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What is wrong with the ATS membership right now ? !!

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posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by rexusdiablos

My suggestion to previous communities was to segregate the forum into a CONSPIRACY THEORY ADVOCATES section and an OPEN section. ...

The CONSPIRACY THEORY ADVOCATE section would only permit those who already believe in the subjective theory. There's a valid reasoning behind this:

and that reason is the conspiracy theorists do not like the errors in their theories being pointed out, they also hate their little conspiracy theories being destroyed by facts

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 11:26 PM
I doo agree with the OP .
Having felt rather slapped by a few things posters have said in reply.

I have learned something quick enough about this occurance.
That is I have always been able to out slap even though I have broken the code to do so. lately Ihave learned to walk the line and still deliver.
So use those gloves if you have to. That is the only means I had to find my way.
Some times you have to ride over your head. If you want to ride better.
Know what I mean?

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by antonia
(I mean really, it's so annoying when someone spouts "I can't wait till ______ gets here! he/she will be all over this"! Grow a spine and say something for yourself),

Hahah that's so funny. I hate that too.

But, yeah, I agree that some people need to tone it down a little. Especially those that are total numbskulls. You know who you are.

Oh, and a very special thank-you goes out to impressme and gorehoundlarry for the total trainwreck this thread has become.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by captiva

Yeah, things have REALLY gotten weird here lately. And I don't mean weird in the sense that subjects pop up that are way out there. That's what I came here for.

Thank you, my dear nephew, for introducing me to ATS. And I see why you left.

But, I am going to stick it out.

These clowns can't continue on in perpetuity. They get bored, eventually.

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by dereks
and that reason is the conspiracy theorists do not like the errors in their theories being pointed out, they also hate their little conspiracy theories being destroyed by facts

Who is this guy? He openly doesn't believe in any conspiracy theories. All he does is impart useless anti-conspiracy theory snarly remarks like these. Click on his profile and read through his posts. This is exactly the point that the OP and so many other's are speaking out against in this thread. If you dislike conspiracy theorists so much then why not leave the community? The only semblance of construction that can come into fruition is your own petty self-gratification.

[edit on 13-12-2009 by rexusdiablos]

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 11:55 PM
OP, it wont get better

hate to say that, but it is true...

The lines intensify between people and ideas and the situations get worse and people grasp at straws...

Truth is a Conspiracy site is a great place for Intellectual Debate when the conspiracies are old or future maybe or involve the supernatural...

Problem here is... people are genuinely at odds and the tone wont improve as the system continues to collapse

Sad thing is.... SOMETHING is going on, it's not good, everything is in chaos or on it's way rapidly.

A conspiracy site in the middle of genuine conspiracies that affects our daily lives... well it's going to get hot...


you have 2 choices...

Bare with it... and understand people are genuinely upset and be a Help to keep it clean and maybe figure some stuff out...


Take off... but what is in here will only be reflected outside soon enough...

So best to learn methods to cope with anger I say (even if I personally suck at it lol)

Because this is only the beginning

posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by kyred
Thank you, my dear nephew, for introducing me to ATS. And I see why you left.

But, I am going to stick it out.

These clowns can't continue on in perpetuity. They get bored, eventually.

That's what I thought. I stopped posting on ATS around six months ago, when I, and many others, thought that things were getting bad. I figured I would give it a little while and things would cool down.

And after recently returning to lurking around the site, I've noticed that not much has changed, unfortunately.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by antonia

In the spirit of the OP, but very much contrary to an ego that does not want to yield (my own of course), I'll put my hand up and admit that in haste, I misread your post and projected my contempt for shills and what I refer to as the 'pseudo-skeptical', upon you. The contempt stands. The target deviates.

[edit on 13-12-2009 by rexusdiablos]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by wisefoolishness

The clowns might not be perpetual in themselves but their stock is. If you can understand this then you'll understand why it's a downhill battle lest my prior suggestion of segregation is considered.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:16 AM
Look, I agree there has been some rudeness. But there is a difference between debunkers and skeptics
If everyone believed in everything posted this site serves no purpose.

There is no need for personal attacks, but just because someone does not subscribe to your opinion does not make them a debunkrt or an idiot

What makes this site works is both sides, I think a lotof us forget that sometimes.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:18 AM

Originally posted by rexusdiablos
The clowns might not be perpetual in themselves but their stock is. If you can understand this then you'll understand why it's a downhill battle lest my prior suggestion of segregation is considered.

Yeah, I guess there will always be "clowns".

Some people do argue that ATS has not changed, but I can tell you it has. The rules are much more strict now than they were when I first joined. Never in a million years would I have thought about SO having to make a post about shutting down BTS because people can't contain themselves. I guess we just keep adding wood to the fire, until the whole house burns down.

You'll have to refer me to your post about segregation, I haven't read the entire thread.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:20 AM
I fully support debunkers and skeptics in everything they do. ATS is currently not about denying ignorance. It's about every Tom, Dick, and Harry screaming CONSPIRACY at every shadow that moves.

If people keep calling your theories insane, drug-induced, or stupid, maybe you should take a step back and look at why what you're posting is generating those reactions. ATs should be an open forum to discuss ideas, yes, but there has to be some kind of standards.

ATS has confused having an open mind with having a hole in your head.

[edit on 12-13-2009 by Esoterica]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:26 AM
I don't think anyone is questioning either side of the isle, so to speak. If someone comes into my thread, posting evidence against why such and such is wrong, then fine. But if a person comes into my thread calling me a moron, telling me I have a low level education, that I should learn to read, that I need to "open my eyes", or any other insult to intelligence, then I am left to question why they are actually a part of the site.

The actions, I don't believe, are being questioned.

But the intent and approaches are.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 12:36 AM
Thanks Captiva for this ---- I also joined to learn and understand more about what I didn't know --- and since then I've found the community to be very focused and very insightful on many topics.

My sense is the more "pushback" we see, the closer we are to some sort of breakthrough --- isn't that always the case? People who are the most vehement deniers are often the ones who have something to hide, whereas people who attempt to keep an open mind are a little more open to debate, research, and sharing ideas.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by rexusdiablos

You and I both, buddy. I've left three communites for the exact same reason only to arrive here and find that ATS is replete with the same issue.

My suggestion to previous communities was to segregate the forum into a CONSPIRACY THEORY ADVOCATES section and an OPEN section. The OPEN section would function very the same as ATS does now whereby rebuttal and ridicule are permitted. The CONSPIRACY THEORY ADVOCATE section would only permit those who already believe in the subjective theory. There's a valid reasoning behind this:

The validation of a conspiracy theory at times negates the very counteraction of the theory.

e.g. the lifetime you could potentially spend arguing with skeptics about the existence of globalist oligarchies is tantamount to the amount of time spent resisting and dismantling such organizations.

In layman's terms, true conspiracy theorists of a given theory should be allowed to work exclusively within the subset that is themselves.

It's just as DimensionalDetective said. I had to check the url as I began to wonder why I even have to justify all of this to what is supposed to be a conspiracy theory community.

Yes, yes, I'm all for freedom of speech but the freedom of speech that this community afford skeptics impedes on the freedom of action and progression of it's true conspiracy theorists. Segregation will solve this issue.

[edit on 12-12-2009 by rexusdiablos]

[edit on 12-12-2009 by rexusdiablos]

[edit on 13-12-2009 by rexusdiablos]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:36 AM
I think every posted I've made so far on this forum has been to tell someone to stop being a dick.

I enjoy learning from this site, I really do. But damn, the more i see how cold some of you people are, the more I understand what's wrong with the world we share. You are shining examples of it.

If ATS is a place to ignore ignorance, then those of you that decide to treat people with ideas like they're retarded, you promote it.

Ignorance is a closed mind, something science itself couldn't exist without.

As one guy said it, present your piece and move on.


[edit on 13-12-2009 by Bosanski91]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:42 AM
I agree with you completely OP. I was presenting what I deemed as more than sufficient evidence towards what the "Norway Spiral Light" actually was (An out-of-control Rocket, in my very well studied analysis (Aerospace is one of my fortes) ), and I did so in a factual and considerate manner, but some just started to act as if I had set-off a land mine in their backyards. People became so defensive in somehow hoping that it was something "greater", that they really blasted myself (As well as others) with vulgarity and absolute condescension.

Fortunately I have thick skin when it comes to the Internet, because I have been through some seriously tough moments in real life, but one of the main reasons why I joined and continue to contribute to ATS, is that I have always enjoyed the respect expected of Posters and Members on here (I can also truthfully thank the Moderators for a job well done in that aspect

When I go to other Online forums, I actually poise myself for trash-talking and obscene utterances, but on here, on ATS out of all places, I take-up residence for respectful and serious discussions (With maybe a little bit of good humored joking now-and-again

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by mopusvindictus

Because this is only the beginning
a very well thought out response indeed . I agree, and my hats off to that one.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by captiva

Just wait! In two weeks the holiday season will be starting up again and ignorance is bound to be rampant once more....

Just remain respectfull and argument in a correct way and all will be well.


posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by davesidious
We have too many people like this on this board. We need clear, rational thought, or we might as well give up.

Be careful on what you consider clear, rational thought. Some considered the compact communicators from Star Trek a crazy tech that would never work. Same for bionics. Yet in this day and age we either have them or are on the brink of having them. Science is still very young. And those on here that spout claims that have no evidence to back them up, may be theorizing on something science has not advanced enough to prove/disprove. Just imagine the hell Columbus went through when he proposed the world was not flat.

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