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So how did the building collapse?

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posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

was that comment directed towards me?

and if so, could you explain, as your comments do not fall in line with how I intended it to come across.

ETA: Nevermind, I think I got what you meant. Carry on.

[edit on 2/5/2010 by iamsupermanv2]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by dino1989

If you change story again ( you guys change your story more than the official report)

Originally posted by dino1989
reply to post by mikelee

Listen truther. Truthers are insult to truth. Truthers lied much more than the official report.

If the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY is the truth as it actually happened, then why should the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY account change at all? Why would the official report lie at all? You freely admit above that parts of the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY are lies don't you?

Why would the official report need to be changed at all? And why do you allow the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY to be changed and still accept the new official versions to be FACT?

Isn't that called hypocrisy?


posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
Seeing how those columns were discovered in that condition as cited by workers on site during clean up, yes I'll go with that.

No they were not actually, they were done during cleanup, as you can see by where they were cut by the cleanup crew

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by dereks

Dead wrong.

Not only did I hear that mentioned on television but I know foir a fact its been printed in many storys as well regarding this and has been denied by OSer's who refuse to give up your fairy tale position regarding 911.

[edit on 5-2-2010 by mikelee]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
Not only did I hear that mentioned on television but I know foir a fact its been printed in many storys

Yes, just a truther lie as I said. And if you actually did hear it on tv you probably misheard it, just so it fitted your silly conspiracy theory!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by dereks

Actually on 911 I was once like you...A believer in the OS because I still worked for the government. After a few years of "looking around" and doing my own research I found out that the OS is a lie and that people like yourself are no better than the terrorists who planned the attack with the help of others.

Ignorance by denial is a lot worse than ignorance by birth.

[edit on 5-2-2010 by mikelee]

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:56 PM
We all could be trying to prove that the world is round to them and they'd say, just look the horizon is flat to me so it must be flat! Seems logical on the surface, but a fallacy nonetheless. Who cares what they believe, I say let them keep starting crappy threads but we stop playing the game and responding. The only way there could be more convincing proof is if certain gov't figures got on TV and said, "we did it, the OS is all a lie", and still some wouldn't believe. I don't take these OS believers seriously anymore, they are obvioulsy just trying to frustrate the rest of us. I'm done with you ___holes!!

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 03:56 PM
"was that comment directed towards me?"

Not at all; it was intended for the person who started this thread. I was just adding to your insightful comments about how pathetic the original post was.

"No they were not actually, they were done during cleanup, as you can see by where they were cut by the cleanup crew"

Where exactly do you see evidence of these columns being cut by cleanup crews? For safety reasons, wouldn't it make more sense to clean up as much loose debris as possible before starting the cutting procedure on the remaining columns? Especially since the authorities were in such a hurry to make the evidence disappear as quickly as possible.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:12 PM
"I don't take these OS believers seriously anymore, they are obvioulsy just trying to frustrate the rest of us. I'm done with you ___holes!!"

Of course that's what they're trying to do. When one's argument does not have a leg to stand on, one has to resort to trickery and insults. Anybody with half a brain can see right through this schoolyard tactic.

I think posts like these are actually beneficial to the truther movement, since they focus a negative spotlight on these individuals, proving how full of crap their beloved OS really is.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:42 PM
When I clicked on to this thread, I first thought I was at page two or three, or anything other than page one. It is just a baiting exercise. The OP accuses proponents of ideas, (their theories) as liars, and makes those assertions straight away. Has this thread has been allowed on the basis of balance on the 9/11 story, 'cos that is the only thing I can think of for it being allowed to remain open. In every other respect it should be closed.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

Well said. I'm done with this ignorant thread. I'm denying ignorance by unsubscribing from it as it serves no purpose.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by dino1989
Why are you not giving your so called 'evidence' to *real* scientist? You only give it to truthers.

Excuse me, who exactly do you think FINDS this evidence smart guy?

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by dino1989
Well?. Demolition or Nano-Thermite? You truthers seem to lie a lot . Its actually hard to believe you.

If it's Demolition than explain this: Why is it no one found Demolition cords before and after the WTC collapsed?

If you change story again ( you guys change your story more than the official report) Why are you not giving your so called 'evidence' to *real* scientist? You only give it to truthers.

Watch the video.

Explain how WTC 7 fell by itself, with nothing seen striking it? Cite any time in history a building like that (frame material) fell from fire? IF you find even one, it would not have happened in even one day.

As a decorated Physics student, demolition causes free fall, it fell at free fall speed. The beams were removed with rubble before they could be checked, why? Nothing to hide, why race through that? Where were the "black boxes" from the flights (courtesy of Jesse Ventura's research)?

Then look at circumstantial evidence such as WHO WAS IN THE TOWERS? The owner had insurance on it, and that ONE day he did not have his breakfast as the "Window to the World" spot he preferred. Look it up since you seem to know it all. Check out stock trading the day before (and few days before 9/11). Insider trade information on something that was not known to be coming? Coincidence? The owner made a huge profit off of the insurance.

Everyone knows the official story is bullcrap, just like with JFK. I was watching MSNBC to see more lies to look up, and the host said, "Are you one of THEM, are you a Grassy Knoll type, are you one of them???!!!" The is the same as, "Are you going to speak the truth here and out them or you with the agenda?"

Basic Psychology here: people lie, deflect, and get defensive when they are hiding things. IN GENERAL THAT IS TRUE. If the "official story" is obviously wrong, per Engineers, Architects who filed a lawsuit claiming as much, people with their Doctorate in Physics, that gives weight to those who know the truth (at least that they were lied to). RULE 101 of controlling sheep; take over the flock. See a movement, then hijack it, make it lose credibility, then it discredits the entire movement (study history). This helps maintain control. I never joined a "Movement", I just challenge anyone to counter what I mentioned her and think the official "lie" holds up more.

IF you want to get into basic criminology; who benefits, who loses, WHO LOST, WHO GAINED from it? Some say follow the money, I say follow the gain (there is more than money to bribe people with). That event did not hurt ANY of "The powers that be" so to speak. World Bankers? Wall Street "higher ups"? Owner of those structures knew not to be there? Bush? Cheney? ANYONE THEY ARE CLOSE TO? Some good people died. Excuse for war? Excuse for "Patriot Act"; people warned about this by spelling out, "They will use the excuse of security to take your freedoms." JFK spoke to this a few times, look what happened to him? Sociopaths, psychopaths, look who they help with their positions of "power"?

I was sold on this being an inside job a long time ago. Run little lemming, right over the cliff, who needs you anyway? There are enough gullible sheep in the world right now.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 11:29 PM

as far as the pentagon, I thought they would have had better security cameras on one of the most secure places in the country

To be truthful there was and currently security cameras located on the roof of the pentagon facing outward.

Not one of these cameras could have possibly seen the plane? As for the WTC buildings not fally at free fall, that is not exactly true. the estimated time of collapse is between 10-15 seconds depending on which report you read, 1360 feet in 10-15 seconds. Free fall from that speed is about 9 seconds.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 12:40 PM
One question: Are any of you freaks who believe the OS FROM NYC? Or anywhere near there? Because around 90 percent of New Yorkers do NOT believe the OS. That is, the people who ACTUALLY SAW WHAT HAPPENED. Did any of you SEE any of this stuff occurring? I doubt it. You are going by photos and videos and news articles.

I went through New York Harbor on Oct 13th and got a closeup look. The whole thing was still smoldering and smoking, a month later. Can someone explain that one to me? A jetload of kerosene will burn for over a month?

If this was a murder investigation, what would they do? First thing is, qui bono? Who benefits? They would be looking hard at Silverstein. This used to be called "guess what kind of " lightning, burning your own business down to collect the insurance.

Next, the immediate cleanup and removal of all debris. This would be called "tampering with evidence" and "contaminating a crime scene". Anyone doing this would be automatically assumed guilty.

I mean, come on, that's just three things. There are a million more.

I figure that ANYONE who supports the OS enough to make posts on a forum like this is a govt agent, or RETARDED.

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by CaptChaos

One question: Are any of you freaks who believe the OS FROM NYC? Or anywhere near there? Because around 90 percent of New Yorkers do NOT believe the OS. That is, the people who ACTUALLY SAW WHAT HAPPENED. Did any of you SEE any of this stuff occurring? I doubt it. You are going by photos and videos and news articles.

I went through New York Harbor on Oct 13th and got a closeup look. The whole thing was still smoldering and smoking, a month later. Can someone explain that one to me? A jetload of kerosene will burn for over a month?

If this was a murder investigation, what would they do? First thing is, qui bono? Who benefits? They would be looking hard at Silverstein. This used to be called "guess what kind of " lightning, burning your own business down to collect the insurance.

Next, the immediate cleanup and removal of all debris. This would be called "tampering with evidence" and "contaminating a crime scene". Anyone doing this would be automatically assumed guilty.

I mean, come on, that's just three things. There are a million more.

I figure that ANYONE who supports the OS enough to make posts on a forum like this is a govt agent, or RETARDED.

One question: Are any of you freaks who believe the OS FROM NYC? Or anywhere near there

I live in NJ - is that close enough for you whackjob ?

Close enought to watch the building burn and collapse that day, many of my co-workers on floor above me watched as UAL 175 slammed into South Tower

I went through New York Harbor on Oct 13th and got a closeup look

Geez you went to NYC once in your life ?

I know many Police/FF who were either there that day or spent the following weeks in the recovery/cleanup. None of them subscribe to the
truther nonsense you are peddling.

The whole thing was still smoldering and smoking, a month later. Can someone explain that one to me? A jetload of kerosene will burn for over a month?

As for the rubble burning - 1 could see the smoke and smell it for weeks

What was burning was contents of 2 110 story buildings, each floor an acre - figure all the furniture and office equipment along with tons ans tons
of paper. So much for the kerosene from the jets, it burned off in a few minutes after impact setting the building contents in the area on fire

"The rescue workers soon started referring to the ruins of the World Trade Center as “the pile.” While it was burning, they also referred to it as “the bitch” as in “the bitch is still burning.” The fires burned for three months after the attacks, and temperatures recorded from planes flying overhead reached as high as 2,000 degrees. Even after the external flames subsided, the bitch was insidious. Hollow “box beams” were used in the construction of the towers because they’re lighter than solid beams. But when these beams lay haphazardly within the pile, they acted like chimneys for the fires burning underneath and created a dangerous deception. Smoke rising in one place could be from a fire 30 to 40 feet away. Unsuspecting rescue workers often started digging right over hot spots, unintentionally giving oxygen to the glowing embers beneath the surface, igniting sudden geysers of flame.

Fleeing from these flare-ups was often as dangerous as facing the fire. The wreckage was very unstable, like a gigantic set of pickup sticks. Disturbing one steel beam or slab of concrete could easily touch off a collapse. For this reason, the rescue teams that searched through the pile worked in pairs. While one team would go down into the caverns under the pile, the other team would stand by up top just in case the first team had to be rescued."

Next, the immediate cleanup and removal of all debris. This would be called "tampering with evidence" and "contaminating a crime scene". Anyone doing this would be automatically assumed guilty.

Ok what were supposed to do - let the rubble pile burn?

Or recover the dead, put out the fires and cleanup the scene

Police detectives conducted their investigation as the rubble was cleared

And although this is a fire scene, it is also a crime scene, which means a large unit of crime scene investigators is present, working from a tent at the corner of West St. and Liberty.

NYPD Detective first grade Hal Sherman: "At Ground Zero the CSU is responsible for photographing the site, recovering physical evidence, documenting body parts and any other physical evidence like weapons or a wallet, manning the temporary morgue at the site (as well as the city morgue up on 28th Street), inspecting debris that leaves the site, and inspecting debris as it gets sifted out at Staten Island. ...All evidence is documented– airplane parts were essential to the beginning investigation, but now they look for hair, fibers, glass particles, semen, ballistics. ...We ID every part. Pillars and beams are swiped for hair, tissue and blood, evaporated body evidence. We have two police officers with mortuary degrees, and they are either in the medical examiner's office or the police lab, because you must be a sworn police officer to take evidence.

If you step on a fly ten times there will be nothing left. And here we have no couches, no computers, no chairs, no glass. Any small trace of anything is evidence. Anything to bring closure to the families. Human body part, clothing, jewelry, equipment and tools, anything. If there ever is a trial, we will be prepared. We've been here from day 1, and we'll be there well after the regular police officers go home, when everyone is packed up and gone." (p. 326-327)

There are two dump sites. One is in Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn, and the other is in Great Kills, Staten Island. At each location police Investigations Unit detectives and FBI agents are spotting and sifting through every truckload, searching for the flight recorders of the planes and for any remains of the victims. (p. 201)

Much of the steel was recovered and stored for analysis

As of March 15, 2002, a total of 131 engineer visits had been made to these yards on 57 separate days. An engineer visit typically ranged from a few hours to an entire day at a salvage yard. The duration of the visits, number of visits per yard,

Have any more idiotic remarks.....?

posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by thedman

What convinced you the OS is one hundred percent true?
Is there something you know, that we all missed?

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