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Grumpy people are more advanced on the evolutionary scale!

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posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:08 AM
(The commercial ends and we return to our regularly scheduled thread)

So, End we have discussed....

(A stage manager walks up to Jean Paul and whispers something in his ear. Jean Paul looks at the stage manager and nods.)

Are you serious?

(The stage manager nods emphatically)

Really, no kidding? Well Whatdoukno? Guess what endisnighe? Our ratings just might be saved after all. We have with us a genuine bonafide guest, and not just any guest, a certified celebrity, a long time member of the ATS broadcasting company, a great friend to both End and I, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, please give a warm welcome and big round of applause for Whatuknow!

:u p:

(Whatuknow walks out onto the stage as the band plays boisterously. Whatuknow stops center stage and soaks up the spotlight and shares a warm smile with the studio audience, while both Endisnighe and Jean Paul stand up to join the crowd in a big standing ovation.)

:u p:

How are you sir? Thank you for joining us. Please sit down. End scoot over and let our guest sit down.

(End scoots over and Whatuknow sits in the guests chair.)

So, what the hell have you been up to?

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:24 AM
Wow, I never knew whatukno would EVER have stage fright.

Speak up grumpy old man.

oops sorry, I forgot to turn your mike on!

End slaps himself in the head, Huge facepalm.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by endisnighe
Wow, I never knew whatukno would EVER have stage fright.

Speak up grumpy old man.

oops sorry, I forgot to turn your mike on!

End slaps himself in the head, Huge facepalm.

You didn't turn his mic on? Oh for Christ sakes! No wonder our ratings are going down the pooper! Way to go End. Sorry, Whatukno....we're a bit edgy lately and a little grumpy, but the good news is, this means we're evolving.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:35 AM
(There is a deadly silence and Jean Paul and Endisnighe clearly don't know what to do.)

Uhhhhhmmmmm....okay then, we're going to take a brief break, and be right back after this short station identification.

:u p:

(They cut away to a commercial as Jean Paul stands up and glares at Endisnighe. Endisnighe shrugs his shoulders and looks out to the audience with confusion)

(Jean Paul responds to this confusion)

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:36 AM
[After taking a drink of what was said to be coffee earlier in the show, end laughs and two streams of Captain coke stream out of his nose.]

[confusion continues]

Dammit Jean Paul, I told you not to make me do that again!

[Cute girl stage hand comes by, end, devolves approximately 345 generations.]

Evolving! Hell, you mean devolving don't you.

nervous light clapping

[edit on 2/7/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by endisnighe

Why does this always happen to me? I never should have gone into show business! I should've listened to my father and become a tax accountant. I'd be sure to have a job right now. Aw Jeeeeez!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:48 AM
Hello? Hello? Can you hear me now? I think it's working now fellas, how are you two today? It's great to be here and I am happy to talk with a couple of the best pundits on ATS.

[edit on 2/7/2010 by whatukno]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
Sorry fellas, apparently someone locked me in the green room. Thanks for having me on today, I am doing great and how are you two doing today?

Well Whatdoukno? Ladies and gentlemen, Whatukno!

:u p:

We're doing great...well, to tell you the truth, buddy, not so good. Our ratings are plummeting. Thanks so much for dropping by and saving our ass! End and I were just talking about....well, you know...the same old thing we always talk about

Do you have any thoughts on the matter? On, well uknow, mmmmm revolution and mmmmmmmm well, uknow revolution?

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Where the hell is that stage hand! [end says under his breath]

[stage hand gets that does not look forward to the unemployment lines look]

Well, whatukno, I kind of feel like Red Green when he runs out of duct tape.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:02 AM
Well Jean Paul, I am glad you asked that question...

For years now our American system of politics has been taken over by corporate lobby groups. Our elected leaders no longer listen to the public, and as of late really don't even pretend to care.

So I thought to myself one day, Wuk, what can I do to help fix this? Like the old saying says, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. So I am here tonight to announce my candidacy for Michigan's 11th Congressional District House of Representatives seat.

I think that the only way to truly cause a revolution and facilitate change in this country is to do so from the inside out. I want to be one of the very few politicians who actually care about the American people, and want this country to succeed.

I see it everywhere I go, businesses closed, crime up, people laid off. And it breaks my heart. Because I know that we are better than this. I know that America is stronger than this. And I know that with the right opportunities America can get itself out of this recession, and become a strong economic power in the world again.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
Well Jean Paul, I am glad you asked that question...

For years now our American system of politics has been taken over by corporate lobby groups. Our elected leaders no longer listen to the public, and as of late really don't even pretend to care.

So I thought to myself one day, Wuk, what can I do to help fix this? Like the old saying says, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. So I am here tonight to announce my candidacy for Michigan's 11th Congressional District House of Representatives seat.

I think that the only way to truly cause a revolution and facilitate change in this country is to do so from the inside out. I want to be one of the very few politicians who actually care about the American people, and want this country to succeed.

I see it everywhere I go, businesses closed, crime up, people laid off. And it breaks my heart. Because I know that we are better than this. I know that America is stronger than this. And I know that with the right opportunities America can get itself out of this recession, and become a strong economic power in the world again.

(The studio audience stands up and gives Wuk a rousing standing ovation)

:u p:

Did I hear you right? Did you say you are actually announcing your candidacy right here on Late Night With Grumpy Old Men? Has any member ever done that End? Anyone announced their candidacy on ATS before? My God! This is breaking news. Tell us more, please. Will you be running as a Party member or will you be running as an independent, and how the hell do you expect to win without any corporate backing?

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Never before has there ever been an announcement as glorious as this on the Grumpy Old Men Show.

reply to post by whatukno

Wow, you are putting your money where your mouth is so to speak. Good for you.

Now, is the current representative McCotter and he is a Republican incumbent correct?

[edit on 2/7/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:13 AM
I will be running unaffiliated, I am not even going to be a part of the Tea Party Movement, because I believe that this country needs truly independent people in our government that aren't tied to a political party or owned by corporate masters.

I am going with the classic word of mouth approach. Never let them see you coming. I will be on facebook, twitter, and YouTube. And of course I will also be here on

People need to understand that the best politician isn't the one that spends the most on their campaign, it's the one that can do the most good for the people they represent. It's time for a real revolution in politics. It's time that this country return to those actual things we stand for. Freedom, opportunity and justice for everyone.

With the recent supreme court decision to make corporations just like people and able to back a candidate with as much money as they would like, this will be a hard election to win, but with the people's support I believe I can win this. And start to take back this country for the people.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:19 AM
As much as I would like to accept the credit that this "finding" would grant me... (oh, the glory of being able to say, "I'm a jerk because I'm smarter than you!" -- oh, wait... jerks usually think that anyway)...

I'm calling bull.

I think there is a conspiracy to convince people to become grumpier. Everyone wants to be considered smarter - and most will do anything to achieve the status.

I am a grumpy person sometimes, but I don't think that it's right to let it overcome you. In my grumpiest moments I make some of the best arguments in the worst possible way. Very rarely does an argument call for someone to become terribly grumpy before someone will listen. Usually it's the other way around.

However, people should learn to look through the grumpiness and listen to what is being said. On the same note, us grumpy people should become even MORE "evolved" and learn to make our case without becoming depressed...

In fact, the truly wise person will not be habitually grumpy. The truly wise person will be calm and patient more often than not.

That is not to say that a lot of apparently calm and patient people are incredibly smart. Sometimes the apparently calm and patient people are the ones who simply don't care (until it affects them directly in a negative way that is completely unavoidably demeaning and/or abusive).

But do not be fooled. The smartest and wisest of us look like plain fools. They are calm, patient, pay attention to detail, and yet realize the vanity in it all... they do not pressure for the answers or for the results because they understand that what they seek is inevitable - mainly because they are wise enough to seek the truth.

You will find me losing my wit when I see a post I believe that lacks true and careful thought - sometimes. Of course there are hundreds of these posts and I ignore most...

And yet I am guilty of these kinds of posts at times as well.

But it is not good to lose my wit. No - because there may be a truth that I myself am missing from something... and it is better not to react too entirely quickly to such posts because I am become what I berate.

No, it is not smarter or good to be a grumpy person. There is nothing "evolved" about being a jerk. Being a jerk has some of its merits and is sometimes a part of someone's personality without them even recognizing it... or more accurately, some people are used to a certain kind of personality and frown upon those personalities not understood.

For example, I am straightforward with my thoughts and actions. People think I am a jerk because they believe that I must mean something ELSE besides exactly what I said. People think I am a jerk because they fail to realize my sarcasm because I do not LAUGH. My humor seems to piss people off because they do not realize it is humor. Once they do... they're already too put off to laugh. Rarely do I meet someone who busts out laughing after something I said and I look at them like, "Why?" and then they think that I meant what I said ... but the reality is that I am not used to someone seeing it for what it is!

So, it is probably a bad thing to say that grumpy people are more evolved because grumpiness is usually a misunderstood perception rather than a reality.

And then there are the grumpy people who are complete morons! Because they are spoiled and do not get what they want. Oh wait! That is most of humanity. Happy when comfortable, pissed when inconvenienced. No one appreciates the good and thanks God for it - but we rest in it and soak it in because we, the grumpy spoiled-brats, feel deserving.

But what have we earned?

How many people perceive what I just said to be grumpy?

I assure you that I am not grumpy. I tell it how I see it without diluting.

I think it is the people who perceive grumpiness instead of thinking about what was said that are the people who were raised and bred around politic and "perfection" instead of honesty and hard work. Another portion of the people choose the politic and "perfection" life because it has more material benefits. Of course their minds rot away...

So, I believe the reality is that those who are perceived grumpy by society are generally the ones who actually aren't negative, but honest. I believe the reality is that those who are perceived grumpy are perceived that by the truly negative people who can't HANDLE the truth. Those people become grumpy because they have to face life instead of being babied all the time.

The way society is headed, I believe that a lot more people are being babied; it's a fact. I work retail. My job gets more difficult everyday because of peoples' infantasies. Yes, new word, I said it.

I could go on, being the grumpy and opinionated person that I am.


posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by whatukno

(We hear an announcers voice from off stage)


We now return to our regularly scheduled posts of Late Night With Grumpy Old Men. You were watching the Emergency Above Top Secret, but we now return to our regularly scheduled posts.

:u p:

That is fantastic! Totally unaffiliated? Man, you have an uphill battle to fight. End, can Wuk count on us to back him all the way? Of course, you know that I don't agree with you on that SCOTUS crack, right? I suppose you're going to have to come back for another show so we can debate that issue a bit....


(Jean Paul asks the studio audience)

Would you like that? Should Wuk come back for another episode and should he use Late Night With Grumpy Old Men as one of his many platforms to campaign?

:u p:

Well Youknowhat Whatukno? You have a home here at beautiful downtown www. anytime you want you just drop on by and tell us how the campaign is going and we will do all we can to get you those votes you need. Even if we don't agree, revolution baby! I think you are definitely the right man for the job.

[edit on 7-2-2010 by Jean Paul Zodeaux]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta

In fact, the truly wise person will not be habitually grumpy. The truly wise person will be calm and patient more often than not.

It is only when some calm and purposeful people get pushed do they become grumpy. Hence your next paragraph.

That is not to say that a lot of apparently calm and patient people are incredibly smart. Sometimes the apparently calm and patient people are the ones who simply don't care (until it affects them directly in a negative way that is completely unavoidably demeaning and/or abusive).

But it is not good to lose my wit. No - because there may be a truth that I myself am missing from something... and it is better not to react too entirely quickly to such posts because I am become what I berate.

For example, I am straightforward with my thoughts and actions. Sometimes the cold, calculated and unemotional responses are what other people view as grumpy. People think I am a jerk because they believe that I must mean something ELSE besides exactly what I said. People think I am a jerk because they fail to realize my sarcasm because I do not LAUGH. My humor seems to piss people off because they do not realize it is humor. Once they do... they're already too put off to laugh. Rarely do I meet someone who busts out laughing after something I said and I look at them like, "Why?" and then they think that I meant what I said ... but the reality is that I am not used to someone seeing it for what it is! I call it having a dry and cerebral type humor, almost Britishesque with a touch of sarcasm.

So, it is probably a bad thing to say that grumpy people are more evolved because grumpiness is usually a misunderstood perception rather than a reality.

But what have we earned?

How many people perceive what I just said to be grumpy?

I assure you that I am not grumpy. I tell it how I see it without diluting.

I think it is the people who perceive grumpiness instead of thinking about what was said that are the people who were raised and bred around politic and "perfection" instead of honesty and hard work. Another portion of the people choose the politic and "perfection" life because it has more material benefits. Of course their minds rot away...

So, I believe the reality is that those who are perceived grumpy by society are generally the ones who actually aren't negative, but honest. I believe the reality is that those who are perceived grumpy are perceived that by the truly negative people who can't HANDLE the truth. Those people become grumpy because they have to face life instead of being babied all the time.

The way society is headed, I believe that a lot more people are being babied; it's a fact. I work retail. My job gets more difficult everyday because of peoples' infantasies. Yes, new word, I said it.

I could go on, being the grumpy and opinionated person that I am.


reply to post by TarzanBeta

Well, it looks like we have a master grump.

You sir/ma'am are welcome anytime on the Grumpy Old Man Late Night Show.

I left the sections of your comment that I totally agree with and some comments regarding parts of it.

Thanks for sharing on my Old Grump Show!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I will be waiting for whatukno to return to the show to give my backing to said candidate.

I want to see a platform and his oath to the People of the US, besides the oath to his constituents.

It is We the People, not just We the People of the 11th District of Michigan.

I do feel whatukno, with his grumpiness could be an asset in Washington. Time will tell.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:44 AM
Will YOU PEOPLE turn down this cacoemoticonous racket!!!

Darn whippersnappers!

Now I'm off to find my Ensure and my britches ...

And I don't want to hear that the two are related or causality!!!

And when I come back ... when I come back ... oh there'll be trouble!

Edit cause spelling on this computer sucks!!!

Typewriters were much better!!!
When I was young we didn't need the internets or feelings!!!

One time during the great repression ...

[edit on 7 Feb 2010 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

(hides schrodingers dog's Ensure in his britches)

Goin' awf ta chop the wood, Paw!

Don' fergech yer britches!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

Ladies and gentlemen what a special treat we have today! We have not just one, but two special guests in the house with the Man S-Dog himself, and our newest friend, Tarzan Beta! Give these members a special grumpy one handed applause!

:u p:

(Both Endisnighe and Jean Paul rise to greet their two guests and all shake hands as S-Dog and TarzanBeta sit on the couch next to Jean Paul's Desk, while Endisnighe bookends them sitting on the other side)

S-Dog, how the heck are you? Just wake up didja?

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