have had the civil rights movement and everything would still be segregated, not to mention the continuation of hate crimes without consequence.

I see post after post of members here screaming about how Americans are spineless sheeple that won't speak up or do anything for their rights, but when they do they are a disturbance, a criminal, has an agenda, a rule breaker, etc. For those of you condemning this girl, how about give her some credit for having the guts to stand up for herself. She's already done more to stand up to the system than most of the posters here have ever done, and that includes me.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 04:28 AM
Here...let me summarize all the opposing posts.

"If the gays just STFU and stayed in the closet, everything would be fine."

Those days are thankfully over.

We're not the ones with the problem.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 04:59 AM
Now first and formost these are just my opinions as a non american looking into a situation that happened in a country i do not reside in.

So please do not take this as an attack in any shape or form against a country or individuals.

I have seen lots of posts here at ATS that go from people angry at threats to have their rights taken or watered down. To calls for outright civil war against the goverment.
i see people entolling that she should of followed the rules, she was on a power trip, she is a disrupive activist, and calls for her to behave as the mojority does in the area she lives in, ect.

now as has been said this happened in the bible belt of america. a place that holds dear to its heart the teachings of christ and the bible. This in my eyes is a honourable following. I am not religous but i have great respect for someone who follows and stands by their beliefs. For a great deal of my life i was in the armed forces and i would and did defend people. being gay, christian, hindu, straight, muslim ect, did not come into it. Even people who were anti military and spat in my face and threw bricks at me and petrol bombs. I defended these people without a thought from outside agrression.

America as i see it is built on the ideals of the founding fathers and calls itself a christian country. I have seen people who live in the bible belt talk about their religion and how they live thier lives according to the bible teachings. Then the same people will send their sons/daughters/wives/husbands of to war and talk about how they are proud to serve their country. This is were i find a problem.

They believe in god and the bible, but then go against his teachings. Thy shalt not kill, he who is without sin, cast the first stone, do not judge others.

A country that bases itself on the core beliefs of personal rights and freedoms, demands that one person follow the rules, that go against thier personal freedoms. Then if the school was acting in its rights and the law, why not just exclude her from the prom, and face whatever comes, but they shut the whole thing down. Therefor saying our rules are right and everyone will suffer for it.

I donot believe everything should be allowed, if your belief is that you have the right to walk down the street naked and waving an axe, or the right to drive a lorry across peoples gardens. Then for the benifit of the community this should not be allowed. A girl wearing a tuxedo does not infringe on anyones rights, if the girl had gone to the prom, would the students in later life be mentally scared and needing counselling, would it have changed how they grow up and live thier life.
Now we have a polarised effect, some will grow up remembering the event and being anti to the school, and others will grow up remembering the event and blaming the girl. This is what will shape some peoples thoughts and change how they see a group of people or an institution. Some of this has happened in this thread, us and them and not much middle ground.

Just to say i used the example of christian religion, not as an attack in any shape, but as to majority of the religous beliefs in that area. If this had happened somewere else i would of used the beliefs and way of thinking for that area.

Sorry for the long post...

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:25 AM

After reading this thread I'm beginning to think ATS should change it's slogan to "Embrace Ignorance".

I had no idea there was so many sickeningly homophobic members here.


A lot of people are claiming she knew she would ruin it for everyone else. I'm pretty sure she would've been as surprised as anyone that the school board cancelled it, and hardly pleased that they did so. She wanted to go to the prom, not stop it from happening!

She was right to challenge these homophobes and their antiquated ideas, it is their ludicrous over-reaction that has ruined it for the other students. However, those students will probably not see it that way.

Is the school board not responsible for the safety of their students? These people are an absolute disgrace and should be removed at once. By cancelling the prom they have placed this girl in physical jeopardy, as I'm sure some of her fellow students will not be pleased and will more than likely seek retribution. Any harm that comes to the girl will be as a direct result of their knee-jerk homophobia.

So what if she wanted to wear a tux? Where was the campaign to ban Shania Twain after her "Man! I feel like a woman" video? She wore a tux in that did she not? I don't recall any furore that it would hurt the minds of impressionable children. As long as the girl wasn't naked then what harm was it really going to do? I may not understand why some lesbians have a penchant for dressing like men but if they want to it's entirely their choice and no business of mine.

One of her fellow students said:

"I am a little bummed out about it. I guess it's a decision that had to be made. Either way someone was going to get disappointed - either Constance was or we were"

There was no need for anyone to be disappointed. She should've been allowed to go and wear what she liked, period.

Land of the free? Only if you're straight, apparently.


posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:06 AM
The problem is simply that she lacks discretion.

"Hey, everyone look at me, I'm gay and I don't care who knows it! Even people who don't care about it listen to me! I'm gay and I'm not going away!"

So now she went and got the prom canceled because she couldn't just go without having to let the whole country know that she's gay and going to dress in a tux.

Discretion. There's a saying about it.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by TheComte

She didn't cancel the prom, the homophobic school board did. It is their stubborn refusal to realise that it's 2010 not 1910 that caused this.

She is gay...that doesn't mean she should get preferential treatment, but neither does it mean she should be discriminated against which is exactly what happened here. She wouldn't be harming anyone else by wearing a tux and going to the prom with her girlfriend. Allowing her to do so would not be in any way giving her preferential treatment, just equality.

These idiots need to take a good hard look at themselves.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by sotp

Oh, so they would have still canceled the prom had she not said anything or let on that she was going to wear a tux?

Right, I thought so.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:39 AM
10-1 shes really ugly.

Just sayin.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by brainwrek

Here's a boingboing article with a photo of the "lesbian panic potential protagonist". Ugly is certainly not a word I'd use to describe her.
Just saying.
Lesbian Panic!

[edit on 12-3-2010 by jeanvaljean]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by TheComte

In a free society (as America is supposed to be) she should not have to fear that her choice of clothing or sexual preference would lead to such action. This whole situation has been caused by small-minded idiots who live in the past, and are threatened by anything that doesn't conform to their limited view of reality. A limited view that may end up causing this girl physical harm, and all because she dared to be different.

They should be ashamed.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by jeanvaljean

I would agree, shes not the typical "I'm butch because I'm too ugly to get a guy" lesbian like most of them are.

I stand corrected.

That being said, the school district is going to rightfully get it handed to them every which way possible on this issue.

Religious retardation rears its ugly head yet again. No surprise.

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