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Hungarian Resistance infiltrated Freemasonry (With Evidence)

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posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:11 PM
See title. Beautiful news, with nice evidences. The article is in Hungarian, but below I'm attaching few pictures (They're also on the site), which is proving this claim.


Freemason - Symbolic Grand Lodge Cards

So this is how this thing looks like.

Hmmm. So freemasons are not existing... yep. I can see that.

[edit on 1-1-2010 by Sharrow]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:38 PM
The source says all. Kurucinfo is a racist, radical right-wing disinformation portal operated by not-so-cryptofascists from abroad.
Not that I would support the colonization of Hungary by multinational capital, but most of these kurucinfo people actually believe Hitler's theories that people with ancestors who professed the Judaic faith belong to some kind of subhuman alien race, as opposed to true Hungarians.
This racist belief may be based on the fact that due to Russian and Polish pogroms in the 19th century, many non-Hungarian orthodox Jews migrated to Hungary, provided by German names by the Austrian Imperial officials. The descendants of these families spoke Yiddish, and spoke Hungarian with a slight foreign accent. These people were practically decimated in the Holocaust (which many people on Kurucinfo believe never happened.)

People with Jewish religion have lived in Hungary for hundreds of years even before the influx of Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe.
IMHO history supports that Hungarians are quite mixed, Asian and European. (That may be why we have so many talented people.) The Hungarian language may have come from a group of nomadic peoples professing a Shamanic faith, using single frame drums and venerating the horse as a sacred animal.

It is true that the leaders of the country have practically sold out everything to multinational capitalism after the fall of Soviet colonization. But this extreme right-wing, Nazi-style rhetoric is not going to solve problems, only create more.
You only have to read a few lines in translation at Kurucinfo to verify this. The term Jewish and Jew comes up at every article as the mythical enemy of Hungarians. (The fact that there exist Hungarian Jews as well does not strike these racists as odd.)

I think it is not very bright for anyone to give credence to any sort of news from kurucinfo.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Kokatsi
Actually they're one of the most reliable source in Hungary. They're not racist, just they hate liars and thieves, just as every normal being all over the world. They're separating Jews from the Zionists, so what you're saying is not true. Unfortunately in that country Zionists are doing these things, especially when they revealed they're buying up that country. Hungarians are rarely tolerating liars and thieves. If others would do this, they would be in the crosshair. But when Zionists are doing this, no one is going to tolerate that, regardless what their religion is. So if they wouldn't do these things, they wouldn't be in the crosshair of this site. This site is intending to bring the Hungarians together and build up a unified nation. But when the fanatic Zionist Jews are starting to claim our land is also theirs... well, we're not going to welcome them with open arms and like them as they desire.

This site is credible source for everyone as they revealed almost every corruption in that country. Every Hungarian likes it, even normal Jews with moral values. Everyone with the exception of Zionists. Also as a Hungarian I don't care about the eternal whining of the Zionists as I saw what they did with my country in the last few years. Live a life with morals, don't ruin nations and no one is going to hate you. Period.

[edit on 1-1-2010 by Sharrow]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:54 PM
Oh. And one last thing. There are no Nazis or Fascists in Hungary at all. How do I know this? Because I'm a Hungarian and I can't see a Nazi here at all. It's just a Zionist propaganda what they're shouting to the world because they're loosing their control over Hungary. And this nice infiltartion is one of the best evidence for that.

They want this land so desperate by many reasons, but as even the Hungarian Intelligence is with the resistance, they're lost. The support of the Zionist Global Elite is 0% right now. Even the Jewish people are not supporting these bastards.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:54 PM
So what? Nobody is denying that Freemasons exist.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by lucid eyes
Just check few topics. Many tried to deny that or create a myth around them. But they can be infiltrated. They're not that almighty, they're not that invincible as many of the ATS members are believing. This is the evidence.

[edit on 1-1-2010 by Sharrow]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 04:21 PM
You have proven my point.

BTW I agree not every anti-zionist is a fascist. That would be confusing historical terms. Also, not every fascist is a Nazi. However, I met many people in Hungary who sympathize with Nazi ideas. The only thing is they do not realize it. In one sentence they blame the Jews for all the world's problems, then in the next one they declare that they are not antisemitic.

As for Hungarian freemasons, let us hope there are some patrotic people who indeed infiltrated their ranks. It would be time to plan something better than the existing neo-liberal order.

Do you think Hungary is targeted by HAARP or other psychotronic weaponry? Something in the air seems pretty strange here when you come in from a neighbouring country.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Kokatsi
In Hungary there is no anti-semitism at all. There is good side and bad side. Zionists are shouting anti-semitism because they don't like they'll be banished out from the country what they desire so much. Jewish people also recognized they would be sacrificed again by the Zionists as they're turning the majority of the people against them. So, here we have good and bad sides only. No fascists and anti-fascists. No nazis and anti-nazis. Just good and bad side. That's all. I have many Jewish friends whose are recognize this and supporting Hungary instead of the neoliberal ideals. So are they anti-semites or just people whose are willing to live in peace as they've finally found a home after a long time.

Hungary is not targeted by HAARP. It has one single point why the Zionists want this land so much. There is one place, which is called as the Heart of the Planet, the chakra of Gaia, the sacred place (App. 20 kilometers from Budapest.). Whoever rules this spiritual place, that nation lives forever. That's why no one was able to eliminate Hungarians because that's giving the power to them. The other thing why they want this place so much... it has the greatest underwater caves in Europe. Whoever rules it in the future, that one will have no shortages of water at all. As some legend says, Mother Earth is defending that nation. Other legends says, Hungarians are THE extra-terrestrials itself. Who knows what the truth is. What in I'm sure, many wants that small land and no one ever was able to conquer it and vanish the people who rules that land.

In one sentence they blame the Jews for all the world's problems, then in the next one they declare that they are not antisemitic.

Around 90% of the world do this. I'm not even wondering why. The Zionists are gone too far this time, but unfortunately the standard Jewish people will suffer for their megaloman ideals. People are not anti-semitic, just they hate liars and thieves, what the Zionists really are. Unfortunately many people can't make difference between Zionist and Jewish people. But Hungarians are recognized this difference.

[edit on 1-1-2010 by Sharrow]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 05:39 PM
withdrawn not safe to type

[edit on 1/1/2010 by dashar]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 07:30 PM
What the hell?

Hell, even I can become a Freemason. I can't wait until the Hungarian Resistance discover that the apple is a fruit.


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