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White People want a Nation, what else is next

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posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by concernedcitizan

Almost every nation proves you wrong because just about every nation is a hodge podge of cultural and ethnic populations.

Have there been problems? Of course there have been but in the long run more than anything they have proved the opposite of your thesis.

In the late 1500's forces behind the crown of France plotted kill every protestant in their country. Many were killed but many more were protected by their catholic neighbors.

The same was true in both Germany and the occupied nations...yes millions were killed but many were saved by people who knew evil when they saw it.

There is absolutely no way we could sort ourselves out by racial and cultural lines so that every group had their own little piece of the planet.

Besides what a sad and ugly little world that would be.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by iMacFanatic

It's called parallelism, promoting the cause of working side by side towards the collective good of our civilization as an organic entity on this planet. We all think we know what's best, that's great, as long as people adapt their culture to work side-by-side with others, I believe in multiculture but not in the capitalist sense as in mono-multiculture that annexes all identity into useless consumerist lifestyles, the real multiple culture, the millions of identities that spawn from ideological evolution across this planet.

Some ideas work, others don't, as long as the essential stuff (looking after the planet, not overpopulating etc) is taken care of, the other things such as how they dress or view the universe is their choice. Change is constant, all truths are half-truths, United globally where it matters, Divided locally where it does not.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by iMacFanatic
reply to post by concernedcitizan

There is absolutely no way we could sort ourselves out by racial and cultural lines so that every group had their own little piece of the planet.

There ain't too many non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia.

The people who say that this type of (let's be titillating and call it "ethnic cleansing", that'll excite you) project is impossible are usually the same people who don't have any enthusiasm for the concept to begin with.

Those who like this kind of thing are quite willing to work with actual conditions on the ground, some is better than none...isn't Israel proportionately more Jewish now, than Palestine was 100 years ago, type of thing.

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by iMacFanatic

Wow you are ignorant! If white were not oppressed then what was with the no Irish signs in the US after the Potato famine? You I am afraid are the victim of selective media! The white's are such an evil bunch for what the did to group X. How about how in the Middle East they kept slaves well into the 20th century. By the way the American Indian was not the noble savage Hollywood would like you to think they are!

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Read Bowling Alone to answer all your questions about this melting pot we call America.

: )

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by iMacFanatic

Shallow historical memory may be a vice, but short historical memory is probably worse. Go back a thousand years in European history and you will know why Europeans are wary of Islam. No, wait, you don't even have to go back that long. How about Yugoslavia? How about Kosovo? If you fail to understand the historical significance of Christian Serbs fighting against Muslim invaders to protect their land, and how it relates to the genocide we saw during the Yugoslavian collapse, you're likely not in the position of teaching history.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:21 AM
Seems more and more white males are the only race capable of being racist considering Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.

As a white male I've noticed that I have to live life walking on eggshells trying my very best not to inadvertently offend various racial/ethnic groups, As we all know white people are the only one's who can be racist...

It would be nice to live someplace where I wouldn't have to be discriminated for being white, and worry about the black guy at work trying to get me fired for the racist act of asking him to please clean his area up the way I do for him!

Diversity has some advantages but here in the USA race has become a weapon for everyone not white, sooner or later groups like this will become more common as all racial groups tend to attempt rise above oppression!

White people are too busy in this country bending over back-wards to not be labeled racist to stand up for ourselves!


But I stand buy my statement. and would be first in line to live in a nation of like minded people working toward the common goal of creating a society free from the chains of real or realized racism as racism in an all white nation would be impossible!

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 01:26 AM
This is shear stupidity. I am white. I do not want my own 'white only' nation and I do not personally know any other white person who would agree or ever wished for such.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by hangedman13

I am hardly ignorant. I was making a generality.

I know the bloody history of mankind...but when you look at it the wagers of war are always smaller in number than those who just wanna be left alone to live their lives in peace.

The fact remains separating the cultures and races apart is not only idiocy its impossible...not to mention undesirable (it would only continue misunderstanding and hatreds) we humans have been mixing and mingling for forever now.

[edit on 3/5/2010 by iMacFanatic]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by iMacFanatic

You have an interesting assumption that intergroup hatred is caused by separation/ignorance/lack-of-interaction ... in my life I have observed rather the opposite, that hatred grows through unmediated real-life meet proportionately more intense white racists in Phoenix than you do in northern Idaho, for example (not counting the ones who moved to Idaho from less-white-someplace-else)...really, it's true...You seem to have a rather metaphysical underlying axiom, that perfect knowledge would dispel enmity, whereas, obviously, in your everyday life, aren't there plenty of people of whom it is true that the more you know them the less you like them?...Or is everybody just good but misunderstood, in your neighborhood? Must be nice.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

Ever think the white supremists you speak of migrate to be closer to their object of hatred?

Having lived in a multi racial..multi ethnic...multi cultural family I know people can come to understand and apperciate each other.

So yes the only way we can move beyond racism and bigotry is by coming to know each other and see our shared humanity.

[edit on 3/5/2010 by iMacFanatic]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by iMacFanatic
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

Ever think the white supremists you speak of migrate to be closer to their object of hatred?

[edit on 3/5/2010 by iMacFanatic]

Well, I'm sure some individuals do occasionally migrate to soak themselves in antagonistic surroundings (people do behave unusually, there's always a spectrum of responses, etc.), but weren't we originally talking about the desire of white people to not "be closer to their object of hatred"?

I think most white racists, by far, would prefer not to see someone they identify as a racial enemy the moment they step out of the house...Yeah, pretty much.

If there was a "white-people-reservation", we could actually make the experiment, and see where the self-avowed white racists would distribute themselves. That'd be an unintended benefit, huh.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

All it takes is the effort to empathize with another. There is only one race...the human race.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 11:22 AM
while we are on the topic of racism, why is it that if you are brown and proud that's just pride, but if you are proud of being white you are a racist and full of hate? racism isn't just a black problem i live in a very diverse area and i have dealt with my fair share from not getting jobs obviously because of my color to getting dirty looks even getting a messed up hair cut from a black barber down the street. the point i am trying to make here is racism like anything else is a two way street and we have to stop it from both directions not just one.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

Err You speak about perfect knowledge well Knowledge does not exist in a vacuum.

"Knowledge" is comes from observation and observation depends on personal psychology.

White people have done some bad things to me but I look at the individuals. White people have also done some wonderful acts of aecceptance and kindsness. Personally nowadays my experinces are generally more positive. Things have got better and racism towards black people seems ot be declining in many areas.

I also find that their is no genetic basis for racism.

However I would be very happy if white people that areavowed racists choose to have their own country or state. I would also like all Pan Africanists to go awayu also. The rest of us (black and white) will just bungle along just fine.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Niccawhois
blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.

Actually white's commit more crimes world wide and in history than any race, everyone knows that.

They just don't hold themselves accountable.
The white race is a fugitive race, still escaping justice, but not for long.
Murder, slavery, rape, theft, steeling history, destroying cultures and histories, destroying the planet over production.

The white race sets the benchmark in just about everything evil, bad and satanic.

Thats easy. Just ask any non-white person, which race of people love Satin the most? whites. From Satin tattoos to Satin worship among your ruling elite.

How did white people get America? Murder.

How did white people build America? Murder and slavery.

The white race is along with the Illuminati are the worlds biggest criminals and liar's.

The other nations haven't forgotten everything you've done. Just check out the white mans resume, it's screaming bloody murder since the rebirth of your ruler-ship aka "Renaissance".

If your stupid enough to build a place with only white people, that will just make it easier for the other nations who have the same nuclear bombs now to finally blow you all up as they've been itching to do for decades now.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by iMacFanatic
All it takes is the effort to empathize with another. There is only one race...the human race.

So let me get this straight: whenever we look at history we should remember that evil White People were to blame for the mistreatment of non-White People. But when we look for at the present we should all remember how we are all part of the same race?

We should ignore the race and ethnicity of Black People in African nations like Zimbabwe and South Africa that commit atrocities against White People? Should we show support and understanding to these people and ignore their actions because we are all apart of the "Human Race?"

Sounds like Double Standards to me. The race card can be used selectively it appears.


Originally posted by Esau Must Die

They just don't hold themselves accountable.

Actually there is FAR, FAR more crime committed by non-White People than White People worldwide. Societies with large White populations have much more effective methods for monitoring and keeping a record of crime committed than most countries with a non-White majority. Do you think the number of crimes recorded in Developing nations is close to the number of crimes that go unreported?

The white race is a fugitive race, still escaping justice, but not for long.
Murder, slavery, rape, theft, steeling history, destroying cultures and histories, destroying the planet over production.

Do you generalise much? I am not responsible, nor do I feel ANY guilt, for actions that people with the same skin colour as me did to people in the past. To claim that I should carry a sense of guilt because we happen to share the same race IS being racist.

The white race sets the benchmark in just about everything evil, bad and satanic.

Thats easy. Just ask any non-white person, which race of people love Satin the most? whites. From Satin tattoos to Satin worship among your ruling elite.

Haha, funny. You should be a comedian, that is some humorous material you have right there.

How did white people get America? Murder.

How did white people build America? Murder and slavery.

How does any group of people take over a land that is not originally theirs? Do you think this is achieved by organising camp fires and giving chocolate and candy to those who you wish to displace? Things like these have been done for thousands of years. It is certainly not something that only came about because of White People.

The white race is along with the Illuminati are the worlds biggest criminals and liar's.
The other nations haven't forgotten everything you've done. Just check out the white mans resume, it's screaming bloody murder since the rebirth of your ruler-ship aka "Renaissance".

I must admit you have plenty of funny material. Can I come see you do stand-up comedy some time?

If your stupid enough to build a place with only white people, that will just make it easier for the other nations who have the same nuclear bombs now to finally blow you all up as they've been itching to do for decades now.

Hopefully most Nations in the world realise that skin colour has no bearing on one's personality and character as a person. If they don't and endeavour to exterminate White People when the situation arises, then I urge them caution. In all-out War survival of the fittest will mean more than moral conscience and reluctance not to offend others.

[edit on 6/3/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 10:28 PM
There is a lot of ignorance in this thread. Sprouting Political Correct slogans only ignites the bond fire of Ignorance.

I am somebody that would truly love there to be world peace. I would love every single person to be happy, prosperous and secure. I would love for people of all colours, races, religions and ethnicities to be treated with respect and dignity. I would actually be willing to sacrifice my own life if I knew doing so would achieve these aims.

The problem is that we do not live in a Utopia. We do not live in a world that is fair and reasonable to people of all faiths, races, skin colours and religions. We do not live in a world where every person can communicate and help every other person. We do not live in a world where everyone shares the same beliefs on politics, spirituality and morality.

To suggest that that we can ignore those characteristics that distinguish us from others is dishonest and counter-productive. We should be acknowledging and celebrating our differences rather than trying to hide them in an attempt to not offend others.

[edit on 6/3/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 10:35 PM
It used to be that only oppressed minorities had the right to lay claim to victim status, but not any more: it seems that anyone and everyone can be a victim now. Forget the Oppression Olympics, the pointless debate over which identity group suffers the most discrimination. We are all expected to compete, like guests on a television programme, to prove that we are the most put-upon and pathetic people in the house, the most deserving of counselling and compensation.

Those who think critically can immediately see the problem with pluralism: no two values systems can occupy the same space, so they either destroy each other or form a compromise which results in the lowest common denominator of their intersection becoming the philosophy of the civilization. Such lowest common denominator thought never addresses important issues, as these are prone to requiring distinct interpretations and therefore will offend or conflict with one of the pluralistic views. Pluralism is a series of compromises which result in an averaging of all beliefs to a level where the only agreement is the maintenance of pluralism.

posted on Mar, 6 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Edit: Double Post.

[edit on 6/3/2010 by Dark Ghost]

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