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US Military Suicides Out Number Soldiers Killed By Enemy Fire For 2009

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posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

How in the world did you come up with a 40 hour work week? Man, I wish I would have had one. If you haven't experienced it,you can't fathom it. Thoughts, statistics, opines from cowards, none of these compare to the actual experiences of soldiers.
I see on these boards plenty of times where people don't have a right to an opinion on a myriad of're not black, asian, jewish, whatever, so you wouldn't know because you haven't experienced being black, asian, jewish, whatever. Why is it different in this situation?
Reading News Week and becoming an expert on what other people should feel/experience is complete BS. The actual experiences of those involved are what matter, not what someone writing a study or article about an unpoplular topic thinks.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 08:53 AM
The Iraqi people just want to say thank you for liberating our Country and making it a much better place to live....

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
reply to post by OmegaLogos

How in the world did you come up with a 40 hour work week? Man, I wish I would have had one. If you haven't experienced it,you can't fathom it. Thoughts, statistics, opines from cowards, none of these compare to the actual experiences of soldiers.
I see on these boards plenty of times where people don't have a right to an opinion on a myriad of're not black, asian, jewish, whatever, so you wouldn't know because you haven't experienced being black, asian, jewish, whatever. Why is it different in this situation?
Reading News Week and becoming an expert on what other people should feel/experience is complete BS. The actual experiences of those involved are what matter, not what someone writing a study or article about an unpoplular topic thinks.

1stly I came up with the 40hr work week from here....

Specifically "It depends. Are you on deployment? Getting ready for deployment (work-ups)? Do you have duty on the weekend? It also depends on your rank and responsibilities, plus your specific job (rate or MOS, depending on service).

Average is 7-9 hours per day, M-F... additionally some weekends. If you are deployed, you are "on duty" all the time, stand watches daily and don't get weekends off (work Mon-Sat, Sunday is "holiday routine" but you still have watches to stand).

Of course you get every federal holiday off (unless you are deployed or on duty), paid vacation time, non-taxed housing/food allowances, and free travel. So it kind of evens itself out." Posted by MVR.

And I compared it with a comparible profession. i.e. Police Officers.

Specifically "Most police and detectives work at least 40 hours a week. When they work longer, they get extra pay.".

Now 2ndly RE: "I see on these boards plenty of times where people don't have a right to an opinion on a myriad of're not black, asian, jewish, whatever, so you wouldn't know because you haven't experienced being black, asian, jewish, whatever. Why is it different in this situation?"

Its different because I actually came up with a VALID argument! :shk:

AND furthermore I came up with accurate evidence to back my argument up!

Personal Disclosure: RE: "Reading News Week and becoming an expert on what other people should feel/experience is complete BS. The actual experiences of those involved are what matter, not what someone writing a study or article about an unpoplular topic thinks.".

So on one hand "you" claim to be fighting for "us" and "you" want "our" opinion to be supportive of "you" and "your" actions and YET on the other hand "you" claim that those, whom "you" are fighting for, "opinions" don't count! Make up your freaking mind OK! :shk:

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:42 AM
Here's how the big boys play chess......

When are you military personnel going to stop killing your own brothers and sisters around the world.....what you do to them, you do to yourself...

You are nothing but disposable pawns in a rich mans game of chess!


posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:46 AM
Police officer.....gimme a break. Making a comment on here, of your opinion, does not a valid point make. As far as making up my mind...what I was pointing out was a veteran, or soldier would have a vastly different view of things than any other person. This is because rather than sittting in the comfort of their home judging people, they are experiencing it. What have you done to actually make a difference? Sitting up and making seditious comments online really don't seem to be working for you, or people of your ilk. Get out, do something, experience life, make a difference. It's a good thing sedition laws aren't prosecuted anymore or people of your ilk and alot of the MSM would be TU. Get a grip, be at least honorable in your dealings with people and quit painting with such a broad attocities happen, sure....but alot of good as well? Have a nice day.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by rainfall
Here's how the big boys play chess......

When are you military personnel going to stop killing your own brothers and sisters around the world.....what you do to them, you do to yourself...

You are nothing but disposable pawns in a rich mans game of chess!

And here's how pathetic miscreants commit, does any part of you have pride in being an American, or are you just here to suckle the great teat?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:05 AM
yes, they are very brave:

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed

And here's how pathetic miscreants commit, does any part of you have pride in being an American, or are you just here to suckle the great teat?

'Sedition' you believe no one should speak ill of their government?? Even when they are guilty of 'crimes against humanity?'...and murdering 3000 of their own people....

It is more Patriotic to speak out against what the government is doing wrong than to keep your mouth shut and pretend not to see it...

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by rainfall

Sedition, giving aide and comfort to the enemy.....yup, fits the definition. How is this speaking out on the goverment? It's disparreging any good done by our troops. Thugs exist in our country too.......why not post them here? I know, the troops are an easier target and you don't run the risk of being labelled anything. I almost feel sorry for in a world of hate and all, again, what have you done to make change?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by ADVISOR

Yes, always have been human, you inconsiderate monster...

"Inconsiderate monster,"...... just because you're not happy with the outcome, don't shoot the messenger...

Maybe if these recruits would've had an ounce of morality in the first place, they wouldn't have signed up to participate in this illegal occupation....

Karma is the universal law.....what goes around, comes around....

The bed has been made.....lie in it...

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
Police officer.....gimme a break. Making a comment on here, of your opinion, does not a valid point make. As far as making up my mind...what I was pointing out was a veteran, or soldier would have a vastly different view of things than any other person. This is because rather than sittting in the comfort of their home judging people, they are experiencing it. What have you done to actually make a difference? Sitting up and making seditious comments online really don't seem to be working for you, or people of your ilk. Get out, do something, experience life, make a difference. It's a good thing sedition laws aren't prosecuted anymore or people of your ilk and alot of the MSM would be TU. Get a grip, be at least honorable in your dealings with people and quit painting with such a broad attocities happen, sure....but alot of good as well? Have a nice day.

Your totally correct! Posting my opinion doesn't in and of itself make it a valid point! BUT the valid evidence that I provide to back it up DOES make a VALID point! Care to refute the validity of the evidence I supplied rather than trying decry my reputation?

Now as for me making a difference, well I don't believe I have made that claim at all! But in a quick self assessment [totally unethical of course!
] I would have to say NOTHING! What's your point, unless its to deride my reputation?

Sedition??? I'm an AUSSIE not a YANK! :shk:

Personal Disclosure: I made no broad generalizations and I note you discount the police minimum work hrs link as a valid reference even though it was supplied as a COMPARIBLE data source to the 1st link I supplied, which was sourced from posters proclaiming their US military backgrounds and answering exactly the relevant question you asked! Care to refute the evidence supplied in the 1st link, which I suggest, validly answered your valid question?

Also I made NO reference to atrocities at all in this thread and you have the hide to ask me to be "honourable" and "to get a grip"!
:shk: EPIC FAIL!

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by rainfall
Morality? Interesting comment coming from you. So according to you......based upon your pitiful examples posted here..... There are plenty of police brutality videos posted on this site, so anyone morally corrupt enough to join the police is just as guilty. Since some right wing Christians have bombed abortion clinincs, only someone devoid of morals would be a Christian, since a Muslim, on more than one occasion, has killed their own offspring in an honour killing, it would be immoral to be a Muslim. Again, quite a broad seditious brush you paint with........and what have YOU done, other than be counter productive in the security of your own home. I can't believe you to be the same person in public.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by OmegaLogos
Yahoo answers is a valid source? Wow, never knew that. Aussie huh, I have a couple of friends from down under, will be having one visit in April? I guess we both are entitled to our opinions, and they don't have to jive, but I can't really take yahoo answers as a reliable source. Again, I think until you've been in the U.S. military, your opinion will be jaded, as experiences are what make us who we are, not random statistics on the internet.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by donhuangenaro
Ever been in a life or death situation? How would you react? Impossible to know unless you've been there.....sedition at it's finest.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 10:56 AM
One of my closest American friends lost his collective **** about a year ago over there, almost added himself to those statistics. Can't remember how many tours he was there, but one of the guys in his unit blew up a bus which was fleeing an area they were securing with an RPG and it turned out to be full of children. Everyone on the bus died almost instantly.

A few days later he was committed to the psych ward after he was found running completely naked through the mess area of his camp while 100s of guys were sitting down to eat, firing his rifle into the air and screaming incoherently.

They kept him locked up for about 6 months and put him on lithium and heavy anti-psychotics.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
reply to post by OmegaLogos
Yahoo answers is a valid source? Wow, never knew that. Aussie huh, I have a couple of friends from down under, will be having one visit in April? I guess we both are entitled to our opinions, and they don't have to jive, but I can't really take yahoo answers as a reliable source. Again, I think until you've been in the U.S. military, your opinion will be jaded, as experiences are what make us who we are, not random statistics on the internet.

Yep I vetted as a valid source when several posters, all claiming a US military background of some kind, all provide generally the same information which was "The normal duty day was 0730 - 430pm." and "When on base (in Garrison) about 40+ hours a week.".
Care to provide some evidence to the contrary?

Personal Disclosure: Its not a valid argumentative position to question or downplay my emotional hangups [jaded opinions] unless you can validly refute the evidence that I was driven by my emotional hangups to provide!
Care to focus on the evidence, rather than ad hominen attack me?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by OmegaLogos

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
reply to post by OmegaLogos
Yahoo answers is a valid source? Wow, never knew that. Aussie huh, I have a couple of friends from down under, will be having one visit in April? I guess we both are entitled to our opinions, and they don't have to jive, but I can't really take yahoo answers as a reliable source. Again, I think until you've been in the U.S. military, your opinion will be jaded, as experiences are what make us who we are, not random statistics on the internet.

If you felt that was a personal So your opinion having not been in the U.S. military might not be different from mine having been in the U.S. military? Just based upon the fact that you weren't in, your opinion would differ from mine....if that's an ad hominem attack.....perhaps you're not ready for the big boy pants yet. Lets see typical day PT 04:30 hrs, first formation 07:30 hrs duty 08:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs...not to include guard duty, cq, or field duty. Again several posters "claiming"......that's valid? Have a nice day sir, ,maam whatever.....we aren't ever even going to agree to disagree so adeau.
Yep I vetted as a valid source when several posters, all claiming a US military background of some kind, all provide generally the same information which was "The normal duty day was 0730 - 430pm." and "When on base (in Garrison) about 40+ hours a week.".
Care to provide some evidence to the contrary?

Personal Disclosure: Its not a valid argumentative position to question or downplay my emotional hangups [jaded opinions] unless you can validly refute the evidence that I was driven by my emotional hangups to provide!
Care to focus on the evidence, rather than ad hominen attack me?

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
reply to post by donhuangenaro
Ever been in a life or death situation? How would you react? Impossible to know unless you've been there.....sedition at it's finest.

yes, I was shot at by a sniper, and I didn't call for my mommy...

[edit on 19-12-2009 by donhuangenaro]

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by donhuangenaro

Congradulations. I'm sure of course you had no fear and came through it like a trooper.........brave seditious people here.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed
Explanation: Your last post was a little hard to discern at face value but I got the basics and it seems I'm going to have to take baby steps to clarify so as to totally disambiguate this for everybodies benefit!

1stly ADVISOR made a claim that "less than minimum wage" was a contributing factor to the currently high suicide rate [vs those KIA] of US troops.

I contested this claim and I provided 2 links [regardless of their reputation for providing valid data] of which I also contest that the data provided there in IS valid! These 2 links are the basis of my claim of refute against ADVISOR's claim. Neither ADVISOR, yourself or anybody else has effectively debunked the evidence of either of those 2 links yet. Until you do, you will not have denied mine or anybodies elses ignorance concerning this issue!

Next you post a reply to me validly questioning how I came up with a 40hr work week and I replied by providing 2 independant links that validly answered that question! Again neither yourself or anybody else has effectively refuted this evidence as NOT FACTUAL yet!

Then the rest of your posts consist of ad hominen attacks against my reputation for not being or having US troop experience myself, which is a clearly failed attempt to shut me up on this issue, when that is hardly the point here on ATS.

FYI in RE: " Just based upon the fact that you weren't in, your opinion would differ from mine....if that's an ad hominem attack.....perhaps you're not ready for the big boy pants yet.".

I have no problem with you claiming correctly, that because I wasn't in the US forces, that my opinion would be different from yours! But that is not what your post claimed my opinion was! It clearly claimed that I didn't for one know anything about being a US soldier, when clearly the evidence I supply suggest that I do know somethings, and 2ndly in a later post it was claimed that my opinion would be "jaded"! Neither of these just claim a simple difference of opinion!

Please read this tidbit quoted and sourced directly from the T&C's OK....

"Terms & Conditions Summary: The below specific and itemized rules not withstanding, all members are expected to participate with the same common every-day social graces used in civilized mixed company. Our desire is to foster an environment of civil decorum that enables our members to discuss highly provocative and intensely speculative topics without concern over personal attacks or insults."

Personal Disclosure: I don't need no big boy pants as I can fight just as well by going COMMANDO!

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