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Why do people hate Sarah Palin so much?

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:04 AM
Maybe there is a very reason for the ones afraid that Palin has a chance. Looking at Nancy Pelosi's last election, Cindy Sheehan was able to wrest 16.2% of the vote from Pelosi. Sheehan ran under the Green Party so it is not like there was huge money behind her. Granted the race was no contest, in favor of Pelosi. But it was her slimest margin of victory since running as an incumbent.

While the 2012 presidential election is still quite far off, Obama will have to fight the perception of having done nothing for the people that elected him in 2008. Hilary has already said she will not remain Secretary of State should Obama be re-elected which has fueled the speculation of her running against Obama in 2012.

It will be interesting to see if Hilary will resign to start preparing for a campaign should Democrats in Congress take a hit in the 2010 elections.

Between voter dissatisfaction and what could be a political war between Obama and Clinton, Palin could skate right under the radar by being a refreshing breeze as an alternative.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Ahabstar]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by Ahabstar

Maybe there is a very reason for the ones afraid that Palin has a chance

I do believe Sarah Palin has a chance. And that does scare me. Just not for the reasons that you might be hoping for.

Why does it scare me? If Sarah Palin actually "stands a chance" then it proves just how far this country has fallen.

We used to honor heroes and acts of valor.

Now we prop any bimbo willing to pose in a bikini up on a pedestal and listen to her yammer on about things above her IQ score, trying her best to keep things together

Even HER OWN PARTY thinks so

Sarah Palin is an IDIOT with the largest capital I that the world will allow. She embodies the intellectual shortcomings of America. Anyone willing to back her is no better.

It's sad.

It's like living during the cold war and being afraid of the Russians sending a nuke into your back yard.

The only difference between that, and this, is at least you had a bomb shelter to offer some protection to you and yours.

Where's the protection from the abominable stupidity?

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Snarf]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 07:54 AM
I did live through the cold war, granted the Nixon-Reagan years. Didn't have a bomb shelter nor did anyone we knew. Even among those that lived through the 50's onward. And I grew up in a town between Wright-Paterson and a Nike missile silo. Heck, one of my friends (a couple years older) had Duck and Cover drills in school.

We didn't worry about it. The implication that Palin could be a cause MAD is funny. But let's look back to the heady days of the 1990's when Bill Clinton lost the Nuclear Launch Codes the day the Monica story broke. source

Funny how people are less afraid of reality than manufactured fear. You are familiar with the term FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt)? How much do you think of the total animosity in people towards Palin is product of FUD and propaganda?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by Ahabstar

We're not talking about Palins ability to launch a nuclear are steering the conversation way off topic...i wonder why that is?

I answered your question.

I fear Sarah Palin because she is the answer to "are some Americans stupid enough to like Sarah Palin"?

And the answer is YES.

That saddens me and makes me....*sniff*

oh...crap...wait....i meant it makes me fear for my country *tear*

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:09 AM
People don't fear Sarah Palin. They fear the notion that America has really become so stupid that they would follow such a moron. Not only follow her, but honestly believe that she is intelligent or qualified. She is so painfully stupid that it saddens me TO THE CORE that anyone can honestly look at her and think... "yep, that's the best we can do."

I think that the scariest aspect of it is that we are in denial. Deep down we hope this is a big joke, but we know it is true. America has become this stupid.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
People don't fear Sarah Palin. They fear the notion that America has really become so stupid that they would follow such a moron. Not only follow her, but honestly believe that she is intelligent or qualified. She is so painfully stupid that it saddens me TO THE CORE that anyone can honestly look at her and think... "yep, that's the best we can do."

I think that the scariest aspect of it is that we are in denial. Deep down we hope this is a big joke, but we know it is true. America has become this stupid.

You - like most palinophobes - continue to confuse OPINION with facts. It is solely your opinion that Palin is a "moron" and "stupid", since you have no access to any of the tests it would take to prove your assertions.

We already know the nation is capable of voting for someone with no experience or substance - obama. Guess that means they'll basically vote for anyone that can say a single word such as "change" in a way that makes them believe - pied piper like - that it means something good.

Reality bites in less than a year for most Americans according to all the polls (facts).

And yes, some kool-aid drinkers ARE still in denial (fact).

Most - due to also being elitists - can't tell the difference between personal opinion and actual fact.

[edit on 2/16/2010 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:05 AM
This question is inappropriately phrased. No-one hates Sarah Palin. Her narcissism is so severe that she believes that anyone who does not fawn over her must hate her. No-one fears her except Republican strategists, as every candidate she endorses seems to lose. Although she pays lip service to capitalism, her political track record reveals her to be a totalitarian socialist. As mayor of Wasilia, she used public funds to build a North Korean style sports complex while cutting funds for the library. As governor, she presided over a Venezuela style petrostate, collected $1.80 in federal tax money for every dollar the state paid in taxes and rammed through a soviet style gas pipe-line at public expense. She personally saw to it that the contract went to a foreign corporation. She has an invasive attitude towards sexuality, although her oldest child was conceived out of wedlock and her grandchild is illegitimate as well. She is very vocal about forcing tax-payers to fund "special eduction" because one of her children is, well, retarded. She may or may not have been a member of an organization that may or may not be terrorist in nature (she has never clarified her relationship with AIP, an anti-american extremist group). After betraying her supporters by resigning from office, she revealed her true colors by joining the liberal media establishment. Most damning of all, she has never publicly produced her birth certificate.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211

We already know the nation is capable of voting for someone with no experience or substance - obama. Guess that means they'll basically vote for anyone that can say a single word such as "change" in a way that makes them believe - pied piper like - that it means something good.

Reality bites in less than a year for most Americans according to all the polls.

And yes, some kool-aid drinkers ARE still in denial.

What does this have to do with Sarah Palin again? I must have missed that part.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis

Originally posted by centurion1211

We already know the nation is capable of voting for someone with no experience or substance - obama. Guess that means they'll basically vote for anyone that can say a single word such as "change" in a way that makes them believe - pied piper like - that it means something good.

Reality bites in less than a year for most Americans according to all the polls.

And yes, some kool-aid drinkers ARE still in denial.

What does this have to do with Sarah Palin again? I must have missed that part.

Go back and read the post again.

I've added more to help you understand better, and perhaps answer your own question.

And at least you managed to leave her children out of your post. Have to at least give you credit for that.

[edit on 2/16/2010 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by DJW001
This question is inappropriately phrased. No-one hates Sarah Palin. Her narcissism is so severe that she believes that anyone who does not fawn over her must hate her. No-one fears her except Republican strategists, as every candidate she endorses seems to lose. Although she pays lip service to capitalism, her political track record reveals her to be a totalitarian socialist. As mayor of Wasilia, she used public funds to build a North Korean style sports complex while cutting funds for the library. As governor, she presided over a Venezuela style petrostate, collected $1.80 in federal tax money for every dollar the state paid in taxes and rammed through a soviet style gas pipe-line at public expense. She personally saw to it that the contract went to a foreign corporation. She has an invasive attitude towards sexuality, although her oldest child was conceived out of wedlock and her grandchild is illegitimate as well. She is very vocal about forcing tax-payers to fund "special eduction" because one of her children is, well, retarded. She may or may not have been a member of an organization that may or may not be terrorist in nature (she has never clarified her relationship with AIP, an anti-american extremist group). After betraying her supporters by resigning from office, she revealed her true colors by joining the liberal media establishment. Most damning of all, she has never publicly produced her birth certificate.

I'm going to simply dismiss this post as another palinophobic attempt to use Palin's children as political shills to attack her.

See anybody on the right using obama's kids, even mention them at all - well his own wife did claim they were fat, but that's another matter - to attack obama?

Question: How low can you go?

Answer: palinophobes such as DJW001 show just how low.

[edit on 2/16/2010 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

You're right, I shouldn't mention the children she keeps shoving in our face. Please explain to me why she wants to force oil companies to drill, even if it wouldn't be profitable. Is she planning on nationalizing the oil industry like her soul-mate Hugo Chavez?

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 09:52 AM
Jeebuz Jazz-Hands Cripes... the woman has to write down simple answers she should already know on her hand as if she's going to cheat on a middle school history test.

Hell, even McCain's campaign staff said they had to explain WWI, WWII, Korea and Viet-Nam to her!

I don't know about the rest of you, but if I went to a doctor and asked him questions about my condition and caught him looking at his hand where he'd written out answers, I would be out of there never to return.

But if the person is going to run the country, well that's acceptable right?
If that isn't proof of the anti-intellectual vapidity of Palin's supporters then none of this is real and somebody must have put a hit of acid in my soda pop.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Snarf

Let me be sure I have this straight then. You mention that dealing with her stupidity is akin to living under fear of nuclear attack during the Cold War without a bomb shelter.

I mention that I grew up in a town between two very viable nuclear targets and no one had a bomb shelter. Because no one was really that afraid.

But since we were both talking about nukes here, I mentioned Clinton was so upset about being caught in his affair with Monica that he lost the freaking launch codes (in addition to other derelictions of duty mention in the article).

Now Clinton was considered to be a halfway decent President despite his faults. So asked you directly if Palin was a victim of FUD and propaganda. (the topic of this thread being "Why do people hate Sarah Palin so much?") because it would seem that people are turning fear into hate to malign the woman when Clinton himself was a screw up.

The sentence, "The implication that Palin could be a cause MAD is funny." is a comment of your analogy (I found humorous). Has nothing to do with the thread nor my post. But you seem to think it was the point.

Your comment that people liking Palin (whether stupid or not is debatable) is a reason to fear her is odd, but it is your opinion.

That I think you need some reading comprehension skills, are quick to judge relevance and make mistakes in that haste and do not reevaluate your position once you make a decision (on whatever criteria), is my opinion.

I don't know if Palin is likable person or not, since I have never met her. She could be a hateful, bitter and shallow person. But since I have not met her, I can give her the benefit of the doubt. Bush, Sr. I can tell you a little about because I was introduced to him and spoke with him once. Carter, as I said earlier in the thread, I spoke with a cousin and can give some secondhand insight.

The irony of all these pages of likes, dislikes and back and forth between members has all been political talking points and personal experiences shading how they see Palin. I guess in the absence of knowing, we can only take our best guess. It may be my personal bias, but what I have seen is that those against Palin appear close-minded and those for Palin seem to be open-minded.

I think that says much about people and the direction of our country. Of where we are and how we came to be in this situation. It is just as easy to blame and do nothing as it is to have faith and do nothing. Either way, we have done noting.

Palin, I like her so I will vote for her or I don't like her and won't vote for her. Isn't that the same as doing nothing? Obama ran on Hope and Change, he could have ran on I'll screw up less than W and still won. Because both messages are the same, please elect me and you can continue to do nothing.

The US Political Madness Forum was created to be a catch all for left-right back and forth political thread that had little to do with conspiracy and more to do with controversy. A place to clear out the flotsam and clutter that we the members could not stop writing about.

This thread was started on Feb 7, nine days ago. The response has been overwhelming. I found it to be a little scary to tell the truth, as this single thread contains more than half the total replies I have ever had to a thread. In fact it is currently the 8th most replied to thread in the US Political Madness forum. That is more replies than single threads on gun grabbers, revolutions, town hall meetings, illegal aliens, tea parties, anti-G W fact there is one birther, one anti-Obama, and one Healthcare thread with more replies...and it is close to the last healthcare one. All in just 9 days.

That proves two things: Sarah Palin is a polarizing subject that may continue to be so in the future and quite a number of those other topics involved doing something, if only to be forewarned.

But I think it also gives an honest answer to the question of what we as a people do when it comes to our interaction with government: Nothing, other than something. Debating the merits and flaws of a single person is doing nothing. Hey, I am guilty of it as well. But the key thing to remember is that Palin is just as close to running the country right now as you or I are...sure she was closer and could be again. But right now, she holds no office, writes no legislation and passes nothing into laws. Just like us.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:20 AM

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by centurion1211

You're right, I shouldn't mention the children she keeps shoving in our face. Please explain to me why she wants to force oil companies to drill, even if it wouldn't be profitable. Is she planning on nationalizing the oil industry like her soul-mate Hugo Chavez?

That's at least some progress.

As for why she believes in any of that - if she actually does and it's not just more hearsay - I'll refer you to her actual statements on those subjects.

Let me remind you once again. I never said I was in favor of her running for president or any other office. I've been here posting facts against character assassination. Any one of you show me a thread where a conservative (or anyone else) is using obama's kids to bash him and you'll instantly find me there saying the exact same things.

[edit on 2/16/2010 by centurion1211]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by maybereal11

Your insults aside.

This is the article I was referring to.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by centurion1211

I sincerely apologize if my comments offended you. I have no quarrel with Sarah Palin's family and wish them the best of luck. All of my comments were intentionally low blows, intended to wake people up and evaluate her true character. I also sincerely wish her the best of luck in her career in the media elite. Anything to keep her out of politics.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by Ahabstar

Well pretty soon the press wont have Sara Palin to focus their all too fair and balanced attention on because there is speculation out now that Romney is starting to " Team Up " for a possible 2012 run. then He'll be the SQUIRREL moment for the attention of the press and allow her a little breathing room for some strategy adjustment. I predict we'll need a " why do people hat Mitt because he's a Mormon " thread.

I wonder how long it would take for a full page to get filled up dedicated to the hate of his hair.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Thirty_Foot_Smurf

a mormon? Really?

oh now THATs interesting.

it's like gloria steinhem said. we'll get every type of man imaginable before we get a lady on the hot seat. they still think we'd get lost driving down the street if they weren't there to guide us hehe

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by Thirty_Foot_Smurf

a mormon? Really?

oh now THATs interesting.

it's like gloria steinhem said. we'll get every type of man imaginable before we get a lady on the hot seat. they still think we'd get lost driving down the street if they weren't there to guide us hehe

Sex doesnt matter to me. I would've voted for the dirty bag lady down the street as long as she was a constitutionalist.

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