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Pusher : Cerulean Blue, Pushing the Lie, and Psychological Operations

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posted on Feb, 10 2010 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by davidmann
Just got an earthquake, I'd guess 3.0, Chicago. 4:00 CST

(edit) Dekalb 4.3 3:59:34 CST

Sorry, but I think it's related to what's at hand. Save us Sara Palin!!! Save us!!!

[edit on 10-2-2010 by davidmann]

I'm asking you about this post, seperately, and independently of your others.

You believe this about the earthquake, why exactly?

I am asking for some sort of justification for your stance on that claim.

Please, understand I am not being hostile, merely prudent towards information.

Originally posted by captaintyinknots
I'm cutting and pasting this(it's my reply in a different thread). I have notcied a specific pattern of ad nauseum repetition in this thread, and in the media coverage surrounding it....It's from the thread I made about the PSU Professor being investigated.

I find something interesting in all of the replies that I wanted to point out: There seems to be a lot of debate over whether Bucharest is FBI. The facts of the case more or less rule out this possibility. but in all the coverage of this so far, it has been said, ad nauseum, that he is not affiliated with the FBI. That the FBI denies knowledge. Etc , etc. Here's the thing: Why has there been absolutely ZERO mention of the possibility that this man is affiliated with the CIA or some other covert intel group, or, for that matter, XE, or another private contractor? The wording in each source is VERY specific to mention FBI, repeatedly, but only FBI. It's as though the idea is to keep all eyes on the FBI.

[edit on 10-2-2010 by captaintyinknots]

So, your thoughts on it is that the news agency is directing attention to the F.B.I.?

Originally posted by timewalker
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Just joking about the pusher thing. In regards to your first reply, I think the agents are around here just to persuade the opinions of people to a favorable view, theirs. Who could blame them? As you said, doing nothing is not a good tactic anymore. Too many are starting to open their eyes and the instant communications just made it that much harder to control. Roll out the mind police.

I knew you were joking about the "pusher" comment.

I agree, more aggressive tactics may be what they are doing, which only leaves them more relevance, when "attacked" verbally, or in the blogosphere.

Cause and reaction, they defend themselves, shows "reaction to the cause".

Stirs up and agitates people, gives them a reason for more funding, period.

Originally posted by timewalker
It seems that if an important story comes up, they come in full force. I used the Norway spiral as an example because, IMO it is something that they just want to go away. I do believe it started as a missile launch, but then I think something else happened. Something not in U.S. or Russian control. That is not a good thing for the U.S. Military Industrial Complex or Russia. What happened, I cannot even speculate, well I could but it just that, speculation that I have not the expertise to back up. But I see the threads, just going and going and going, nowhere. Just to the point of nausea. Move along nothing to see here.......


I never bothered with the "Norway Spiral".

It could be something or it could be a distraction.

Originally posted by timewalker
Now Jay-Z, I do not have a problem with the video. In fact I kind of like it. I have a problem with the timing of the premier. But I think the premier was timed to get the most effect on the most people, how many little kids were watching at that time?

I have no clue because I do not listen to Jay-Z's music.

Originally posted by timewalker
I do not think he is doing it on behalf of the government. Not the one we see anyway. I do think it just works out dandy for somebody's sinister agenda. I know you think the Illuminati is a phantom menace, perhaps so, but the idea of the official government making a strawman called the Illuminati is even more sinister. I like to think the good guy's are just that. Though I have my doubts. That just means we really are on our own. Maybe not intentionally Jay-Z doing the bidding, perhaps he is an MK Ultra or similar program, victim himself. Or maybe just a good case of blackmail. You like your new life, well here are your options kind of thing. But it was an opportunity none the less for someone. Why would anybody think that was appropriate at that time?

Sometimes things are tied to MK-Ultra and sometimes they are not.

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't?

Sometimes I see "conspiracy theorists", sometimes I don't.

Originally posted by timewalker
I hate to use Alex Jones' motto here, but there is a war on for you mind. I hate fighting back an enemy we cannot see, but that is the new warfare.

I've never bought into Alex Jones, he's a scaremonger, and most likely a Government shill.

I know there is an Information War, back when I was six years old, my stepfather told me there was one, the many different religions should tell any sane person there is a war on for the minds of men, just as the many different countries who occupy the United Nations.

I do not need Alex Jones to tell me something I already know.

Information is power, if you are more informed, you are more powerful.

Originally posted by timewalker
I think I saw it earlier in someones post, You do not win a war with guns, you win it by winning the minds of the people. Or something like that. Around here they are losing that war and are bringing out all the guns possible. This is the front line.

Man, I use the pronoun I a lot.

[edit on 10-2-2010 by timewalker]

Hearts and Minds, my friend, hearts and minds.

Quote from : Wikipedia : Hearts and Minds

For a military strategy based on "winning the Hearts and Minds of the population" see:

*Low intensity conflict


*Divide and rule

*Fourth generation warfare

*Military operations other than war

Exactly what this thread is about, lock, stock, and barrel.

Divide and Conquer : Political Ideology of the Power Elite, Selling The Peace, War Is The Motive

[edit on 10-2-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Hearts and Minds My friend.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Hi Spartan

I admire your facility with putting up comprehensive postulations, to multiple topics. I hope I am responding to the correct posts...

I want to respond, and will try to pull myself together, and answer as best I can. I have attempted many times to thread here at ats, and it just won't work for me if I start a subject. I come back, it is vanished. 404'd. So I usually latch on to topics and start rambling toward getting at what is really important, in my estimation.

First off, I have NO IDEA who they are. I have very serious suspicions, however. It is as though there is a veritable fight for my mind, and it isn't Satan and it is not some evil spirits. Them I can handle just fine. If I could say what physiological torment my mind suffers when I sleep, I run the risk of being forcibly evaluated. It is like a storm. I try to sleep through it and awaken not too wrecked.

Again we lost several lightbulbs this week, and the capacitor in the computer has kicked out more than a few times when I spent time really laying down a rant. It isn't because I have some sort of souped up diesel or anything. It's because someone wants me to not say it. I then have to begin afresh, oft working only with a screenshot I could snap with a camera before I restart a frozen computer, capturing only part of what I streamed. This is an old machine that only runs because, I believe, the mossad et al. follow my every keystroke, and they know they can't examine my mind electronically (scalar waves) unless I am writing, browsing etc.... They want to see what I do. No computer, less research for them. But it does run, and the malfunctions seem to always arise when I am doing some damage to the 'machine'. Their machine.

Who are they.... Well, who is sara palin? Who is ANY 'leader'? There aren't many that aren't led by a group behind the curtain. Does a president write his own words? It is inconceivable to me that anyone would not do their own writing when it comes to giving a speech. Palin=war (eye-ran) for israel, sanctioned by Jesus, and pulled like a body bag over the eyes of the nation. For israel, by israel, and she's especially useful because this would con Christians into being one with israel, even more than they already are. It's obvious. Obama? Same thing. Black, so you better let him do whatever the curtain people want, or else you are 'racist'. He has dubious standing as a US natural citizen. That works for them as well. Now all this means is we have another high strung puppet who does what he's told, at a pace that echoes the biblical remark about evil having not much time. That's obvious, and the damage he has done is perhaps unfixable. I don't want to jerk this into a political discussion about musical chairs revolving around wars and the destruction of a nation from it's own people. But it IS political. And it IS being destroyed. And it is intentional. Bottom line is power and Orwellian gloom. It makes 'them' happy somehow. Is it Rockefeller who stated he doesn't want a world of thinkers.....he wants a world of workers? This in itself serves to make a rich powerful person more powerful, more rich, by sheer contrast. A little Hooverville redux ought to make those tool and die jobs seem more inviting!

I have to wind this up. If I feel as if the tools I discuss are being appointed against me, again, and it may be at all times, then I redouble my efforts to remain myself, and fight for what I always held as true. I am counting on God's protection. I FEAR THAT THE WHOLE WORLD IS BEING BRAINWASHED, literally, hardwire brainwashing. Most fall in line simply by watching the msm, and having to work too hard all day to tackle this stuff. Hard cases get the jujus, and they probably grow into some sort of network 'they' can use for complete simulation, vicarious pleasure, voyeurism, trial and error experimentation.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 03:24 AM
reply to Sparta cont.

I ought to say this as well, while we are on the question of 'who' are 'they'.

Ask yourself why of all people sara palin is in the news. Do you realize that this person, who holds no office, stands to get us in yet another war? This means that she could shirk any and all responsibility for the causation of the war, while driving us right in to the teeth of it. So, 'they' are israel, period. She is jewish, practices some sort of corporate military form of Christianity, and is 'folksy', and has a thirst for power. All useful attributes. They are teaching her proper English, I notice, as well.

Let me add that of all the cracks I took, during, and especially after, the election, while 'blogging in mom's basement', I lashed out at her the hardest. Here's the fun part. I also noticed that my anti-palin posts (the good ones) were captured and handled in a way that only on my machine were they viewable. That told me a great deal. You could go to a public computer and discover that the posts DID NOT EXIST! This was on CL. I don't think craigslist had anything to do with this trick. It was done because, even after the election, sara palin has great potential to be a jew pawn for America. The deletions did not happen until after the election. Obama was already decided on. I believe that as her value grew, as she revealed how flexible her mind and soul were by flipping on any and all issues, the jew state decided 'that's our girl'. And they started to elevate her, to protect her. It isn't just follow the money anymore. There's too much of it, and too many handling it, for the feds (jewish owned) to keep track. It is land, submission, and the power to change us in to anything they want ( ideologically for now), via any and all means, that really matters here. It is 'sport' for them, the jews who are responsible for 95% of what we digest. 'Sport' to see how quickly they can resolve a blinding inconsistency such as : hey honey, did you see that building just collapse all by itself?, and then turn it in to a self evident truth. That they are having to feed their drones (All MSM talking heads) instructions on calling truth seekers 'traitors', terrorist sympathizers etc., may have been a surprise to 'them', but it means they are losing grip. They didn't want it to be this way. They wanted, and still want, full spitfire war mood to get the bad guys over there in bad guy land. And that's where the mkultra/satellite connection comes in. "You don't comply? Well you'll never notice the change in yourself when you start to work for us. If not, we can give you a million ailments!". There's no visible sign of how or why, and I can tell you that they have their claws in the person closest to me. It is as if a button was pushed, to watch the mood shifts. It is absolutely terrifying to see this in action. I am afraid of nothing in this universe save for what 'they' can do to make this person grow fangs.

That's right. The jews are in control of remote-control mkultra technology. Why wouldn't they be? It is clearly the most sinister, priciest technology (location location location) brought to man's grasp since the last civilization was buried here, who know how long ago? Obama probably has no clearance nor concept of this technology. Palin will start a firebomb of a war from her Alaska grotto to distract us, and, if you are a marine, better get ready to get back to work for them. We are near doomed, but at least the war will serve as a useful diversion. Palin's head would explode before she could grasp what I am getting at. There will be a battalion of shrinks to forcibly take me, and others, away. I know what my e-trail looks like, and yahoo already outed me publicly by exposing my name on several prophetic, albeit 'antisemitic', screeds. All I did was tell the truth as I see it. It's a real bitch to see around corners. But I see. I'd be content just to have freedom of speech and the internet, no friends, no interaction with society, nothing...but that's coming down too. Besides, they have the toys to damage anyone, for any reason, and they know how the world now perceives them. That is what is happening now and I could use some help. I just want to live as life was meant to be lived. Even if it leads to nothing, I want to see God and the full expression of life. I would want this for anyone. But not for those who act to enslave us. I would kill them forever before I would trust them to not start it again. I see what they did to those closest to me. I see what they did to expand their hold on the world. I see that this evil is near all-consuming, and cannot bear it anymore. It sickens me beyond speech or thought. I will turn around and the end of my time will be at hand. What will be my thoughts on that day? I already know what they will be. I want what is God's finest offering, and they want to take this same God and turn it in to a meat grinder for their lusts. I hope that my concerto for one pleases God. This world has ruined itself.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:37 AM

So, your thoughts on it is that the news agency is directing attention to the F.B.I.?

My thought is that the repetition of FBI is intentional to 'push' the idea that he may ONLY be FBI, and to draw attention away from any other agencies.

I believe that 'pushing' can be accomplished through repetition and subliminals.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by captaintyinknots

Just look at any successful national awareness campaign. They have all been long in achieving their goals. I'm sure I've already posted that somewhere. I am pushing my agenda!

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas
re: earthquakes

Ask yourself which is more incredible. That God, or shall we say, a universal life source, would allow his name to be perverted 180 degrees, and remain dead silent, or that man can loose a quake at whim, in order to build false believes in what is possibly in store for 2012. I looked in to when this 2012 hoopla began-not sure. It's the internet for Chrissakes. You can find anything there. Except the truth, when it really matters.

Is God supposed to speak to us through the TV set? Through some pirate broadcast? Through the lips of a politician? By way of a 'virus' whether from Baxter, contact with a dying bird, a piece of hollowed glass that somehow got in your gloves?

The last time there was a local quake that I was aware of, that I could feel, was when I was googling for corruption within my local police department. I know that our local force was bought off to frame me for unspeakable evil. The kind that you do not even attempt to relate. A perfect set up, which included the mayor, his shrink, and a network of 'connected' citizenry. That the ground should have moved during my search did not surprise me in the least, because even one in my family acted out exactly as they had planned for this little caper. In my mind, that was to inform the participants that all will be revealed, including their evil actions. Or, that man flipped a release switch at haarp, just as I randomly decided to investigate local police corruption on Google, something I had never done till that moment.

I'll select 'God for 500 dollars', please.

It's too bright in here for me to type or write effectively. Sunshine is streaming through the windows of 'Mom's basement'. The vacuum tube monitor is dying and you really can't use the computer until it gets a bit less bright. I cannot even tell which button is post, or preview.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 03:54 PM
Great Thread my old friend! I have something for ya:

As a performer of Magic and NLP techniques, which I have disected a few of Darren Browns (One of the best at Covert Hypnosis or NLP) videos on ATS already:

Touched by a manipulator

But the real question is it possible to invade someones mind using only your mind? Well theoretically yes, but the answer would be extremely LONG winded and complicated, but as always I will try to make the physics, biology, and science as simple as

The most popular form of Mind Control or pushing is hypnosis as prominent in the MKULTRA experiments,Mind Control: The True Tale of Manipulation is physical and psychological shock or control by the programmer. That is very easy and I use this often when performing magic for people, but again is it possible to invade the thoughts of another without any sort of physical contact, speech or signaling of any sort. The answer is a very scary YES.

Radio waves, for example, are able to penetrate the skull and touch the brain. ELF (Extremely Low Frequencies) modulated fequencies, SHF modulated freqencies (Super High Frequencies) and many other frequencies have been shown to be able to penetrate the brain and in some instances used to control the mind through vibrations on certain parts of the brain. HAARP has been theorized to be a huge factor in this technology. Of course this is all machine to human, but their is a reason I bring this up! For their to be even the slightest possibility for a human to control a human without any contact or influence what so ever, there must first be some sort of projection ability by a human. And guess what? THERE IS!

Ever made eye contact with a stranger and then quickly looked away from one another? What went through your mind, for a brief second nothing, but then a projection of thoughts. The lizard brain or the animal in all of us must first turn itself off, before logic can resume. But what happens in this brief break of logic? Remember it is not just YOU who is having this brief break of logic it is the other person as well. You are both experiencing a moment of lizard brain interaction where the two animals inside us were projecting a certain non-verbal and non-physical response. It was a purely projected response from both sides. Another thing as well, if you are in a crowded room, where there is noise to begin with and then all of a sudden for no apparent reason there comes a moment of silence where everyone is silent, that is the lizard brain or the animal in us searching for danger or anything. The projection here is wide spread and from person to person without any physical contact or behavior control, it happens because it happens.

This is the basic biology of this type of event. By me moving into the realm of I would probably lose too many people, so I will not try (unless you want to get lost in Quantum Theory, mechanics, quantum thought, dimensional transference and a lot more), but I will provide some cool experiments and thoughts:

1) The Ganzfeld experiment Science Frontiers
2) The Zener Card Experiment Wiki
3) Twin Telepathy ABOUT Probably the best component for the theory of Pushing thoughts and the best basis of evidence is Twins.

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

The lizard brain or the animal in all of us must first turn itself off, before logic can resume. But what happens in this brief break of logic? Remember it is not just YOU who is having this brief break of logic it is the other person as well. You are both experiencing a moment of lizard brain interaction where the two animals inside us were projecting a certain non-verbal and non-physical response.

Great to see you my friend! I just saw an episode of the Mentalist. In the episode he mentioned this lizard brain and then went on to explain how the human brain is layered. Amoeba, lizard, neanderthal and all that.

Is there anything behind that? I found it to be a fascinating idea to mull over. Again, I am glad to see you! Hope to see more from you soon!

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by jackflap

Glad to see you as well my old friend!

I suppose it is possible that there are further layers that perhaps we cannot see. It is certainly possible. The Mentalist is a great TV show as well and believe it or not his tactics actually work! But anyway, it is certainly possible that at the human core there is an invisible part of the brain that cannot be touched, an infinite source!

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

3) Twin Telepathy ABOUT Probably the best component for the theory of Pushing thoughts and the best basis of evidence is Twins.

I can attest to this, there is something there. My x-wife comes from a family with 22 sets of consecutively born twins dating back some 400 years. Mostly identical. Truly a genetic freak of nature. Her and her mirror image "Knew" when something was wrong. Mama too. It used to blow me away.

From the article you posted above.

There simply isn't any empirical proof that twins have ESP or that twin telepathy exists. It can't be substantiated in a scientific environment.

Despite the lack of scientific proof, these personal experiences can't be denied. They happen. It is generally accepted that such incidents are signs of a deep emotional connection, that produces an intense sense of empathy, strong enough to generate physical sensations, such as feeling pain when a co-twin is hurting.

Think of the "empathy" of 400 years passed down.

[edit on 11-2-2010 by timewalker]

posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 07:47 PM
Wanted to add, their "knowing" was bad for me. We used to fight a lot (hence x-wife). We could have no privacy of this matter. I was always in the dog house with the entire family, even though she was the crazy one.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 01:04 PM
Spartan-I am typing in the total dark here because tptb reverted back to the black screen. I cannot see a thing until it's all dark here, and it's way too bright. I want to answer anything I can answer. But for now I am going to use this forum to describe how the satellites were firing away at my head again last night.

I cannot prove anything, but I can describe the course of experimentation they are taking with my grey matter.

I lay contemplating the world and the state it's in. I'm not moving, just floating in and out of the pre sleep zone, when...jolt.....jolt.....jolt slash....jolt....

Ok, the bursts are getting stronger and stronger. The idea that they are trying to harm me, again, and going by the voltage I'd say that you would think so too, made me open one eye. Instantly it ceases.

Sleep returns, and here are some lame ass let's give you back one of your past flings so to shut you the f up before Summer comes dreams. Cause we got plans. We really like you, and are learning a LOT from the data we are collecting, but you're gonna have to blow off some steam in the form of sex, OK? (this one is posing nude at various erotic sites, and they have finally got her 'loose' enough to even use glass toys. how erotic)

Well, as nice as we seemed to get along in this plant, I know from real life that this girl isn't for me. I'm just saying that 'sex', or a woman, isn't gonna do it for me. Once again, I reveal myself to all and sundry because it's better than only the warring factions (mossad/cia) having the info. You simply won't find source to back it up.

Most of the girls became supermodels, or movie stars, after a few dates we'd had decades ago. Call me the idol maker I guess. Impresario at your service. I sit here and make up evil # about the jews who run the media, the mossad and cia, while my past squeezes become millionaires and rub a little caca in my face with each turn of the page. (SOURCE: see Downhill Racer and note the spies in background just when Bob and the girl w/Porsche first exchange saliva over a shared croissant)

I can see what I am typing, but that's because there's grey for a backdrop. To read anything is impossible, thanks ats, so I apologize if I digress.

This is simply an update on 'their' activities. I would prefer that they use the police and detective bands to indicate their intents to fill my bed. One night this city administrative/ channel/station, which I programmed in ten years ago, and since have never heard a peep from, came to life. It was right after I threw an absolute fit online, right after 10?19/2009, which is the day I awoke to these weapons and their actual source. It sounded like they were alluding to a hostage situation, and the hostage taker was demanding a 'pizza' in a hotel room somewhere. (there are no hotels around here, and it is obvious this was not the true thing they were doing) I sat back and listened after noting the frequency in my Police Call (last published copy) and heard the most amazing exchange. It sounded like they were using the hostage/pizza thing as a message to yours truly. The one guy kept saying to the othr guy over and over again: yeah, just so he knows...a good pizza takes's just gonna take some time.

So, they figure by satiating my isolation with a little t and a, then I'll be a good boy. Ha. And this never used city administrator channel has been silent ever since. Small town, dead channel, and I swear to God the last time this one was open was to laugh and call out some things when I was in the bathroom, years ago. This is the channel that was set up for the mayor, and his minions who earn more than 40K, a way to talk on the radio, before cell phones, basically. I want these bastards on a plate and trampled by every set of legs and arms on earth.

Uh huh. I want them on a freaking platter. I want the whole world to know what we are up against. The number of times I have seen staged set ups whenever I go outdoors...

Anyway, I am cut off, and I guess that I can do w/o a social life in ANY form, for twenty plus years now, sort of intrigues them. What must be in that head? I dunno, but it's pretty hot, and I like to look at my palm because the amazing array of loops, crosses, intersections, and infinity signs, has made it so there's nothing hotter than a nude woman showing me her palms. The palm is the blueprint of the brain.

I really hope the U.S. satellite intel a jew was busted giving to israel, a few months ago, was recovered intact. Whew. Some dreams humiliate very badly, and I just can't take it. I have my reasons for my hates, and for my loves. There is a reason for every single one of them.

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 12:40 AM
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


Where have all the flowers gone?

When will they ever learn. When will they ever


There must be thousands of these.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 08:48 AM
This is a great thread that deserves some fresh air considering the recent rash of mass shootings and probable connections to Psy Ops. Were these attackers "Pushed"

Nidal Hasan- Ft. Hood shooter and Army Psychiatrist and self proclaimed Soldier of Allah

James Holmes- Batman shooter, student in an elite neuroscience program at University with a DARPA designated facility. (DARPA Center on Nanoscale Science and Technology for Integrated Micro/Nano-Electromechanical Transducers)

Wade Michael Page- Most recent attacker in the Sikh Temple massacre. (CBS News reports that Page enlisted in the Army in April 1992 and was given a less-than-honorable discharge in October 1998. He was last stationed in Fort Bragg, N.C., serving in the psychological operations unit.)

Are the chips falling in place for a massive federal gun grab? or worse a UN gun grab on US soil? I know the initial Treaty negotiation failed. But it is still alive and can come back for another round if there are enough circumstances to "push" it forward. Or is there something greater going on? Pure Coincidence ?? Interesting information is surfacing in this most recent shooting in Wisconsin

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by jibeho

Thanks jibeho, going to have to read it first.

posted on Aug, 7 2012 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by jibeho

Thank you very much for the bump.

I have been otherwise occupied lately.

This is always on my mind when "School Shooters" do stupid things.

It always, ALWAYS fits the pattern of the movie Arlington Road.

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