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The JFK Photo That Could Have Changed History (hoax)

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posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Ms. Kennedy was in the hospital having a still born deliever while that photo was taken.

If and I say if that is what really happened (none of us were there). Mr. Kennedy should have been by her side and not being deceitful to her.

A lie is a lie.

If you lie to your wife (I'm sure he didn't say "honey I'm going to yacht with a bunch of naked beauties today") than that person's charactor could very well lie to anyone else.

You are either a honest or dishonest person.

Can you dig it?

Come clean and stop playing games like the rest of humanity.

Wow.... Read the thread. It's been stated several times that the photo is from an issue of Playboy and DOES NOT contain the image of JFK. You're litteraly beating a dead horse!

When did this discussion turn into a morality debate? Shouldn't you be posting your diatribe on BTS?

Humbly yours,
One of those obnoxious men who thinks w/the head on his shoulders and not the one between his legs.... although I do sometimes listen to his suggestions.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 03:59 PM
Why is a boat full of naked women on a boat with Kennedy, Wrong? I can't believe people are so shallow. I want to know exactly what is wrong with it? He's just lying in a sun lounge on the lower deck and there is naked women on the boat having fun. I can tell you if I had a boat with Women on board and they want to get naked and start "Frolicking" around, who would I be to stop them?

In the 50's and 60's weren't people a little more liberal with Sex and being naked? I don't know but I wouldn't come to the conclusion that Kennedy was having sex with all those women because they were naked on a Boat with him on the Lower Deck, in a sunlounge....

I guess this is exactly how Rumours and Innuendo start. There's no proof that Kennedy did anything wrong and because a photo shows up with naked women on a boat with someone that appears to be him, but might not be, shows up. People then start to make these assumptions.

Oh well, that's life. But I wish it were me on that Boat with those Naked Women.. I wouldn't care what people thought. In fact, I would hope as many photo's were taken as possible because no one would believe me if I told 'em.

[edit on 28-12-2009 by Damian-007]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Damian-007

ahhh Damian....poor poor misguided soul

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by gomezzz
reply to post by Damian-007

ahhh Damian....poor poor misguided soul

Ummm, Why would that be?

I tried to edit to show that I realised the Photo was a Hoax but it didn't take. Oh well.

Anyhow, Why am I misguided?

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Damian-007

I didn't mean about the photo ... just the statement about wishing that you were the one in the photo ...

My line of thought leads me to feel that that is not what you need .... It might be what you want (ego) , but not what you need ...... I hope it didn't come across as a character attack because it wasn't .

peace and love only

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by pizzanazi75

I have to agree with some of the others.... It does not look that bad. At least he is not getting a "Monica" from any of the girls... I could understand if his wife was in the hospital, giving birth and he was shown in an orgy or something... But, it looks like he is innocently sun bathing... Or catching a tan....

TMZ.... I wonder what kind of deep dark secrets the staff there have...

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by ByteChanger
reply to post by pizzanazi75

I have to agree with some of the others.... It does not look that bad. At least he is not getting a "Monica" from any of the girls... I could understand if his wife was in the hospital, giving birth and he was shown in an orgy or something... But, it looks like he is innocently sun bathing... Or catching a tan....

TMZ.... I wonder what kind of deep dark secrets the staff there have...

Oh good lord... I give up.

If by "deep dark secrets" you mean how many copies of Playboy are in their bookcase, I'll bet you that it's more than two.

Why.... why... why do people not even bother to read the topic which clearly states HOAX!

dat ain't da guy... okay?

[edit on 28-12-2009 by Anamnesis]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:27 PM
hehehehe good for him!!
I never understood why Americans are so fixed with this kind of scandals for politicians... I am Italian and I'm proud that our first minister at 72 year has sex at least twice a day with different women!

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:43 PM
Didn't people already have an idea that Kennedy was "messing around with" Marylin Monroe, but chose to ignore it? Many in the general public knew about it -- and ALL of the press knew about it...but the press kept quiet, because things were different back then. A president's private life was his private life.

Just like people didn't hold the Marylin Monroe stuff against him, I don't think people would have cared too much that a rich high-society man was on a yacht with naked women.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 03:23 AM
The photo could very well be authentic, but I sense that the photo was taken a few years earlier during Kennedy's Pacific tour of duty while in the Navy. The photo appears to have a yacht which JFK would have borrowed from friends and contacts to provide him a loaner for sailing and such. The women could be a bunch of nurses having a party. JFK is on deck perhaps because he is still fresh from his PT cruiser sinking and his back is in the position most Doctors would prescribe. Stay off your feet and try not to move around too much.

Anyway, the photo could be authentic. The only difference is that the photo would then be of JFK at a party where the nurses got wild and did their thing. Such a party photo with naked female members of the opposite sex is exactly the type of photo a GI would want to take of fellow female GI's. As such, a friend or other patient took the photo and later realized it only meant JFK was a lucky dude to have such wild and crazy boozed up nurses around him while he rested and got tanned. It does not imply it was his harem and that he got with each and every one of them when he got through tanning and sipping his martini.

Anyway, the possiblities are endless. I just think we should consider an earlier period and if it works it would mean the photo is a typical sex starved GI photo which so often show things that could be taken out of context or used to undermine the public into believing something else. Either way, we should expand the plausable to include an earlier period and a more risque period of JFK's military medical recovery days. To do so would make JFK a pretty cool dude and not some sex starved pervert with cash. I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt. It is the least we could do but its also the fair thing to do. Since there is plenty of room for speculation I throw this thought out there for your consideration in the many possible schemes that could exist surrounding the photo and its implications.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I agree with that on some levels and even said prior, maybe your right that there would be some karmic retribution...

I'm only bringing up a couple of points, the return would be his assassination, breaking a vow wouldn't return your death...

The point I had made earlier is the Kennedy is guilty of moral ambiguity in personal relationships, but these are very HUMAN sins...

Compared to the rest of these guys he's a saint on many levels...

Frankly if you ask me, imho... anyone who want to control a nation has issues, that's quite an Ego no matter how I look at it. I would never want that position, I expect nothing good from anyone who would...

So I see kennedy as a major improvement on the rest irregardless of his personal behavior with others, to me it goes without saying that NO ONE achieves the highest position in the land by being 100% decent, I actually Hate to say that, but i'm a realist

To me Sexual immorality on the road is the LEAST of our worries from these guys to who.... Killing a few Million people for a goal is acceptable.

I like to make jokes allot...

But I do kind of stand by my original position, A president who's self pleasures a bit is a far cry and far more human of sin and guilt than the rest of them, he is closer to your average Joe in desires and goals than ...a Bush who was working from a place of...god knows what, vengeance, control, greed?

But I do hear what your saying and morally it's fundamentally true, Kennedy was not INNOCENT by any means...

But a lot of these guys have agendas and desires that really deviate from the human norm imho... psychopathic and sociopathic behaviors.

I don't think giving into lust qualifies...

It might in actuality be a very sad statement that we all worship a guy for simply being an ordinary sinful guy as opposed to truely depraved which is what most of the rest are.

Bottom Line...

I think the guy was genuinely going to Rat out the REAL EVIL within before he died, that he had a human conscience of some sort, maybe not in his personal behavior but overall he did...

I can't argue your ideals or what your saying...

But i'd still take him over the rest any day. Sad perhaps, but true

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Anamnesis

True True...

But it's a discussion of some merit...

I think we all know Kennedy was quite a playboy and fun time kind of fellow... drugs and women were definitively a part of his life, so the Photo may not be real but a legit discussion of the behavior is not unwarranted because things of this nature likely did go on in his life...

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by mopusvindictus
reply to post by Anamnesis

True True...

But it's a discussion of some merit...

I think we all know Kennedy was quite a playboy and fun time kind of fellow... drugs and women were definitively a part of his life, so the Photo may not be real but a legit discussion of the behavior is not unwarranted because things of this nature likely did go on in his life...

I think the merit of this discussion is debatable. The man is dead. As you say, it is/was well known that he was a womanizer/philanderer, where is the merit in rehashing the details? The original topic of this thread concerned the photo published by TMZ and the claim that it is JFK in the photo, it has since been proven to be a hoax.

At the time when JFK was POTUS, the norms of acceptable behaviour were considerably different than today. I'm sure that there have been many, many politicians whose personal behaviour is and was questionable at best. However, I think that judging those actions based upon current models of acceptable behaviour and morality is a disservice to those who have since passed on and provides no information of any consequence or merit.

Just my thoughts.... peace.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 09:53 AM
Why, to the people who didn't seem to mind if this photo of Kennedy was real, would Kennedy get more freeway than someone like, say, Clinton?

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by RuneSpider

Kennedy was porking Marlyn Monroe, Clinton was porking Monica Lewinski. Do the math.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by network dude

I though that was Bobby?
Does it approximate then?

Maybe it's just 'cause people can take apart his speeches so he says what they want him to say...

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by MaxBlack
The photo could very well be authentic,


Seriously, its already been proven a hoax.

Why do people feel the need to clutch at false hope. Its not JFK, deal with it, sheesh

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:24 PM
So all this time I was right?

I knew I could smell a [HOAX] from a mile away.....(page 2).
TMZ better get their facts right before publishing such garbage and claiming its real.
Oh wait. They always post junk.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:33 PM
And here's another link which says its a hoax

Even TMZ now agrees it is a hoax, yet some people here still believe it? WTF?

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by RuneSpider

here is some information on that. I won't taint the pages of ATS with any links to Clinton's mess. Not that Monica was terribly ugly, but dude, when you are the president, raise the standards a bit.

[edit on 29-12-2009 by network dude]

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