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Who Are the Most Brilliant Minds on the Planet?

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posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Common Good

It's so amazing that our scientists were able to go back into time to discover the Intelligence quotients of people who existed before the actual I.Q. test.

Wow. I bet those scientists are even smarter than I am!

posted on Feb, 18 2010 @ 01:01 PM
I'll tell you what... if anyone here thinks that they are smart, read the Bible.

Learn about Solomon. Read Proverbs. Read Psalms.

The Bible isn't ABOUT I.Q., but it sure has a whole lot of really intelligent things in it...

Solomon was considered by God to be the wisest of all men ever, except for Jesus.

Solomon was imperfect, making bad decision - in fact meddling with things that even atheists would say, "yo, dude, really?"

But he was very wise. He saw the crap. Politics were not his game, but he played them. He saw life for what it is (as humans have made it for themselves).

The wisest statement ever made by Solomon would be one we would do well to live by.

"All things are vanity."

If you find someone you think is intelligent, ask yourself first if they search for vanity or if they search for truth.

And be wise yourself to understand what vanity is...

Vanity is looking for ways to improve a mortal life.

Vanity is looking for ways to increase the length of mortal life.

Vanity is looking for ways to become physically immortal (as you watch the world change and waste away).

Vanity is asking "Why?" when someone makes a decision.

Vanity is claiming we destroy the earth with our stuff which we fashion FROM THE EARTH.

Vanity is believing there is God or that there is no God... for it doesn't change the reality just because your perception is such.

Vanity is to put down the imagination - where anything is possible.

Vanity is believing that all things that exist in the imagination should be brought to reality.

Vanity is requiring to know ANYTHING.

Vanity is requiring to eat.

Vanity is requiring to sleep.

We should appreciate to eat. We should appreciate to sleep. WE should not try that we do not get it. (I will admit, I have a hard time not crying over lost sleep lately with a new son!)


Life and truth is about freedom from expectations - Peace. Life and truth is about freedom from entitlement - Work.
Life and truth is about freedom from earning - Love.

The most intelligent people understand these things and do their best to live these ways... and you find them only by need; not by desire.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 11:54 PM
It sounds scary Are any of these organizations real?
NWO=New World Order
NWC=New World Commission
NWCI=New World Central Intelligence
NWEC=New World Education Commission or Foundation
NWR=New World Religion
NWFC=New World order Financial Commission
NWS=New World Security
NWHA=New World Hunger Assistance

I havent looked them all up but is any of this valid?
I know that certain headings like these are out there but they say they don't exsist????

Question???? what countries are going to be involved in this so far I have heard these

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 11:58 PM
I personally would nikola tesla he was almost a 100 years advance ahead.
also as a 2nd I would pick stephen hawking.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by zatara
The son of my brother is 'diagnosed' highly intelligent and was invited to join a hobby club for young boys.

When I asked about his teacher it came to my attention that he was a priest from a jesuit order.

This was a confimation for me that the jesuits are infiltrating organisations and are observing new recruits.

Anyways, that is what I wanted to say and I am sure that there are some really smart priest with the Jesuits.

Yes. This is what I am talking about. I think there are some secert society/cult type affiliations within these searches for promising children and also some very powerful corporations that sponsor searches, field trips, mentor programs, competitions, and scholarships.

Many of them may be very bright, but I wonder if they become brainwashed to various agendas along the way. Also, I wonder if some really believe their scientific discoveries, etc. are to help mankind and human suffering, but along the way, their discoveries and work are eventually taken from them and used for nefarious purposes.

posted on Feb, 20 2010 @ 12:39 AM
I had always thought the most brilliant minds have all been employed by the US goverment.But there may be smarter people out there the US goverment does not know about.There also could be brainiacts on ATS as well.When it comes down to it.You can always tell a very intelligent person by the intreasts and hobbies they like.The most intelligent people enjoy the most simpelist of things.They do not live in the cities as they like the great outdoors of the forests and mountains.Who would work for the CIA anyway.Wearing ties gives me a headake evertime.So how can you really judge the intelligence of a person then.Does not matter if they can speak 12 languages or design a advanced encryption code the US goverment could never break in a million years,its how the person thinks thats important.Not what they know.

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