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You can change the World

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posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 12:02 PM
If I have learned anything in this life, it is that we all have the power inside of us to change our world..It isn't a magic tear from the eye of a dragon, or a loyal knights sacrifice to his queen. No
act of self glorifing bravery will do.The kind of change we need most, is the one I'm refering to.It will not come from a politicians promise or any act
of legislation.No lobbyist can hurry it thru. Although some legislation about acts of kindness could certainly add some humanity
to a government,(a positive) small acts of kindness won't do it either.

The most beautiful thing on this planet isn't something you can see, or hold, smell, hear. It isn't
something that can be put in a petri dish, but it can be studied. When we study something we
learn about it.If we need more of something, we study it. Do we forget this when it comes to
love. With a world that is obviously pact to the gils with mean, selfish, hateful people. It is still
a world where something greater than all of us can happen.When something happens that truly
changes a human being on the inside, for the better. Has that not changed the world? I believe it does.

If a person has a heavy heart, dosn't it tire them to lug it around all the time? When you are tired you snap easier. What if you are tired all the time? What if it drags on and on? Do this to the happiest person and there will be a big change in that person.

The most beautiful thing, t have known in this life is a feeling. I'm often amazed by people who say
there is no proof of a God. Then there is no proof that we have any feelings either. There is no
proof that love exists. Man emerged thru evolution? NO!. Man emerged thru love....We may not
all exist thru love, yet existence makes love possible. Love for yourself is nothing like having some
one else love you. I digress.

What I am driving at here, is that most gorgeous feeling, that washes over you, almost knocking you over, with the force of an oceans wave. That feeling of something, not just tugging at your heart, but
more like something has introduced you to it.Like something just let you know you even had one. You feel what's inside of you, like you never new was possible.
You experience it in a way, that can be overwelming to say the least.

The first time I felt it, I remember I was like O, oh O, woe, woe , WOE!. With a room full of people
I managed to click it off so to speak, I stood up and made it out to the front porch and had a seat.. That was how I found out how to touch myself. ( You can laugh and insert your jokes here for a moment) Of course not physically you weirdo. Keep it up out of the gutter for just a few ok?.ha ha!
It was the first time I realised that doing a good thing for another human being. Doing something
to effect real change in a persons life for the better. Not just doing something, but taking the time
to plan it. Being their to see that the plan dosn't get hung up. Seeing it thru. Caring enough to
think what you are going to do to effect change without being to meddlesome or making it to

I'll try an make this short.

I met a person one time, life wasn't going so good. I effected a real change on this person who
for some reason had latched on to me, I guess because when we met, I was living in my friends
walk-in closet.I was in there reading a Bible. She was curious with questions so I always gave her the best
answer I could according to what I knew, only from what I had read, about what God would
want me to tell her.With his will in my heart. I could not have been wrong about anything, because the results, could not in any way, I could ever imagine, have been more beautiful. Some might
say I gurued her, I assure you that was just not the case. She would very simply tell me how she
felt about this or that. Then ask me, what do you think God would want me to do. I didn't take that lightly. I think she was
at a point where she had made such a mess out of her life, she was ready for someone else
to take over.

I knew she had decided on two things," Gods will" and she was going to trust me to tell her what that was. To this day the results speak for themselves.

You can change the face of this planet and make it a happier place through a philosophy that includes, the creator, supreme being, God. Include his will, in
your life everyday, to see for yourself.
I have experinced what it 's like to know you have pleased God.
I never felt anything so amazing. I was floored. To even consider there are
people who will never know what I am trying to describe. I want to change that
because it needs to be multiplyed.
If what I felt were a virous, so contagious, it infected every man, woman and child
by tomorrow morning. The world would be transformed by tomorrow night.
This world will be transformed one way or another.

Peace be with you

mods: I am placing this here because of the obvious bed of philosophy that it lay upon.

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 12:58 PM
Very nice post. Glad to see there are indeed others out there who are of similiar mind. The oppurtunity that you had is powerful, the influence you were able to express, positively. Beautiful... few people can see it for what it truly is and means. They are out there... it's all Love, or lack of. Of service, or not. And I like how you are expressing that concept, not only here on ATS where there's a select few who would stumble across and feel inspired. I have had many pleasurable oppurtunities to be of service, and for the most part, I seize them. To be helped and to help, with Love. If half of us did this a quarter of the time, this world wouldn't be where it is. We wouldn't feel frustrated with the world around us and how people act towards themselves and others. There is truly a veil that they need to learn to destroy.... '

Admirable sentiments... thanks very much

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by randyvs
Hiya Randyvs, I enjoyed reading that. Although, I'm not religious I support the sentiment. I had the same feeling some years ago and turned my life around from a slow-motion car crash to an agent of change. You'll get no debate about the questions of believing in God from me in this thread.

It's a valuable sentiment to try and help at a time and more if possible. Sometimes that involves letting others help us too. Maybe it doesn't change the whole world, but it changes the world as we know it and especially the one we live in each day.

I'm gonna hit the S&F buttons for reminding us about positivity and empathy (cheesy moment over!)

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by RadiatorOfTheLight

Very nice post. Glad to see there are indeed others out there who are of similiar mind. The oppurtunity that you had is powerful, the influence you were able to express, positively. Beautiful... few people can see it for what it truly is and means. They are out there... it's all Love, or lack of. Of service, or not. And I like how you are expressing that concept, not only here on ATS where there's a select few who would stumble across and feel inspired. I have had many pleasurable oppurtunities to be of service, and for the most part, I seize them. To be helped and to help, with Love. If half of us did this a quarter of the time, this world wouldn't be where it is. We wouldn't feel frustrated with the world around us and how people act towards themselves and others. There is truly a veil that they need to learn to destroy.... '

If this thread inspires a positive change in anyones life .That makes my
existence a positive thing to the construct that is humanity.
So many varibles can be thought of. Just being aware enough to realise
when you could make a difference for someone. There are thing's that supposedly, go on in our society that I never have ran into. so much could
just amount to B.S. If you follow me.

I appreciate your restraint in a big way.
Absolutly, It isn't just about whatever vehicle transports you to where the cheese is. It's about being so cool even cheese
looks good on you.

Thank you for your replys.

[edit on 26-1-2010 by randyvs]


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