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Controlled Geithner press conference shuts out Infowars, censors real questions

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posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:00 PM

Controlled Geithner press conference shuts out Infowars, censors real questions

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner made an appearance alongside IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman at the Joe Stack crash site in Austin, Texas. Their purpose was straightforward– to grandstand over an attack on a government agency and to set the scene for demonizing “anti-government beliefs.”

The event was tightly controlled. Despite Geithner’s being a public figure, and setting the location along a public roadway, real media outlets were kept away on the premise that is was a private event by “invitation” only. This meant that only trusted network news stations were welcomed through.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 23 2010 @ 02:00 PM
It confused me that the media was backing down from this story, because I had my doubts if this was a genuine attack or false flag. I figured that if the media was backing down, then it is probably a real attack. However, now it is quite clear that this is a perfect PR opportunity for Geithner who was under the heat not too long ago. I guess they figure that now we can't be mad at Geithner since he is mourning? At least we can no longer say the media is trying to cover this up. The only other question is, if this was a false flag attack, why did they censor the manifesto? To truthful?
(visit the link for the full news article)


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