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Mother Earth has awakened. Have you?

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posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:10 PM
I write this with some trepidation, I also write this in acknowledgement of what is truly happening. Right now!!

Everyone has become almost hysterical over the increase of LARGE eartquakes and the flooding and "beast like" storms in France, Germany,Belgium, et cetera. Despite the mass hysteria, I don't think that most, as of yet, really grasp why all of this is happening. I hope to leave some of you a bit more aware than you were before you bothered to read this post.

The first thing that one must understand is that the earth is a living organism. Any living organism has a form of consciousness. Albeit maybe not consciousness in the same form as humans may have, consciousness nonetheless.

Some may raise an eyebrow at that statement. However, who are we to say that the statement is not true? We do not know the perspective of that which, at least in our dualistic mindset, appears to be exterior of us.

Gaia Theory, which holds that Earth's physical and biological processes are inextricably bound to form a self-regulating system, is more relevant than ever in light of increasing concerns about global climate change. The Gaian paradigm of Earth as a living system, first articulated by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis in the 1970s, has inspired a burgeoning body of researchers working across disciplines that range from physics and biology to philosophy and politics. Gaia in Turmoil reflects this disciplinary richness and intellectual diversity, with contributions (including essays by both Lovelock and Margulis) that approach the topic from a wide variety of perspectives, discussing not only Gaian science but also global environmental problems and Gaian ethics and education.


This is not just some theory being put forth by some "new age" diletante. It is accepted as FACT by a number of physicists and biologists, not even mentioning philosophers.

This is the first thing that one must understand in order to understand what is going on with the earth today.

We must accept that over the decades, we have not being very good stewards of the earth. We, as humanity, do as we please without little to no regard for anything else. Now, the earth is doing as it wishes without little to no regard. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Now, we must understand another aspect of all of this. Giving that the earth is a living body, sort of speak, it acts as such. You can, in a very real sense, view towns and cities as being tumors upon the earth. Whether they be benign or malignant has no real significance. The goal of the earth, now that she has awakened, is making a move to either rid itself of those tumors or transform them.

Gaia's wisdom can be discerned from two levels: the first, where science concentrates, is her body, her physical, biological, and chemical operations involving organisms recycling the elements in the biosphere; the second is Gaia's mysterious spiritual life, consciousness diffused through all her aspects. Her wisdom presupposes as essential the actions of a living being with mind and inherent purpose.

Both physical and spiritual

When humanity finally learns the above lesson, then we will see earth work more in concordence with our survival as a species. The earth has already cut back the production of food and nutrients. Yet, we pretend as if nothing at all has happened. Why?

The loss of arable land has been caused by a number of factors, many or most of which are tied to human development. The primary causes are deforestation, overexploitation for fuelwood, overgrazing, agricultural activities and industrialization.
What do we expect?

Humanity operates under the supposition that we can continue to abuse and deplete the earth and she will continue to reward us. Not so. Given that the earth is a living organism, she has no reason to continue to support that which has no regard for her. We don't want a war with the earth, it is one that we will not and cannot win.

So, that brings us to where we are now. A devastating and tragic earthquake in Haiti. An alarming earthquake in Chile. A devastating storm and flood in parts of Europe. You see a pattern here? Anyone? You should.

Mother earth has awakened. Have you?

[edit on 1-3-2010 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 07:54 PM
Great post. Very well said. I would like to add my own thoughts, but you gave such a good description, there is nothing for me to add! Bravo.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by SolarE-Souljah

That tends to happen with my posts....
Anyway, thank you for the compliment.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:13 PM
Earthquakes, Floods, landslides, Storms, Tornadoes, Tsunamis, Volcanic eruptions,
Wildfires...all quite natural. Panic should only set in if these things stop happening on a frequent basis.

A devastating and tragic earthquake in Haiti. An alarming earthquake in Chile. A devastating storm and flood in parts of Europe. You see a pattern here?

Yes and the pattern is 4 billion years old.

Everyone has become almost hysterical over the increase of LARGE eartquakes and the flooding and "beast like" storms in France, Germany,Belgium, et cetera.

Only those with little or no knowledge of Earth's natural history.

[edit on 1-3-2010 by METACOMET]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:19 PM
Sorry to burst your bubble but the scientists that I hang with all consider Gaia to be a useless bit of Pop Science. Gaia gets a boost in some circles because it "sounds right" to them, but in terms of actual sceintific problem solving and extrapolation, Gaia is as useless as Creationism in understanding our world. I must say that I find your implication that the Planet Guy is scourging humanity with bad weather and natural catastrophes because we haven't been playing nice with it to be completely inflamatory and without any real facts to back it up. To ascribe vindictive intent as the motive behind Gaia's cruelty towards humanity places you firmly in league with twisted freaks like Pat Robertson, who claimed the Haitian earthquake was God's revenge for that nation's alleged tryst with the Devil.

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by godless

Firstly, I approach it from a spiritual perspective, not a religious one.There's a big difference. So, no, Pat Robertson and I have about as much in common as Tom Hanks and Patrick Henry do.

Secondly, there is ample evidence that the earth is a living system.People who choose to hold on to the dying old paradigm refuse to see it, though.

If you look back at the writings of Earth scientists 40 years ago you will find them confident that the composition and climate of our planet were completely explicable from chemistry and physics and that life was just a passenger. Life scientists of the same time were equally confident that organisms evolved according to Darwin's great vision and adapted to the Earth described by their Earth science colleagues in the building across the campus.

This harmful and irrational division of science is slowly fading but it still persists and has led to the deplorable separation of the assessment of global change between two different international bodies: one based on physical science, the IPCC, and the other on biology, the Millennium Ecology Assessment Commission. The Earth is not so divided and so long as we treat it as two separate entities, the geosphere for the material Earth and the biosphere for life, we will fail to understand our planet.

Changing times

[edit on 1-3-2010 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Mar, 1 2010 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by godless

By the way,your post also leaves me with the inclination that you're not very familiar with this: Living systems theory

I don't know what "scientists" you're hanging out with, but you may want to change your scenery.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

The problem I have with this theory is this...

if the earth is indeed cleansing itself of the problems we give it, why does it just so happen that the people who have no choice are the ones who suffer and never the banking cartels that finance destructive outlets, oil companies, corrupt politicians, in short the list of those responsible for ramming their agenda down societies throats?

There is also the other factor that is the earth being a self regulating system. Why would the earth create beings that would in turn try to destroy the earth itself?
I reckon people must have taken this theory from the human body and compared it to the earth, the difference is that the human body does not create bacteria, just in case your thinking that route to explain it. If the earth truly was like the human body you would have superhuman like beings who would get rid of the mess on the earth (antibodies). The earth would not have to rip itself apart to rid of a few evil individuals.

It does not add up unless mother earth is extremely dumb or the theory is not true. I am sure you can gauge where I am coming from with the theory.

Interesting none the less but I do not buy it, it does not add up.

I myself used to work as a cell culture and virology scientist, that doesnt make everything I say true. If anything I would advise you look into things yourself, never trust scientific results or a scientist that is backed by people with money and an agenda.

[edit on 2-3-2010 by XXXN3O]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:30 PM
I like Gaia theory and often contemplate, if the world is one living organism, what are we in this organism? What is our purpose as a planet? I heard an idea that we are Gaia's seeds with the duty of reproduction. Reproducing gaia on another planet with terra forming or something.

I believe in a planetary consciousness, but I don't think science should be used to explain this.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by XXXN3O
if the earth is indeed cleansing itself of the problems we give it, why does it just so happen that the people who have no choice are the ones who suffer and never the banking cartels that finance destructive outlets, oil companies, corrupt politicians, in short the list of those responsible for ramming their agenda down societies throats?

Well, it doesn't really work like that. The earth doesn't blame one specific group for its maladies. If you have cancer, to you blame just your diet or smoking for it? No, you blame a multitude of things. The earth is no different.

Does chemo therapy just destroy certain "bad" cells? No, it attacks any and all.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:19 AM
If all things living have spirit and Earth is alive then why can't it have a spirit to

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by ddarkangle2bad

Certainly. I tend to think that all things are endowed with a spirit or, as some may call it, energy. As I stated in my initial post, the consciousness that the earth has may not be like ours. However, even that is hard to say because the understanding of human consciousness is limited as well.

That slab of meat in your skull - a 3-pound walnut of wetware - somehow puts the you in you. Nobody really knows how. Philosophers since Plato have pondered the issue. And probing the relationship between mind and body was the central goal of psychology until behaviorists closed the door on mind in the early 20th century and focused on observable actions. But only recently have scientists tried to tackle consciousness, spurred by new tools like functional MRI and PET scans that can augment traditional clinical research by showing brain activity.

Already, however, these researchers find themselves haggling over familiar questions. Is consciousness merely wakefulness? No, we’re conscious when we dream. Is it our sense of personal identity? Yes, but surely it’s also the stream of words and images that runs through what William James called the “extended present,” the immediate workspace of our minds. It’s perception, but it’s also reflection - summoning up visual and verbal constructions, imaginary or real. It’s simulation, mentally walking ourselves through situations before we face them, learning and practicing, hoping to avert pratfalls.
What we don't know

There are also quite a few other things that the article addreses. It's pretty interesting.

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