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The Matrix: More than a Movie, It is Reality

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posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 07:50 AM
In reply to all of the spiritual explanations of the matrix, how about this. Most of the movie was trying to explain to us how at that time, we were all mindless zombies working our @$$E$ off for nothing. It was a wake up call to what eventually would happen if we did not wake up. If many of you were vigilant, you would have seen that when Agent Smith first arrested Neo, and had him in the interrogation room; a quick shot frame of Neo's passport was shown. Guess what that expiration date was. The expiration date was 09/11/01... Check it out for yourselves, but get ready to pause the movie it is only shown for a quick second. It went unnoticed by me up until a few weeks ago. Hollywood has C.I.A. elements working within it. Do some research on all of the symbols. Especially the lady in the red dress part...

Remember 9/11

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:01 AM

The matrix have been used several times to define the way of thinking, the vision of individual ,which is the prison in their mind.

You define there reality : they do what you want.

For example, the book used to conceal disks early in the movie, Simulacra and Simulation, a 1981 work by the French philosopher Jean Baudrillard, was required reading for most of the principal cast and crew. Asas well as cyberpunk works such as Neuromancer by William Gibson.

Matrix is also a remake of Dark city + Ghost in the Shell.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by psychederic]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:04 AM
Now find some people who not only say - but really take the red pill. Comeon, the reality is far to hard for the most people, and if they have to made it with sacrifice. It will never happen. The most people are proud to be dumb, and they think THIS is a good deal.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:19 AM
why is it so silent now here?

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:31 AM
Dunno why it's gone quite. Maybe everyone is looking for that symbolism above about the woman in the red dress...

For a filler here is Neo's Passport:


EDIT: ATS code cuts off the side of the image with the 9/11/01 part. See the whole image elsewhere on ATS here


[edit on 4/1/2010 by m0r1arty]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Unleashed68

Dude, before you get too far off in looking for messages and philosophy in the original Matrix movie - please remember that it would be incomplete and remiss to ignore the heavy influence that Ghost in the Shell has had on it. The philosophical threads run nearly as parallel as the visual omages - and must be taken into consideration so that meaning is not wrongly attributed.

In many ways, The Matrix is a re-telling of Ghost of the Shell... and part of the reason a live-action GitS movie hasn't materialized (Until Spielberg's recent aquasition of it's license) is because of the heavy similarities between the two.

Philosophy of Ghost in the Shell

And of course, it goes far beyond the Matrix in later releases such as Stand Alone Complex and the movie sequel "Innocence".

The "Haraway" forensic examiner in this scene is a direct reference to Donna Haraway who famously authored The Cyborg Manifesto - "Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century" An essay wherein cyborgs are used as a literary metaphor for feminist struggles in political debate, as well as their place in a socialist society.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by m0r1arty

I call this just synchronicity. It's logic - its anywhere. Just open your heart and see - we know all. All what to do is. We just don't handle.

This one is better:

remember this:

[edit on 4-1-2010 by cushycrux]

[edit on 4-1-2010 by cushycrux]

[edit on 4-1-2010 by cushycrux]

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 08:44 AM
The Matrix may very well be the most important movie of our generation. It is a metaphor for our lives and the struggle of the few who are indeed awake (not in different forms of sleep).

The Machine is the economy consisting of its corporations and banks and collective ideologies.

We are the fuel for that machine, to keep it going, to keep the machines in power and running. This is why you an feel the Matrix "when you go to work. When you pay your taxes".

The Matrix itself is the projected ideals of the machine, the tight knit system of control that encompasses every aspect of the modern world, education, the news, the electoral process. Since we are born into this world, we accept what we see as reality. Though we are trapped in a form of slavery, we accept it.

Anyone still plugged in, is a potential agent for this paradigm. They will argue for it, defend it as it is theirs.

Neo met Morpheus on the internet, he was looking for something but wasn't sure what it was. We are all either Neo or Morpheus, teachers and pupils learning about the Matrix because we knew there was something not right about this world.

When you are truly awake, you shed many self imposed limitations that were breed by the system and develop new abilities to flex the system to your benefit. Self empowerment, security and freedom of mind can accomplish much in this world.

The metaphor goes on and on. Everything i learn about this machine only makes this obvious message clearer.

We need to wake our brothers and sisters up and fight the machine.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
the real evil is human nature

Thats where you lose me for sure, NO star for you!
Line 2

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by The Savage Khan
The Matrix may very well be the most important movie of our generation. It is a metaphor for our lives and the struggle of the few who are indeed awake (not in different forms of sleep).

The Machine is the economy consisting of its corporations and banks and collective ideologies.

your really close as to the true symbolism of the matrix movies, the closest so far, but your still missing so many base elements of the entire picture!!!

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:18 AM
With all due respect- what is your point? Doom and gloom can be fun, I understand that. However, we are here on this rock called earth. For whatever reason. We love, we laugh, we experience pain, we make mistakes and most importantly we LEARN. Some of us figure "IT" out some of us don't. All we can do is live our life to the best of our ability. So that being said...I don't understand what your agenda is. We all make our own reality because no one can experience that reality quite the same way as anyone else. Yet all we can do is strive to create a better existance for those that we love and love us back. And if we die, we die. If we cease to exist then so be it. At least you had some good times and if you didn't- that's your own fault. What you haven't explained in all of your threads of late is: so now what? We die (unplug from the "matrix") and then what? We go to Hell? Is that what you're trying to convey? That there is no other option? So which is it? Hell or nothingness?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:21 AM
The Matrix is so Yesterday, Y2K-retro. All you guys are old grumps (over 20s) for sure. The new 2012-Indigo-Generation has a more bright-coloured-outlook.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by Unleashed68There is only one escape from the Matrix, there is only one way to become unplugged from the Earthly prison that we perceive as reality. We have only one method to unplug ourselves from being a part of the Matrix system, and unfortunately, this is not in physical form, it is only possible in your true form, your spirit of consciousness.

Unleashed68, what would you say about dreams and OOBEs? Are they not also a temporary form of 'escape' from the 'Matrix'?

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by tankthinker

Please elaborate.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Unleashed68
...There is good news and there is bad news. The good news is that when we unplug from the Earthly Matrix, we all have the abilities of a Neo in a new world of existence, known as the universe. It may seem black and unchartered to the perceptions of the physical being on Earth, but it is full of light and miraculous adventure to the perceptions of the spirit. The bad news is we have to become unplugged from the Earthly Matrix to get there and experience a world without the system and agents; and to unplug, literally means removing the spirit from captivity of attachment to the human body.

However, for the romantics of human form, for those who want to believe that a Messiah will come to save humanity, that a Jesus figure will come to Earth to fight evil or a Devil, your wish and fantasy will be fulfilled. You just won’t be able to perceive that battle against the illusion of this system, simply because you are still plugged into the Matrix...

Interesting post. Your Good News/Bad News relates to how your world view evolves.

If you are New Age oriented separation from the "system" involves a quantum leap forward into the higher plane of existence here on this Earth, leaving behind those with archaic One Way religious beliefs.

If you are of the traditional Christian belief the separation involves leaving the "system" behind to " with the Lord" and a return to Earth to war against the evil earthly system, overcome it and set up a Godly World Order with Jesus Christ on the throne. The difference is suttle, but critical.

The choice is yours.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by dirtydog
reply to post by daddio

Man I can not thank you enough,star for you and a hundred more if I could for your links.

Thank you but there is so much more that people don't get, a few people here have touched on it, that YOU create the Matrix you are in and all those around you work with you to make it complete. Mary Croft is a great thinker and writer as is Benjiman Stewart and his brother.

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by The Savage Khan
reply to post by tankthinker

Please elaborate.

Yes, I too would like to know of potential further symbolisms that I could have overlooked. It's the Socratic deal, quid-pro-quo, Savage Khan types out his thoughts in a fairly articulate manner on a board that denies ignorance and then you come along and say 'Close, but no cigar!'.

Got lots of female relatives in your family to support that need for attention TT??

Lemme rehash:

You're really close as to the true nature of online discussions and grammar, your closest so far, but your still missing so many base elements of the entire process!!!


posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:54 AM
Another good thread unleashed keep up the good work. I love how people start asking you for the answers to everything, in response to that I go by Bruce lees philosophy when he says if you want answers you must search internally not externally. Do you agree?

And anyone wants a download of martial arts I can help. I usually charge 10 pounds an hour but as I can only discuss over the Internet with you guys I'll do it for free.

Oh and don't forget the tittle of the last in the trilogy(religion) and I remember the wachoski brothers who 'wrote' it did a couple of interviews and then said no more press and they got there wish. Which makes me think maybe they didn't write it.

Peace out

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:54 AM
i had to study the real law (not what they teach in schools) for a while before i could catch the symbolism!!!

heres a hint:
just imagine that the machines are the government
and that the matrix is the Law System

then you will have a clearer picture, although there is so much more!!!!

posted on Jan, 4 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by daddio

Thank you but there is so much more that people don't get, a few people here have touched on it, that YOU create the Matrix you are in and all those around you work with you to make it complete.

To a degree, this should be self-evident and shouldn't NEED explaining to anyone who honestly wants to know how their brain and perception works. Thankfully, it's not just the pseudo-spiritualists and arm chair theologians - but real scientists with real methodologies and real drive for knowing, rather than dreaming up comfortable possibilities to muse upon.

New Scientist: Artificial brain falls for optical illusions.

"Deos enim religuos accepimus, Caesares dedimus". ~ The gods were handed down to us, but we created the Caesars ourselves.

[edit on 4-1-2010 by Lasheic]

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