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Think tank: Israel faces global delegitimization campaign

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posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Selahobed

Agree with you 100% it's the Govt's that are doing this. Govt. prepares policy and enforces them not population. I immensely dislike American foreign and domestic policy doesn't mean I am anti-American and same way I dislike Israeli's policies but it doesn't mean I am anti-Israel. The Govt. wants to hide behind population and is trying to portray as threat to country whilst it's against it's policy in this situation.

It's not related to race, culture, creed or ethnicity (not for me aleast) which Govt. tries to show it is. Subduing legitimate criticism on their policies under cloak of religion is despicable act. The radical elements in Israel govt. are trying to hide behind religion/ race i.e, Jewish heritage issue while fully knowing it is not so.

More and more people see this farce and do not mix radical zionism with Jewish religion. I would also like to add not all part of Zionism is bad which I have found just few days ago but it's also true radical Zionist control the whole Zionism movement atm. and try to intermingle themselves with Jewish religion to hide their own goals. I also think radical zionist use Jewish heritage people as scapegoats and safety cover.

The left party of Israel is very moderate and I support them but not Netanayahu and his radical extreme right wing which is controlled by extreme zionist policies.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by thedeadtruth

Those "rallies" happen all the time but becuase of the situation are quelled very quickly, and we have the haredi's doing most of the talking at the mo which does not represent us...

To make you feel better my family has fought in every war since alfred the great.. Including Burma, gallipoli, and myself; gulf war 1, northern ireland for 3 years when it was bad and bosnia... I didnt get thanked either...

I am Jewish by religion, well Messianic because I believe in Yeshua/Jesus and get crap because of that!! But I am British by birth and English by the grace of G-d, and israeli!!! How messd up am I??? But as a brit I thank you guys for standing with us... As an Israeli I would ask you again coz we are being used as pawns for an agenda that we didnt create...

[edit on 072828p://f26Friday by Selahobed]

[edit on 072828p://f27Friday by Selahobed]

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:27 PM
But at some point in time, a people must be held responsible for the govts they elect.

Where do you think anti-US sentiment comes from. A few bad mistakes, a few bad years of Govt. The fact is most people are good and want peace, and are willing to forgive and forget.

But as with Israels case you are judging 60 years of criminal behavior supported by the people themselves. What are you meant to think. If the average Jew in Israel did not agree with the radical Zionists, they would not be in power.

Sometimes it is that simple.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by thedeadtruth

I assume you live in america.. Sorry if you dont.. But can you say that in the last 60 years there hasnt been major faux pas by them??
Racism??? I dont want to point fingers, so don t you either.. We are in a very different time.. We have grown up.. We are awke to the machinations of the global elite.. And we are angry.. Lets use that.. Not against each other but against them..

Their lies have to be dealt with x

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by Selahobed

Ok I understand inside Israel news getting out about protests being stifled. But how about in the U.S. were openly Zionist businessmen are held in high regard amongst the Jewish community.

I can only judge things by what I know would happen if some of those radical or racial views were aired by any business person in New Zealand. They would be shunned.

So maybe that is where it has to start. Name and shame .

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by December_Rain

This is not true alot of Muslim leaders do argue there right to exist. They would seriously wipe them of the face of the planet if they could it is that serious.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:45 PM
I do not know if you know this, but NZers were involved in some very large protests against South Africa and its apartheid policies.

I too spent time in the Armed Forces and will at any time put my life on the line to defend basic human rights. And it was funny enough my short exposure to IDF personal at 17 that woke me up to the deep rooted racism involved in Zionism.

It can not and should not be tolerated on any level.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by thedeadtruth

I and my family are ready when you are... Something definitly needs to be done.. Those where you are don't care coz they are rich or have much to loose or are cowards....

Our kids deserve much bette than this... crap!!!

x Night x

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Selahobed


posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 08:21 PM
Wow how to you delegitimize something that has never been legitimate to begin with. From the ever so shady Balfour Declaration that began the obscene and bizarre dance of modern day Zionist Israel to an endless and steady litany of broken treaties, terrorism, murder, theft, extortion, blackmail, lies, human rights violations, machinations and manipulations that have followed the last thing Zionist Israel could ever be is legitimate.

The reality is that Zionist Israel’s criminal behavior has long since evaporated the dearth of goodwill earned through the foibles of Jewish Diaspora and far outpaces the ability of its propaganda arm to compensate.

Unbridled greed, arrogance and a shocking disdain for the value of human life, fairness and equality is all the fascist Zionist Israeli rogue state is known for once the thin and now threadbare curtain of anti-Semitism is seen through.

The Zionists have no one to thank or blame for this but themselves. Their policies of theft, murder and apartheid would make Joseph Stalin blush.

Zionist Israel has never been legitimate and it never will be legitimate and its legacy will represent one of the darkest if not the darkest chapters in human history ever written before all is said and done.

Without a drastic altering of their policies the Zionist state faces nothing but an ever increasing tide of criticism, rejection and hostility.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Wow how to you delegitimize something that has never been legitimate to begin with. From the ever so shady Balfour Declaration that began the obscene and bizarre dance of modern day Zionist Israel to an endless and steady litany of broken treaties, terrorism, murder, theft, extortion, blackmail, lies, human rights violations, machinations and manipulations that have followed the last thing Zionist Israel could ever be is legitimate.

It never stopped them before , they have been happily using anti semitic for decades when they are of eastern European / southern Russian descent and patently not semites. Nobody was taking it seriously , it became a badge of honor to be called it , it denoted someone no longer taking in by the ruse anymore.

If they called it what it really is , anti zionism , it is just anti an ideology . You can be anti communist without stigma , agreeing or disagreeing with any kind of ideology is no crime . That is why they distort it's name and make it a race/religion crime as opposed to disagreeing with a doctrine .

[edit on 13-2-2010 by Gun Totin Gerbil]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by Selahobed

You are of course correct. We are all being used, and it stinks. From a faith point of view I find it deeply troubling that the Israeli government is making the moves it makes, from the very epicenter of my religion. Im a Christian, and when I was younger I wanted to visit the birthplace of Jesus, and walk paths he walked... now I realise that it would be a dishonour upon my God to pay tourist prices in Israel, when any tax on those purchases would be paid to a government who mess all over everything I believe, and also everything they claim to believe.

I have a question. In the Roman version of Christianity (I know, I dont like it either...) one can be banished from the church and declared excommunicate. Is there such a system in Judaism? If so , wouldnt it be a grand thing if the entire political structure in Israel were to be declared so?

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 08:55 AM
My paternal grandmother was Jewish but not my mother, so from a religious perspective, I'd have to convert. If the mistaken idea that Jewish is a race ever becomes the basis of another pogrom however, I expect I'd be in trouble. So apart from simple morality, I have a vested interest in believing that the Holocaust was the last straw & Jews needed a homeland behind the borders of which they/we could defend them/ourselves. That said I also wholeheartedly agree with Proto. There is nothing right about occupying a piece of land because of some ancient connection to religion & tenuous ancestry. The exact analogy would be if the Welsh got armed & funded from abroad to occupy England, exiling the English to N Yorkshire, E Anglia (the armpit & anus of Britain respectively) & whatever foreign countries they could flee to.
Imo, since the Holocaust was perpetrated by Europeans mainly against Europeans, the survivors were mainly Europeans & the territory of the perpetrators was freshly conquered, the Allies ought to have drawn a line around a piece of Europe on a map & handed it over to Jews to be a homeland. To my mind, that would have been fair.
But done is done. There are plenty of people who were born in Israel (some of my family) & have no other home. They are entitled to security in it. The trouble is that they're not getting it, nor will they ever, so long as the situation over there continues as is.
Does that make me a delegitimizer? If so, Reut can stick it up their collective hole...

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 09:35 AM
You know what's really messed up my fellow born again christians are accusing me of anti semitism when in reality I'm only complaining about the crimes against humanity and it's imperialists policies to control jordan,lebanon and syria

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 12:20 PM
An AWFUL LOT of narrow-minded posts on this thread with people that either have NO IDEA what they are talking about or people that are happily anti-jewish bigots.

God help us all because we desperately need it! Mainstream religion has definitely become A PLAGUE to humanity because instead of tolerance and love it breeds HATE! Divide and Conquer is at work but I guarantee you its NOT a jewish conspiracy, its a rich man's conspiracy to start WW3 and depopulate earth.

I care not if Israel is a legitimate state or not because international law is far from fair anyways. Just look at all meaningless killings in africa and how so few people ever get punished for their war crimes. International law is a bad joke, more now than ever before. Things only get worse and the hypocrisy thickens.

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by starwarsisreal
You know what's really messed up my fellow born again christians are accusing me of anti semitism when in reality I'm only complaining about the crimes against humanity and it's imperialists policies to control jordan,lebanon and syria

Israel does not care ONE IOTA about syria, jordan, lebanon or egypt! If they did, then they would have already conquered them with no BS excuses as others do. They certainly have the firepower to do so, so why don't they?

They simply want to be left alone and the palestinians evicted. Perhaps the palestinians should be reimbursed financially, much like all the jews that lost relatives in the WW2 holocaust.

I do NOT hate palestinians or arabs. I really respect them because the majority are decent people and have left humanity a great heritage especially in math and science but that doesn't mean certain modern day rich arabs don't want to monopolise the middle east. The two concepts are different and should be treated seperately.

The jews have every right to be proud of their religion&heritage and every right to live in israel because they have lived there for several millenia. If some palestinians want to live in Israel than fine, just ask for Israeli citizenship.

[edit on 13-2-2010 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 12:44 PM
The critics of Israel are almost purely at the grass roots level, at least in western nations. The MSM demonizes any nation or individual that disagrees with Israel on a regular basis. They can dish it out but they cry foul when a few people get annoyed at the double standards? Cry me a river...

[edit on 13-2-2010 by 4ortunate1]

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