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A New Enquiry into 9,11 would it work ?

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posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 08:53 PM
It is kinda funny that regards to another investigation, which would

prove one side or another, the TRUTHERS are all FOR it.

The evidence given to impartial , truth seeking persons , or Panel


Now watch how the OS side will spin a non-investigation, its actually

pretty funny. Who really is worried , Evidence wise.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by impressme
and spit in the face of the truth.

Wrong, it is the "truthers" with their conspiracy theories about thousands in the USAF knowing about crashing the planes, those who believe that explosives, space beam weapons, aliens, mini atomic bombs etc bought down the buildings. that spit in the face of the truth

snip more silly conspiracy theories

Then these criminals

criminals? This is how the "truthers" work, they do not need any evidence, no court appearance. thay just know that Bush etc are criminals!

We the People need to set an example to what we will not tolerate in our government.

you "forget" that it is the people that voted Bush in. Twice!

These people should be put to death for what they did,

once again no evidence, no trial, just kill them! Your hatred for the USA and Bush is sickening.

One wonders what the poor "truthers" would do when the enquiry found it was the hijackers that did it, exactly like the OS!

[edit on 31/12/09 by dereks]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by dereks

Originally posted by dereks
Originally posted by impressme
and spit in the face of the truth.

Wrong, it is the "truthers" with their conspiracy theories about thousands in the USAF knowing about crashing the planes, those who believe that explosives, space beam weapons, aliens, mini atomic bombs etc bought down the buildings. that spit in the face of the truth

Stop attacking everyone that does not agree with your OS fairytale and lumping every person “Truthers” in one barrel.

Just because I do not believe in your OS fairytales it does not make me hate America. In fact I love my country and by golly I am not going to stop asking question because you don’t like it. I live in America, I vote, I pay my taxes, and I will ask questions to what my government is doing when I feel they are lying to me. “You say” I hate my country, this is your emotional immature way of insulting me, because you may think that I might be exposing the real truth in here, and you cannot fathom the idea that our leaders may have committed treason and murder and lied about it.

I am for the OP, and hopefully one day we will get our new enquiries and you will see that I was right all alone. I wish it was not true but all the circumstantial evidences points to the Bush administration.

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by impressme

Your 100% correct!

The problem that OS'ers have with the truth being exposed by such an inquiry is that on many forms of media (dvd, audio recordings, news crews etc) there were particular aspects of the 911 cover up exposed such as:

* Explosions of various known as well as unknown origins & sources.
* Melting steel from the fuels of airliners even though science proves this incorrect.
* Boiling metal from the proven apparent use of Thermite or Thermate.
* Multiple news services reporting the same thing at the same time in different locales such as CBS, CNN, ABC, DWTV, BBC etc regarding the explosions of unknown sources, suspicious men in vehicles in vans (even recorded on the NYC trunked radio service)
* The lack of debris in Shanksville PA (even former FAA and NTSB investigators were interviewed who also say this is very out of the ordinary) on shows like the OS'ers love to cite like 20/20, MSNBC, The Today Show and others.
* The free fall aspects of the WTC's pulled (no pun meant) into question by professionally qualified individuals who have actual expertise in that field.
* Many witnesses who have nothing to gain by telling what they saw and it directly contradicts the OS so its ignored altogether or lumped into the conspiracy logic.
* The failure of the 911 Commission to hear all of the witnesses, reports and experts on the topic. This panel was nothing more than the result of the pressure felt by the Bush gang to "do something" and shut everyone up. Henceforth...the OS was born.

The OS at that point was born out of the failure of the 911 Commission to do what an impartial investigation panel was supposed to do and that was to gather the collected information, evidence, data, analysis, experts, witnesses and then examine it all in an impartial manner and environment. This was not the case and its well documented that the 911 commission was not willing to accept everything presented to them. It was a pick & choose mentality because the Commission had a pick & choose agenda!

Those of us who challenge OS mentality are almost always cast as non professionals with no education, training, understanding of science(s), engineering, architecture, weaponary, forensic collection etc etc. due to the fear of uncovering the potential truth of the OS which will certainly fall well outside of current accepted OS perimeters of belief. In sahort, its a "no more investigating cause its too painful" mentality because thats just the easiet way to move on and keep the rug over the dirt.

The issue remains though, even to the most elementry of minds 911 even while watching events unfold on mainstream news video archives on YouTube its easy to ascertain that what is happening compared to the OS is nothing but superfluous hype designed to throw off those in an emotional frame of mind indicitive of psy-ops operations with a foundation extended well into the continued antics of those who at every chance, cite OS "facts" despite how fantastic their explanations seem.

In the days following the JFK assasination there those who didn't believe the OS. They talked and were treated like the 911 fact finders are today. All the while those who fell for the OS plodded along in their miserable soup of manure. Today, technology has uncovered men on that Grassy Knoll including one man who said he there and was called a liar then! One day just as with JFK and all of the OSer's in that incident, we'll see the evidence of the OS of 911 unravel and be discovered perhaps by new technologys not even invented yet.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by mikelee]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 12:04 AM
If it didn't conclude that the towers were brought down by a combination of micro-nukes, directed energy weapons in space, super-thermite and cruise missles holographically disguised as air planes, at the same time... then no, it wouldn't work.

9/11 conspiracy theorists have a set conclusion cemented into their minds that they bend and distort the available evidence to fit. If there was a new investigation, the only people who would be satisfied would be the small fraction of the overall group that already had that conclusion in mind, the rest would weave a new conspiracy to include the new investigation.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 12:26 AM
This is not Rocket Science

Truthers WANT a full , no stones unturned investigation.

OS ers do not ,

So who's scared of the evidence ?

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Sean48

Truthers WANT a full , no stones unturned investigation.

OS ers do not

It is not that OS's do not want it, it is just that it would be pointless, also it will never happen.

Also "truthers" would not accept the conclusion.

[edit on 1/1/10 by dereks]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by dereks

It is not that OS's do not want it, it is just that it would be pointless, also it will never happen.

“Would be pointless” As the poster, said the OS supporters do not want the truth it will pop their fantasy world. OS believers will be in for a rude awaking and forced to deal with reality and have to deal with prosecuting a past criminal cartel in the Bush administration. They will learn that everything is not what it appears to be, they will learn the media is used to sell the governments corrupt lies and to help spin propaganda to the American people. Those of you who say this is not true will wake up one day if not to late already, to find out that our government has been hijacked by a criminal dominating cartel of world corporate power who has their own world agendas. Do not think for one minuet that congress is not blackmailed, or threaten with lies, to pass laws that benefited these criminals, it is a well-recorded fact.

Also "truthers" would not accept the conclusion.

Again you do not speak for “us Truthers” who only want the truth and you do not know what millions of people think or believe.

Truth = Truth
Lairs= lairs not truth. People who want the truth will not stand for lies period.
People who are searching for the truth have to be “open minded,” ignorance is for people who are to scared to look at the truth.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by impressme
said the OS supporters do not want the truth it will pop their fantasy world.

We already have the truth, and the ones living in the fantasy world are those claiming thousands in the USAF were involved, holographic planes, explosives, thermate, space based weapons and atomic bombs etc etc. bought the towers down.

OS believers will be in for a rude awaking and forced to deal with reality and have to deal with prosecuting a past criminal cartel in the Bush administration

what rude awakening? And once again we see that conspiracy theorists do not want trials or courts, they just declare someone is guilty with zero evidence and no trial!

“us Truthers” who only want the truth

except you have the truth, but refuse to accept it as it spoils your fantasy!

And it is just not goint to happen, as bugger all people would want it!

[edit on 1/1/10 by dereks]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by dereks

said the OS supporters do not want the truth it will pop their fantasy world.

We already have the truth, and the ones living in the fantasy world are those claiming thousands in the USAF were involved, holographic planes, explosives, thermate, space based weapons and atomic bombs etc etc. bought the towers down.

That is untrue, now, please “show anywhere” where I have made such a ridiculous statement on this thread. Furthermore, I do not not believe in such nonsense, but you already know that don’t you.

OS believers will be in for a rude awaking and forced to deal with reality and have to deal with prosecuting a past criminal cartel in the Bush administration

what rude awakening? And once again we see that conspiracy theorists do not want trials or courts, they just declare someone is guilty with zero evidence and no trial!

Do not want trials or courts? Who made that claim?

“us Truthers” who only want the truth

except you have the truth, but refuse to accept it as it spoils your fantasy!

And it is just not goint to happen, as bugger all people would want it!

We do not have the truth on 911, and again you just demonstrated how ignorant you are by making such a comment that you know nothing about…. To have an opinion is one thing, then state it, but to make such statements as “we have the truth.”

If you have the truth then I would like to see ”your truth” just yours, no one else’s show me the evidences that made you a true believer in the OS? Show me your creditable sources that confirm every word of the OS is true. Make me a believer!

And don’t respond that I already have, or I posted my story a year ago, or go find it, or you will just deny everything I will show you, or insult my intelligent. I am open minded I love looking at ALL sides of the OS, show me this truth that you have? I am willing to read and look at all of your evidences.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by hooper

Originally posted by ProRipp
Original Story and Truther’s I have long held the belief that the only way to get to the truth of what happened on 11th September 2001 is to hold an International Independent Enquiry !

I believe just as in high profile court cases where there may have been so much biased coverage in the media as to not allow a fair trial, this is the fairest way possible to try and find out the real TRUTH !

This independent panel would be composed of various eminent experts in every field involved, from various countries around the world EXCLUDING the USA !
Thereby emotions will not effect the thinking and/or reasoning in unravelling the
facts !

I post this to gauge the views of the members here because it is such an emotive and controversial subject, possibly ever in history ! No other event has sparked such debate and argument nor split the American people, since the J.F. Kennedy Assassination, there are so many unanswered questions on both sides, too many anomalies, do we want closure once and for all ? , and would the final verdict of the enquiry be accepted once and for all as THE definitive explanation for what happened on that terrible day ?

NB. I would like this thread to be treated responsibly it was not created for the purposes of name calling, back-biting or insulting ! All views are very welcome lets be civilized !

My utmost respects to all !

[edit on 073131p://12America/Chicago31 by ProRipp]

Well, the reason there has not been a "panel" and never will be is quite simple - there is no controversy. There are no real anamolies or real unanswered questions. The world does have closure, and has moved on. There is no great rift on this issue. There is some disagreement about how to move forward and address the issue of terrorism and the achieving and maintaining the proper balance between security and liberty. But there is no desire to go chasing after imaginery boogeymen who disappear planes and plant explosives in buildings, etc.

You could not be further from the truth! Please, I challenge you to actually look into it, instead of operating out of darkness. I know that is what you are doing, because that is exactly what I did... until I dared to just look at one questionable thing with an open mind... that was all it took to start an avalanche of inquiry that kept growing and growing until it was painfully unavoidable to conclude the unthinkable.

[edit on 1-1-2010 by downisreallyup]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 05:50 AM
People that say they know the truth of what happened that day are lying to themsleves and others.

All the evidence has not been released and the FBI crime scene reports have not been released.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 06:10 AM
I know it's been suggested many times previously over the years but let's just suppose that eventually a thorough independant enquiry is undertaken by a body of suitably qualified people, people that neither faction have issues with in regards to honest unbiassed analysis. That would be the first hurdle but it's not necessarily an insurmountable one.

After careful study and analysis of all the evidence at hand that body arrives at a conclusion on what actually happened which, conservatively, could take years to finalise every detail.

Now let's suppose the final conclusions are not very different to the 'official' story we're all familiar with except for 'front end' factors like who knew what and when (possibly prior to the day) and who (and why) failed to take appropriately proactive measures that *could have* prevented the attack or at least lessened the effects. The list of possibilities is immense in the smaller details but essentially the body of experts conclude that a group of suicidal radicals hijacked 4 aircraft and succesfully carried out an unprecedented attack on 9/11 on what they perceived as their enemy from within.

'Impossible!' some might say but that outcome has to be considered as a possibility as the bulk of physical evidence supports it.

What then?
Would we see a continuation of dissent and ongoing calls for yet more investigations?

I predict this conspiracy theory will be still going decades from now.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by downisreallyup

So please, start your investigation. What is stopping you? Do you want public funding and legal authority? Those are pretty high hurdles. You are obligated to come up with something very, very concrete in terms of evidence before anybody even considers the idea of lending a panel any kind of authority.

In this country (USA) investigative authority is very limited. Only elected officials and law enforcement (via the courts) has the power to supeona witnesses and call for discovery. The fact that nobody in those positions has ever even considered it should really tell you something.

You would have to consider that they are all either A) in on it or B) maybe there is really nothing there.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by hooper
The fact that nobody in those positions has ever even considered it should really tell you something.

The fact that there are whistleblowers out there that are trying to get the truth out should tell you something.

The fact that first responders are seeking and deserve a new investigation should tell you something.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by hooper

In this country (USA) investigative authority is very limited. Only elected officials and law enforcement (via the courts) has the power to supeona witnesses and call for discovery.

Respectfully thats incorrect. Anyone who files a law suit be it small claims or a civil suit can have a subpeona served to the parties involved if it can be proven that by doing do, it will assist in the proof of the case. I can subpeona a witness who refuses to come to court or subpeona another party in a small claims in order get relief.

Contrary to popular belief you do not need an Attorney to have subpeona served. if you represent yourself as in a small claims action then you, as your own represenative can do this. In small claims a subpeona isn't always needed but it is something that can be used if you have a reluctant participant in the case.

A motion of discovery can be made by any party in any law suit in order to gather evidence and information.

[edit on 1-1-2010 by mikelee]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 03:50 PM
Something I would be in favour of though, would be a re-opening of the original investigation aimed at tracking down the black boxes and in-flight audio recorders. I'm sure the FBI has them in their possession, and although I don't believe they would uncover an inside conspiracy, I do think they owe the American people that transparency. Perhaps the worst thing they may reveal is that the hijackers were not flying the planes, but coercing the pilots, which would explain the skill needed to accurately impact the buildings. I would accept that as a reason to withhold them as it may portray the flight crew in a bad light. That's just my theory.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 11:06 AM
Well from the various threads regarding just flight 93 alone to me an enquiry is essential ! I obviously don't know what the whole story is, no-one does ! Wouldn't it be good to REALLY know and understand ! Whether the OS Supporters or the Truther's they both seem to have multiple accounts as to what they say happened ! This is what is clouding the waters for me, so it must be the same for others ! No sooner is a piece of information released than it's debunked by either one side or the other ! There are too many versions from both sides at present to be able to come to a definitive conclusion !

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by mikelee
reply to post by hooper

In this country (USA) investigative authority is very limited. Only elected officials and law enforcement (via the courts) has the power to supeona witnesses and call for discovery.

Respectfully thats incorrect. Anyone who files a law suit be it small claims or a civil suit can have a subpeona served to the parties involved if it can be proven that by doing do, it will assist in the proof of the case. I can subpeona a witness who refuses to come to court or subpeona another party in a small claims in order get relief.

Contrary to popular belief you do not need an Attorney to have subpeona served. if you represent yourself as in a small claims action then you, as your own represenative can do this. In small claims a subpeona isn't always needed but it is something that can be used if you have a reluctant participant in the case.

A motion of discovery can be made by any party in any law suit in order to gather evidence and information.

[edit on 1-1-2010 by mikelee]

Thank you, but I was trying to simplify the concept for sake of argument. Everything you said is sufficiently true, however, all that eventually eminates from the power of the courts.

Again, only elected bodies of government and the courts may compel testimony and only to a limited extent. The idea of vesting that tremendous amount of power in a body that is neither elected or appointed by elected officials is decidely UnAmerican.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 07:27 AM

Originally posted by ProRipp
Well from the various threads regarding just flight 93 alone to me an enquiry is essential ! I obviously don't know what the whole story is, no-one does ! Wouldn't it be good to REALLY know and understand ! Whether the OS Supporters or the Truther's they both seem to have multiple accounts as to what they say happened ! This is what is clouding the waters for me, so it must be the same for others ! No sooner is a piece of information released than it's debunked by either one side or the other ! There are too many versions from both sides at present to be able to come to a definitive conclusion !

Really, multiple accounts? So I guess then that you are giving the same weight to an anonymous internet poster who repeatedly tells us that he can't see enough wreckage in the six photos he has as you are giving a named FBI agent who states that they recovered a certain amount of the wreckage.

I don't know that there are multiple accounts of what happened, at least not noteworthy ones. There are certain things that we shall never know because the only true witnesses are deceased. Will never know precisely what went on in the cabin of Flight 93 in the last moments before the crash, or what went on in any of the other flights, precisely.

Just because someone makes a statement and then puts a question mark at the end does not mean we have to start all over again.

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