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Astrology: The Portal of Understanding

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posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:01 PM
This is really strange, i'm kind of excited though!

My moon was in Aquarius and apart from the ''very social''(last few years anyway) part it was accurate.

So I basically go through all the planets, and see which sign they were in at my birth?

Thanks for mentioning the zoom btw, I was scratching my head for a minuite.

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:25 PM
You will also notice astrology sites telling you things like a planet being in your sign right now....often, this is not a correct reading, again, you can check by Stellarium if that planet is really where the astrologist says it is.

You can also check here a daily with the below site...

Scroll down to the Astronomy part and you can click on the planets, sun, and moon and see exactly what sign they are in every day.

Here is todays planet summary

And for the Sun today

Notice it gives the sign the sun is in as well you can go forward to see when it will change signs.

And the moon...

Course things links change daily, but wanted to show the examples of what one will be able to observe with them.

Great site to prove the days of change with the signs match the Stellarium and any other site that uses astronomy for the cosmic info. (Examples like Earthsky and

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:53 PM
the denv:

You are correct with your additions regarding my astrology post here, also I would like to add that indeed a Horoscope can not tell specific details such as your example on what will happen on someones 40th year in this life.

When I use the term "blueprint", I mean that it is a reference showing the most probable outcome and details of a persons life and personality etc, due to the energies that affected him at birth.

But since the future is not set, and is fluid, these things can change from slightly to greatly depending on the person and what "path" he takes.

And as far I am concerned, one of the main points with a horoscope is to actually do such changes in ones life that the future will be completely different than that of the horoscope itself, at least as far as any negative influences goes. Doing such changes can also alter any positive information found in the horoscope - not meaning that these will turn negative, but rather that they may manifest in different ways due to the very changes one do to live a life in balance and harmony with oneself and others.

Astrology is a great way to work with oneself and in my opinion should be taken into consideration when working with any form of spiritual practice or personal development.

And I did respond to the post in the other thread, unfortunately I managed to click on one of the ads on the side before hitting the "reply" button so it got lost and I am too tired to rewrite it right now so that one will have to wait for tomorrow

Profound peace be with you,
-Maggador (or Alex if thats what you prefer)

posted on Dec, 30 2009 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Thanks leovirgo, i'm just browsing around about this precession thing, and would you believe it, i've found astrology sites explaining what it is but then giving no reason why they don't take it into account in there charts

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by redoubt

Well, astrology is pretty powerful in terms of pinning down personalities and which relationships "might" work, but I wouldn't suggest you make day-to-day decisions based on it.

I, even though I have been big into esoterica, have never been completely convinced of the validity of astrology. However, over the past half year or so, I have taken more notice of it.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by valiant

I do believe it
I often would go back and forth from astrology sites and astronomy for a while to compare the differences.

Also, many astrology sites are the ones spreading news that we are either in the age of Aquarius right now or will enter it in this life time. But astronomy shows that since Pisces is so big, the sun will be rising in Pisces on the Spring Equinox for a few hundred more years at least. Looking at Stellarium, you can watch and see the sun on the spring equinox wont even reach the cusp of Aquarius for a few hundred more years.

This has all caused confusion, I had a thread that called this a conspiracy actually. I mean...why tell me something is in my sign...when I can look in the night sky at see that it is not. You could look around at some sites and see how many astrology sites will tell you that Saturn is in Virgo right now. Some will acknowledge it and some wont.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:29 AM
Well, some of you are operating under the notion that astrology is a science. It's not,nor does it make claim to be so. Just because astronomy was derived from it,does not mean they correlate.

Astrology is esoteric in nature. The so-called "ages" are rather subjective in esoterica. Naturally, astronomy is going to have different, with it being a science, configurations and calculations than astrology.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

The only reason though this is is that when the astrology was set in place as a fixed thing, it represented the stars and sun at that time, not including that the precession changes over time. If the astrology calendar would of been set at say 4000 years ago, then we all would show totally different signs for our tropical.

Astrology was set as a fixed object...which makes no sense for this to of ever been done.

There were many objections for this being done way back when.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:40 AM
I didnt notice anyone claiming astrology as a science at was said that astronomy was a science. Unless someone miss wrote something, which could of been me

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Bushido Kanji

Originally posted by valiant

Noooooo, please this thing says i'm a vrgo, I never get along with a virgo they are sly/two faced (in my personal experiences, I do not wish to offend)
I like being libra, it fits me perfectly!

Did you feel it when you tried that site out? I felt a complete dullness, like I was dumbfounded or something. I felt like I was going down the wrong path again.

Now I have some thinking to do. I have to attempt to either think away many years of believing I was a Capricorn instead of a Sagittarius, or try to think of the site as false. Either way, something is going to lose out, or I will lose my mind.

Thanks a bunch Virgo!

Or mabey its all just as its needed to be. Mabey up until now, you needed to know the Capricorn in you. Mabey it is time though, you know a deeper part of yourself, which would be what the new sign brings out in you. Study what the stars names mean in the new sign....see what you find.

Edit to add

What is most interesting about Sagittarius is that it is of the area that points towards the center of our galaxy. The center sits roughly between Sag. and Ophiuchus. And the sign of part animal and part human is interesting too, to me anyways. I think the direction of Sag. is pretty awesome. The arrow is pointing to the center of the galaxy, more or less.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by LeoVirgo]

posted on Dec, 31 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

No,but some of you are trying to correlate the astronomical stuff with the astrological.You said that we are not going into the "age of Aquarius." According to what? According to astronomy, we are not.Astronomy is a science. Astrology is esoteric, and the "ages" are rather subjective in esoterica.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 05:56 PM
Well, since I clicked on the 'truestarsign' link and found out I could be virgo, i've been checking it out and yeah I would say it is describing me very well, but up until a few days ago I was libra! and that described me very well(I thought)

So now i'm kind of thinking if what skeptics say about this stuff is true? because I related to both of them once I found out about the other sign, I don't know how to think about it anymore, i'm becoming far more suspicious about it since that link!

The way I see it is this, I know who I am and what i'm like and how I work, and yeah even the bad bits, or the bits I need to improve as I like to think of them, but i've always had trouble putting that to paper, and it feels somewhat of a relief to have these things said aloud sometimes, an ego thing maybe? and sometimes you see something written and it just clicks there and then, like ''yeah, that's me'' sort of realisation to yourself!

So i'm thinking if it really is just as simple as this? would we see ourselves in every description(I know we would see a little anyway, but I mean the whole)given the chance? do we just really seek confirmation of what we allready know? and maybe feed the ego?

One thing's for sure! is that i'm gonna be thinking on this for a while now, kind of an eye opener moment, making me question it more than I previously have!

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by LeoVirgo

No,but some of you are trying to correlate the astronomical stuff with the astrological.You said that we are not going into the "age of Aquarius." According to what? According to astronomy, we are not.Astronomy is a science. Astrology is esoteric, and the "ages" are rather subjective in esoterica.

[edit on 31-12-2009 by SpeakerofTruth]

Hello SpeakerofTruth

The ancient did not distinguish a difference from astrology or astronomy. Back then, they both were indistinguishable from the other, and they were looked at as a science...the science of reading a soul and for seeing a souls path. The ages were used the same way, a new age was observed, not fixed. It wasnt until 2000 years ago man tried to fix this which is why many are not understanding.

The ancient did use the exact locations of the planets and stars, through observation. They did not use the location of the cosmos from 2000 years before their time like we do today with astrology. When the zodiac became fixed by men 2000 years ago, this messed alot of understanding up and many assumptions have spread like wild fire.

The ancient were very concerned with the true observation of the location of the signs and the sun within the signs and the true place of the moon and planets with in signs. So why would you not also be concerned of the true perspective?

If someone tells you Saturn is in your sign and this and that will happen....but yet you look in the night sky, find your sign, but notice Saturn is clearly not in your sky....would you not note that??

I use astronomy because the ancients used it also. Yes astrology is esoteric...but the people that made it that way used the TRUE PLACEMENTS of the stars and unfortunalty, thanks to man, many dont know the true placements anymore.

How do you think the ancient decided the age of Pisces began?

Lets say everyone agrees we are in the age of Aquarius. But yet, for another 400 years we clearly see the sun rise still in Pisces on the Spring Equinox (this was the way the esoteric teachings observed what age we were in, according to what sign the sun rose in on spring equinox).

The ages are clearly observed, according to the observing of the rising sun every spring equinox and the sign the sun is in. This was done for many many years...through true observation, which today, we call the true observation astronomy, even though back then there was really no difference in teh two. So I am going by how the ancient began this observation, with the true placements. It was man that changed this true observation and actually took the esoteric meaning out of it all and made it a fixed thing.

Believe what you want, but the zodiac is a clock. Just as though the Bible tells men to only observe the phases of the moon....not to ever fix this as a predicted should all cosmos be observed and not cant fix something that changes and moves.

Men fixing the zodiac was a huge blunder, for astrology and for our observing the ages.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 09:00 PM
The stars and placements were very important to the ancients.

Is it just coincidence that the Cheribums faces reflect the carnal stars and the signs that were in the north, south, east, and west way back then?

The hebrews titles the 12 tribes with a sign to each....some do this with the disciciples take this a step further, it would of been in the begining of Pisces that a 13 sign was noticed for the sun to rise in....and we have 12+1 (Jesus) = 13.

If the sun is rising in Ophichus at the begining of December....then how can an astrologer tell someone that they are a Sagatarius?

I think its very important to observe the cosmos for what they are and for what are true perspective really is.

All the signs are archytyptes of each of us. Some say we must incarnate under each sign to fulfill our path as spiritual beings.

Why would the ancients of been so concerned with building things to show them exactly when the spring equinox was and why would they of been so concerned with knowing what age they were in through observation? The last few ages were pretty much the same amount of space/time....Vedic astrology (one of the oldest) still uses the true observations today, instead of the fixed commercial zodiac man made 2000 years ago.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

Please show me where the ancients were 'subjective' when deciding the 'ages' of time.

posted on Jan, 1 2010 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
Something that many dont realize is that the position of the Earth to the stars changes, due to our wobble. So over time, the time for the signs, changes. Many people are not the sign they think they are.

Some might want to try this...just for fun...just enter your birth day and check it out.

All my life I thought I was Virgo, which fit me well. I found out a few years ago the sun really rose in Leo on my birthday...the impact of this discovery has influenced alot of events in my life.

Astrologers and Astronomers use the same Ephemeris. You might check your facts on that Myth.

posted on Jan, 2 2010 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by seagrass

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
Something that many dont realize is that the position of the Earth to the stars changes, due to our wobble. So over time, the time for the signs, changes. Many people are not the sign they think they are.

Some might want to try this...just for fun...just enter your birth day and check it out.

All my life I thought I was Virgo, which fit me well. I found out a few years ago the sun really rose in Leo on my birthday...the impact of this discovery has influenced alot of events in my life.

Astrologers and Astronomers use the same Ephemeris. You might check your facts on that Myth.

I have experience astrologist on this site that come and say....'so and so is in the sign of so and so and this means yada yada'....and I would go look up what they say and that planet was not in the sign they claimed it was in. So I probably should not go on what a couple of people have said.

Even if most of them do use the right placements of the moon and planets....why dont they do this with the sun??

There was a old thread on here where I called an astrologist out on what she was saying...claiming it meant destruction because a planet was in a certain saign and clearly it was not. To me though, the misleading of where the sun is and when is enough to note that astrology is not up to date.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 09:18 AM
They use the Ephemeris for the Sun as well. The Sun has nothing to do with destruction. If anything is associated with destruction it is the planetoid Pluto. Death and rebirth.
The Ephemeris is accurate calculations of all planets. Made by Astronomers and mathematicians. As accurate as humanly possible. You can look up a Sun placement in the future or the past based on contemporary calculations.
If someone looks it up wrong then yes the Sun would be in a different sign, which would give it a different energy.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by seagrass

90% of astrology sites do not give the correct placements of the sun. Many peoples (over 80%) are given birth signs that do not match the true place of the sun anymore.

Do I need to copy and paste a bunch of astrology sites to show this....just go to an astrology site and get your birth sign...then use astronomy to see where the sun really was on your birth.

Astrology does NOT use the correct placement of the sun....they use the placement of the sun 2000 years ago (give or take).

Every once in a while someone will find an astrologist that keeps up with the changes in the cosmos...but that is not often and if you find one...know they work very hard to keep up with the change.

posted on Jan, 3 2010 @ 03:53 PM
Well you guys have me in a quandary.

I just checked mine on the site mentioned and it says I am a Libra. I thought I was a Scorpio.

I read the general description of each and find both describe the evident characteristics I have. Libra almost seems much closer.

So would a Vedic Natal analysis be better?

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