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Tea partiers shell out big bucks for Sarah Palin

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posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 10:26 AM
This from the convention website:

Our Sponsors include American Liberty Alliance, Tea Party Emporium, Judicial Watch, Eagle Forum, The Leadership Institute, FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform), Vision America, SurgeUSA, Smart Girl Politics and National Taxpayers Union.

Out of curiosity I looked up the first sponsor and found this on thier website today...

The American Liberty Alliance will pass on being involved with the Nashville event, and we’ll ask to be removed from the sponsors list. this point, we have to respond to the concerns and wishes of our membership. And quite a few of our members have asked that we consider sitting this one out.

In summary, the controversy surrounding the event involves conversations about the infrastructure of the Tea Party Nation and the way its finances are channeled through private bank accounts and paypal accounts.

To be clear, the for-profit model has its place in the movement. Many, MANY groups in the movement operate this way. But these groups should always have boards and oversight, and should never, ever process donations through personal paypal accounts.

In this particular case, it’s entirely possible that those involved are operating in a fair way. But when we look at the $500 price tag for the event and the fact that many of the original leaders in the group left over similar issues, it’s hard for us not to assume the worst.

[edit on 13-1-2010 by maybereal11]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 10:37 AM
Okay...went to the another sponsors website and this was on the front page...

World Net Daily's Joseph Farah and Fox News Contributor Angela McGlowan will be attending the convention and both will be speaking at the Friday evening dinner.

Really, the head of World Net Daily????...And they are bragging about him speaking at the event!!!!!!

Help please!!! Someone start a REAL THIRD PARTY!!!! Or rescue this one.

[edit on 13-1-2010 by maybereal11]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 10:44 AM
im all the way for Ron Paul .. dunno what people see in that woman
Shes not even too inteligent... want next Bush like? so TPTB can controll her too?

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by jibeho

I don't have a problem with Free Market and Free Enterprise at all. I have a problem with insincerity and I believe her to be the most insincere politician involved in the Conservative movement, speaking as a Conservative.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by justinsweatt
reply to post by jibeho

I don't have a problem with Free Market and Free Enterprise at all. I have a problem with insincerity and I believe her to be the most insincere politician involved in the Conservative movement, speaking as a Conservative.

Right now she is just a keynote speaker and a paid pundit on Fox News. I will let the movement as a whole decide her fate. They will make or break her potential future within the movement.

One thing is for certain, the left is threatened by her for some reason. Perhaps because she is not an esoteric academic elitist. She does shoot more from the hip than most.

No time to waste here. There needs to be unity or nothing will be accomplished.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by jibeho

No time to waste here. There needs to be unity or nothing will be accomplished.

Unity? How can there be unity when the TPM is split into factions of GOP usurpers, the Religious Right, Racists, 2nd amendment single issue people, True concerned citizens and poor souls that just want to belong to something.

What I feel will precipitate the TPMs short life is that it is mainly exclusive to white people and blatantly anti Hispanic. Any group that doesn't include minorities is doomed to failure, due to perceived elitism.

The TPMs saving grace could be an inclusive platform with a positive agenda not just an anti Obama shriek fest; with a real leader not just a keynote speaker.

This is just my perception from covering the TPM for a local cable access ch. and I would like to add that the TPM members our crew came in contact with were gracious and generous with their coffee and donuts.

[edit on 13-1-2010 by whaaa]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:44 PM
What are you pointing to in the true TPM that is blatantly discriminatory towards hispanics? I know a few hispanic guys here in Austin that are way into the ideas of true Conservatives so I'm kind of wondering where this is coming from.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by justinsweatt
What are you pointing to in the true TPM that is blatantly discriminatory towards hispanics? I know a few hispanic guys here in Austin that are way into the ideas of true Conservatives so I'm kind of wondering where this is coming from.

Read the last paragraph of my post. My impression!!

"A few hispanic guys in Austin" with 1/3 of the pop. being Hispanic, isn't saying much for being inclusive.
And here in NM with at least 50%+ Hispanic pop. I didn't see one Hispanic at the TPM meetings I covered.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by justinsweatt
What are you pointing to in the true TPM that is blatantly discriminatory towards hispanics? I know a few hispanic guys here in Austin that are way into the ideas of true Conservatives so I'm kind of wondering where this is coming from.

I think what he is referring to is that the TPM has a fierce anti-immigration agenda..

Anti-immigration Tea Party activists attempt to distance themselves from neo-Nazis.

On Saturday, approximately 200 people showed up to the anti-immigration “No Amnesty” tea party rally organized by American Citizens United in Phoenix. Many people were holding signs that had phrases such as “America not Amexico.”

The Phoenix rally appeared to be part of a larger nationwide effort by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), which organized anti-immigration Tea Parties on Saturday to stop the effort to “destroy America through mass illegal immigration and amnesty.”

Despite American Citizens United’s attempts to distance itself from the neo-Nazis, the Phoenix New Times’ Stephen Lemons says “there’s plenty of overlap between the two groups, whether it be in rhetoric or, occasionally, membership.” (HT: Dawn Teo)

In fairness the Tea Party Movement at this Rally was not pleased that the Neo-Nazi's showed up and tried to join, but you get the idea where Hispanic americans might not see the TPM as friendly to welcoming to their ethnicity...carrying signs that say "AMERICA NOT AMEXICO" and all...

[edit on 13-1-2010 by maybereal11]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 03:59 PM
So because you didn't see anyone in New Mexico at the event that you attended, you're going to automatically assume on one location that there couldn't possibly be others in other locations?! That is some fuzzy logic to me. I've met a few African Americans at a couple of events as well. I'm not saying that that means that the African American population is going to embrace TPM but hey, it's much more diverse than you give it credit for. There are other places outside of New Mexico, which I'm sure you know.

This also begs the other question though: is securing the borders really anti-hispanic? I have no problems with hispanics who become naturalized citizens and go through the process. I'm not a fan of illegal immigration because they are being used by corporate farmers and corporations as slaves because they'll work for two dollars an hour. It's still slavery and I think they are being taken advantage of.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by jibeho

One thing is for certain, the left is threatened by her for some reason. Perhaps because she is not an esoteric academic elitist. She does shoot more from the hip than most.

No. I don't think she "shoots from the hip" more than most. I think she is actually trying very hard...and that is what is startling.

The left generally falls into two camps on Palin..

(1)Those that desperately want her to run for tactical reasons.

She is painfully vulnerable on virtually every issue that matters beyond celebrity...and on the “celebrity” front a large segment of those that “watch Sarah Palin” are doing it for the same reason gawkers slow down when there is an accident. It’s not pretty, but curiosity gets the better of them. contradiction to what the GOP likes to claim about the last election...the vast majority of americans don't vote based on "celebrity" anyways...they are actually brighter than that.

(2)Those that don’t want her to run because they are exhausted by the descent of political discourse in this country…that’s me.

I’d like a conservative challenger that brings intellectual horsepower and a chance of winning to the table.

At least then we can watch democracy in action...rather than talk about what trig said on Oprah etc. etc. for two years.

[edit on 13-1-2010 by maybereal11]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
What is the big deal? Bill Clinton earned nearly $52 million in speaking fees between 2000 and 2006 alone. It is called market value and free Enterprise.

She is not in public office any longer so why not earn some extra bread while you can. She does have a family to provide for and additional expenses for the care of a special needs child.

If Ron Paul could charge he probably would. Wait until he is out of office.

Are we now going to have a battle between tea party members? If there is ever going to be a solid third party we need unity not sour grapes.

Maybe it's because she's another neocon like Bush and Cheney and that doesn't count as a third party. It's another method of 'we are different then the other guy, but we still enact the same rules. Don't think about it.'

Yeah, she's for us, by us paying her. Jus tlike she ripped Alaska off quite a few times without ease. Yeah, I'm really trusting someone who tried to cover up HAARP in Alaska and is no different now than 2 years ago.

Going neocon Republican isn't a third party, it's the same left and right bs we've had and both sides know it and are working together only on times when it may benefit both.

The left is threatened by her? It's the same thing we have now, why the # would I want it to go on? Oh, so the Republicans can take our rights, just not the Dems?

Screw them.

[edit on 13-1-2010 by Darky5K]

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
reply to post by David9176

You better get used to the fact that President Sarah Palin will be
walking into the oval office of the White House January 2013.
We promise to fix everything that Obama messed up.

Just 3 years to go.
You should watch her tonight at 8PM on The Factor with Bill O'Reilly.
Everybody loves Sarah! Join us!

If Sarah Palin becomes President, your nation will become a laughing stock, surely voting in a retard like Bush was bad enough.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by jibeho

Originally posted by justinsweatt
reply to post by jibeho

I don't have a problem with Free Market and Free Enterprise at all. I have a problem with insincerity and I believe her to be the most insincere politician involved in the Conservative movement, speaking as a Conservative.

Right now she is just a keynote speaker and a paid pundit on Fox News. I will let the movement as a whole decide her fate. They will make or break her potential future within the movement.

One thing is for certain, the left is threatened by her for some reason. Perhaps because she is not an esoteric academic elitist. She does shoot more from the hip than most.

No time to waste here. There needs to be unity or nothing will be accomplished.

I'd be scared if she ever came to Power, what worries me is there are enough stupid Americans to vote for her. DRILL BABY DRILL.

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
...why not earn some extra bread while you can. .... and additional expenses for the care of a special needs child.

Damn! Why didn't I think of that! I've known parents of special needs children who had to give up their job/career to stay home to take care of their children. And now special needs children are losing services due to budget cuts. This is not the only state.

Maybe Sarah Palin can help other mothers get these high paying gigs to help pay for their special needs kids.

Bah! Another case to illustrate that old quote, the right to life begins at conception and ends at birth. Bah!

posted on Jan, 13 2010 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
reply to post by David9176

If there is not a unified movement 2012 will end up like the 1992 election. Ross Perot screwed it up and dropped the ball in Clinton's lap.

I would love to see a strong and viable third party that is strong enough to actually win.

Glenn Beck floated the idea to Sarah Palin a few hours ago.
Not happening. Sarah plans to fix the GOP and go that route.
BTW, Ross Perot was correct about focusing on the National Debt in 1992.
We have gone from $4 Trillion to $12 Trillion.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by maybereal11

Originally posted by justinsweatt
What are you pointing to in the true TPM that is blatantly discriminatory towards hispanics? I know a few hispanic guys here in Austin that are way into the ideas of true Conservatives so I'm kind of wondering where this is coming from.

I think what he is referring to is that the TPM has a fierce anti-immigration agenda..

In Calif a large number of hispanics are against illegal immigration.

Why because the illegals drive down the wages of legal hispanics.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by Sean48

Sarah should fix her own family first

That is such a lame-ass statement that it doesn't even deserve being responded to, however I will point out that the same statement has been used against countless leaders throughout history.

I still don't know if I trust Sarah Palin. I don't believe she's she smartest woman in politics by far. But I do believe she brings one refreshing trait to the political table - she doesn't mince words and she doesn't worry about being too politically correct. If it's a duck that can't swim, she will call it a "duck that can't swim", not a "aquatically-challenged fowl that we should believe in".

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 01:16 AM
Love her or loathe her, I have to give the Miss Palin props. She is savvy. Americans do love their celebrities. She has that "Aw Shucks, I'm just like you regular folk" populism that worked for GW. But I don't live in the U.S. so I won't have to suffer a fool for a president. I have the feeling America is going to take one hard fast turn to the right. Fasten those seatbelts.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by desert

Maybe Sarah Palin can help other mothers get these high paying gigs to help pay for their special needs kids.

What an inane comment! Palin has a unique opportunity as a key political figure/celebrity and she is taking advantage of it. She would be a fool not to. Like her or not. She will only earn the big bucks for as long as people are willing to pay her.

If I had the same opportunity, I would milk it as well especially if I had 5 children to provide futures for. You don't like it, don't pay to see her speak. Don't buy her book.

For the tenth time in this thread... We still live in a free enterprise society. Although it is slipping fast.

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