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Six million in the US with no income but food stamps

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posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Deny Arrogance
reply to post by Moonsouljah

$25 a week for food?

$3 a day?

$1 a meal?

Where do you live and what the heck do you eat?

And why don't you spend more, because you can't or because you won't?

That's about what I spend.

If a person CHOOSES to spend more than they need to, then they have no right to complain do they.

Brand names and non neccessities are a luxury imo. I am broke so I don't. Even if I have the money I rarely waste it on what I don't need. I make my own bread, grow my own veggies and don't buy fast food.

I have 1 main meal a day with maybe something else to "nibble" in the day. I just had fried eggs on toast with tomatoes. About 70 centimes (1$).



[edit on 8/1/2010 by nerbot]

posted on Jan, 8 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by seagull

People focus on the abusers but it helps a lot of people. If you see fraud, you should report it.

Funny how many people tell me fraud stories, but I give them the number to report it and they won't.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

It does get reported when we see it. There's the catch though, we "know" it's happening, 'cause some of the little so and so's admit it, they get a kick out of it. But proving it is a whole 'nother thing entirely. I know one gentleman, and I use the term loosely, who told me he has three different accounts. I've no reason to doubt him...

So far as being useful, it is. Don't get me wrong here, if you need it to help keep your kids fed, and a roof over said kids head, hey, I'll help you fill out the paperwork. That's what EBT is there for. It's not, however, there so people can play video games all night and sleep all day.

There needs to be much more stringent rules put into place here. That is, essentially, all I'm saying.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by jam321

the government chose health care first?? who says---besides most of bankruptsies that happen now are because of health care ,which screws with the economy--THEY are iner- mixed.----MY BUDDY JUST WENT TO THE CLINIC to get a sliver out---no insurance--1500 some odd dollers--thats why the prez is taking on health care----WHAT are you who are without health care going to do --What are you with health care realize you are getting ripped off?? if you get pneuomia and go to the doc--it is now and average of 350 000 dollers---If you are on board for 20% -where are you going to get 70 000 dollars??? and the hospitals are now putting leans and screwing up peoples credit---like me they tried to screw with so i filed chapter 13 and told the clinic to f-off------since they already screwed my credit up , i was pissed--also through in the crooked credit cards to bring up the required ammount--I FEEL GOOD

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 10:30 AM
Well I just got on food stamps this week! My unemployment was reduced from 280 a week to 124. I have been looking for work all winter but the market is so down in my area that it is hard.

I do have a job to return to this April and I can't wait.

Could I live off of 124 a week without food stamps? Yes, but it would be hard. I have 3 kids and I live 12 miles out of town. My truck gets 9 miles to the gal and that eats a lot of my money because I have to look for work.

So right now I am thankful I have food stamps. First time in my life to be on them, but I was amazed at how much I got! $300 a month! I have our family on a budget of $40 a week for food. It has been that way for years.

But we raise our meats, we eat a lot of chicken and rabbit and hunt for deer. That keeps the freezer stocked. We only drink tea, water or milk from the goat. No soda, its a waste of money in my opinion.

So now I guess I will stock up on more rice and beans with the extra food stamps.

[edit on 9-1-2010 by freedomataprice]

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter
reply to post by wantsome

I wonder if those numbers they put out there arent a little skewed? In my travels around and experiences I'd have to say the unemployment is alot higher than what theyre saying.

They are skewed. The only people they count are those on unemployemnt not the people that have run out or given up looking for work. And theres alot of them. I could name 15 people right now if I wanted to.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by nixie_nox

It does get reported when we see it. There's the catch though, we "know" it's happening, 'cause some of the little so and so's admit it, they get a kick out of it. But proving it is a whole 'nother thing entirely. I know one gentleman, and I use the term loosely, who told me he has three different accounts. I've no reason to doubt him...

So far as being useful, it is. Don't get me wrong here, if you need it to help keep your kids fed, and a roof over said kids head, hey, I'll help you fill out the paperwork. That's what EBT is there for. It's not, however, there so people can play video games all night and sleep all day.

There needs to be much more stringent rules put into place here. That is, essentially, all I'm saying.

I am glad you report it. Even if there is no immediate proof, they can be watched.

I think the only way you could have three different accounts is if you use different identities, because at least our systems, tracks you by social security number. Or by different states. And you can see if they received anything from any county. If you get any legal jobs you know instantly, as the caseworkers are notified.

problem is the government doesn't have the money to keep up with the latest technology. We can see how much is pulled off and spent, and even from where, but not exactly what is bought. Pulling the money from a grocery store looks like your buying food.

The fraud is relatively minor compared to a lot of other wastes that are taking place. The elite has stolen a lot more money then the poor has. And they already have some.

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