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U.S. "cap and trade" rebranded "pollution reduction"

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posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 02:54 PM

U.S. "cap and trade" rebranded "pollution reduction"

Like a savvy Madison Avenue advertising team, senators pushing climate-control legislation have decided to scrap the name "cap and trade" and rebrand their product as "pollution reduction targets."

A clunky and difficult term to define for laymen and some politicians, "cap and trade" had become dirty words on Capitol Hill in recent months.

Republicans called the plan nothing more than "cap and tax" and one influential senator took great pains last week to declare cap and trade "dead."

Senator Joseph Lieberman, an independent trying to draft a bipartisan bill, said, "We don't use that term anymore."

Instead Lieberman said, laughing: "We will have pollution reduction targets."

Read the full article here

This seems to me just another way to fool people. By changing the name from cap and trade to "pollution reduction" I can guarantee some people are going to be confused, at least at first.

Regardless of the name, the whole climate control legislation is a joke, we all know it is. Instead of 'scraping the cap and trade' name, they should be scraping the whole legislation (at least for the most part). I agree there may be some things that need to be regulated obviously, but when it comes down to it, it's all about money, and how the government and big businesses/corps. can make more.


posted on Mar, 10 2010 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by highlyoriginal

Regardless of the name, the whole climate control legislation is a joke, we all know it is. Instead of 'scraping the cap and trade' name, they should be scraping the whole legislation (at least for the most part). I agree there may be some things that need to be regulated obviously, but when it comes down to it, it's all about money, and how the government and big businesses/corps. can make more. Thoughts?

Well, when you write an OP, you need to give us a little wiggle room to help out. You pretty much summed it all up.

What are the two main legislative efforts, the government has attempted to do since Obama became president?

Health care and Cap and Tax.

Now, I am not mentioning the stimulus, government takeovers, etc etc etc. Those were tax legislation also, just that they were touted as something else. If you read into the bills, they spend spend spend, just did not supply where they would get the money from, of course we all know where they get their money.

Health care is about control of your bank account, forcing you to get insurance, takeover of the remaining private component of health care, etc etc etc. One thing people do not realize though, is the main purpose of it, is taxes. They do not start any benefits for 4-5 years yet begin charging up front. Yeah, that will work. They collect taxes for 4-5 years and we are expected to believe that money is going to stay in some lock box.
Social Security anyone? Boy they really think we are stupid.

Now, the Cap and Tax, touted to stop AGW. What is there to say. Has anyone read up on the Green Economy being pushed by the UN? Anyone? It is a way to institute Global Governance, PERIOD! No arguing, no nothing. Read people, the green economy is all about control control control, oh and TAX.

Carbon Dioxide a regulated gas. That is like saying Oxygen should be regulated.

Wake the frell up people. Your government is not your friend, and the sooner you realize this, the better. They do not know what is better for you. They do not have your best interests at heart. They are not benevolent.

Who did the government give all of your money to? The banks that control everything. The mega corps that control everything.

Do not fall for their hype. Do not fall for their lies. Do not fall for the outright tyranny that is heading your way.

Rant over.

[edit on 3/10/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

What are the two main legislative efforts, the government has attempted to do since Obama became president?

And what's next on his agenda? Card Check and Amnesty.

Excellent thread. Star for you.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 11:38 AM
It is astounding that the political word-smiths honestly believe that outdated 20th century Madison Avenue tripe that contends changing the name of a thing will make it more or less appealing.

It's as if they think the population never thinks beyond the talking head spewing words at them at any given moment.

We desperately need to get Hollywood and Wall Street OUT of government and away from the feeble-minded politicians they lure with celebrity glamor and cash.... that and the 'children' of the mega-elite who having been born on third base, are convinced somehow THEY hit a triple.

posted on Mar, 11 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

Well it just goes to show you that the whole Washington machine is out of touch. The bloggers, politicians, staffers, sycophants, et al actually have started to believe the crap that they are being fed by the elite. "The average American doesn't know anything and it is up to us to tell them what they want. If they say no to something just rebrand it, they are mostly wards of the public school system anyways."

[edit on 11-3-2010 by djvexd]

[edit on 11-3-2010 by djvexd]

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:24 PM
It is another play on words with a touch of psychology.

It sounds ok if you speak against cap and trade but it sounds evil if you speak against pollution reduction.

Imagine all the attacks that are awaiting for anyone who questions pollution reduction.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 11:53 PM

On the 29th June 2009 the present pope of Rome, Benedict XVI, published a major new social encyclical (Papal treatise) entitled Caritas in Veritate, which means “Love in Truth”. In it, he called for internationally regulated globalisation, and a powerful world government in the form of a reformed United Nations.

Cliff Kincaid, an American journalist and media critic, asked: “Who will investigate the U.N.-Vatican Connection?” This was the title of an article he published, in which he said: “The Boston Globe won a 2003 Pulitzer Prize for covering the Catholic Church’s decades-long cover-up of priests who sexually abused children. There is a Pulitzer Prize waiting for the reporter who can figure out why the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church, considered by Catholics to be the personal representative of Jesus Christ, has emerged as an advocate of one of the most corrupt and non-Christian organizations on the face of the earth – the United Nations.”[1]

Well, I don’t have to try to figure out why the pope of Rome is an advocate for the United Nations. I know why. And so does every Vatican researcher who understands that the pope of Rome is the Antichrist of Bible prophecy, and the Roman Catholic “Church” is the Great Whore of Bible prophecy (Rev. 17). But I won’t hold my breath waiting for a Pulitzer Prize for knowing this and exposing it. I know there won’t be any.

It’s very simple: the pope of Rome is a major advocate of the UN because the “church” over which he presides is not a true Christian church, but is described as a harlot in the Bible; and because he wants to use the UN to advance the Papacy’s own centuries-old agenda for world government and world domination. That’s why...

...Benedict stated: “The international community has an urgent duty to find institutional means of regulating the exploitation of non-renewable resources, involving poor countries in the process, in order to plan together for the future.” And: “The technologically advanced societies can and must lower their domestic energy consumption, either through an evolution in manufacturing methods or through greater ecological sensitivity among their citizens.” Favourite politically correct catch-phrases and buzz-words are here: “international community”; “exploitation of non-renewable resources”; “ecological sensitivity”. It’s all part of the radical environmentalist movement, which is advancing governmental control over the earth in the name of “saving the planet”. It’s all hogwash. But it’s very, very useful to the Reds.

It's a rather long article,but very good for those who would like more info connecting the dots.

The title of it is"The Pope of Rome Calls for a World Government".


He also said, “The Church has a responsibility towards creation and she must assert this responsibility in the public sphere.” By the “Church” he means the Papacy, of course, and no other. And this “responsibility towards creation” talk is nothing but radical “green” environmentalism, one of the modern fronts for pushing the Communist agenda, dressed up in a religious guise. It is what is known in liberal theological circles as “green theology”, and like all other leftist religious “theologies” – liberation theology, feminist theology, etc. – it advances the Communist movement via innocuous-sounding “movements” which in truth are radically reshaping the world as we once knew it in the image of the Reds.

The Benedict encyclical states that the new international order he is calling for, necessary because of the “unrelenting growth of global interdependence”, can be brought into being through “reform of the United Nations Organization, and likewise of economic institutions and international finance, so that the concept of the family of nations can acquire real teeth.” The prophetic Papal Beast of Revelation has always, through the centuries, used the “teeth” of the political systems it has controlled to achieve its objectives. Now it is calling for “teeth” to be given to a revitalised United Nations! Once again the Beast is roaring, and when we look into its jaws we can see the kind of “teeth” it is hoping to have, so as to conquer the world.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

It seems as though the technology needed to really maximize profits from Co2 emissions’ tax is right at our door step. I am sure someone in Government can’t wait to start using this sensor developed in collaboration with a Princeton group and MIRTHE (Mid-InfraRed Technologies for Health and the Environment).

“The technology could be used in the future by governments needing to implement precise cap-and-trade systems for CO2 monitoring, to help appropriately assign industrial carbon credits or for emission controls for industry to minimize atmospheric pollution, Wysocki said.”

[edit on 25-3-2010 by smoke screen]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 07:34 AM
They should rebrand it a job killer, and the same with health care reform.

They want to force everyone to buy health insurance but how can people do that if they have no job?

Eventually many more millions will be out of work and dependent on government.

I can't figure out why they want to destroy this nation and economy, unless they believe the only way to rebuild and create a Marxist/Socialist/Fascist nation is when it has been destroyed and enough of the population is dependent on government that they simply will no longer care.

Cap and trade will be the most economically destructive piece of legislation ever, next to health care reform.

[edit on 25-3-2010 by Fractured.Facade]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 08:58 AM
Words, especially names, are powerful, yet subtle. Change a name with a word that has a nice connotation and some thing bad can seem good. Another technique is to change the meaning of a word or use words like a code. Rather than say the troops leveled a village and killed all the inhabitants, they say it was pacified.

[edit on 25-3-2010 by MichiganSwampBuck]
Forgot to mention acronyms, initials always tidies up an unpleasant phrase.

[edit on 25-3-2010 by MichiganSwampBuck]

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